Bbc Gwen - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Merlin to Gwen: will you do me the honor of being my sister in law?

Morgana, whispering to Arthur: is he trying to marry Elyan?

Arthur, whispering to Morgana: he better fucking not

Gwen to Merlin, completely in tune: yes! I can't wait for us to be family!!

Arthur, now frantically whispering to Morgana: do you have any idea what's going on? who's getting married? What's happening????

Morgana, whispering back just as frazzled: I have no fucking clue- oh shit they're walking towards us- act natural

Merlin, to Arthur: :)

Gwen, to Morgana: :)

Arthur and Morgana making quick panicked side eyes to each other: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘

Morgana, trying to be casual confident girlboss: congrats! Who's getting married? Haha

Gwen and Merlin, glancing to each other with barely there smirks: well we are I suppose! Let's go!

*takes the arms of their best friends/crushes*

Gwen, seductively to Morgana: so I'm thinking at our wedding we should go with reds and purples, God you look amazing in purple

Morgana: *bluescreens*

Merlin, nonchalantly hanging onto Arthur's side like Arthur isn't already about to have a heart attack, getting really close to his face: so if I'm technically the Druid King, our wedding- yours and mine of course- will have to be a mix of cultures. I'm sure everyone will understand.

Arthur: ou- our? Um our? Ou- *bluescreens*

Gwen and Merlin: *high five* efficiency!

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1 year ago

You know what it really genuinely annoys me when I'm reading fic and they girlbossify every woman ever. "The boys are idiot messes but the girls have never done anything wrong ever in their lives <3" makes me scream like why are you doing this???? They are ALL idiots!!!! Make her an idiot too!!! Woman aren't perfect!!! Men aren't idiots all the time!!! I'm not perfect and I'd like to be able to connect with a female character but you keep writing them like they are omniscient perfect at everything beings!!!! FNIESJHSHSDB AHHHH

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2 years ago

Great answer

Gaius, going over Merlin's resume: Okay, so right here, it states that youโ€™re creative.

Merlin: Yes

Gaius: Okay... may I know what you create?

Merlin: Problems.

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4 months ago
Golden Age

golden age ๐Ÿ‘‘

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10 months ago

It's so underrated for real, could you imagine the shenanigans???

Elyan: "I don't need to do that, my sister's the queen"

Arthur: "I'm your king!!!"

Gwen starts pardoning him for all the littlest crimes (think outdated laws and stuff like "mocking" the king, etc.) and it gets so out of hand they can't find Elyan for a week because he was too busy rigging a line from the well or some shit directly into a crack in Arthur's ceiling so it drips and no one can identify where from

Arthur and elyans friendship is really underrated and it needs be talked about.

they gave us pep talks, hugs, bonding over feeling as if they failed their sisters.

They were brother in lawโ€™s dang it the friendship needs to be more utilized ๐Ÿ˜ค

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no because you don't understand

I want to give Arthur a hug, be best friends with Merlin, miniaturize Gwaine and keep him in my pocket.

I want to go to a coffee shop with Gwen, sit next to Morgana in class, Lancelot would be my favorite co-worker WHAT DONT YOU GET

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when Gwen was all mind controlled and shit it was like a more advanced level (more than Merlin's, able to make decisions but still conducting the caster's wishes) right?

does anyone ever think about that, while she was under Morgana's influence, she treated Morgana with the same care and concern that she did in the early seasons???? because I do, I think about that a lot

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1 year ago
A Cute Gwen I Did For A Lovely Patron, Thank You So Much For Your Support!

A cute Gwen I did for a lovely patron, thank you so much for your support!

Btw, if you want a commission like this monthly you can become an Hydrangea Patron and support me to make more art! ->

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3 years ago

Arthur: Do I like Gwen? I can barely hold back my puke looking at her.

Arthur: *unlocks phone to reveal a collage of Gwen as his background*

Arthur: *has Gwen listed as Queen Qwenivere in his contacts*

Arthur: I was hacked.

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3 years ago

Merlin - Money Edition

Gaius: saves money but has no idea where it is because it's hidden in random jars and books

Merlin: is fairly good with money but never lets anyone know exactly how good and evades all questions pertaining to his finances

Gwen: saves everything and picks pennies off the floor of the grocery store

Uther: is going to be buried with his money in his coffin when he dies

Morgana: is currently embezzling from five different companies

Mordred: money keeps disappearing around him...

Arthur: would be completely broke without Merlin

Gwaine: is completely broke

Freya: money?

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2 years ago

hi i need help finding a merlin whump/angst fic i read on ao3 a long time ago. i don't remember anything about the author or the tags but if i had to guess it might have been the red exclamation point "graphic depictions of violence" It was also most likely a ONESHOT. PLEASE help me find it or tell me if you know anything about it.

*it might be under "merlin angst" when you search those exact words under the search bar in ao3, i used it on my phone, I'm still not sure how it works or if it's different from other devices. also i would go really deep into random pages like page 40 or even like page 200 so I've really absolutely no idea where it could be๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž*

the fic went like this: Arthur catches merlin doing magic because they're in the woods or something (i forget what they were doing), merlin was like making a fire. later back in Camelot Arthur banishes merlin because of uther? or something, i don't remember. idk i just remember he banishes merlin. i think Arthur says he wants merlin gone by like the next morning. merlin then leaves by himself and he's in the woods, then he gets attacked by bandits or something, and he gets shot in the shoulder with an arrow. this is important because it might be the only thing that can help me identify the fic. some knights on patrol report back to arther that they had seen a sorcerer attacked by bandits and shot in the shoulder in the woods. arther later goes by himself to find merlin, then merlin sees him and gets scared and runs. arther is chasing him, merlin accidentally runs under some lose rocks or something , arther yells at him to stop but then the rocks fall on Merlin and almost arthur, but Merlin uses magic to keep the boulder from hurting arthur, then arthur gets merlin out from under the rocks and sees his leg very broken that he almost throws up, then he carries him back and its a happy ending.

please please help me i loved that fic and i didn't have the chance to save it because i didn't know how ao3 worked back then. pleaaaaaseeeee it's like one of my favorites I NEED TO FIND IT IVE LOOKED EVERYWHERE

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1 year ago

the Merlin tag should just come with a one or two word explanation as to why weโ€™re randomly trending every two months. For example: โ€˜sadโ€™ โ€˜very sadโ€™ or my personal favourite โ€˜utter despairโ€™

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3 years ago
I Do Not Own Any Of The Featured Photos

I do not own any of the featured photos

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1 year ago

Constantly on the fence between

It's been 10 years, it's almost 2023, they could totally make a Merlin sequel, of any kind. Methur could be real and it's not like it can be worse than the original show!


Omg no, don't fucking touch that! It's fine, the ending was heartbreaking but wonderful and you guys could absolutely ruin it do not touch it ever! It now belongs to the fandom

Basically, there are two wolves in me...

Constantly On The Fence Between

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