Yeah Pretty Much - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Paris: So, let me get this straight-

Mercutio and Juliet: More like let me run this bi you.

Romeo: Let’s just see how this pans out.

Rosaline: We should ace-ess the situation.

Tybalt and Benvolio: I’m gay.

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2 years ago

hahahah i'm re-reading hp1, and harry was so upset over losing 2 points during his first week. the poor boy has no idea what's coming/how little 2 points matter 😂

first year harry


sixth year harry


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5 years ago

okay so here’s a summary of jojo parts based almost solely off of what I’ve read on wikipedia

Phantom Blood: Johnathan Joestar and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Sibling

Battle Tendency: Local man gets into dick measuring contest with demigods, somehow wins

Stardust Crusaders: Around the World in 80 days but the final boss is a vampire

Diamond is Unbreakable: Columbo but with stand users

Vento Aureo: Italy’s Next Top Gangster

Stone Ocean: None of us can afford therapy so we’re just gonna kill each other in florida

Steel Ball Run: Phantom Blood Western AU

Jojolion: what the fuck is a jojolion

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3 years ago

new tumblr people if you have a blank blog and you only like stuff but never reblog anything people are going to assume you're not a real person and block you

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2 years ago

george lucas really combined lasers, wizard knights, space, political thrillers and full house on crack and we all just hyperfixated on it huh

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2 years ago

do you ever just think about how wild star wars are politically.

like, there is the neoliberalism of the old republic, with the textbook neo-marxist core-periphery model of the greater galaxy. 

then there are the jedi, which are an enormously ancient and powerful institution that benefits from and enables the republican-corporate structure, but refuses to take direct involvement in its policy, 

this leaves an enormous power vacuum which is happily filled by the super secret red glowstick cult of the sith. 

and then dooku drags the jedi from his weird neoreactionary hereditary aristocracy ground, which is still somehow more refreshing. 

same thing goes for the separatist confederacy, which is mostly a network of megacorporations and planets dependent upon them, which are somehow a less stiffening alternative for many.

and then there is grievous, ventress and others from worlds existing outside the dominant framework of republican politics, but ravaged by capitalism and conflict and stripped of an identity beyond their utility, becoming the eventual wildcards. 

the entire worlds like mandalore, powerful and prominent enough to be of weight on the galactic scene, but ultimately uninterested in the galactic politics as framed by the republic, because their domestic problems are more pressing. 

what ever the hell is going on in the hutt space and underworld, raw capitalism functioning outside the state system

then there is the extremely militarized administrative structure of the empire, which drives itself to autocanibalistic destruction trying to keep all of the above under control.

pockets of limited autonomy exist under the empire, mostly in places whose established hierarchical administrative system allows for easier management.

the super secret red glowstick cult of the sith becomes even more secret, as things do within the mechanism of authoritarian states, which creates another vacuum, as their power is not backed up by ideological representation.

our beloved farmboy goes to pick up some power converters from the toshi station, and stumbles upon the said ideological vacuum with a blue glowstick in his hand. 

the rebel alliance, which is the oddest mix of generational royalty unhappy with the empire taking over the power they have over their individual planets, and straight up space anarchists from the worlds previously disfranchised by the republic and bombed by the empire.

the rebels politicize the jedi teaching as the core of old republican values, going off them as their platform (may the force be with you), even as the old jedi order pointedly stayed away from policymaking. 

the sequel trilogy, which refuses to address any of this. 

Y’ALL, THIS POST WAS WRITTEN IN early 2017 before TLJ so please don’t come at me with your receipts from the whatever fill in the gap resistance novel written since thank thank you

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9 months ago
cringenamehere - Professional Dumbass

i made a generator for yall to see what ur genders are

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8 months ago

So y'all think they were laughing at us


Y'all think they saw how we were losing our collective shit over Arms and they were just sitting back and giggling about what was coming next

Because literally the second he started undressing my brain started making a noise like when you put a couple of shoes in a washing machine

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6 years ago

Reblog if

You are still going to be here after the change. If your characters and relationships you’ve made on this shit storm of a site, is too important to abandon.

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6 months ago

as funny as the whole mabel grilling ford about his thing with bill is, i fully believe that girl is oblivious when it comes to actual relationships that aren't fairytale romances. she's twelve, not her fault. also, most of what we know about ford's relationship with bill comes from ford himself, and dipper was the one who hung out with him the most and read the journals religiously. however, he's also twelve. so i think that the most realistic way dipper and mabel find out about bill and ford's toxic situationship is just. dipper hearing ford complain about bill in the lab and then like four years later sitting bolt upright in the middle of the night and going. Oh My God Grunkle Ford Fucked Bill Cipher.

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6 months ago

if i say "i imagine" or "i think" in regards to my ocs its because i dont knowwwwww. theyre living their own lives im just filming them at occasional moments and calling it a day

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8 months ago
Started Playing Phighting Recently This Is The Lore Right

started playing phighting recently this is the lore right

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7 months ago
Pathetic Little Girlfailure Gwendolyn Bouchard -or I Finally Catched Up With Tmagp

Pathetic little girlfailure Gwendolyn Bouchard -or I finally catched up with tmagp

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2 years ago
Tutorial - My Cat Wanted To Share With You Some Tips And Tricks.Originally From My Patreon, Where Theres
Tutorial - My Cat Wanted To Share With You Some Tips And Tricks.Originally From My Patreon, Where Theres
Tutorial - My Cat Wanted To Share With You Some Tips And Tricks.Originally From My Patreon, Where Theres

Tutorial - my cat wanted to share with you some tips and tricks. ———————————————– Originally from my Patreon, where there’s a little more to this. (Patrons get extra stuff and early releases)

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10 years ago

Watching Bayformers it’s like you drift between two emotions. It’s either;

"Alright that was a completely unnecessary and sexist fuck u you piece of shit this had so much potential and you ruined it you scumbag I hope someone shoves a cactus so far up your ass you choke on it"



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*kneels and is still 5'8*

*stands and is still 5’2 and angry at God*

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3 years ago
Training With Mr. Blade

Training with Mr. Blade

This is propaganda

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