Fandom Drama - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I’m not the kind to cause drama, but i do like to see drama and how people handle it and have my own opinion on it. Something about it seems satisfying when people after some arguments solve into agreements (if that happens)

Now thinking about it made me think about the kinds of drama fandoms get/have and how it effects its fanbase and people who love this certain fandom

And then I remembered a fandom I used to like (still like). ROTBTD, despite how weird this crossover is..

it was fun and kinda nice to imagine these four characters who probably don’t know each other would meet each other and have these bizarre adventures.

Yet I only heard about the ship wars and Maybe Jelsa and frozen being added war in general. I won’t say my opinion on it but I still don’t know much about why people back then dislike it and what other dramas happened there. And I don’t even know if there’s any other dramas tbh

Sure i like the chill side of every fandom there - yet i find it kinda interesting to know about that drama that happens to the others side and perhaps be careful of it if needed.

Im Not The Kind To Cause Drama, But I Do Like To See Drama And How People Handle It And Have My Own Opinion

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2 years ago

Never thought the day I will be involved into something like this will come to me.

Honestly, fighting or hating people who have different ship, taste, or opinions in general is just a lousy excuse to make a drama out of it.

Yup.... A callout post. It had to resort to this.

Nico6944real and the shipping problem
Google Docs
@Nico6944real Callout. Yes, I’m doing it, this has to stop. Disclaimer: Do not harass anyone discussed here. One of the points of this doc

Me and some fans have just been quiet on this for too long. Please again like in the disclaimer don’t harass anyone mentioned in this document.

TW: Harassment, Stalking, accusations of Transphobia and Homophobia, bullying, art theft, babying autism.

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4 years ago

Is it just me or does Mikasa get some of the most unnecessary hate out of all the female characters in snk (and fandom hating on female characters in general)

as observed by a she/her pansexual black woman on the internet, NO MANGA SPOILER


I really try to stay out of fandom politics especially since the ship wars in major series I like get tend to super ridiculous and out of hand for a fictional animated series (I need to go back to hq where literally everyone ships everyone and is chill about it fdfsd), but the amount of hate Mikasa gets is so extra??

Like when it comes to her haters, they literally criticize everything she does and I wish I was exaggerating on that. Maybe it’s because I’m a Mikasa simp and I’m just getting irritated for no reason, but that’s just how it looks to me.

Like, first people want strong female characters and when they finally get one it’s been nothing but complaints because they aren’t strong in a certain way or something. And when it comes to people that dislike Mikasa specifically, a lot of them are, strangely enough, Ymir and yumihisu/yumikuri fans when their dynamic is literally parallel to Mikasa and her relationship with Eren, and I’m not even an EM fan when I say that (and I’m not dissing yumihisu either, I love the ship so much when I first joined tumblr my blog was literally called yumikuri4ever prior to Historia’s name reveal). I personally like Eren and Mikasa having a more familial dynamic but I’m not against the ship, I literally want everyone in this series to be happy but apparently Isayama is allergic to happiness and I can’t deny how much they care about each other (also I’m a sucker for rare pairs apparently in every fandom I’m in, AruMika fans where y’all at lmao).

But like, most of Ymir’s character has to do with how much she loves and wants to protect Historia and no one complains or calls her possessive when arguably Ymir is more possessive of Historia than Mikasa is of Eren. And I can’t help but wonder if it is because they’re a same sex relationship or not because Ymir is honestly more of a forward Mikasa when it comes to her feelings towards Historia. And this isn’t to hate on Ymir or Historia, because fandom knows, there is enough pitting awesome female characters against one another for no reason.

But people have called Mikasa pathetic to even useless (bitch where) to a stalker because of scenes like the 3D gear scene (omg y’all she was 12 let her be, what 12 year old wouldn’t want someone they adore to want to also stay by their side after literally losing everyone else important to them in gruesome horrifying ways that they witnessed) to demonizing her for wanting a peaceful life off the battlefield with someone she cares about deeply to her her actions in chapter 138 and making everything black and white when SnK has always been a story about morality being gray and everything being more complicated than straight up good vs evil.

Like, idk, it feels like female characters I like always get unnecessary hate, like Sakura Haruno from Naruto with people still labeling her like she is the same 12 year old fangirl she was in part 1 and completely ignoring how much she’s changed and has quite literally become the strongest female character, canonically in the franchise, and bringing up old shit like how she crushed majorly on Sasuke and how she worried about her hair on missions or how she always had to be protected by Naruto and Sasuke in part 1. 

