Source: Lilo And Stitch - Tumblr Posts
Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #2
This is my Family
After RSA learns not only is Yuu, a penniless, homeless, and magic-less student from a different world, who lives in a unsanitary and ramshackled dorm full of ghosts AND a Rabid, Fire-Spewing Cat-Gremlin, who not only dealt with 5 Overblots, but has been doing Crowley’s JOB and is actually a FEMALE, they decided to take her away and give her a Proper Home until they can find her a way back to her World
RSA Student (Has Yuu in his hold): We have the Young Lady!
Ambrose LXIII: Take her to the Carriage!
Malleus (Visibly angry): Leave my Child of Man alone!
NRC Teachers (Holding him back, along with preventing a few other NRC students who will not be named along with Crowley): Hold on
Ambrose LXIII (To Crowley): YOU! YOUR THE CAUSE OF ALL THIS! If it wasn’t for your irresponsibility for this Young Lady, none of THIS-!
Yuu: Yuu
Ambrose LXIII: What? (Turns to Yuu)
Yuu: My name is Yuu
Ambrose LXIII: Fine then. If this wasn’t for Yuu-! (Pauses and turns back to her)
Yuu (Politely): Do I have to go into the Carriage?
Ambrose LXIII: Yes…
Yuu: Can I say goodbye?
Ambrose LXIII: Yes
Yuu: Thank you (Walks over to Malleus, Grim and Yuuken and hugs them)
Ambrose LXIII: …Who are they?
Yuu (Turns to Ambrose): This is my Family. I found it, all on my own. It’s little, and broken. But still good. (Looks at them) Yeah, still good. (Begins to slowly walk to RSA Carriage)
Grim (Sniffling): Does my Hench-Human really have to go..?
Ambrose LXIII (Sighs): You know as well as I, that our school rules are absolute, we can’t overlook a Damsel in Distress, it goes against our rules
Crewel (To Crowley): Crowley, didn’t you adopt her along with the other Pup? (Referring to Yuuken)
Crowley (Takes out paper that’s 100% ‘official’ adoption papers he’s had on him since day 1 and runs towards Ambrose LXIII): HEY!
Ambrose LXIII (Looks at him): ….?
Crowley (Puffs out his chest like a overprotective bird mom dad and shows Ambrose his adoption papers he DEFINITELY didn’t have Azul forge by signing another contract): The day Yuu and Yuuken got here, I filed the paperwork (Shows him the Totally Legitimate paper) see this stamp! They’re MY children! If you take them, your kidnapping MY BABIES-!
Ambrose LXIII (Takes paper and looks at how overprotective NRC Staff and Students are over Yuu and smiles):
Crewel (Smirks): RSA is all about following Rules, Etiquette and Elegance
Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #17
Child Y/N’s Wish
Y/N the Human Child somehow got summoned to Ragnarok on accident and are stuck until either side wins, and because of their age and mentality they only desire one thing: Finding a family
Child!Y/N (Looking out their window at a big star in the sky): It’s me again, I want someone to be my daddy. Someone who won’t run away or abandon me. Maybe send me an Angel. The nicest Angel you have…
Brunhilde + Valkyrie Sisters (Who heard Y/N and all silently agree on what to do):
Meanwhile, on the God Side…
Loki (Crawling onto the ceiling from the portal he summoned):

This joke was WAY too good to pass up, who wants to see Child Y/N get surprise adopted? Kidnapped
Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #21
Y/N and Shiva
Child Y/N comes in late and soaking wet, for Shiva to teach her to dance, however at the end of the song all the fellow child gods slip and falls over
Shiva: Stop, stop. Y/N, why are you all wet?
Y/N: It’s sandwich day
Shiva (Looks at her confused then at his wives who are just as confused as they are):
Y/N (Sighs): Every Thursday, I take Pudge the fish a peanut butter sandwich
Shiva: Pudge is a fish?
Y/N: And today we were out of peanut butter! And I asked Brunhilde what to give him. She said a tuna sandwich (Throws her arms up) I can’t give Pudge tuna! (Lowers her voice) Do you know what tuna is?
Shiva (Confused): …Fish?
Y/N: It’s FISH! If I gave Pudge tuna, I’d be an abomination! I’m late because I had to go to the store and get peanut butter cause all we have is. . . Is stinking TUNA!!
Shiva (Trying to calm Y/N down): Y/N, Y/N, why is this so important?
Y/N: Pudge controls the weather
Shiva (Looks puzzled, while his wives are trying to not squeal over how cute Y/N is):
Child God: You’re crazy
Y/N then jumps said god and begins to punch, slap and bite at them, which the other child gods screaming in fear
Shiva (Trying to calm everyone down): Please! Please! (Is holding Y/N in the air) Everybody calm down! Kids. . . (Mutters words of comfort then turns to Y/N): Y/N. . .
Y/N (Upset): I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!
Shiva (Trying to not make Y/N cry): Maybe we should call the Valkyrie Sisters
Y/N: No! I’ll be good! I want to dance. I practiced! I just want to dance. I practiced…
Child God: Ewww, she bit me
All the Child Gods: Ewww!

Later that Day
Shiva (Tells Rudra what happened): I won’t lie, I think it’s absolutely cute that Y/N thinks feeding this ‘Pudge’ a sandwich he’ll control the weather
Rudra: That’s weird, Y/N gave me a sandwich today, she must’ve had a second one on her
Shiva (Pauses): Wait. . . Y/N WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU!?!
Aughra: [answering her phone] Gelfling? Aughra be there soon-
Fara: The Skeksis are attacking Stone-in-the-Wood!
Aughra: wHAT-
Fara: Oh good, Tavra's here to help and she's ominously staring at us, nevermind!
Jen: [about Bruce] don’t worry. He likes your butt and fancy hair.
Jen: I know. I read his diary.
Thor: He thinks it’s fancy?