Arthur And Merlin - Tumblr Posts

Merlin: Even though we're now married I want to keep working. We've always had two incomes in this family.

Arthur: Yes, love, but your income was always deducted from my income.

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Merlin: It must be so nice to be rich instead of like having to develop a personality.

Arthur: Shut up, Merlin.

Merlin: Buy my silence.

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Merlin: I just love meeting new people! They've got stories to tell, and-

Arthur: Can you stop being cheerful, please?

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Merlin: *chatters nonstop*

Arthur: Merlin. Your mouth is talking. You might want to see to that.

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Arthur: I am Prince Arthur Pendragon and this is- *gestures to Merlin*

Sophia: Lady Sophia Tír-Mòr.

Merlin: Not quite, but what an interesting guess!

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Arthur: *while Merlin is in the tavern* I've been ringing my summon-an-idiot-bell for ages. And yet, have I an idiot to show for my trouble? I have not!

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Morgana: Arthur, I have to tell you something. Merlin is my hostage.

Arthur: *sarcastically* Splendid. Of course he is.

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Merlin: I need a petname for Arthur.

Gaius: Well, I used to call Alice my better half.

Merlin: But Arthur is not just a half. He is his a whole in every aspect!


Merlin: I know! I'll call Arthur my better whole!

Gaius: Merlin, noo!!

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Merlin: We'll make time for your poetry lesson later, Sire.

Arthur: Yes, Merlin- what are you doing with your face?

Merlin: I'm winking.

Arthur: You're only supposed to use one eye.

Merlin: I know, but I can only do that if I hold the other one open with my finger, and I thought Morgana would notice.

Morgana: You're making the mistake of thinking Morgana cares.

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Merlin: Weird, it feels like I've been complimented just now, but that couldn't have happened, could it? I mean there's only you and me in this room.

Arthur: Yes, very funny Merlin.

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Merlin: *mutters* fuck you're hot.

Arthur: Pardon me?

Merlin: I said you're a fucking clod!

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Prompt #13:

Arthur and Merlin went to university together. Even though everyone just assumed they were dating, they were not. In fact, Arthur had a girlfriend and they very much planned on getting married after Arthur finished uni, so Merlin never really gave much thought to his affectionate feelings towards his best friend.

After university they both moved to different parts of the world for their jobs and apart from texting every now and then they didn’t hear all that much from each other.

Some 5 years later they meet again unexpectedly and catch up on each other’s lives. And now that Arthur and his girlfriend have broken up there is nothing keeping Merlin and him apart anymore, is there?

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Prompt #15:

Supernatural Crossover:

Merlin and Hunith run a Hunter’s Bar (similar to Ellen and Jo). Arthur is a hunter who stopps by every now and then and absolutely has a thing for Merlin. Merlin though hates his guts - or pretends to at least - which makes it all the more fun for Arthur to tease him.

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Morgana: I am sorry. Arthur is going through a stage where he is very pleased with himself for being accidentally born king. They all go through it.

Merlin: For his father it lasted 60 years.

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Gaius: Merlin, when you meet the king, do not look at him directly.

Merlin: Are you sure you're not confusing him with the sun?

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Merlin: Alright, this has gone on long enough. Let's settle it right here and right now.

Merlin: Show of hands, who here thinks I'm dating Arthur?


Merlin: Arthur put your hand down.

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Visiting knight: Oh, I'm not afraid of fighting a sorcerer. I've tackled one before, you know, in controlled circumstances.

Arthur: Oh, don't worry. You won't find any of those here.

Visiting knight: What, sorcerers?

Merlin: No, controlled circumstances.

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Arthur: Really, Morgana? Merlin? Is this wise?

Morgana: I know, but you don't have a choice.

Arthur: You really want me to rely on Merlin, Merlin, to ride out and escort a princess, a princess, all the way from Escetir to Camelot on horseback, on horseback, so I can ask her to be my queen?

Merlin: Why shouldn't I?

Arthur: Because, Merlin, you're an idiot. You'll probably get lost or scare her off before you can even cross the border.

Morgana: That's what I'm counting on.

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Merlin: Congratulations on your marriage, Sire.

Arthur: What? But I never married her!

Merlin: You did. Last night.


Arthur: *to Gwaine* How drunk was I last night?

Gwaine: I don't know, I passed out!

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Merlin: Where are you going?

Morgana: I'm headed home.

Merlin: Why, why? I thought we were all drinking tonight?

Morgana: You guys are fine without me.

Merlin: Oh come on, but it's the tavern. The tavern's fun!

Arthur: You hate the tavern.

Merlin: I like the tavern when Morgana's here.

Merlin: *to Morgana* You're the only thing in here that smells good.

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