Depressing Things - Tumblr Posts
I don't remember the last time I can smile and not feeling dying at the same time
"Why are you here? Why would you help someone like me?" He look at you. The agony in his eyes was the thing that pulling you close, "I don't know, I just have to. " the only reason that you can put into words.
I hate being alive
Especially when you are people pleaser , have trauma, have ADHD, have depression and an adult ....
My problem seems like an gaint rock that I can’t move.
Sometimes I feel like I’m Icarus, I might have fly to high and too close to sun.
I choose to hate myself :)

In shitty but unsurprising news, men leaving their wives who have been diagnosed with cancer is 5x more common than women leaving their husbands who have been diagnosed with cancer.
I know a fake smile when I see one. because I always see it in the mirror smiling back at me.
trying to be happy.
you had me, but wanted more
why wasn’t i enough?
your memory will be my last.
time to move on and forget
This is true. I don't think my life is worth anything.
“The whole point of dying is to be scared… because that means your life meant something to you”
Claire Wineland
I thought you were different. I guess zebras never change their strips. We I guess it's time to be alone for quite a while. I cant keep getting hurt....