Like, damn she was 12 and had a crush and society completely normalized having child soldiers that had no business being shinobi and is literally the same as Ino and Hinata in terms of the crush thing but they don’t nearly get as much hate as Sakura. 12 year old girls, even in series like Naruto or SnK, worry about their hair or if their crush likes them back and how to impress them and ironically enough, I see a lot more hate towards Sakura/Mikasa from other women in the fandom like did y’all forget that when you were a little ass kid how you would get about your crushes??

It honestly feels like the more feminine-leaning demographics of a fandom are the ones that are the MOST vocal about their hatred of a particular female character and less forgiving of any mistakes they commit, even if a male character does the exact same thing. Because, at least for me, it feels like a lot of people that hate characters like Mikasa and Sakura are usually women or those that identify on the more she/her end of the gender spectrum and they are irrationally critical.

(And that isn’t to say that there aren’t guys that don’t dislike Mikasa or Sakura because there are. I’ve seen plenty of Sakura antis that are guys that lowkey don’t know what they are talking about.)

But I feel like a lot of the specific criticisms that these girls get are from a more feminine lens that are completely unforgiving of any flaws, mistakes, or character quirks a female character may have that perhaps the antis just personally disliked also being at one point in their lives and vehemently reject it in certain female characters that do the same thing. But then they turn around and get all sad and sympathetic if a male character does any of the same things that they hate in female characters. Having any sort of vulnerability and femininity in female characters isn’t a cardinal sin that will get you sent to one of the circles of hell the last time I checked.

Then there’s the whole pitting Sakura and Hinata against each other thing… and now people are doing that in the SnK fandom with pitting Mikasa and Historia against one another and they’ve literally been shown to be good friends in the series ijfc all over ships really? Like comparing Mikasa/Sakura and Historia/Hinata during a couple of Eren’s/Naruto’s lowest point moments and who told him what he just wanted to hear vs what he needed to hear when they both did something for him those moments in their own way that are indicative of their characters, chill out and stop comparing them.

I’ve even seen some people saying that it’s because Mikasa is a ‘silent oriental badass beauty’ and a female character as to why many people do happen to like her. Racist as hell word choice aside because that alone is a post and a half, that’s blatantly incorrect. These people have even said that Gabi is so well-liked because she’s a girl. Like, when Gabi was first introduced in the manga she got so much hate for quite a lot of her appearances and one of my friends even pointed out that now that Gabi’s in the anime, she is literally constantly almost always trending every Sunday on Twitter because people hate her that much when she’s literally female Eren, a very beloved character in the fandom who happens to be an attractive white man. Like, where are they seeing this Gabi love at because I honestly have yet to really see it here on Tumblr and Twitter.

The population of people that first disliked Gabi and later on liked her, likely realized that Gabi is a kid who was brainwashed from day one to be a soldier and hate her own race and I feel like many people who identify as a minority like myself connected a lot with that (the hating your own race thing). I got one of my moms into SnK and when Sasha died she literally wanted to punt Gabi out of the airship and felt bad literally a day later for wanting to hypothetically do that to a kid after she calmed down. And I feel like Ayane Sakura’s performance as Gabi and hearing her voice and seeing her animated made Gabi a lot more initially likable and understandable than she did in the manga, I warmed up to Gabi a lot faster watching the anime adaptation than I did first seeing her ass in the manga personally.

I honestly believe that if Mikasa or Gabi were male characters, they wouldn’t get nearly as much hate as they do currently. Especially Mikasa and her relationship with Eren.

The scene in the Battle of Trost arc where Mikasa told Eren that if things got dangerously out of hand to come and find her. The infamous 3D gear scene where she interpreted Eren’s excitement to be the fact that he was happy they wouldn’t have to be separated. How rightfully upset Mikasa gets when Eren is in danger. How Mikasa was telling Eren a touching series of words about how he taught her to live with purpose when she literally thought they were gonna die.

These aforementioned scenes are all moments I see antis bring up when they are ranting about Mikasa. But I can guarantee that if all these scenes were replayed and the only thing that was different was that Mikasa happened to be a boy, there would be nothing but squeals and fangasms over such uwu cute gay moments and anyone who had a problem with guy!Mikasa’s character would be a minority that barely gets seen and occasionally complained about being homophobic or whatever. And I’m saying that as a member of the LGBTQ+ community myself. I honestly feel like if Mikasa were a boy, none of those scenes would be used negatively against her (or at least, not nearly as much).

