sketchyc0re - nothing to see here
nothing to see here

i’m a lurker, i lurk for good content :>

19 posts

Lost And Found

Lost and Found

This is just a random Haikyuu oneshot that I wrote.

Hinata wasn't sure how he ended up in this situation, all he'd done was follow the path. Yet somehow he still managed to get himself lost, and to make it all worse, his phone had died around 10 minutes ago. The last time he checked the time it was 21:15pm. He wasn't even sure why he went for a walk, but he was starting to regret the decision. 

It's creepy being out in the dark he thought to himself. He pulled his jacket tighter around himself.

Hinata looked around him in an attempt to recognise where he was, he failed to do so. He considered trying to find one of his team mates houses, but doing that could get him more lost. So he decided to just keep walking in hopes he'd find someone he recognised.

He shivered as a gust of wind went past him, he looked around him again. He'd never really liked being alone in the dark, so being lost alone in the dark was terrifying to him.

As he walked, Hinata heard a sound from behind him. He yelped and took off into a sprint.

Sure it seemed pathetic, after all it was just a simple sound. But Hinata was already on edge. He felt tears prick at his eyes as he ran, why did I have to come outside he thought.

He ran for a solid couple of minutes before slowing down, he looked around and realised he'd just gotten himself more lost. A couple of tears fell down his face, he gripped his arms and shivered.

"I wanna go home..." he murmured to himself. He continued to walk aimlessly around.

The wind continued to blow past him, it seemed to get colder. Hinata pulled his jacket around him more, he felt tired and scared. His legs were starting to ache and his eyes felt slightly heavy, he yawned and continued walking slowly.

 Sugawara didn't know what caused him to go outside for a walk, something was telling him that there was something wrong. He simply followed that instinct and went out.

He was wearing a t-shirt, a jacket and a thick coat. He knew it was cold outside, he'd also grabbed his phone.

He pulled out his phone as he walked and checked the time, it was 22:05pm. The streets were pitch black besides the light from the street lamps, he had to admit it wasn't very relaxing.

As he walked, Suga decided to see if anyone from Karasuno was awake. Pulling out his phone, he opened messages and went onto their group chat.

  Group of Crackheads

Sugamama is Online

Sugamama: Anyone awake?

Rolling Thunder is Online

Tanaka is Online

Dadchi is Online

Dadchi: I'm awake

Rolling Thunder: Same here

Tanaka: Yup

Dadchi: Everything okay?

Sugamama: Yeah everything's fine, just on a walk.

Tanaka: Why are you on a walk at 22:10pm at night?

Sugamama: I felt like something was wrong, so I went outside

Dadchi: What do you mean by 'something was wrong'?

Rolling Thunder: ^

Tanaka: ^

Sugamama: I don't know, just kinda like an instinct?

Dadchi: Okay, be careful though.

Sugamama: I will

 Suga continued to message the group chat as he walked, he looked up and saw something leaning against a tree.

Looking closer at it, he realised the thing was a person. They seemed oddly familiar. He realised who it was when he saw their hair.


He ran over to where his little crow was sat, Hinata didn't appear to be asleep. He stopped and kneeled down in front of him.

"Hinata?" he said, the boy looked up at him with tired yet fearful eyes. It was then that Suga realised Hinata was shaking, there were tears running down his face.

"W-Who-" Hinata started, he looked closer at Suga before realising who it was.

He lunged forward knocking Suga backwards, he hugged onto the older male tightly. His body continued to shake as he cried into his chest.

"Woah, Hinata are you okay? What happened?" Suga asked, concern evident in his voice.

"I-I went for a w-walk and got lost. It was dark and I was alone and it was scary-" the ginger haired boy explained as he cried. Suga realised that Hinata had probably gotten scared while alone.

"Hey it's okay, come on let's go back to my house." he said as he helped Hinata up, the boy leaned heavily on Suga most likely due to him being tired. 

Suga opened the group chat as they walked.

  Group of Crackheads

Sugamama is Online

Sugamama: Just found Hinata outside.

Dadchi: Wait Hinata was outside? How did he manage to get that far from home?

Rolling Thunder: Is he okay?

Tanaka: ^

Sugamama: Not sure if I'd say he's okay, but he isn't hurt.

Sugamama: But he got himself lost while walking and it scared him. I found him leaning against a tree shaking.

Rolling Thunder: Poor Shouyou.

Dadchi: Isn't it cold outside?? Is he cold?

Tanaka: ^

Sugamama: Now you mention it, he does feel rather cold.

Tanaka: Why didn't he text or call anyone?

Dadchi: His phone probably died.

Dadchi: Just focus on getting him inside and warm, tell us when you're both inside.

Rolling Thunder: ^

Tanaka: ^

Sugamama: Will do.

 Suga looked down at Hinata, his body was shaking due to the cold. He pulled off his coat and put it around the boy, Hinata snuggled into the warmth.

"How long have you been out here?" he asked, he put an arm around him.

"O-Over a-an hour.." Hinata replied, his voice was shaky.

Hinata stayed glued to Sugawara's side as they walked, Suga saw his house and they walked over to it.

He unlocked the door and went inside with Hinata, he heard him sigh as the warmth of the house got to him.

Hinata collapsed into Suga, he supported the shorter male's body before scooping him into his arms. Judging by his slow and even breathing, he guessed that Hinata had fallen asleep.

Walking over to the couch, Suga placed him down onto it before going upstairs to get some pillows and blankets.

After he got what he needed, Suga went back downstairs and over to Hinata. He removed his coat and jacket before placing a pillow under his head. He covered him with a couple of blankets, Hinata snuggled into them.

He messaged the group telling them that Hinata was safe and asleep before putting the boy's phone on charge. He went upstairs and got ready for bed, after checking on Hinata one last time he got into bed and fell asleep.

  • lilliesandlovebirds
    lilliesandlovebirds liked this · 3 years ago
  • sunarinstar
    sunarinstar liked this · 3 years ago

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