Aries Venus - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Venus In Aries - Baby Spice

Venus in Aries - Baby Spice

Wine red dress with blood lips glisten like rubies, ‘Catch me, hold me, and release me and I will stay by your side. Keep me captive and I will burn you from the inside,’ touch the flame until it blows out suddenly, prepare to be beaten at your own game

The surface impression of Venus in Aries is a girl on fire. The battle is fought for the heart of true love, but the real battle is trying to maintain it. Truly, she is just seeking someone who will show her the way that love is meant to be. And the simply painful and wonderful underlying reason is because she grows out of people.

The Venus in Aries love potion is the spark of chemistry between Ares and Aphrodite. Her birth was the declaration that love has won the war and victory to the people. Yet now she is here, so far from home, defenceless without her weapons and the Gods of protection. She fights in her own combat zone, negotiating the sense of being inherently exposed, vulnerable, or even prone to target because she fears these qualities will be easily detected as weakness by opportunists. And it’s another historical recital, confronting the battlefield of love and war. Capturing this heart is attempting to tame one of the most perilous zodiacal creatures, like trying to capture a tiny fire fairy moving like lightning in your bare hands. She is rarely flattered by compliments of appearances, appeals, and ideals- she is unruly, chaotic, confused, brave, broken, raw, and real natural beauty. The daintiness of Venus and Aries fire mixes into a coquettish or innocent seductiveness that others commonly mistake for flirtation or suggestiveness. This may be quite challenging during the early years, though she eventually develops a firm enough self-awareness to assert herself, and make her intentions covertly or overtly clear.

People with Venus in Aries are exhilarated by the adventure of self-discovery. It’s like reading a book and writing further chapters at the same time. Turning every page offers a new spectrum of colours, questions, answers, interactions, and dimensions of her character. Eventually, she is the author of a tremendous trilogy and the absolute authority of her own life. 

The individual is deeply loyal, invested, and becomes deeply attached to relationships. She knows nothing else than pouring her heart, soul, blood, and guts into everything. Friends are adopted as family members, a group of comrades that support and energise one another. 

The condition of Venus in Aries sculpts the attraction to people that challenge and push her comfort zone beyond limit. The thrill and the risk is that she is still establishing what her comfort zone even is. Venus in Aries is generally coupled with inflammatory, stormy, and unstable people and relationships. Though it’s also possible for the individual with Venus in Aries to form relationships with grounded, nurturing, and introspective types. Such qualities can provide the nurturing and space that she needs to make mistakes, fall, regather, and try again. However plenty of Venus in Aries individuals would still be painfully bored and stir crazy in such dynamic. Both extremes push her comfort zones. In the case that she is motivated to do her best everyday, everything is a grand competition. And also in the instance of being exposed, removing the shame of being emotionally and intimately exposed with another person. She tends to have a skill for counselling and de-escalating the masculine, so it’s also possible that the finds the boisterous and dominating types to be intimidated by her. For Venus in Aries, sometimes an ‘equal’ is someone challenging her in unexpected ways, someone who shows her how to be ‘strong’ in a different way. 

Venus in Aries love affairs can be intellectually based, playful, tense, explosive, and filled with lessons. Friendships outside and within the relationship are important. Aries is a sign that operates very instinctually, and she has always had this ability to immediately discern if a person should be present in her life. It’s like a radar that reads someone’s importance, purpose, and compatibility at rapid speed. If she’s not interested, she rarely pretends to be.

Power and control can become sore points in relationships. Her need for control can increase as the relationship develops as she feels a loss of control in herself. She is still learning about who and what to be, and how to be around herself, and now there is somebody else to learn how to be around too. Controlling behaviour tends to express from a deeply vulnerable or afraid place hidden inside. She is coming to understand her complex and volatile nature, along with the fallible relationships that seem to accompany it. It comes with developing the understanding of what she wants and needs from a relationship, and she fears her partner is the same. Because she is impulsively capable of anything, she fears her partner is too, and maybe she will be left just as she could leave. The fight for her life is finding and blooming who she is so that she can truly love you. It’s true when either lover say, ‘we will be together forever,’ disregarding she stays or she leaves, you will always remember her. 

-Cherry Valfre art

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1 year ago
Venus In Aries

Venus in Aries 🍒

“The more you stall to kiss me the faster we are flying

into friend zone”

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1 year ago

Venus in Aries

If Aries is the sign of the Self, and Venus is the planet of Love, then Venus in Aries is the embodiment of Self-Love.

Having Venus in Aries means that you received so little love and attention growing up, you decide to give it to yourself. It's about filling up your own cup. Filling it up so much that you stop expecting it from other people. You begin to understand that no one else but you is able to give you what you need.

