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2 years ago

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #2

This is my Family

After RSA learns not only is Yuu, a penniless, homeless, and magic-less student from a different world, who lives in a unsanitary and ramshackled dorm full of ghosts AND a Rabid, Fire-Spewing Cat-Gremlin, who not only dealt with 5 Overblots, but has been doing Crowley’s JOB and is actually a FEMALE, they decided to take her away and give her a Proper Home until they can find her a way back to her World

RSA Student (Has Yuu in his hold): We have the Young Lady!

Ambrose LXIII: Take her to the Carriage!

Malleus (Visibly angry): Leave my Child of Man alone!

NRC Teachers (Holding him back, along with preventing a few other NRC students who will not be named along with Crowley): Hold on

Ambrose LXIII (To Crowley): YOU! YOUR THE CAUSE OF ALL THIS! If it wasn’t for your irresponsibility for this Young Lady, none of THIS-!

Yuu: Yuu

Ambrose LXIII: What? (Turns to Yuu)

Yuu: My name is Yuu

Ambrose LXIII: Fine then. If this wasn’t for Yuu-! (Pauses and turns back to her)

Yuu (Politely): Do I have to go into the Carriage?

Ambrose LXIII: Yes…

Yuu: Can I say goodbye?

Ambrose LXIII: Yes

Yuu: Thank you (Walks over to Malleus, Grim and Yuuken and hugs them)

Ambrose LXIII: …Who are they?

Yuu (Turns to Ambrose): This is my Family. I found it, all on my own. It’s little, and broken. But still good. (Looks at them) Yeah, still good. (Begins to slowly walk to RSA Carriage)

Grim (Sniffling): Does my Hench-Human really have to go..?

Ambrose LXIII (Sighs): You know as well as I, that our school rules are absolute, we can’t overlook a Damsel in Distress, it goes against our rules

Crewel (To Crowley): Crowley, didn’t you adopt her along with the other Pup? (Referring to Yuuken)

Crowley (Takes out paper that’s 100% ‘official’ adoption papers he’s had on him since day 1 and runs towards Ambrose LXIII): HEY!

Ambrose LXIII (Looks at him): ….?

Crowley (Puffs out his chest like a overprotective bird mom dad and shows Ambrose his adoption papers he DEFINITELY didn’t have Azul forge by signing another contract): The day Yuu and Yuuken got here, I filed the paperwork (Shows him the Totally Legitimate paper) see this stamp! They’re MY children! If you take them, your kidnapping MY BABIES-!

Ambrose LXIII (Takes paper and looks at how overprotective NRC Staff and Students are over Yuu and smiles):

Crewel (Smirks): RSA is all about following Rules, Etiquette and Elegance

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2 years ago

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #13

The Therapists have SPOKEN!!

Crowley: Would any of you be there for me if I was going through something?

Yuu: No

Yuuken: Nope

Yuuka: Absolutely not

Yuu: I hope is sucks whatever you’re going through

Yuuka: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life

Yuuken: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you…

Y/N: I can’t wait to go to your funeral knowing I could’ve changed that outcome

Yuu, Yuuka, Yuuken and Y/N (All begin to laugh as Crowley runs Ugly Crying to his Office):

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #13

Sam and Vargas are in the back cheering, Crewel is fighting with Lilia over the Custody Papers and the NRC Students are getting nervous about being next… Especially the Overblot Squad

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2 years ago

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #14

The Yuu Family

Yuu reveals they’re being bullied, so Yuuken, Yuuka and Y/N are telling them what they know on how to deal with a Bully…

Yuuken: What’s going on?

Yuu: A Savannaclaw Student’s been beating me up, so Yuuka’s gonna show me how to fight him after school tomorrow!

Yuuken: You should be ashamed of yourself, Yuuka. Violence only begets violence. Now, that is not the way to deal with a bully. Now, I have found that as long as you let the parental figure know, the bullying will stop

Yuuka (Shaking her head in disappointment and annoyance):

Yuu: I have been, and he still wants to beat me up! Crowley doesn’t do shit!

Yuuka: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s why they have to learn how to defend themself. Put your hands up!

Yuuken: Not so. You and this guy must find some common ground. Remember, “We must never negotiate out of fear, but we must never fear to negotiate.” John F. Kennedy

Y/N (Joins in): But never forget, “Mama Said Knock You Out.” LL Cool J! (High fives Yuuka)

Yuuken: So, Yuu, do you believe that violence is wrong?

Yuuka: Yuu, do you believe it’s wrong to be this pathetic little wimp?

Yuu: Yes

Yuuken: Ahem.

Yuu: Well, n-no. Uh, oh, I don’t know! Can I be alone now??

Yuuken: Well, Yuu, no matter whatever happens tomorrow just know that I believe in you.

Yuuka: And Yuu, whatever happens tomorrow, know that I believe Yuuken is adopted

Yuuken (Smacks Yuuka’s shoulder):

Yuuka: Why don’t you mind your business sometimes, man? Every time I turn my head…

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #14

I see Yuuken and Yuuka, despite handling problems differently will absolutely work together once they find out one of their siblings in trouble. And may the Great 7 have mercy on them, because they sure as hell don’t have any…

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2 years ago

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #15

Bird Mom is CHEAP!

