Be Here Now - Tumblr Posts

Be present.
Live in the “now.”
Say “yes” to the present “now” moment.
FEEL GOOD in the present as the future is a series of “now moments”
Unexpected blessings when you’re genuinely grateful for all that you already have

Living in the present.
Being true to yourself.
Doing what comes naturally to you.
Spreading unconditional love.
Genuine appreciation for all that already is.
Having positive intentions.

“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”―Alan W. Watts
Always FEEL you already have “enough” in the present moment. To always attract having enough.
“I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is.”
—Alan Watts
Unconditional love is the highest frequency
Do what you can with what you have
Being grateful in the present moment/Feeling grateful in the now is key to serendipity
Everything will happen at the right time. In divine time.
Keep living in the present. Be patient. Be kind. Be self-sufficient. And be like the sun that keeps on giving:)))
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”
—Eckhart Tolle
It looks like when you do work that actually makes a difference for others, you tend to experience synchronicity more often as well as angel numbers.
Functional nutritionists,
personal trainers,
meditation instructors,
volunteer work,
emotional support,
palliative care,
sharing content/knowledge/information that makes a difference via YouTube, a blog or other social media site (Instagram, Twitter, Telegram).
healing music
Always work from the heart, not ego
“Fade In / Out: “This was the first Blues I wrote. Liam did the best voice I’ve ever heard him do. I took it to the limit in this song. After recording the vocals of this song, he spent a week without being able to sing. I loved that scream at the end. When the song was ready, I was always listening to that part. And I screamed along. Someday I was there in my bed listening in my Walkman and then I would scream. Then Meg arrived and asked what was happening.”
— Noel Gallagher (via oasis-oasis)

This isn’t my usual style, and I can’t draw side profiles, but I just had to do this cute little sketch. It’s now 5:40 am and my mind is still racing with so many ideas and of the next episode!! Ugh a month guys...I cant. But on the bright side my birthday is April 22, and the return now feels like a great birthday gift.
Art & The Heart
Some people don't love deeply because they do not live deeply. If you are not fully present in your own life, you are never truly present in the lives of others.
All depth and emotional fulfillment is only available when we are open, but that requires courage and honesty in the face of the real.
Many people try to avoid feeling until they become numb and lose themselves in banal distractions. Capitalism is built on the premise that the hole in each human heart can be filled with stuff, but sitting with the emptiness is all that heals the wound.
I try to face the darkness in myself and the world with an open heart and an honest mind, but some days that's a lot of work. I am only human after all.
On those days, when I am closed and full of denial, I cannot be creatively successful. But, when I remember to be genuine and let myself feel what I have been running from, then I am free to create beautiful things. And even if those things are sad, they are beautiful because they are authentic.
All good art arises from emotional honesty in the present moment.
© JM Tiffany 2024

pencil drawing in my Moleskin
Calbayog City 2024
We are reborn in our children.

pencil drawing in my Moleskine
Calbayog City 2024