Trey Parker - Tumblr Posts
song of the day!
in honor of both owners of this account seeing the sing along version of South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut today:
day 45- Blame Canada {Trey Parker and Mary Kay Bergman}
Matt and Trey answer fan questions but it keeps getting weirder
Posted on my channel but thought it would be cool to share it here too :D
Where are y’all getting these photos of Trey???
Theyre funny asf im dykng-

Doing a ritual for season 27 in October 😘😍

This wasn’t scripted

south park fandom is awesome bc people can say "do you think m&t explored each others bodies" and its not taken as rpf its just probably true
Guys i drew Matt Stone & Trey Parker in real life !!!!

You think life all fun & games, don’t you? You think I wouldn’t notice it’s been over a year since the latest season of your show finished?
Heh, let’s just say you 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 want to get back to work on it.
Or you might just have to see my 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮 😈👹👹

whoever else wants to join can
Found this on Twitter, so I thought, why not posting it here and doing a tag game 😊

Ok, I’ll go first

If he is the reason, I’d go to prison gladly 🥰❤️🔥
Tagging: @killerqueen-ofwillowgreen @nic-214 @milkyway-ashes @dr-radiation @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen @sunsetdaydreamer @therockywhorerpictureshow @delicatelyfantasticninja and everyone 😊
Sorry if I forgot to tag some of you!
Aged up discourse is stupid because being attracted to an adult version of a character is different from liking them as a child, yadda yadda yadda. But the way some people in this fandom justify their attraction to kyle and stan specifically is so funny. "No, I'm not attracted to a cartoon character. I want to have sex with the real actual man the character was based on. I want to give sloppy toppy to one of the writers of The Goobacks. That's why I'm normal."
So awesome to hear South Park Theme Song live, Trey Parker doing Cartman's voice with so much passion is badass
i hate the discourse and I love learning about other ships and people’s reasoning and evidence behind them. Style’s cool, K2 is cool, Kenman is cool, and I just happen to be a Kyman shipper. Can’t we all get along?
I forgot to continue reading and updating on Kyle in chains bc the plot was kinda getting bad. I got distracted with Kyman discourse and had to look up what "Mountain" and "Pine" Kyman meant. Now I'm following an episode guide on Kyman to better understand why people ship it and I ended up crying at "You're getting old".
How did I get here???
Just to clarify I am not a Kyman shipper nor a Kyman hater. I am just a very curious person who likes to investigate certain parts of fandoms. Atm it's unfortunately Kyman.
The only time I could say that it's a "ship moment" is probably in "You're getting old" bc I haven't seen them fight or hate on each other. Like Cartman didn't insult Kyle for being jewish at all in this episode. But the previous episode are kinda in between "Aww look at them, they're so cute" and "Cartman is being a shithead and only doing this for his own benefit". Aaaaaaaaand most of them are like one minute scenes. Like in "Lil' Crime Stoppers" Cartman defends Kyle for one second calling him a good cop, and that's it.
I can see why people may ship and why they hate it.
tbh I just find all of the fighting funny.

Trey Parker watching the fandom fight over Kyman after writing season 16

South Park staff thinking of how to add Kyman to season 20

South Park staff when everyone complains that season 20 is shit

Trey Parker recognizing that they had one bad season but not giving up on the Kyman subplot because writers learn from mistakes and he has his ways of making the ship hilarious when it isn’t shoved in your face
Lmao I love how in Trey and Matt’s commentary for “Cartman Finds Love” neither of them even mentioned what Cartman said on the Megotron like it wasn’t relevant. Seriously I love these guys 🤣
But I never expected them to say much about anything Kyman related because if they were going to say it out loud they would have said it in the show. But that’s the beauty of subtext!
One of my Kyman “behind the scenes” theories is that after season eleven, the same season with the Imaginationland commentary where Trey said that Cartman wasn’t gay for Kyle, either Trey or Matt went “hold on, maybe we’re onto something”. And so they made the VERY FIRST episode of season twelve have those little scenes where somebody called Cartman and Kyle lovers and Kyle was the only one with a negative reaction. And somewhere down the line they made it into a mutual thing instead of being only on Cartman’s end. When they think something’s funny they add it in the show, and Kyman is fucking hilarious. Just a thought, nothing big.