Venus is in detriment in Aries, which means that the planet's faculties are expressed with more difficulty. That doesn't mean that the native will not want to have significant relationships, or that they cannot love. It will just appear to be more complicated for them to function in a relationship (as Aries is opposite to Libra, the sign of relationships.) A person with this placement will be highly independent, combative, and will have a weak capacity for compromise and sacrifice.

Aries is ruled by Mars, God of War, and partner of Venus. This placement makes you feel attracted to people who embody strong Martian qualities. They should be tenacious, bold and enterprising. The thing is, you also possess these traits. Which is where it gets more complicated.

Venus is a feminine planet. Being passive, desired and pursued makes her feel good. However, when positioned in Aries, the most masculine and active sign there is, it's harder for her to let someone else take the lead. This instills a lot of frustration in her, as she wants someone to do all the work; all the while doing it herself, out of pure impatience.

This is not the only contradiction that this placement comes with.

Aries Venus is a warrior. She has not been shielded from life. She has survived many battles, which have made her stronger. This placement makes you want to be with someone powerful, so that you can lean on them; and you want to be with someone weaker, so that you can use your strength to protect them.

Then, you want to have an equal. You want to have a balanced relationship with them. But at the same time, you put yourself and your own needs first. You can be uncompromising, forcing your lover to submit, consequently creating resentment and sabotaging that relationship.

Being so strong and having to do everything by yourself makes you want to be with someone who will make it easier. Someone who will do things for you. But when that person comes along, you become suspicious and rebel against them, out of fear of being controlled and losing your self-agency.

Ultimately, Aries Venus is lost. Being the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries can be immature and impulsive. She wants to fight, but doesn't know why, as she hasn't taken the time to know herself.

Venus in detriment doesn't mean condemnation, it means having to face more challenges in matters related to love and relationships. In the sign of the Self, she asks : "Who are you?" "What is it that you want?" "And what are you ready to fight for?" Is it equality, or power? It is companionship, or freedom? Is it you, or someone else?

In order to know that, you have to be by yourself and get in touch with your needs and desires, so that you don't get involved with a person that's not meant for you. You have to love yourself, so that you don't give up on anything that matters to you, for the sole purpose of being in a relationship.

Once you know what you want out of life and relationships, you can be certain that you will have it.

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2 years ago

Astrology observations pt8 🐞

Disclaimer: All these observations are based on my personal observations and interpretations ❤️

Astrology Observations Pt8


🚨i think pisces placements look very confused or are very confused because pisces being ruled by Neptune can seem to be under some illusion. They seem lost for some reason. I have pisces in 6th and everytime we go out to buy things, i end up "looking" lost.😂

🚨Aries mars, venus, moon and mercury culture is telling/hoping ppl understand that getting angry and getting irritated are not the same✋😤😒😡🤡❤️

🚨having Aries placements such a struggle tbh, like IM JUST SPEAKING WITH A LOT OF PASSION. IT DOESNT MEAN IN ANGRY🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 thankyou i luv you 🥺🥺🤡💔

🚨 i said it before, I'll say it again, SCORPIO PLACEMENTS ARE NOT SCARY🤣✋❤️

🚨 I've observed scorpio placements are quite rude in a confrontation. They either don't know how to talk properly during an argument or they do it purposely to scare/ manipulate the other party. They also play alot of word games during an argument and tend to twist words alot esp the moon, mars, mercury and sun. Ew✋🥴 kinda more like undeveloped placements but I've seen even developed placements do it but most of the time restrain themselves. They're very self aware.👁️

It takes alot of time for these ppl to stop doing this and honestly? Sometimes it never stops.

A part reason for that could be that they're very emotional and intuitive.

🚨 cancer moon in 9th house means wanting to be close to home but wanting to move away simultaneously 😂🥴✋ it's a struggle y'all. It's a struggle✋🙃

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2 years ago

Astrology observations pt9 ⚕️

Disclaimer: these observations are based on my personal observations and interpretations ❤️

Astrology Observations Pt9


🧞‍♀️cap placements love to dictate around in the house. Theyre quite bossy even though they themselves may not even help that much in the household chores🤣✋

Their motto for household chores is "i supervise yall, don't do chores" 🕶️✋😂

🧞‍♀️sag placements esp mars are quite temperamental🤣

🧞‍♀️ sag sun are possesive of their things 🤣✋✋

#ive also noticed that sags esp mars, sun, mercury and venus don't like being held accountable for their shit🤡 they'll deadass argue with you. Honestly more stubborn than a Taurus cause they DONT EVEN THINK THEY'RE IN THE WRONG. ONCE THEY THINK THEY ARE RIGHT, NO ONE CAN CONVINCE THEM THEYRE WRONG.🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

🧞‍♀️Leo placements get shit for being dramatic but have y'all seen an angry Aries? Esp the sun, moon mars, venus?????????🤣🤣🤡✋

