Autism Awareness - Tumblr Posts - Page 3

11 months ago

in April we wear blue bcuz aumtimsm

Yknow what fuck autism awareness we need autism acceptance everyone is already aware they’re just trying to fix us not accept us


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8 years ago
Super 6: Everyday Superheroes With Autism
In the past decade, we've learned a lot about autism and what it means to be autistic. And one thing is certain -- there are a lot of amazing things that people with autism have accomplished. As we often tell my baby sister, people with autism are "everyday superheroes" and have no limit to what they can do.

my sisters articles are really beautiful and neat! not all of them got shared for this month (there were a ton of them) but, this is her most recent article.

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1 year ago

I do the same thing! When I'm working on craft projects, I'll often put on some sort of media in my headphones. Even though I'm not watching it, I like to hear the familiar dialogue. Sometimes, I'll even say the lines out loud with the characters if I know it well enough.

The episode "Tick Tock" and the short "Gold Rush" are some of my favorites to do this with.

How do I tell the chatters I'm so autistic that sometimes I'll replay a certain scene a million times just because I really love the line delivery...

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9 months ago

I've been watching some videos about themed cafes and bento boxes, and I was inspired...

I've Been Watching Some Videos About Themed Cafes And Bento Boxes, And I Was Inspired...

Presenting, a cute little rice doggo wraped in an egg blanket.

I had no clue what I was doing, but I'm pretty happy with how he turned out.

I didn't have any dried seaweed (I think it's called nori?) for the eyes, so I used some sliced sausage. The ketchup on the "blanket" is supposed to look like a heart.

It was super fun to make, and I encourage you to try it! 😊

I sometimes find it difficult to pull myself away from projects to take time to cook and eat. I think it's an autism/ADHD thing? But attempting to make the food look cute made cooking a meal more exciting and engaging for me! So if you struggle with taking time to eat, like me, I would love to hear if trying this helps you!

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4 years ago


April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day. People are aware of autism now, some of them even accept it, but how many actually appreciate it? So many people see autism appreciation as “this science/acting/musical genius has added so much to society! We must appreciate them!” Okay, but what about those of us whose talents aren’t as easily seen, or marketable? Those who aren’t in the spotlight?

We should appreciate the autistic people we know in our day to day life. Every autistic person is awesome, and it’s not in spite of our autism, but because of our autism. It’s because I’m autistic that I am who I am. If someone appreciates me I would want them to also appreciate my autism because it’s part of what makes me me.

To reach autism appreciation it’s going to be a fight. We’re going to have to keep climbing. There are so many who want to drag us down. They see us as different and in need of fixing. They see having an autistic child as something to be mourned instead of celebrated. We need to celebrate. We need to drown out their cries of sadness with our cheers of joy.

We are autistic, and we will never stop climbing!

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7 years ago

One of my favourites!! ❤❤

So With Autism Awareness Month Coming Up Soon, I Decided To Ask Brandon Auman If He Had Worked On Any

So with Autism Awareness month coming up soon, I decided to ask Brandon Auman if he had worked on any series in the past or present that might’ve included Autism Spectrum characters and he said that Otto from SRMTHFG was for sure! Which were his exact words:  

So With Autism Awareness Month Coming Up Soon, I Decided To Ask Brandon Auman If He Had Worked On Any

This makes me really happy because Otto is one of my favorite characters of all time and he’s such a sweetheart. Even though this was confirmed after the fact, I’m still happy that Brandon has revealed that one of the monkeys is on the Autism Spectrum. And right before Autism Awareness month! 

We hardly get any confirmed Autism Spectrum characters in animation so knowing that Otto is on the spectrum makes me love him even more than I did before. 

(Thanks for not removing anything from this post. You’re amazing) 

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10 months ago

This just reminded me of when I went to the store the other day, mind you the very FIRST day of Autism Awareness Month. I was getting some chips because they're my safe food at the moment and as I was walking past the clothing section something caught my eye. It was a T-shirt that said some stupid phrase like "I love someone who has autism!" with a heart made of the puzzle pieces in Autism Speaks colors. I stared at it for several moments in just, absolute shock. I felt so outraged that someone would make a shirt like that which essentially read the same as like, "I love my dog!" (At least that's how it made me feel).

And If You Want To "light It Up," Please Do Red, Not Blue. When We See The Puzzle Piece Or "light It

And if you want to "light it up," please do red, not blue. When we see the puzzle piece or "light it up blue," both of which are promoted by anti-autistic hate groups, that tells us you don't actually care about or respect us.

Not gonna argue about this; I'll just block.

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1 year ago

𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗶𝘀𝗺 𝗔𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀: 𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗠𝗲𝗹𝘁𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻


Autistic meltdown is an uncontrollable reaction by your brain being triggered

Sounds, smells, emotional related, not being able to understand what you're feeling.

