Prince Arthur - Tumblr Posts
Visiting knight: Oh, I'm not afraid of fighting a sorcerer. I've tackled one before, you know, in controlled circumstances.
Arthur: Oh, don't worry. You won't find any of those here.
Visiting knight: What, sorcerers?
Merlin: No, controlled circumstances.
Arthur: Really, Morgana? Merlin? Is this wise?
Morgana: I know, but you don't have a choice.
Arthur: You really want me to rely on Merlin, Merlin, to ride out and escort a princess, a princess, all the way from Escetir to Camelot on horseback, on horseback, so I can ask her to be my queen?
Merlin: Why shouldn't I?
Arthur: Because, Merlin, you're an idiot. You'll probably get lost or scare her off before you can even cross the border.
Morgana: That's what I'm counting on.
Merlin: Congratulations on your marriage, Sire.
Arthur: What? But I never married her!
Merlin: You did. Last night.
Arthur: *to Gwaine* How drunk was I last night?
Gwaine: I don't know, I passed out!
Merlin: Where are you going?
Morgana: I'm headed home.
Merlin: Why, why? I thought we were all drinking tonight?
Morgana: You guys are fine without me.
Merlin: Oh come on, but it's the tavern. The tavern's fun!
Arthur: You hate the tavern.
Merlin: I like the tavern when Morgana's here.
Merlin: *to Morgana* You're the only thing in here that smells good.
My heart❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Words from “Snow and Dirty Rain” by Richard Siken

Wow, I was just scrolling throught pinterest and found these in the comment section
Yes, they are.
![Are They... You Know... [mimicks Bandaging A Wound] In Love??](
![Are They... You Know... [mimicks Bandaging A Wound] In Love??](
![Are They... You Know... [mimicks Bandaging A Wound] In Love??](
![Are They... You Know... [mimicks Bandaging A Wound] In Love??](
![Are They... You Know... [mimicks Bandaging A Wound] In Love??](
![Are They... You Know... [mimicks Bandaging A Wound] In Love??](
![Are They... You Know... [mimicks Bandaging A Wound] In Love??](
are they... you know... [mimicks bandaging a wound] in love??
I mean who doesn't?
Do you like the romantic trope of "I want my love to be safe, so I'm giving them a chance to escape, but it might mean I'll never see them again, and now I gaze at them with longing eyes as they go"?
Yeah me too

So I found this on Pinterest, I don't know who is the author, if you know tag them, but I just gotta say this is just hilarious

I keep on finding the most accurate comments inadvertently and I think will start posting them😂Like now
Wow, the knights' expressions looking at them are just😂

....But, it's true tho
Uther: Arthur you can't just bring the boy every where you go.
Arthur: He's my emtional support animal. Look he's even wearing a vest. Merlin bark!
Merlin: prat!
Arthur: See!
Uther: I've made a terrible mistake.
The arrogant Prince/Princess and his/her loyal servent

One of my favourite tropes

Notice how all three pair are gay, made by the BBC, completely in love with each other but are somehow not canon. They also have a habit of pretending they're not friends.
merlin but merlin thinks that arthur knows about his magic and that he isn’t mad <33333
and that they have a running joke about merlin ‘hiding’ his magic in dumber and dumber ways
like merlin comes with worse and worse stories to cover up his magic because he thinks arthur already knows but obviously they cant openly discuss it because like uther so theyre both just laughing in their head
arthur, on the other hand, is completely clueless about merlin’s magic
merlin at some point after uther’s death: remember when we had everyone believing i didnt have magic through really dumb reasons and they just bought it ??? like we’d come up with the stupidest excuses and theyd just believe it??? lmaooo good times
arthur, who still didn’t know about merlin’s magic, inwardly: W H A T ? ? ?
arthur, who would kill himself before letting merlin know that he’s that stupid: yeah lmao good times, ppl are so clueless *nervous sweating*

Arthur Pendragon (5) | BBC Merlin + Textposts/Tweets (23/?)
hi i need help finding a merlin whump/angst fic i read on ao3 a long time ago. i don't remember anything about the author or the tags but if i had to guess it might have been the red exclamation point "graphic depictions of violence" It was also most likely a ONESHOT. PLEASE help me find it or tell me if you know anything about it.
*it might be under "merlin angst" when you search those exact words under the search bar in ao3, i used it on my phone, I'm still not sure how it works or if it's different from other devices. also i would go really deep into random pages like page 40 or even like page 200 so I've really absolutely no idea where it could be😭😭😭😭😭👎👎👎👎👎👎*
the fic went like this: Arthur catches merlin doing magic because they're in the woods or something (i forget what they were doing), merlin was like making a fire. later back in Camelot Arthur banishes merlin because of uther? or something, i don't remember. idk i just remember he banishes merlin. i think Arthur says he wants merlin gone by like the next morning. merlin then leaves by himself and he's in the woods, then he gets attacked by bandits or something, and he gets shot in the shoulder with an arrow. this is important because it might be the only thing that can help me identify the fic. some knights on patrol report back to arther that they had seen a sorcerer attacked by bandits and shot in the shoulder in the woods. arther later goes by himself to find merlin, then merlin sees him and gets scared and runs. arther is chasing him, merlin accidentally runs under some lose rocks or something , arther yells at him to stop but then the rocks fall on Merlin and almost arthur, but Merlin uses magic to keep the boulder from hurting arthur, then arthur gets merlin out from under the rocks and sees his leg very broken that he almost throws up, then he carries him back and its a happy ending.
please please help me i loved that fic and i didn't have the chance to save it because i didn't know how ao3 worked back then. pleaaaaaseeeee it's like one of my favorites I NEED TO FIND IT IVE LOOKED EVERYWHERE
Omg. Please someoneeeeeeeee there isn’t enough caspeter content in the world and I have to live with that pain every day and I love Merlin too istg I don’t care who you are just take pity on me and make this a reality
Okay, I am rewatching Merlin for the xth time and now I want a caspeter AU out of it
Like, here we have Caspian, a young warlock who's going to the kingdom of Narnia to live there with Doctor Cornelius, after his parents' death.
He is a young, curious man who wants to learn more about magic - even if it's forbidden by the current king, Frank Pevensie - and enters secretly into the royal library searching for a book about it when he is discovered by a blond boy who seems to have all the intention to report him. And, oh boy, he is GORGEOUS
"Who do you think you are, the High King?"
"No. I am his heir, Peter Pevensie"

fellas is testing your manservants reflexes gay??