🧞‍♀️ any placement that has Neptune influence, pisces or 12 house is filled with illusions that you need to break through 💔

🧞‍♀️late to the party BUUUUUUUT Cassie from euphoria gives me cancer vibes for some reason like??????🥲🥲🥲

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1 year ago

My opinions on some of the Venus signs

(Those included are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, and Libra)

Here we go folks

Let’s start with Aries Venus. Now I myself am an Aries Venus and I have only this to say really. I love us, like friendship wise love an Aries Venus. Now I can't really say anything relationship wise besides what I am like in a relationship cause I haven't dated another Aries Venus. Now I think I would enjoy dating an Aries Venus simply because we are usually blunt when it comes to the ways of the heart. Deadass I have started dating and broke up with someone all in the same day, but I also have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for almost four years now. The one thing I have stayed consistent on is that I got into those relationships with a blunt sense of "I like you, do you like me back and if so let's start dating. You are mine and I am all yours. And if you don't want an exclusive relationship tell me exact what you want or else I will lose interest in you." If you don't give me the answer of your feelings about me then...what are we even doing right now? Anyways moving on...

Gemini Venus

Now I have both dated and been friends with Gemini Venuses. I love air placements like my only problem I usually have with them is that sometimes they will allow people invade their space (but I don't know if that has to do with other placements so yeah) I have told some people off for my Gemini Venus friends because one time my friend seemed so fucking stressed with someone so naturally I got a little impulsive. I think I am just proud of myself for not fighting them. Yes that is something to be proud of because honestly I don't wanna fight people. I might get a little carried away with it.

My Opinions On Some Of The Venus Signs

Leo Venus

Imma keep this one a Leo rising and basically a fire dominant person. I love most if not all Leo placements. Leo suns are my only exception and that depends on the moon sign of the person. I wonder sometimes if I have problems with every Leo sun Taurus moon with a Virgo mercury or if it was just a coincidence that two different people have those placements and I wanted to fight and cut them out of my life...

Virgo Venus

I love Virgo Venus like it might be my Virgo moon and sometimes I get a conjunction with a Virgo Venus but ehh. Virgo Venus just tend to be people who don't think they are enough as a person for other people to like them so they will do stuff for you when they really care about you. And when I mean do stuff for you it's more like they will do stuff for others because they might believe they can't rely on others and/or for validation and love from others, but when they love someone they are doing stuff (for love and validation probably still) out of a way to give back to what you have done for them even if you feel like you haven't really done much of anything. For instance, they made you dinner because you gave them toast before they left for work in the morning. It's a odd thing sometimes bruh anyways moving on.

Libra Venus

A libra placement that is all about harmony and balance shocking I know. Anyway I feel like some people assume libra is non-confrontational like Pisces or cancer. Like bruh water signs are just passive and/or non-confrontational because of their possible mommy issues. Libra and Aries are sister signs, and have you met sisters where one is completely submissive and the other is completely aggressive. I like to think of Libra as non-confrontational like Gemini, Aquarius, and Taurus combined. Libras will try to keep up a nice face like the air sign that they are because realistically they try to keep a little bit detachment when it comes to conflict. But they rule Venus like Taurus does...and as someone who has a good amount of Taurus family and friends. Are Taurus seen as non-aggressive? Libra is avoiding conflict because they know it isn't worth it because unlike my Aries ass, they know how much they affect people with their actions and words. Anyways take that energy to a relationship and it isn't too bad unless their Venus is badly aspected and/or other placements in their chart in something like maybe Scorpio or Capricorn (especially moon). Because bruh then they become far more passive aggressive or stubborn about shit bruh...just from my experience Scorpio and Capricorn have issues with conflict from a more emotional standpoint.

Anyways that's all I have for now. Sorry if this seemed a bit random but honestly it's just how I talk most times. Especially by myself because oof bruh

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1 year ago

Aries Venus (written by an aries venus)

Alright let's talk about the basic stuff first...yes we move on quickly just like we act quickly when we have feelings for someone. That doesn't mean we can't commit and/or be subtle. SOME PEOPLE JUST BORED US AND WE DON'T WANNA PLAY WITH THEIR FEELINGS BY PRETENDING WE ARE INTO THEM!

Anyways let me talk about some of my experience in love so far. When I was younger when I liked someone I went for them but sometimes people would just be into me. I would naturally get curious like "oh you're into me let's have some fun bruh." Then after a week or two I would end it cause honestly I didn't have a crush on you till you admitted you had a crush on me. Idk how other people would have dealt with it but my ass ended things quickly instead of trying to keep something not meant to be going.

I think we might lose interest quickly because we wanna be wanted and to want. Personally I would prefer us to be two people who have chosen to love each other as opposed to love "just happening". Idk if that makes sense but it's whatever.

