But He Does - Tumblr Posts
Would Husk still be a comfort character for me if he wasn’t a cat? Yes
Has his comfort quality been improved by his fluffy, huggable cat status? Absolutely
Lord Henry gives me bisexual vibes and I don't even know why. he just does.
Estás en un auto con un hermoso chico, y no te dirá que te ama, pero lo hace. Y sientes que has hecho algo terrible, como haber robado una licorería, o tragado pastillas, o haberte cavado una tumba en la tierra, y estás cansado. Estás en un auto con un hermoso chico, y estás tratando de no decirle que lo amas, y estás tratando de ahogar el sentimiento, y estás temblando, pero él se acerca y te toca, como una oración para la cual no existen palabras, y sientes a tu corazón echando raíces en tu cuerpo, como si hubieras descubierto algo para lo cual ni siquiera tenías un nombre.
- Richard Siken
poll time again bc why not!!!
reblogs would be appreciated for a bigger sample :]
Prompt 18
Jaskier wants Geralt to notice him already, and when Geralt makes yet another dig at Jaskier's clothing, Jaskier comes to the only reasonable explanation that this must be the only thing holding Geralt back. Jaskier decides to start dressing less and less extravagant, and it seems to be working! Geralt stares at him all the time, now! He even watches his performances! But he still doesn't react to Jaskier's innuendos or flirts*, nor does he walk across the camp and kiss him silly. *(It has been YEARS of this, so it's not exactly new behavior, he supposes.) Jaskier decides the final push is to start dressing more like Geralt, since that's surely what Geralt likes. He'll dress in black! ... Black. Maybe he'll just start with a dark grey. Geralt meanwhile is horrified at Jaskier's sudden wardrobe change. It gets blander and blander, more bleak and cheap, until he's starting to wear exclusively black. Geralt is worried. Is Jaskier... going through something? Geralt keeps waiting for Jaskier to bring it up, but he won't. Jaskier is a man of opulence and colors so bright they practically glow. To see him in such monochrome apparel is disconcerting, to say the least. The day Jaskier wears all-black and doesn't sing, Geralt has had enough and has to confront his friend about what appears to be a depressive episode or mourning period.
oh sanzu self conscious of his scars please...
he never says he is, but youre no fool you notice the way he tends to fold into himself, the way a tiny frown makes its way onto his pretty face when hes removing his facial mask in front of a mirror
you know this, so you always pay extra attention to them
pressing feather light kisses all over his face and especially right on his dual diamond shaped scars and hes burning, blushing so quick at the attention he feels dizzy. he tries to lean away from you or even gently push you away because its too much but its useless because you wont let him feel as damaged as he believes he is
toshiro is constantly accused of "manic pixie dream girl"-ing falin which is funny because if anyone in dungeon meshi is doing that it's laios to toshiro
oh hey
here have a Second

I was... experimenting