Actually Anxiety - Tumblr Posts

every semester, especially during exam season, i automatically fall into the habit of studying for the grades. i have experienced a million times how much that hurts me and my passion for my subjects, and eventually the grades as well. yet, i still find it so hard to stop thinking this way. and then the night before the exam, when the anxiety has reached its peak and can hurt me no more than how much it already has, i radically accept my condition and surrender.
eventually, i start enjoying what i am studying again and stop worrying about the result. i just wish it happened a bit sooner every time, and not always one night before the exam. wish i get there ~
hey this spooky month can we at least try not to make the internet completely inaccessible 4 ppl w/ panic disorders, thanks
you ever have social anxiety that’s not like super severe but AT THE SAME TIME it took you like a year to feel comfortable expressing your personality on tumblr dot com
“you’re so resilient!“
thanks! my options were that or dead
there are officially 8 billion people on this godforsaken earth
click here for the article
i’m telling you guys, molotov cocktails really work. any time i have a problem, i throw a molotov, and boom! right away i have a different problem