Tips to try getting together with an Aries Venus

Be Yourself:

Let me elaborate here, so imagine we are in a rom-com or whatever (I know my Libra and Pisces Venuses can relate to some extent to wanting a movie like romance) So we are the two leads in the movie not the side characters who get together at the end of the movie. Some movies make the side characters getting together cuter than the main couple but most do not...looking at you high school musical.

Anyways what does the main love interest supposed to have? A LIFE

Because we are two people living our lives not just two people where the sexual orientations and genders correspond and the writers just decide to get us together. You have passions? Be proud of that. I wanna hear about it even if it's something random like knitting or fostering dogs. I feel like confidence is naturally an attractive thing but sometimes people aren't confident in themselves yet. Honestly niether is Aries Venus people surprising I know

Enjoy the experience that you live even if the relationship doesn't last for more than a week:

I think people forget sometimes that sure a relationship that lasted a long time affects you greatly but that doesn't mean that a relationship that last for a short time doesn't affect you as well. If you have parental issues then you probably already know that to some extent that time doesn't grow a bond.

Anyways that's all I have for now. Hope you enjoyed and I would love to know anyone's thoughts or even experiences with an Aries Venus.

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1 year ago

Just a quick thing about music artist and astrology

I don't know if it is just a me thing but I have noticed that most artist that I relate to or even really vibe with musically tend to share some kind of astrology aspect or placement as me. For example: I listen to Mariah Carey a good amount and at first I didn't think much of it. I decided to look up her chart cause why not? She is an aries sun and venus with her venus being in retrograde and she has a sag mars. idk if you caught on but I also have these placements. I was like wow what a interesting coincdence.

It wasn't until I came across a post that said something along the lines of "If you want to find an artist you'll relate to look for an music artist with the same moon sign as you" and there was porbably other stuff said in that but its whatever. Anyways I decided to go through the artist I tended to listen to the most and this is what I have found so far.

Artist that I either share a placement or aspect with roughly

Kali Uchis: Has their sun trine their pluto

Ariana Grande: She has Venus trine ascendant like me. She also has her Pluto trine her lilith and while I don't have the trine aspect. I do have my Pluto sextile lilith in my chart. Her venus is apprently in the 9th house as well. Oh and in sidereal her moon is in Virgo which same. I'm a virgo moon no matter what it worries me sometimes...

Selena (honestly I don't think astrology has anything to do with my love for her but let's proceed): Venus trine Ascendant, Mars trine Pluto (i have a conjunction but oof bruh I don't care. I could only hope to be nearly as iconic as her). Pluto-Lilith aspect (hers is a conjunction and mine is a sextile so idk if I really count this one or not). Pluto sextile Ascendant where I have a Pluto trine Ascendant.

Nicki Minaj (mixed feelings on this): Get ready for this...

HOW DO ME AND HER BOTH HAVE A VIRGO MOON WITH A FIRE SUN SIGN. Honestly I did a synastry chart when I found her chart and bruh...HOW DO WE GOT 99% COMPATABLITY!? The one percent is only because realistically speaking 100% is never guarenteed when it comes to me and people. Now I will not be commenting on her as a person because oof dude. All I will say is that there is no doubt her music has impacted who I am as a person. Idk how but it has. I'm telling you I will listen to just her parts in a song just for nostalgic purposes. Anyways she also has Mercury conjunct Venus (not that important really), Moon-Mars (her's is a trine while mine is a square), Mars-Pluto (her's is a square while mine is conjunct), and she has both her venus and mercury squaring her moon while mine is an opposition. I think that last one is mostly because I have very early degrees on my mercury and venus in Aries. Moving on tho

Finally there is doja cat: Now she and I both have sag mars and virgo moons which is fun because then in sidereal we still have matching mars and moon so oof bruh. That should be enough for this portion of the post...

Final thing before I go...

I have a lilith in aquarius and idk but I really love cancer lilith people. The only way I can explain it is really just that because of my 12th house in cancer and/or my north node in cancer I have this interesting love-hate with cancer placements. I say this more along the lines of I will have one of two reactions. I will see them as basically family it doesnt matter how long I have know them for they are now my a part of my family. Or I want to fuck them. It's interesting becuase based on their other placemetns it can influence the feelings. Like if it is a cancer sun, sag moon combo they are basically like a little brother to me even if they are older than me. Or say it's a person with a cancer lilith I become a thirsty bitch but it's way too intense and I don't wanna scare them off too soon. I figured I would just include that for funsies.

Thank you and I would love to know you guy's thoughts on this.

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1 year ago

Astrological placements with Parental issues (imo)

Now take this with a grain of salt cause realistically I’m calling myself out a bit while I write this. Cause bruh I definitely got mommy issues but daddy issues I am not completely sure yet. Anyways let’s get into this.