One post I saw on a day or so ago said some shit that was so true, ‘Floch simps over Eren more than Mikasa, you guys just hate women’. And seriously, that has to be it or something and I’ve just been thinking about that for a while. Female characters really do be getting unnecessarily dunked on.

Like if they’re too cold, then they’re a bitch.

If they care deeply for someone, they’re creepy or possessive.

If they care about their crushes and what they think of them, they’re immature.

If they find a character annoying initially and like them later, still a bitch that doesn’t care about them.

If they’re a badass, suddenly they’re too overpowered and unrealistic. 

Of if they were ‘useless’ in the beginning but later on become strong, they’re still useless or should’ve been strong from the beginning rather than growing into their strength and the women they eventually became.

Like damn, women can’t do anything right even in fiction and will get hated just for being women and having feelings. Like, leave Mikasa, Sakura, Gabi, and other female characters alone with your shit criticism, internalized misogyny, or blatant outright misogyny and get on with your lives. Feel free to rant in my ask box with me if you agree.

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3 years ago

I love all the jason pandemeriki slander memes….love it

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1 year ago



First off I’d like to say there are multiple topics I will go over, in order that lead up to this but also will try to keep it short to explain how or why we got here

So back in 2020 or earlier James and someone called Rain got into some group chat drama. (NOTE: I was never in the group chat and personally won’t get into ANY group chats this will recur in the future.) The short summary was that James accused Rain of being a pedo for dating someone who was younger than them by a couple years, and later, James called them the R word and told them to off themselves. They were also accused of stealing stories on Wattpad, so proof and explanation was posted by @/shikariin on Instagram, who explained the drama and left it at both parties being at fault. (However it was quickly requested by, I ASSUME, both parties to be taken down so it was kinda fuckin pointless-) During this time, James said even more disturbing and dehumanizing things to Rain in a fit of rage, and even went on a backup/ fake account. James had made it just to get away with it. (To this day, Rain is innocent and only had a 2 year age gap between the two from what I’ve gathered. It just seemed that James was all out to ruin their life, and still is to this day, even after Rain had seeked help and changed for her supposed actions.)


(Chats of Rain and James NOTE Jacob is James Alt account they had at the time until they confessed to Rain it was indeed them hiding behind the account)

Time skip to February I was notified by two mutuals that I had been called out on Tumblr, accused of supporting Rain (NOTE: I was told by Rain personally of their experience with James, them stalking them and even having James’s ex stalking them, on James behalf after James had said in a group chat to never want to see them again and yet was pulling this stunt on them.) Rain had told me that the age gap wasn’t that large, yet James said otherwise, so you can see why I was so confused on who’s word to take here when information was constantly being changed based on who you asked. So of course, being told this, I had James blocked for my own safety. However, their only source of proof that I was even talking to or “supporting” Rain was literally Rain and James’s own convo in that same Group Chat. They only censored out Rain’s name to convince everyone it was me in that group chat, that was saying all of that. Of course, after I unblocked James and calmly talked to them about it and got it all figured out, this post was quickly taken down.

Yet again time skip to April I assumed that James blocked me on Instagram, so I blocked them yet again on every platform they had. I was later DM’d by Henry (aka shehadseeneverything) James's friend, asking why I blocked them. I simply and calmly explained why, but the moment James DM’d me, I was met with insults and anger. I yet again calmly explained to them why I don’t want to be around them, and to please understand that. Later I blocked them after it all was said and done.


Now, about the NSFW accounts, I had made one back in 2019 but quickly took it down within a week because I was told I could get into trouble for my age, so I realized and understood. Meanwhile, James was only flying by with the excuse of "I'm 17 and it’s legal in my state,” so you can understand what I was trying to get through to them.

For someone who is now 18+, it is so hard to believe that James is now “mature” when they act like this at any given chance.

I have actually recently been told by an anonymous user that they, yet again, couldn’t respect boundaries, and tried to get into a 18+ group chat when they were 17, again claiming “it’s legal in my state”. I don’t know if it’s obvious or not but just because it’s legal in real life in one state does not mean that's gonna be applied everywhere online or else we wouldn’t have all these pedo and r8pists hiding away online. The legal system is very hard to apply online because there's A LOT of ways to get around it.

