Be Positive - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

“This is harder than it first appears: Try in thine own experience, each; that ye speak not for one whole day unkindly of any; that ye say not a harsh word to any, about any; and see what [such] a day would bring to you . . .”

—Edgar Cayce

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1 year ago

“The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way.”


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1 year ago

Use your energy wisely. Create art. Volunteer. Bring your mind to the present moment. Don’t focus too much on those who wronged you. A little adversity leads to more appreciation and gratitude in future circumstances.

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1 year ago

Keep your thought forms positive.

Be mindful of the environments you’re in.

Trust your heart.

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1 year ago

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.”

—Willie Nelson

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3 years ago

The roots of loneliness are very deep … They find their food in the suspicion that there is no-one who cares and offers love without conditions.

(via purplebuddhaquotes)

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5 years ago

Same here

Lananeverland is gone


A lot of people have been unfollowing me bc I don’t share as much Alice in wonderland stuff like I used to.

So I’m writing this to explain to y’all why I decided to change my blog. When I started as Lananeverland you can see how dark (and kinda like depressing tho) was my blog, and is bc I was passing through a dark and (very) depressing moment in my life. I was 16 and very confused, didn’t know how to deal with all my “teenage problems”.

Now i know how to deal with then and actually I can say that I’m very happy and healthy in case you guys wanted to know, and the fact that my blog, that I worked so hard to build, was making me remember how bad my condition was back then makes me feel really upset and uncomfortable, bc that wasn’t me anymore.

This is who I am now. So you can call me Aimee, because that’s my name. Not Lana, not Alice, Aimee.

Nice to meet you ❤️

*Btw sorry if you find any bad orthography or grammar, English is not my first language lol xoxo so let me know if I did something wrong*

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4 years ago

Sleeping Tips (Nightmares Edition)

How to prevent Nightmares

Consisting a planned sleeping rountine may help. This means going to bed around the same resting period and time frame every night.

If you have nightmares which impact you negatively and not only disturb your sleep, you should reach out to talk about it with a family, friend or trusted individual.

Write or draw your nightmare.

It is suggested to use a night light. Not only will it give a calmer setting but it also is reassuring to wake up and not be met with darkness. It is proven that they bring comfort, lighting up a room to show there is nothing there. 

You may feel more secure with a comfort object, especially if you have an emotional attachment or liking for it, such as a specific blanket, pillow, plushie or etc.

Using lavendar essential oil is most commonly used for relaxation and sleep. Begin diffusing the lavendar oils an hour or so before turning in for the night.

Lofi music, instrumental music, calming tones, ASMR or relaxing noises in general are benificial

Don’t eat right before bed or have caffine

Colder enviornments are more likely to trigger a nightmare

Make sure not to view any scary or distrubing content, especially before bed if you have issues with nightmares

This final stradigey is optional because it has a different affect for everyone. You can leave your door open. It’ll remind you, you aren’t alone if you live with someone. However, some do have fears of leaving doors and closets open and in those cases, it is helpful to close them. 

Nightmare’s Disorder

If the conflict is far too extreme, reach out to a mental health professional. There is even a certain thing called “Nightmare’s disorder.” Nightmares are usually not looked into all too much due to the fact dreams aren’t real and it isn’t viewed as a actual conflict. However, your mental health and well-being is important and expiriencing as such should be recognized. 

Nightmare’s disorder can be triggered by many factors including stress, anxiety, a recent tramatic/disturbing event, problems at school/work, major changes in life, death or poor health (mentally or physically) of a loved one or commonly witnessing horrific content. 

Just some final words of advice

I hope this is helpful! The website I used to study from is below in MLA formating! Remember, “it is okay to not be okay.” A very good, kind, and amazing friend told me that once and I totally agree. 

You are loved and you are worth it. Keep pushing on!! There are so many out there who care about you deeply, even if it may not seem like it at the time. 

I don’t know where this specific quote came from and I do not take credit for it but “At your absolute best you won’t be good enough for the wrong people. But at your worst, you’ll still be worth it to the right ones. Remember that. Keep holding on.”

It’s gonna be okay and you got this. I wish you luck with your nightmares if you have them and good luck on daily life in general. You are important. Have a great day/night.

MLA formated Citation:

        Olson, Eric J, and Daniel K. “Nightmare Disorder.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 6 July 2017, 

Feel free to reblog with more tips or ideas and overall share! My next post will be about Insomnia.

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2 years ago

Mungkin cara kita menafsirkan dan menginterpretasikan sesuatu terlalu negatif, sehingga pada akhirnya yang kita lakukan hanyalah mengeluh dan merasa lelah dengan semuanya. Mari perluas sudut pandang dan benahi lagi cara berpikir kita, InsyaAllah kita menjadi insan yang lebih banyak bersabar dan bersyukur.

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