100% (again take this with a grain of salt bruh)

Capricorn and Virgo Moons- Evidence: I am a Virgo moon and I know a couple of Capricorn moons who either have a dead mom or an emotionally absent parent (can be mom and dad)

Scorpio Mercury especially if they have a Capricorn placement as well: do I really need to say much. Scorpio is known for being mysterious or secretive and mercury is about how you think and communicate. They have something going on cause Scorpio placements can be intense and rough to have sometimes. Honestly I wanted to say scorpio and capricorn placements but I am not sure about Capricorn mars so I didn’t want to say a half hearted thing.

50% (it’s a coin flip from my experience)

Cancer Moon: Cancer moons as a whole have a polarizing relationship with their mom sometimes and I have met some cancer moons who have great relationships with their mom, But I have met cancer moons with the complete opposite but when I say bad relationships it tended to be a codependency onto their mother emotionally.

Taurus Moon: Honestly I feel like it depends on either the rest of their placements but also their sibling’s(if they have any) placements as well. I have three siblings and their moon signs are in order Cancer, Sagittarius, and Taurus with me as a middle child. Cause the Cancer moon sibling didn’t live with us. And the mommy issues are there for sure... Anyways I think Taurus moons tend to either have a stable family unit or felt like they had to basically become a rock emotionally to be the stability in their family.

Scorpio Moon: Kinda like what I said about Cancer moons but it seems like the Scorpio moons I have met their daddy issues seem to take a higher intensity than any bad blood they have with their mother. I feel like since Cancer is the ruler of the Moon the polarizing relationships with the mother just happens more than Scorpio moons. But i haven’t met too many Scorpio moons.

Aries Venus: I am only including this because I have an Aries Venus along with two of my siblings. While the other one has a Capricorn Venus. I again feel like this can depend on the rest of the person’s placements and if the Venus aspects their moon or even if they have it aspecting their parent’s Saturn. For instance, I have my moon, mercury, and Venus squaring my mother’s Saturn. Honestly I would recommend reading up on your own time from somewhere else because oof bruh...when I read up on it I wanted to cry a little from how much I resonated with it.

That’s it for now. I might come back to edit this later if I find out more about other placements lol

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2 years ago

as a leo venus, this is the best thing ever i love you already

random things that remind me of Venus in fire signs <3

Random Things That Remind Me Of Venus In Fire Signs

Leo venus

Gold glitter, being proud of the love you have for yourself and others, Crowns and Tiaras, Dandelions, Ball rooms, Carnivals and parades, taking pride in the attention you get, hoop earrings, being centre of the stage, glamour magic, rewatching stories that you’ve posted 😭, looking in the mirror to see how people perceive you, bold eye makeup, dramatic love life, kisses seen in movies, romcoms, the hot love interest in tv shows, concerts, getting black out drunk at parties, being the soul and foundation of a friend group, true admiration for the ones you love, complimenting girls in the bathrooms, leaving little notes on bathroom stalls, carrying yourself with confidence where ever you go, having secret admirers, random run to mcdonalds at 3am, staring out the window on every car ride.

Aries venus

Speaking up for what’s right, skateboards, taking the train to the city, treating yourself out to dinner, being feared yet admired by peers, Judas and Just dance by lady gaga, taking the bus and getting lost with your friends, the hot goth in a highschool set movie, that one person who everyone moves out of the way for, cutting in line 😭, watching scary videos at 4 in the morning because why not, the queen of wands, having multiple crushes, rushed love, the city at night, red silk dresses, heels, rich hot business women 😋, buying presents last minute, shitting on but secretly loving valentine’s day, MF DOOM type of music, Nirvana, juicy couture, Ludus (playful love), those random balloons that you see floating in the sky, hiding around the corner to scare your friends, leaving the house in a perfect mix between natural and glam, lash extensions, acrylics, going to the skatepark with friends at 10pm, falling face first in a flower field, prom queen, septum piercing.

Sagittarius venus

Dancing in the rain, aspirations to travel the world, old elf gnomes 🤞, going against societal norms and surprising people constantly just to spite them, carousel rides, roller coasters, cotton candy, taking photos of the sky and really pretty scenery, sitting high up in a tree, going to the library to find spiritual related books, decorating your room with album covers and records, squishmallows, frogs, very magic mushrooms 😏, selenite wands, young by vacations, last minute holidays with no proper planning 😭, TV Girl, world maps, manifesting with subliminals, frat parties in hollywood movies, studio ghilbi films, being honest about your feelings, optimistic about goals yet realistic on how to get there, taking every opportunity you get, "you only live once" type of vibe but probably believes that there has to be something after death.

Keep your beautiful fire energy up high and don’t settle for less, you deserve more my fire venusians <3

Thankyou for reading :)

Random Things That Remind Me Of Venus In Fire Signs

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7 months ago

Venus Signs and their romantic ways

Made this thread on Twitter @starseedtwenty (follow for all my updates) and thought I’d share it here.

