Source: Fresh Prince Of Bel Air - Tumblr Posts
Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #14
The Yuu Family
Yuu reveals they’re being bullied, so Yuuken, Yuuka and Y/N are telling them what they know on how to deal with a Bully…
Yuuken: What’s going on?
Yuu: A Savannaclaw Student’s been beating me up, so Yuuka’s gonna show me how to fight him after school tomorrow!
Yuuken: You should be ashamed of yourself, Yuuka. Violence only begets violence. Now, that is not the way to deal with a bully. Now, I have found that as long as you let the parental figure know, the bullying will stop
Yuuka (Shaking her head in disappointment and annoyance):
Yuu: I have been, and he still wants to beat me up! Crowley doesn’t do shit!
Yuuka: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s why they have to learn how to defend themself. Put your hands up!
Yuuken: Not so. You and this guy must find some common ground. Remember, “We must never negotiate out of fear, but we must never fear to negotiate.” John F. Kennedy
Y/N (Joins in): But never forget, “Mama Said Knock You Out.” LL Cool J! (High fives Yuuka)
Yuuken: So, Yuu, do you believe that violence is wrong?
Yuuka: Yuu, do you believe it’s wrong to be this pathetic little wimp?
Yuu: Yes
Yuuken: Ahem.
Yuu: Well, n-no. Uh, oh, I don’t know! Can I be alone now??
Yuuken: Well, Yuu, no matter whatever happens tomorrow just know that I believe in you.
Yuuka: And Yuu, whatever happens tomorrow, know that I believe Yuuken is adopted
Yuuken (Smacks Yuuka’s shoulder):
Yuuka: Why don’t you mind your business sometimes, man? Every time I turn my head…

I see Yuuken and Yuuka, despite handling problems differently will absolutely work together once they find out one of their siblings in trouble. And may the Great 7 have mercy on them, because they sure as hell don’t have any…
Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #18
Dragonia Family Special
Y/N is pregnant with Malleus’s child and is going to give birth soon, with her Siblings and Malleus’s retainers helping her get to the Doctors
Y/N (Coming down the stairs in pain): Oh. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! AAH! (Rips off the wooden railing)
Silver (Rushing in): Y/N, are you alright?
Y/N (In pain): Mph!
Silver: Of course you’re not alright. You’re having a baby (Panicking) I think I’m going to be sick
Y/N: Silver, sweetie come here. (Hugs Silver) Having a baby is very special (In pain) Oh, here comes another contraction! (Gripping Silver’s hand)
Silver (Falls to the floor in pain clutching his broken hand):
Y/N (Sighs): We’ll, that wasn’t so bad (Looks to see Silver on the floor) Silver, sweetheart, don’t be so dramatic
Silver (Gets up): My hand. Ah.
Y/N (Stops Sebek): Sebek, honey, what are you talking about?
Sebek: I WISH TO THE GREAT SEVEN I KNEW, HUMAN! (Sits on the couch freaking out since he was never taught how to handle labor)
Yuuken: Y/N, I think what Sebek is referring to is-
Y/N (Grabs both Yuuken and Yuuka’s Hands) Aah!
Yuuken and Yuuka (Both scream in pain and fall to the floor in agony as they yanked their now broken hands out of Y/N’s grip):
Y/N: Oh! Oh! Oh my Seven. Oh, the pains are getting closer (Sighs) Yuuken, Yuuka, get up off the floor, what’s the matter with everyone?
Yuuka (To Yuu): My hand!
Y/N (Getting annoyed) What is wrong with everybody? (Furious) Lilia! Malleus! GET YOUR FAE ASSES IN HERE AND LET’S GO!!!
Yuu (Runs to Y/N): Hey Y/N, I wanna go too!
Y/N: Oh thank you sweetheart. You know I could really use somebody to hold my hand
Yuu (Jolts their hand out of Y/N’s grasp and runs):

Lilia has been around long enough and is trying to prepare Malleus for the difficulties of pregnancy, oh, and also the baby too…
Fez: That's gratitude for you. I work all day trying to keep this house nice for you. I cook and clean and work my fingers to the bone, and that's the thanks I get?
Kelso: Well I bust my hump at the police station all day, and you just sit around here watching soap operas and eating bonbons.
Fez: Well, excuse me for having a little fun. Maybe it's because you never take me out anymore!
Kelso: Well, maybe I would if you fixed yourself up a little bit. [shakes his head] Wait a minute, we sound like an old married couple.