Their “justification” for only drawing mpreg between the characters Edward and James was because it’s a “comfort” ship. When they got confronted about it by someone on instagram, they yet again, bursted out into rage, and flat out admitted that they only supported the LGBTQ+ so they can do/ get away with the fetish art. They then claimed that they would draw other stuff if it makes people that uncomfortable, but they still haven’t. (Sadly, I have no proof of this because that post has since been taken down from them where the confession was made in the comments of said post.) When I was talking to them, this rather interesting DM said exactly that so I’ll break it down after:


- “…you don’t understand how it would affect a younger mindset’s view.” (Lots of people have had to overcome their bigotry in some way. It’s not a great excuse to say that you had gripes with the community as if you still held onto it while you’re supposedly an ally.) 

- “I just fuckin snapped…” ( Acknowledges the behavior, but doesn’t sound like much of a reflection of it given the next part.) 

- “…but it’s not like I’m not supporting anymore now am I?” (Sounds like them being an ally is supposed to not warrant any criticism of allyship? Not like any concerns LGBTQ+ people had over the way they portrayed a ship mattered to anyone else but them though, especially when it was only depicted like this…)

Months since this “drama”, and after an attempt to explain to them why I’m blocking them, I have been under constant paranoia and fear that they are still getting away with this freely. They have a bad history in general of stalking, manipulating, saying slurs, and getting their own way no matter who they hurt. 

I don’t think an individual as James can change or make an effort to after all this, but this is just simply reminding you that your actions do have consequences, James…

Thank you all for reading this and have a good day.

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2 years ago

Ok I want to say something controversial

But you are responsible for your own safe spaces. You can block tags, block words, block people.

“But i thought fandom was supposed to be a safe space” —yeah you have to curate it.

Unfortunately one persons’s safe space may be another persons’ trigger. That’s ok. Simply block them, block the tag, block the word etc. They can do the same for you.

Maybe I’m just out of touch, but I’ve been around since the days of “don’t like, don’t read” and that’s a good philosophy. If it squicks you, scroll past. If it causes you anxiety or upset, block! Plenty of people are responsive if you ask them to tag an upsetting trigger. And if they’re dicks about it, block em.

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5 years ago

I've lived through the worst years of Sonic fandom (Mid 90s to somewhere in the 2000s when the Archie series got dire) so Stranger Things has weak fandom drama in comparison.

And yes, before you even ask, my favorite character these days is Robotnik/Eggman.

I love stranger things but it is honestly the worst fandom I’ve ever been in, drama wise

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5 months ago

what people think pro ship means: dangerous people who want to harm children in real life and/or think taboo subjects in real life are justified

what pro ship actually is about: the belief that people are allowed to enjoy fictional thing however they want, as long as it's fictional and no one in real life gets harmed or harassed in any way, and as long as they tag their trigger warnings properly.

most pro ship folks I've come across are just "hey, you like this fucked up thing that is fictional? okay, cool. you do you, man. I myself don't even like this thing that you like, but hey, it's not real. and I trust that you know the difference between fiction and reality, so you do you. if it ever gets too much for me, I will just block or mute you and move on with my life, but that doesn't mean I think you're a horrible person in real life because of the fictional thing you like, it just means I'd rather not see or engage with this thing that can make me uncomfortable. I still want you to have fun doing what you love, and I still think you're cool as fuck. love and respect, dude"

meanwhile most anti ship I've seen are like "omg you like this fictional thing where fictional children are harmed??! Red Flag Red Flag. put this gross piece of shit behind bars immediately!!!"

and I'm just ????? I don't normally engage in fandom wars, but I think, as long as you don't harass anyone in real life and as long as no one in real life is in danger or is harmed, how you enjoy fictional things is none of my business. and I'm not gonna make any "call out post" where I encourage my followers to harass you because you like fucked up fictional things that I personally don't like or believe is wrong either.

I mean, from personal experience, I was exposed against my will to thing I didn't want to see from anti's screenshot of fanart or fanfic where they encourage their followers to harass this person whose fanart or fanfic, that was screenshot and spread by them, was originally tagged properly with all the trigger warnings so that people who didn't want to see it wouldn't get exposed to it. until anti screenshot it and flaunted it around in the name of being morally superior while also, at the same time, advocated for the witch hunt against someone who just wanted to mind their own business. so... the irony. lol

fandoms used to be more peaceful before Fandom Police starts their witch hunting, but it's a good thing we can just block these people and keep on enjoying our blorbos however we want to enjoy them.

and I'll always encourage every artist to write whatever they want, draw whatever they want. don't let people who think they're "morally superior" tell you you can't make art this way or that way. my best advice would be to block and ignore and keep on creating what you want. they may be loud, but at the end of the day they're just noises and they're not worth your attention x

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