🌹 Aries Venus 🌹

- They love in a way: That is loud, proud and full of passion. They don’t think twice or get indecisive or play cat & mouse when they are interested in you. They give what they can from the jump, and try to make you theirs in whatever way they can, BUT if you play weird as time goes they *shake their head* and just move on from you w/o you even knowing it.

- What they seek: A love that is sure, steady and wholesome. They want to know and feel that you are their person and are not scared to show that. They want a love that is active (in bed, in life, in any situation) and not something that’s boring. A love where you guys can be direct and open with each other.

- Things not to do with them: Don’t play games or play hard to get for too long (just enough to lure them in, after you get them, be softer). Don’t contemplate too much or wonder too much if you should do, be, have, say, etc, anything with them (just let yourself be, because with them you can be comfortable). And don’t love them more than you love yourself (they are loveable beings, but if you give too much, it slightly shows a lack of self-respect which turns them off very quickly).

- Most Compatible with: Venus in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn.

🌹 Taurus Venus 🌹

- They love in a way: That is honest, dependable and very supportive. Their love is a perfect mix of poetic and traditional (making them husband/wifey material, even if they don’t wanna admit it). They know how to stick by your side through thick and thin, unless you truly, truly hurt them, then they have no choice but to leave. But on the down low, they really don’t mind spending forever with you when they love you.

- What they seek: A love that is genuine, stable and long-term, a love that they can write a story about and tell to their grandchildren while they both sit in the nursery home holding hands, a love that contains devotion, support, and pleasure. Their partner must also be able to please all five sense and give all five love languages [because they know how to please & give them all as well].

- Things not to do with them: Don’t be flaky or hard to ground (they can sense that easily and it will turn them off) because their love is patient and grounded. Do not rush them, do not rush what you want with them (let them be and they’ll come around if they really like you, but do make sure to show your love). And do not be aggressive, no matter what.

- Most Compatible with: Venus in Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces.

🌹 Gemini Venus 🌹

- Love in a way: That is fun, open-minded and stimulating. Their love is pretty much something out of the movies, an experience for books. You can’t say you’re bored with them cause they make you laugh, think, and feel like you can be weird with them. They love in a way that just makes you feel like ‘as long as I’ve got you, life’s a breeze’ because rough situations become lighter, and happy times become a more enjoyable experience.

- What they seek: A love that’s full of memories, laughter, joy and great experiences. They want you to be their best friend as well as their partner in one. They want to feel like they can share their dumbest thoughts as well as their deepest secrets with you. They want someone who they can laugh out loud with and be open to their ideas of things to do, as well as someone who can hug them and cry with when they’re sad and won’t make them feel weird, just always be there with them.

- Things not to do with them: Don’t dumb them down and make them feel incompetent, feel bad or feel weird or as if they’re a bore (like them for who they are or move along). Do not be too serious or boring, because they will get bored rather quick (be fun and comfortable to be around, if they have an idea, be open to it). And don’t pressure them to make decisions or plans or anything like that (they like it when it’s a joint decision that’s cool for both of you guys).

- Most Compatible with: Venus in Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius.

🌹 Cancer Venus 🌹

- Love in a way that: That is caring, gentle and sensitive to your needs. They are pretty sweet and tender when they love you a lot and hope that you are to. They are also rather shy and coy though, so they aren’t very assertive with their love, but hope that you can sense them and that they can sense you as well and give you the love that you need. Either way, their love is just one that is soft and feels like a warm hug in a cold day.

- What they seek: A love that is pure, consistent and feels like home. Sometimes their emotions (with Cancer being ruled by the moon) can fluctuate and they can run to their shell when they’re feeling sad or just not feeling up to much, so they seek someone who’s able to stick with their moods sometimes, and love them wholly for who they are. They want a love that overall kind, nurturing and emotionally supportive.

- Things not to do with them: Do not be cold or insensitive to them (they don’t take it lightly, and will cut you off). Don’t be superficial or aloof (have depth and authenticity, that’s a huge tick for them). Don’t be laidback and relaxed in your efforts to get them, they are already pretty shy so if you’re also shy or laidback it does nothing (show them that you want them and be serious, but don’t be aggressive, do it in a gentle manner).

- Most Compatible with: Venus in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces.

🌹 Leo Venus 🌹

- Love in a way: That is warm, youthful, and confident. [Since Leo is ruled by the Sun] They let their love shine to you and hit the rays to everyone, enough to make people envious of how much they love their partner. They don’t mind grand gestures and also like the little gestures of love (in giving and in receiving). Their love is basically 'power couple’ mixed with 'two little kids who like each other and end up being sweethearts til old age’.