Fez, huffing: So now I'm old? And I gave you the best years of my life! [turns his back to Kelso]
Kelso: Look, I'm sorry. [tries to touch Fez's shoulder] I'm sorry, come on. Homies? [tries to shake Fez's hand]
Fez, slapping Kelso's hand away: Don't try to sweet-talk me! [gets up to leave] And if you excuse me, I have a headache.
Kelso: But Fez-
Donna: Girls, we have the whole day to ourselves without men. So what do we want to do?
Jackie: Go to the mall and scam on guys?
Laurie, talking to Donna: She is so immature. [turns to Jackie] It's Saturday, the guys are at the gym.
Donna: I think the whole point of this is for us to bond without men.
Jackie: Can we talk about men?
Donna: No.
Jackie: Not even negatively?
Donna and Laurie: What you got?
*at the Forman's kitchen*
Hyde: When does Mrs. Forman get back? I'm starving.
Jackie: Don't worry, Puddin'. I made breakfast.
Hyde: Oh, damn! I'm full, couldn't eat another bite.
*at the Forman's kitchen*
Eric: Hey mom, would you make me a sandwich?
Kitty, angry because of menopause: But of course. [puts a slice of bread on top of his head] Now you are a sandwich.
Eric: *watches as she leaves, the bread still there*
Hyde: You can take it off your head.
*at girl's night*
Donna, with a Cosmo magazine in hands: Okay Jackie, it's your turn. I'll ask you a question. Alright, would it bother you much if upon your death your body was simply thrown into the woods and abandoned?
Jackie: Does it say what I'm wearing?
Jackie, looking at herself in the mirror: I guess I can kiss heaven goodbye...
*throws her hair over her shoulder*
Jackie: 'Cause it got to be a sin to look this good!
Fez: Hyde, Kelso's been hypnotized. The Great Mentos made him think he's four years old!
Hyde: Can he make me think I care?
*at the Forman's kitchen*
Laurie: Attention everyone, attention! I have an announcement. My horoscope said that I will prosper in my house so, I figured I better go buy one!
Eric, shouting out to God: Hallelujah!
*everyone glares at him*
Eric, standing up to leave: Excuse me.
*after Eric and Donna's break-up*
Jackie: Don't worry, Donna, there are plenty of men in the sea.
Donna: You mean fish in the sea.
Jackie: No, I mean men. Fish don't own yachts.
*introducing Hyde to the Barnett family*
WB: Everybody, this is Steven. Steven, this is everybody. C'mon, I'll show you around.
*they leave*
Aunt Barnett: When William described him, he didn't mention that he was... tall. Not that I have any problem with people who are... tall.
Grandpa Barnett: My cousin used to date a girl who was... tall.
Uncle Barnett: The boys go to a predominantly... tall school.
Cousin Barnett: Am I alone in this or didn't y'all noticed he was white?
Grandma Barnett: What the hell is wrong with William?
Cousin Barnett: Oh, I'm sorry. Did I say white? I meant tall.
Angie: He didn't seem that tall to me.
Hyde: Oh my God, Forman! What’s that hideous thing growing out of your neck?
Eric: Where? Where?
Hyde: Ah, never mind. It’s just your head.
Eric: I can't believe Red grounded me for a whole week just because I was a few minutes late.
Hyde: Well, you deserved it. I mean, getting everyone's hopes up like that and then just showing up again.
Jackie: I’m in a bad mood and somebody is going to suffer.
Red: You know something? This is all your fault.
Eric: What is that, like the theme of this family? “When in doubt, blame Eric.”
Eric, doing crosswords: What's a six-letter word for incredible?
Jackie: Oh, that's easy... Jackie.
Laurie: Mom and dad got it right the first time.
Eric: Then why did they keep trying?
Hyde, passing the phone to Kelso: Jackie is on the phone.
Kelso: Man, I forgot all about Jackie... hey Hyde, if you had to decide between going on a date with a girl that you really care about and going to the Playboy Mansion, which would it be?
Hyde: The fact that you're even asking tells me that you really care about her.
Kelso: Well, I guess I do.
Hyde: But, tell me, does Jackie have a terminal disease?
Kelso: No, Hyde, of course not.
Hyde: Well, then... she'll still be here tomorrow.
Kelso, before darting out of the basement: Alright!
Hyde, on the phone with Jackie: So... I couldn't find Kelso, but I can take you...
Jackie: I'll see you later then, Steven. Thank you! [hungs up]
Hyde, smirking: I'd choose going on a date with the girl I care about, dumbass.