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My neighbor's kid is teasing Daddy with this sunkissed ass on display. He's just begging for my Daddy cock to ram his hole and bred him like a muscle pussy.

OPEN ACCESS AND THE BIBLE: The Bible and Interpretation
This is Eli Kittim’s academic monograph——published in the Journal of Higher Criticism, vol. 13, no. 3 (2018), page 4—-entitled, "The Birth, Death, and Resurrection of Christ According to the Greek New Testament Epistles."
To view or purchase, click the following link:

The Birth, Death, and Resurrection of Christ According to the Greek New Testament Epistles
Published in the Journal of Higher Criticism, vol. 13, no. 3 (2018)
By Award-Winning Goodreads Author Eli Kittim 🎓

Eli Kittim - Amazon Author Page

![The Little Book Of Revelation [Amazon]](
⭐️ The Little Book of Revelation [Amazon] ⭐️
(By Goodreads Author Eli Kittim) 📚📖
Amazon Books 🎓
⭐️ 🌍 Winner of 2015 Religion & Spirituality Double Decker Books Awards on Goodreads 🪐 ⚡️
Eli Kittim - Het kleine boek Openbaring: De eerste komst van Jezus aan het einde der dagen
Eli Kittim - Küçük Vahiy Kitabı: Günlerin Sonunda İsa'nın İlk Gelişi
Eli Kittim - Den Lille Åbenbaringsbog: Jesu første komme ved dages ende
Eli Kittim - Den lilla Uppenbarelseboken: Jesu första ankomst vid dagens slut
Eli Kittim - Den lille Åpenbaringsboken: Jesu første komme ved slutten av dagene
Eli Kittim - Pieni Ilmestyskirja: Jeesuksen ensimmäinen tuleminen päivien lopussa

⭐️ The Little Book of Revelation (Amazon) ⭐️
By Goodreads Author Eli Kittim 🎓
🇬🇷 🇺🇸 📚
Eli of Kittim Amazon Author Page

Eli of Kittim Amazon Author Page
This is my Amazon Fan Page. The title of my non-fiction book clarifies what the book is about, namely, The First Coming of Jesus at the End of Days. The book is based on biblical scholarship and its argument is that——according to the New Testament epistles——the first coming of Jesus will take place at the end of the world (see e.g. Hebrews 9:26b; 1 Peter 1:20)! This can be corroborated throughout the Bible. I have done extensive follow-up research using the original Greek New Testament to demonstrate the legitimacy of my claim!
Eli Kittim - The Little Book of Revelation: The First Coming of Jesus at the End of Days
伊莱·基蒂姆 启示录小书:耶稣在末日的第一次降临
एली किट्टिम - रहस्योद्घाटन की छोटी पुस्तक: दिनों के अंत में यीशु का पहला आगमन
Эли Киттим - Маленькая книга Откровения: Первое пришествие Иисуса в конце дней
אלי כטים - ספר ההתגלות הקטן: ביאתו הראשונה של ישוע באחרית הימים
إيلي كيتيم كتاب الرؤيا الصغير: المجيء الأول ليسوع في نهاية الأيام
Ελι Κιττίμ - Το Μικρό Βιβλίο της Αποκάλυψης: Η Πρώτη Παρουσία του Ιησού στο τέλος των Ημερών

Mothman, the true tumblr sexyman

so mote it be - ebook edition
if you desire to read my book- So Mote It Be, as an eBook, please click here.
so mote it be - paperback edition
if you desire to read my book- So Mote It Be, as an eBook, please click here.