- What they seek: A love that’s wholesome, fun and cool. A love that’s childlike enough where you guys can run/race on the sand at the beach on a sunny day and play outdoor games, as well as mature enough where you guys can handle adulthood together and talk about deep stuff in a way where it’s not weird. A love where people are jealous of what you guys have.

- Things not to do with them: Don’t hide your feelings or act weird with them if you like them (be honest, open, confident and warm). Don’t pick at their faults or insecurities (look at the good sides, not the bad sides). And don’t humiliate them ever. EVER (be respectful and honorable).

- Most Compatible with: Venus in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius.

🌹 Virgo Venus 🌹

- Love in a way: That is kind, attentive and a little unpredictable. They have versatility, so some moments they will show their love, and other moments they will become shy or just fall back. It’s just something they do, doesn’t mean they love you less, (ac if you still love them through their weird moments, they love you more). They also love in a way where they sense you and feel like they should know what to do or say, making them pretty intuitive.

- What they seek: A love that is compassionate, steady, and a love that seems perfect. It doesn’t even have to be, but if it feels like it then it’s fine. They want something where they feel loved and understood. Because they love in a way that is steady (like in a way, they’re always ready to give you love and be compassionate in their actions) they want something that’s reciprocated like that as well.

- Things not to do with them: Don’t be dramatic or wild or extreme with things you do (that turns them off pretty quickly, because “why are you embarrassing me/yourself?” is their question). Don’t look like a mess who can’t take care of themselves (a clean, independent, well-spoken person is a big turn on for them). Don’t look for things deeply when it’s all simple (be logical and smart and realistic).

- Most Compatible with: Venus in Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn.

🌹 Libra Venus 🌹

- Love in a way: That is assertive, sensual, and giving. They love as if they are writing a romantic novel and they are the main character. They love in a way where they are very much able to share and see you as a companion, and give what they can to the relationship. They are able to prioritize you as their partner, as well as prioritize themselves and see themselves as the coolest beings, which is how they are able to be assertive. But they get butthurt if you don’t appreciate them.

- What they seek: A love that is balanced, aesthetical and romantic. The keyword here is balanced. They want a fusion of everything. Something deep and also lighthearted. Something fiery and also relaxed. Something adventurous and also homey. Something traditional and also modern/futuristic. Something routine-like and also unpredictable. They want it all, and they want to experience it with someone who wants it like this just as much as they do.

- Things not to do with them: Do not be extreme or go overboard in the way you do things [with them] (have a balance and give just enough). Do not be to shy or laidback/lame either (that turns them off as well because they don’t want to give too much either, they want to be met halfway). And don’t rush them or pressure them in a way (they will get turned off so quick).

- Most Compatible with: Venus in Gemini, Leo, Libra, Aquarius.

🌹 Scorpio Venus 🌹

- Love in a way: That is  deep, intense, and fulfilling. They love so deep that sometimes it hurts them, they just have this ocean of love inside of them and they want to pour it out so bad, yet they get scared or overthink and end up just holding back or giving little drops. If they were to give the love they have, it would be overwhelming to some, which is why they hold back sometimes. For some though, who love something deep and sensual, then a Scorpio venus is perfect for them.

- What they seek: A love that is genuine, and emotional, and transformational. One that makes them feel that there is a lot going on. A load of emotions, a load of thoughts, a load of memories, a load of experiences, and all of it is authentic and true, something that cannot be faked or found anywhere else. Something like a thrill but deeper and more long-term, and they feel comfortable enough to let out all that they feel for you, and you will still stick by them forever.

- Things not to do with them: Don’t be fake or superficial (they don’t care about the 'outer’ things, they love the inner things). Don’t hide or keep stuff from them ('honesty is the best policy’ is the biggest note to keep if you’re dealing them. Even if it hurts them, they want what’s real). And don’t be seasonal (stick with them through the dark and the light, not just when you feel like it).

- Most Compatible with: Venus in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

🌹 Sagittarius Venus 🌹

- Love in a way: That is enticing, philosophical, and very enthusiastic. They love in a way that’s enthusiastic/dramatic because they are living for the moment and they like to give their all (being ruled by Jupiter) when they can. In some ways they are also pretty philosophical, so their love can be one where you give and gain knowledge with them or just generally expand your mind through their thoughts and actions. Which is why travelling is something they love.

- What they seek: A love that is liberating, fiery, and about the bigger things. A love that is a breathe of fresh air where they feel understood and they can learn a lot from you and you from them. A love where you make them think, make them laugh, and make them feel free & cool. Just a love where you can go on adventures for a lifetime with them.

- Things not to do with them: Don’t ever be a nag or someone who’s highly opinionated or likes to criticize all the time (major turn off for them). Do not try to pin them down or force them to commit to something (they probably might if they like you, but secretly check out if they feel like you’re caging their freedom). Don’t be repetitive, especially with something that’s boring. 