As adults, autistic meltdowns are humilating. They are mentally and physically draining and exhuasting.


Physical overstimulation, too many people in your space, pressure of having to hug or give hugs etc.

You're born autistic, you die autistic. You don't grow from it.

Autistic meltdowns are not just for kids. Autistic kids aren't the only autistic people that have meltdowns. It continues in life. Can potentionally get worse as more stresses are placed upon you

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what’s the goal? To Raise Awareness. okay, but what’s the goal of raising awareness? To Raise Awareness. you’re not understanding me—what is the aim of raising awareness, what do you hope to accomplish with it? To Raise Awareness.

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2 years ago

This might be an unpopular opinion but if you’re mean to someone for being awkward, having weird interest, being a picky eater, speaking in a monotone voice, etc, and they later end up being diagnosed with autism, you are, in fact, still ableist. People shouldn’t have to have an official label or dx to be treated like human beings, and the fact that you’re more worried about the social connotations and disapproval you may face for being mean to someone with the autism label rather than being worried that you were cruel to someone who can’t help it says a lot about you.

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1 year ago

Serious post, please respond appropriately and respectfully in comments, tags, and reblogs.

The treatment of autistic people on the internet and autism in general is something that has been bugging me for months, and I am entirely disgusted with how people treat them.

Important things to know

Autism is something you are born with, and is not something that develops. It is not a disease, a virus, or anything contagious. It cannot be corrected, as there is nothing to correct. The development happens in the womb, and it is not the parent’s fault that their child is autistic. Main point, it CANNOT. CAN. NOT. be caused by vaccines.

Autism is a spectrum. Autistic people are like snowflakes, as no two are alike. Each autistic person is unique in their own way.

Autistic people can experience sensory overloads, where they are so overwhelmed that they shut down. How they shut down varies. This can occur in going nonverbal, having a meltdown, and much more.

Autistic people are not always disabled or unable to speak. Remember, autism is a spectrum. The people with the abilities to talk and speak are referred to as a high-functioning Autistic. The people who have difficulties with the previously mentioned things are not high functioning, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t autistic.

Now. Let’s talk about why this post exists.

It has recently come to my attention that a tiktok account is posting their daughter’s breakdowns to the platform. You heard me correctly, they are putting their child’s sensory overloads and vulnerable moments ONLINE. and they are essentially painting their child as a bad kid, when in reality they’re just autistic.

One such TikTok occurs on a Christmas, from the looks of it. The captions claim the child is upset because they didn’t get what they wanted for Christmas. While yes, that can warrant a meltdown, it’s a difference from a breakdown. Thw mother is sitting and recording this while the father antagonizes the child, taunting them. The child then goes to start hitting the adult, which causes them to THROW the child into the couch, from where the child begins to violently hurt themselves.

This is not the effect of an unruly child. This is the effect of a child being overwhelmed to the point of not understanding what’s happening anymore and is trying to take out their emotions in any way possible. And the reactions of the parents, recording a child SELF HARMING HERSELF and did NOTHING. I am genuinely livid, and I have the overwhelming urge to find that child’s parents and literally beat sense into them. (I will not act upon this urge, however.)

Upon further investigation of the video, every single adult present is recording this child having an overstimulated breakdown, and no one is doing anything to help. This isn’t dealing with an unruly child, this is borderline ABUSE.

These videos aren’t spreading awareness, they are demonizing their child and their mental difference all for the purpose of clout.

The next topic is the use of autism as an insult and a slur.

People have begun use the phrase “autistic” to essentially the same effect as the word “retarded.” They believe they can use a word to entirely make an opponent’s argument crumble because “they don’t know what they’re saying, they’re stupid.”

It pisses me off that people think this is okay. But the minute I make fun of someone’s depression to the same effect achieved with the “autistic” argument, I’m suddenly the bad guy. Yes, making fun of their depression is not nice, but the fact that making fun of someone’s autism is perfectly fine makes me want to scream.

Finally, the representation of autism in media and online.

Autism is basically the laughingstock of mental differences. People use it as an excuse to not get vaccinated. (Even I, with a severe fear of needles to the point of growing faint thinking about them, has to get vaccinated. We are attempting to find a way to get me vaccinated anyway) They use it to make others irrelevant, and they use it to make the younger generations look stupid, claiming it didn’t exist until we made it up.

Autism has continued to get a bad rep, and I needed to get all of this information into the world. The more people know about this mental difference, the better we can help he children with autism.

Thank you for reading.

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10 months ago

Why emotions?

Sincerely an autistic person.

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10 months ago

happy baptism awareness month

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