Anubis - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
This Is A Muslim Home. Why Does Anubis Hold Out His Hand For Me?
This Is A Muslim Home. Why Does Anubis Hold Out His Hand For Me?
This Is A Muslim Home. Why Does Anubis Hold Out His Hand For Me?
This Is A Muslim Home. Why Does Anubis Hold Out His Hand For Me?
This Is A Muslim Home. Why Does Anubis Hold Out His Hand For Me?
This Is A Muslim Home. Why Does Anubis Hold Out His Hand For Me?
This Is A Muslim Home. Why Does Anubis Hold Out His Hand For Me?
This Is A Muslim Home. Why Does Anubis Hold Out His Hand For Me?

This is a Muslim home. Why does Anubis hold out his hand for me?

It is my thanks. You were once a girl with your own tita who taught you the ways of Egypt old. Of when the Nile was full and flooded. She told you stories of the wolf and the jackal, the red wind and of the child of Bast.

I remember.

You do. And for that I bring you to the scales.

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1 year ago


god of the dead

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11 months ago
#Ancient Egyptian Art

#Ancient Egyptian Art

A golden chair from the tomb of African King Tutankhamun displaying he and Queen Ankhesenpaaten, the golden sun shining down upon them.

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10 months ago

The origin of all Astrology.

The Origin Of All Astrology.

Goes back to the Dendera Zodiac etched into a Bas-Relief in the Hathor temple at Dendera of Ancient Kush-Kemet, presently known as Egypt in the heart of North Africa.

A key to all Astronomy & the calendar itself. Eternally grateful for the knowledge! šŸ«¶šŸ¾ This bas-relief was dedicated to Osiris.

All of the signs can be linked to what they call ā€œNeterā€ā€¦ what we presently know today as Gods and Goddesses. They were transcribed into Greco-Roman religion, but the myths are true to the original.

Think: Lions (Leo), Horned Cows (Taurus) are native to Africa.


The Origin Of All Astrology.

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14 years ago
My First Official Request! This One Is For My Biggest Fan, Also Known As Mom. She's AnEgyptologistand

My first official request! This one is for my biggest fan, also known as Mom. She's anĀ EgyptologistĀ and she asked for "something Egyptian," so I made her a little statue of her favorite god, Anubis. I wanted to use the Sculpey III for color, but the clay is so much drier and tougher than Super Sculpey, so I wasn't able to be as detailed as I would have liked. The constant crumbling meant I couldn't touch a section once I finished it, and his ankh may or may not have looked like a crucifix at several points. Nevertheless, I have prevailed! Hope you like him, Mom.

(Here's the form if you want something, too.)

Sculpey III, ~2 hours

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1 year ago

I Loved it ā™”ā™”

friddafazbearsworld - ā™”mitologĆ­a Greco egipcia ā™”

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1 year ago

24 foot tall šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤

24 Foot Tall
24 Foot Tall

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if he's waiting for me at the end of this, I'm greeting death as an old friend.

And maybe with an involuntary "awww there's a cute puppy!!"

.. probably shouldn't do that to Anubis or his jackals but.. what else am I do with a puppa šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ

A Guide Will Be Waiting For You.

A guide will be waiting for you.

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8 years ago

Magnus: Yeah, so that's the story of how I ended up in Valhalla.

Nico: Wait, so you're dead?

Magnus: Yeah.

Anubis: And you're right here, on earth?!

Magnus: Um, yes?

Nico and Anubis: *Blue screen of death*

Magnus:...I gotta stop hanging out with you guys.

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8 years ago

Sadie: Hey, Walt, what do you think of my dress?

Walt: Oh, uh, you look fine.

*Sadie suddenly grabs Walt and forces him to hold the Feather of Truth*

Sadie: I said, 'What do you think of my dress?"


Sadie: Hm, well, can't say you were wrong.

*Sadie goes upstairs to change*

Walt: Real help you were there!

Anubis: Hey, do I look like someone who wants to die?!

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8 years ago

In Honor of Kane Chronicles Month

Osiris: Are they gone?

Anubis: Yeah, they're gone! Did you see how that stupid haircut on my host?

Osiris: At least your guy has hair! Mine looks like some-OH CRAP! THEY'RE COMING BACK!

*The gods stay quiet*

Julius: We never left.

Walt: We can't even leave, jackasses. We're your hosts.

Anubis: If we stay quiet, they might go away.

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7 years ago

Okay, letā€™s try this one out:

-All of the Egyptian gods are pansexual and when they find hosts, they prefer humans who are also pan or accepting of LGBT

-All of the Nomes are accepting of LGBT magicians, even the Desjardins/Jacobi-run first nome

-Bast prefers to be the one to help out new recruits who are dealing with coming out

-Anubis & Walt feeling as much love for one another as they both do for Sadie

-Some of the younger magicians pulling pranks on any of the homophobic parents of other recruits (or just sending Bes =). )

-Bisexual Carter/Sadie

-Trans Cleo

-During Pride Month, Philip of Macedonia allows the magicians to paint him the colors of the rainbow. Khufu joins in on that too!

-Asexual Amos

-Genderfluid Felix Philip, who gives his penguins unisex names

-Osiris/Julius immediately sending those persecuted for who they love to paradise in the afterlife

Hope this helps! =)

its like im lovin all the pjo and mcga pride month themed art but like do none of yall got lgbtqia headcanons about the kane chronicles????

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7 years ago

Sadie: Hey, man, your dad's calling.

Anubis: Hey, pick that up for me.

Sadie: I don't like answering people's phones, but *picks up* HEY, WADDUP, BITCH?!

Anubis: THAT'S MY DAD!!!

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1 year ago

Finally, an actual set of honest-to-Anubis hieroglyphics!

terrimousestuff - Mouse's Next Blog of Stuff

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9 years ago
For A Friend On Our Forum.

For a friend on our forum.

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2 years ago

I love him šŸ’™

I Love Him
I Love Him

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