- Most Compatible with: Venus in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius.

🌹 Capricorn Venus 🌹

- Love in a way: That has self-control and is respectful and mature. They love with a lot of maturity, my goodness. They know how to be serious about what they have with you when they truly love you, and with them, they’d hate to loose you (especially after establishing a solid foundation) which makes breaking up a far-fetched idea if they love you. But well, if you hurt them or act immature or become unfaithful to them, they can and will leave you, after much consideration.

- What they seek: A love that is serious, secure and long-term. A patient love that doesn’t stress them or make them feel shaky, as if it’s something for fun or short-term. They obvs want something fun, but something *for fun* is not that interesting to them, they won’t see you as 'a keeper’ if there’s that vibe. They want a serious and more committed love has faith and dedication to the connection, this comforts them a lot.

- Things not to do with them: Do not be aggressive or dramatic or whine too much (maturity turns them on more than anything). Don’t act immature and be too flaky or playful or indecisive (it gives them an 'unserious’ vibe which they don’t like). Don’t be overly sensitive or emotional (cause they won’t know what to do or say, since they’re chilled/mature with their emotions).

- Most Compatible with: Venus in Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn.

🌹 Aquarius Venus 🌹

- Love in a way: That is quirky, transparent and very cool. Aquarius are masters of making things seem cool (or at least try to), and so with Venus being there, so is their love. A cool, vibrant, funny, quirky love, that is quite transparent. They have not much to hide, if they love you, they’ll show you, if they don’t, then there’s nothing to show. They are also chilled and generous with their love, so they show it to everyone, and may show you that same side they show to another person/stranger.

- What they seek: A love that is interesting, communicative, and down to earth. An interesting love to them is one that keeps them feeling refreshed and free to be their weird selves (as well as see your cool, weird side) and not conjoined or 'caged’ in something boring. They want to think and communicate funny and cool stuff with you, and for you to be the same. They want something worth giving their shy feelings to, something warm and comfortable, but not overwhelming or possessive.

- Things not to do with them: Do not be possessive or clingy or overwhelming with your emotions to them (it rubs them off lol). Don’t be fake or pretentious (keep it real with them, in a chilled way. they appreciate honesty a lot). Don’t be arrogant and loud, especially in a negative way (be humble, but love yourself and show it).

- Most Compatible with: Venus in Aries, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

🌹 Pisces Venus 🌹

- Love in a way: That is dreamy, devoted and never-ending. When they love, they loooove. They don’t give just the hand or half an arm, they give their entire body, and they love with their whole heart, unlike any other sign. It’s amazing. They are also very forgiving. But with all of this, they are also very sensitive, so they get hurt easily and the more you hurt them, the more closed-off they become, without you even noticing. Other than that, their love is also almost movie-like because of how dreamy and unrealistic they want it to be.

- What they seek: A love that is comfortable, faithful and kind. What they want it someone who is compassionate, someone who is also spiritual or believes in fateful/universal energies, and someone who makes them feel understood with their crazy little mind that can overthink. Their hearts can also overlove, so they want someone who can be the cup for them to pour their love into, and not someone who will run away or play games with their love. They are also ready to receive and be a cup to your love if it’s as caring and dedicated as theirs, though their love can sometimes seem hidden or unspoken, but they feel it.

- Things not to do with them: Do not be rough or cold (be gentle in a stern way). Don’t take them for granted (idk how many times I’ve seen Pisceans not being loved enough when they’re there, but cried for when they’re gone. you will regret it if you don’t appreciate what they have to give). And don’t be too honest/blunt or boring (things must be funnier and sweeter than they are. they like the dream/movie/fantasy state of things, you stating the reality bores them).

- Most Compatible with: Venus in Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.


P.S - It’s all just from the vibes, not down to the specifics. you as a person are unique.

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3 years ago

Hi, I saw you answered a similar ask earlier, so I was wondering if you could say something about how a Aries Venus + cancer mars would be in a relationship? Hope you have a nice day :)

aries venus + cancer mars in a relationship

° very family oriented

° may have anger issues if underdeveloped

° has a striking physical appearance

° could be intimidating

° doesn't care about other people's opinions, at times, maybe even yours

° doesn't have many secrets

° will throw hands if someone messes or flirts with their partner

° they protecc, they attacc but most importantly, they have a soft spot

° very romantic and extravagant gestures

° probably really good in bed

° likes the chase

° will probably be the first one to confess

° you know they like you if they're protective of you

° and when they go out of their way to make sure that you notice them

° not likely to cheat but will keep their options open until you guys are official

° will leave you if they feel like they deserve better or they start to think of you as an obstacle between them and their goals

° if you try to break up, they will either beg you to stay or won't care at all

thank you for this question anon, it was fun to answer. i hope you have a nice day too. take care

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