Rest in piece Style 🙏
Imaginationland commentary

Writing season twelve

sneak peek of the Kyman guide! It’s probably gonna be finished by may at the latest.
awhile back I made a little list of things I would like to see in the upcoming season, and my expectations have changed a LOT since we’ve gotten an exact release date. I have a bunch of predictions for South Park at the moment, most of them being objective but some of them being my own hopes for the show, so let’s go over some of them!
First of all, many people know that the first episode is airing on February 8th, which is on a Wednesday. Since a new episode comes out every week, every episode will be on a Wednesday. Because of the specific dates, I think I have a pretty good idea of how many episodes there will be in the season.

As you can see, this is ten episodes in total. South park’s newest contract with ViacomCBS promises the show’s continuation to the end of 2027, with a total of 6 new seasons and 14 “movies” (I’m assuming the movies are the specials, which are split into two parts that add up to a movie-length film, so I’m guessing they will be a consistent pattern of 2 specials every year following a season).
Last season had only 6 episodes, but because of the specific dates of season 26 I think there has to be more for a few reasons. First of all, because the season starts so early in the year, there’s more room between seasons and specials so ending the season early shouldn’t be a problem. Also, Kenny’s birthday is on March 22, which would be the 7th episode, and I don’t think Trey and Matt want to miss that.
Based on any special occasions coming up this year, this is how I think the season may be carried:
Episode 1: No highly mentionable events take place on February 8th, so the episode shouldn’t get too political unless something dramatic in the real world happens that they can poke fun at. I don’t think Trey and Matt would put too much focus on what happened in 2022 until further in the season, so no Kanye or Andrew Tate until later. I think it’ll either be centered around this kids (hopefully) or Tegridy Farms.
Episode 2: Everyone seems pretty hyped about the possibility of a Valentines Day special, and I’m very confident it’ll happen. I’ve seen some concern about the episode airing the day after Valentines Day, but this shouldn’t have any affect on the canon because South Park has celebrated holidays early or late many times, including the Saint Patrick’s Day special which was celebrating a relatively minor holiday. I’d almost say a Valentine’s Day special is guaranteed. Episode 3: This is probably going to be the episode where Randy’s character gets addressed (the whole Karen thing + Tegridy Farms failing). He may start to go back to normal after realizing the business really isn’t working anymore. Or maybe it’ll be brought up as a plot point in this year’s specials. There’s not much reasoning behind why it’s episode three that I chose to predict the Tegridy arc, but I’d say it’s either Tegridy, Kanye, Andrew Tate, or an entirely new thing happening for this one.
Episode 4: A Butters episode perhaps? It seems to be a pretty reoccurring pattern at this point. Maybe he’ll get into some antics with Cartman that will ultimately lead to some classic Butters torture (the trailer kind of gives me an idea lmao)
Episode 5: ANDREW TATE. I’m very very confident on this one because March 8th is international women’s day and Andrew Tate is the misogynist of 2022. Oh man, they’re going to rip him to shreds! I feel like Wendy will play a pretty big role in this episode!
Episode 6: I think this will be a good main four episode. There’s a lot of room this season for more focus on the kids, and I wanna see Liane push back on Cartman’s antics because that would be very interesting indeed!
Episode 7: KENNY’S BIRTHDAY!!! I have a feeling this will be a pretty sweet episode, with some emotions as well as comedy. It’ll for sure be Kenny-centered so I’m very excited to see more of my favorite character! This episode could also give us a chance to see his friends genuinely caring about him and giving him gifts and stuff, that would be so awesome! And Cartman may join in as well since he’s had a soft spot for Kenny in the past. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll see more of Kenny’s friendship with Butters, because it’s really sweet!
Episode 8: Another main four episode maybe? Perhaps…a Kyle/Cartman episode?!
Episode 9-10: Honestly, I’m really contemplating weather there will be 8 episodes or 10, but assuming there’s 10, I have absolutely no idea the last two episodes would bring.
Every time an episode comes out, I’ll make a post about how accurate I was!