Crowley: Listen to me, I can explain-

Azul: You are making 500,000 Madol, and you were only gonna pay me 30?!?

Ruggie: You’re getting 30 GRAND?? I’m getting a THOUSAND!!

Yuuken, Yuuka, Yuu and Y/N: Wait, you guys are getting PAID??

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #15

Crowley, we live in a Dorm that’s Safety Hazard and would probably collapse at any moment if we so much as SNEEZED, and your not gonna even PAY your Unlicensed Therapists…??

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2 years ago

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #16

The Greater Good

RSA told Ambrose how Yuuken, Yuuka Y/N and Yuu’s living conditions and is trying to take them to his school to live in RSA until they find them a way home

Ambrose LXIII: This is for the Greater Good-!

Yuuken, Yuuka, Yuu and Y/N: Greater good?! We are NRC’s THERAPISTS! We are the greatest good NRC is ever gonna GET!!!

NRC Students (Shamefully nod their heads):

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #16

Despite all the Overblots, Crowley’s irresponsibility, trouble finding them, AND very low income… They still care about their dumb friends

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2 years ago

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #18

Dragonia Family Special

Y/N is pregnant with Malleus’s child and is going to give birth soon, with her Siblings and Malleus’s retainers helping her get to the Doctors

Y/N (Coming down the stairs in pain): Oh. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! AAH! (Rips off the wooden railing)

Silver (Rushing in): Y/N, are you alright?

Y/N (In pain): Mph!

Silver: Of course you’re not alright. You’re having a baby (Panicking) I think I’m going to be sick

Y/N: Silver, sweetie come here. (Hugs Silver) Having a baby is very special (In pain) Oh, here comes another contraction! (Gripping Silver’s hand)

Silver (Falls to the floor in pain clutching his broken hand):

Y/N (Sighs): We’ll, that wasn’t so bad (Looks to see Silver on the floor) Silver, sweetheart, don’t be so dramatic

Silver (Gets up): My hand. Ah.


Y/N (Stops Sebek): Sebek, honey, what are you talking about?

Sebek: I WISH TO THE GREAT SEVEN I KNEW, HUMAN! (Sits on the couch freaking out since he was never taught how to handle labor)

Yuuken: Y/N, I think what Sebek is referring to is-

Y/N (Grabs both Yuuken and Yuuka’s Hands) Aah!

Yuuken and Yuuka (Both scream in pain and fall to the floor in agony as they yanked their now broken hands out of Y/N’s grip):

Y/N: Oh! Oh! Oh my Seven. Oh, the pains are getting closer (Sighs) Yuuken, Yuuka, get up off the floor, what’s the matter with everyone?

Yuuka (To Yuu): My hand!

Y/N (Getting annoyed) What is wrong with everybody? (Furious) Lilia! Malleus! GET YOUR FAE ASSES IN HERE AND LET’S GO!!!

Yuu (Runs to Y/N): Hey Y/N, I wanna go too!

Y/N: Oh thank you sweetheart. You know I could really use somebody to hold my hand

Yuu (Jolts their hand out of Y/N’s grasp and runs):

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #18

Lilia has been around long enough and is trying to prepare Malleus for the difficulties of pregnancy, oh, and also the baby too…

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1 year ago

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #26

Goosebumps!Writer Y/N

Y/N is a very reclusive person who who keeps to themselves in their room to write, however, Deuce, Ace and Grim broke into their room and found dozens upon dozens of books with titles they’ve never heard of and when Ace opened one of them, a giant furry monster shot out but G!W Y/N came in the nick of time to save them, now they’re driving back to NRC

Grim: What are you gonna do to us?

Goosebumps!Writer Y/N: Silence.

Grim: We can’t even ask questions-

Goosebumps!Writer Y/N: Shut UP!

Deuce: We were only trying to help-

Goosebumps!Writer Y/N: I told all of you to stay away, or something bad would happen. But that’s the problem with kids today. They don’t listen! You had to pick Abominable Snowman of Pasadena, you couldn’t have picked Little Shop of Hamsters

Ace: You’re them, aren’t you?

Everyone looks at Ace in confusion

Ace: Your that F/I. M/I. L/N person

Goosebumps!Writer Y/N: F/I. M/I. Who? I don’t know who that is

Ace: Oh, really? Well, just as well, because those books look like they just suck

Yuu, Yuuken, Yuuka and Y/N (All look at Ace like he’s an idiot): What are you doing?

Ace: I can’t decide… which I sounds even lamer, Monster Blood or Go Eat Worms!

Deuce: I’m so confused

Ace: From what I heard, you see the endings coming from a mile away. It’s like… stop trying to be this Stephen King guy, man-

Goosebumps!Writer Y/N (Slams harshly on the breaks, puts their car in park and looks directly at Ace): Let me tell you about Steve King. Steve King wishes he could write like me, and I’ve sold way more books than him. But nobody ever talks about THAT!!

Ace (Scared): Okay!

Goosebumps!Writer Y/N: WAY MORE BOOKS!!!

