But REALLY???? - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago

Petition for in season three for Jem to ask Simon “so what were you doing before the rising?” And for him to respond “Heroin, mostly.”

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7 months ago

; really funny but I js saw a post talking ab smth and it mentioned at one point " and since it's August tmr- " and I had to pause because like. My brain died and it's headstone was js: SOMETHING IMPORTANT HAPPENS IN AUGUST WHAT IS IT FUCK FUCK FUCK FUC- oh my birthday, right. OH FUCK MY BIRTHDAY IS IN AUGUST FUCK FUCK FUCK so yh happy early birthday to me yay

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8 years ago

Genocide to all white feminist or nah?

I hate the term “women of color” Since fucking when is my peach skin not a color? Why must I be excluded from a group of women?

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7 years ago

Esto es hermoso ;w;

Little Book To Introduce Kids To Being Trans. Might Finish If I Have Time
Little Book To Introduce Kids To Being Trans. Might Finish If I Have Time
Little Book To Introduce Kids To Being Trans. Might Finish If I Have Time
Little Book To Introduce Kids To Being Trans. Might Finish If I Have Time
Little Book To Introduce Kids To Being Trans. Might Finish If I Have Time
Little Book To Introduce Kids To Being Trans. Might Finish If I Have Time
Little Book To Introduce Kids To Being Trans. Might Finish If I Have Time
Little Book To Introduce Kids To Being Trans. Might Finish If I Have Time

little book to introduce kids to being trans. might finish if i have time

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6 years ago
Robert Downey Jr For Ragmag Magazine.
Robert Downey Jr For Ragmag Magazine.

Robert Downey Jr for Ragmag Magazine.

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3 years ago

just found out the real reason caroline is so bothered by abigail's purple hair GIRL-

I'm screaming her motivations are basically

Just Found Out The Real Reason Caroline Is So Bothered By Abigail's Purple Hair GIRL-

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This is the pinnacle of art.

I mean, it spans the full range of emotion. Mystery and curiosity, struggle and anger, generosity and adorableness, it has it all. And what greater art is there than cats?



art by: watercatlor - pls do not remove credit

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1 year ago
Why Do I Feel Like There's Something Wrong?

Why do I feel like there's something wrong?

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5 years ago

Tumblr when Bloodhound was released and is confirmed a canon nb: Please respect their pronouns; it’s they/them :)

Tumblr now: bLoOdHOunD iS hE/HiM!! ! ! It’S nOT a BIg dEaL tO mIsGeNdEr HiM iN INtEnsE fIgHTs! !! !

Me, a decent human being who can respect one’s pronouns:

Tumblr When Bloodhound Was Released And Is Confirmed A Canon Nb: Please Respect Their Pronouns; Its They/them

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7 years ago

*tries to snap fingers but kinda just... rubs fingers together* gosh darn it. How. How do people do this.

colbypuppythebaker - Doodles and baking
colbypuppythebaker - Doodles and baking
colbypuppythebaker - Doodles and baking

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13 years ago

On Tumbling Part II

[i don't actually know where part I is but apparently it exists. to the archives!]

but anyways see i've realized

i'm pretty sure this only exists so i can angst about school and boys to ctyers and people i know and some i don't and actually mainly so jackie and i can talk about how we're the same person and boys suck

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8 years ago

i really hate the whole “we’re not trying to take YOUR guns away! we just want stricter back ground checks and education!” thing bc like……wrong! i AM trying to take your guns away! me! i want them gone!! take them all!!! bye-bye guns! can’t shoot em if ya don’t have em!!!!!

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5 months ago

i think the funniest and best outcome of berdley's situation in deltarune would be him realizing he's aromantic. like, hear me out, his thing of not knowing that noelle clearly didn't have a crush on him. him instantly crushing on someone cool, but then realizes it was actually just that susie is really cool. just think about it...

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