Be Proud Of Yourself - Tumblr Posts
I am so proud of each and everyone of you. You are all amazing people. Existing in this world is incredibly difficult but you’re all doing it and that’s fucking awesome!!! Yay you!!!!! No matter how much you struggle day to day with whatever you struggle with I am so proud of you for doing what you can. You deserve to be proud of yourself but if you’re not able to do that right now just know that I am proud of you for doing what you can because I know you’re trying (even if you feel you’re not trying enough I promise you are)
Thank you all for existing, just knowing y’all are out there makes me so happy.
Never forget how loved you are, and if you haven’t heard it today or in a while or even if you have heard it today I love you so much, I’m so glad you exist, and I’m so proud of you.
You belong on this planet! You matter! You should be alive and you are worthy, not because of what you do, not because of productivity, but because you are you!
You are not replaceable! You are not a burden! You are unique and lovable! You are inherently worthy! You are worthy unconditionally! You matter!
You are enough! You are important! I believe you! You are valid! You are irreplaceable! You are wanted! You are you and that’s amazing! No one is like you and that’s wonderful! You belong here! You should be here! Amazing that you are alive!
I’m proud of you! Be proud of you too! Love yourself too! Sending hugs to you!
Always have your self love, self loyalty, self worth, self compassion, warmth and gentleness for you!
You matter!
I just sent in my MA thesis and I'm sitting here crying, thanking God he gave me strength to finish it. One step closer to that degree. I can't believe that even in the middle of terror, chaos and fear, I managed. I don't even know what I should do now, I am overwhelmed by this emotion, I want to hug my mom but she's so far away... I am proud of myself. I AM PROUD OF MYSELF.
- Reni
My sleeping habits are worsening, even though I always try to stick to my routine and go to bed before 11 PM. I have no idea how much I slept last night, I only know that I woke up in the middle of the night multiple times and with giant anxiety in the morning. I had no idea how I will manage to go to uni, but somehow I convinced my brain we must go because it would be worse staying at home dwelling on anxiety. I took my magnesium and told myself that if it's gonna suck, I can always turn back home. I didn't. I talked to my brain/subconscious constantly on the way to uni, told her I loved her, I am proud of her and we will be alright and imagined hugging her in my mind. I always try to beg for her forgiveness for bullying her through all these years; no wonder she is afraid to trust me. I find it's easier to manage my anxiety if I imagine that in this body there live two parts of me: the conscious and the subconscious. I have to take care of both of them.
So I went to uni and it wasn't as bad as the past few times. After that I went shopping because I needed to grab some meds, groceries and a postcard I will send home to Mother's Day for my mom. Every time I think about her, I begin to cry, there are no exceptions, I want to go home terribly, but at the same time I know God wants me to be here for a reason. I trust his timing and motives. Anyway, I wanted to cry all the way home from shopping, I thought I will die alone on the street, it was raining and the wind blowing and I felt like I will never get back to my dorm room... But I'm here. I survived. And I feel proud of myself, even though the day isn't over yet.
- Reni

On the River Table Placemats - Bird Patterns From Ruby and the Foxes ... Great For Blankets & Pillows Too! 👉