Keep Calm - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago
dunquartto - I'm in Love wit da Toto

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5 months ago

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3 years ago

Tomorrow comes today

virginiavinn - We're All Mad Here

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3 years ago

Ways to Disappear

In the dark

Down a stairwell

Through the doorway

Gone west

With a new wish

In daylight

Down the sidewalk

In a wool coat

In a white dress

Without a name

Without asking

On your knees

On your stomach

Gone silent

In the backseat

In the courtroom

In a cage

In the desert

In the park

Gone swimming

On the shortest night

At the bottom of the lake

In pieces

In pictures

Without meaning

Without a face

Seeking refuge

In a new land

Gone still

In the heart

With your head bowed

In deference

In sickness

In surrender

With your hands up

On the sidewalk

In the daylight

In the dark

Poem by. Camille Rankine

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3 years ago

preface to a traffic stop: sound

By. Randall Horton 

i always thought sound was meant to indicate a kinda genuine, authentic, absolute individuation, which struck me as A: undesirable—& B: damn near impossible. whereas sound was reality in the midst of this intense engagement with all the sound you ever heard. sound shaped within a climate inciting performance as black matter .or. anti matter, as in against. sound a central body of “sonic” whereas you struggle to make a difference, so to speak, within that sound—& that difference isn’t necessarily about you as an individual but more  simply trying to augment & differentiate the sound around you getting closer & closer to a never-ending where you are the proletariat in somebody else’s melodrama as both spectacle and spectator—as the drama unfolds—hold—hold on.

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1 year ago

“Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up.”

—Anne Lamott

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11 years ago

Keep Calm and Carry Water

   I should preface this by saying that I am an above average driver (I do my best to fight the stereotype). I get to my destinations smoothly and efficiently, have never caused any accidents, and have never even received a speeding ticket. That being said, I do not enjoy the act of driving. Due to a combination of some traumatic experiences in the past and my own sense of self-preservation, getting behind the wheel generally instills a certain anxiety within me. Even under the most ideal conditions, I tend to get an elevated heart rate, sweaty palms, and other symptoms of nervousness.

And of course, we almost never drive under ideal circumstances. Whether we are driving someone else’s car, facing the sun, or even just having a bad day, the situation on the road is honestly filled with hazards that could easily lead to a turn for the worse. But if we take a moment to breathe before we get started, we can find our center enough to move forward with confidence and purpose. Even when facing down something that terrifies us, indulging our sense of fear and dread will only make the situation worse. This is, I believe, the best mindset for approaching any of life’s darker moments. It’s not about denying the existence of fear, or denying the existence of danger. Recognizing the truth of the situation is the first step in working through it. Once we have grounded or mental state in reality, we can start to put our emotional state on the same level footing. And then, as the saying goes, we can continue to carry on down the Path.

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5 years ago
Keep Calm And Feel Like Dance. Dedicated To Tetsuya Komuro & Globe.

Keep calm and feel like dance. Dedicated to Tetsuya Komuro & globe.

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