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #26

Not gonna lie, I thought this might be a little fun idea to get into

To help with any confusion F/I is First Initial, M/I is Middle Initial, and L/N is Last Name

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3 years ago

can we get more filo! Mc?? (Its up to you from what fandom u like and the stuffs), hi ate

Watch me try to figure out which kohai are you dkdnsb

Even More Filipino! TWST MC Headcanons but this time it’s because someone requested it.

Calling mga kababayan! @sourpterodactyl @eggy-melancholy @luvielle @twstanmu @leviskokoro. Tag a fil twster!

Cracks knuckles (in all seriousness im cackling at the fact that I accidentally sniffed out most twst filo fans with these so ai ai)

“I knew it ahas Na literal ahas to” “..huh?” “Oh nothing Jamil jeje-“

But in all seriousness, Fil!Mc would feel most at home at Scarabia

I mean why wouldn’t they, hot climate hecking good food and the damned uniform is a tank top, a. tank. t o p.

Do yall know how stuffy the uniforms are!? The scarabia uniform are godsent in Mc’s eyes, and the s w e a t p a n t s

...The cafeteria, they refuse to call it cafeteria, they’re adamant on calling it canteen until their dying days

“Look I get y’all are going for that Conyo Richie private boarding school aura but canteen is elite™️ I won’t change my mind”

Let’s be real here, they’de actually have a high shot at the ghost bride

“YOU WHAT-“ “I tried singing ;-;” “Trey-senpai that ain’t singing thats just mindless drawling— Yknow what, EY LILIA SENPAI CAN I BORROW YOIR CLUB’S GUITAR-”

Have they maybe considered ✨Harana✨

I’m not even joking I am 101% sure they’d pull Harana for Eliza. The twst boys and the slapped ones are all snickering the moment MC got down on one knee

Ha you utter f o o l s.

The suave charm is on. The sultry love sick voice tone (y’all know what I mean) is evident, they’re actually pulling it off realll well.

Eliza would be stunned, escpecially at such heartfelt display of affection that’s peppered with foreign words here and there.

“P-Princess I don’t think-“ “How romantic! Such a lovely display of love💙!”

Ok but...mistaking Jade’s club for a camping club or sum-

I’m willing to make a fic on that another time but only if y’all want skbsjsbsb

Imagine pulling out folk dances, scratch that imagine pulling out Tinikling.(shush server peeps-)

The twst boys are h o r r i f i e d™️

Ankle snapping 101. And the only ones who can keep up are Floyd and Kalim 🤦‍♀️. Jamil is a close second

Remember the Scary Monsters event? Mc has a whole damned Archive of scary myths.

Probably uses only one of said scary myths and look how the magicam mobsters run. Even the twst boys are horrified of whatever this mananangal or kapre is.

“A half bodied demon-“ “a w h a t-“

Hand to god they probably accidentally go pspspspss™️ at the savanaclaw students due to habit (and maybe because they’re trying to get Lucius’ attention)

But Yknow, they don’t know what’s worse, the fact that they look so awakward or the fact that it actually worked, some of the beastmen with cat blood in their biology actually stepped forward.

Hear me out, Yuuken and FiloMc bonding over their countries’s respective swordsmanship.

Even better, They train together

Two isekaid bishes going batsh*t on some ol practice dummies at ramshackle’s yard, bonus some of the twst boys catch them practicing Kendo and Arnis then BAM- instant fear and respect.

Like “Oh hey cmon let’s check on the only two magic less peeps in our schoo- gREAT SEVEN WHAT DID THE DUMMY DO-“

Even even better, they train with diasomnia, (again, I can make a fic of this if demand calls for it dknsns)

So the takoyaki bastard kinda not so lowkey insulted MC in chapter three by saying “Nor do you have a beautiful voice-“...sir- no BASTARD THE AUDACITY-

So after episode three dies down blah blah blah all things good- MC makes a very innocent offer 🙂

“Ara? You want to sing something in the lounge?” “Yes, it’s a very famous lounge song back in my country and we usually sing it at these types of places ” “What song did you have in mind?” “a little song called ‘My Way’ 😊”

If y’all know then You K n o w™️

Imagine if it actually did activate the curse cause it’s a place with legit magic 🤡

Haha bad luck for Mostro lounge 🕺💃

P.S. sebek is prolly still salty that two magicless people from another world can keep up with him in swordsmanship pfft-

Fil!Twst MC HCs pt 1

Fil!Twst MC HCs pt 2

Istg if y’all come at me for more- i can’t believe y’all actually like these tho sksnsn


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4 years ago

Hahahah wouldn't it be funny if I redraw this with Yuuken and Yuuya(my Yuu)--

i would like for Yuuken to hold my mc/yuu ever so gently while also attacking people with his Kendo stick.

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1 year ago

Let's be real here

If I ever transported into Twisted Wonderland with any version of Yuu (Yuuken Enma, Yuuka Hirasaka, Yuuta Mito or future versions), I will instantly drop the entire cast of Twisted Wonderland just to chose Yuu.

[Favorite character name], you may be charming and interesting but Yuu got my heart in a tight grip.

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