Fantasy Setting - Tumblr Posts


A standard portal fantasy where a person falls through time and ends up in medieval times– but they have brightly colored hair.

They walk into the nearest tavern thinking this must be some novelty tourist trap, and as soon as people take one look at them they’re chased out with whatever cold iron tools the locals have on them, cries of “faerie!” ringing in their ears.

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Getting Back Into Coloring With Moonshine

Getting back into coloring with moonshine 🌙

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Dry Terrain Of The American West Captured In A Brief Moment Of Color By Guy Tal
Dry Terrain Of The American West Captured In A Brief Moment Of Color By Guy Tal
Dry Terrain Of The American West Captured In A Brief Moment Of Color By Guy Tal
Dry Terrain Of The American West Captured In A Brief Moment Of Color By Guy Tal
Dry Terrain Of The American West Captured In A Brief Moment Of Color By Guy Tal
Dry Terrain Of The American West Captured In A Brief Moment Of Color By Guy Tal
Dry Terrain Of The American West Captured In A Brief Moment Of Color By Guy Tal
Dry Terrain Of The American West Captured In A Brief Moment Of Color By Guy Tal
Dry Terrain Of The American West Captured In A Brief Moment Of Color By Guy Tal
Dry Terrain Of The American West Captured In A Brief Moment Of Color By Guy Tal

Dry Terrain of the American West Captured in a Brief Moment of Color by Guy Tal

The Badlands region in the America West is known for its arid and unforgiving vegetation. The harsh environment is lifeless, but every so often it sprouts a delicate beauty of wildflowers. Photographer Guy Tal was there to capture this rare sight. He says:  “On rare years wildflowers burst into a stunning display of color, transforming the desert into a veritable garden for just few precious days.”

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You’re a mimic. You were disguised as a chair in a dungeon when an adventurer decided to take you as loot. You’ve actually enjoyed your life ever since as furniture in a jolly tavern. So when some ruffians try to rob the now-elderly adventurer’s business, you finally reveal yourself.

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High Fantasy Concept A Tower That Once Held A Huge Battle, But Everyone Died At The Same Moment. Now,

High fantasy concept… a tower that once held a huge battle, but everyone died at the same moment. Now, only the bravest adventurers dare enter to try to solve the mystery of what happened.

Hope yall like this one as much as I do!

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 Evening Dress: Petal.
 Evening Dress: Petal.
 Evening Dress: Petal.
 Evening Dress: Petal.
 Evening Dress: Petal.

• Evening dress: Petal.

Designer/Maker: Charles James (1906-1978)

Date: 1951

Medium: Silk velvet, silk satin, silk taffeta.

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Abandoned Intersection Near Ottawa. [720 404].

Abandoned intersection near Ottawa. [720 × 404].

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This Looks Like The Coolest Place To Go Ever

this looks like the coolest place to go ever

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This Came Across My Facebook Feed, Felt Id Share It.

This came across my Facebook feed, felt I’d share it.

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5 years ago

......... different fantasy races should be impacted differently by each other's alcohol

no more if this "fine elvin wine" shit, I am going to personally write a fantasy setting in which every human knows that elf booze tastes and feels like fantasy la croix. there's barely even a flavor, and you'd need to drink a few to even get tipsy.

meanwhile, every human with a lick of common sense knows that you need to plan accordingly if you're going to be drinking dwarven liquor, because it hits you hard and fast and you'll lose feeling in your legs faster than you thought was physically possible. the hangovers are the stuff of legend.

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4 years ago

Imagine Your OTP (Au Aware Continuation)

Royal/commoner: The Monarch Person B is passing threw town square in a disguise as they hear...

Person A: “I think these would be a wonderful flowers choice for the occasion!”

Village Person: “Thank you!” (Then walks off with the bouquet they bought)

Person B: (Rushes over) Person A! What are you doing working here-as a flower shop vendor?”

Person A: (Looks at themself) “Well, I just kind of gone with the flow and just started working here. It’s actual quite nice!“

Person B: “Alright. Now I don’t know whats going on or how we’re here but you have to help me.” (They tell Person A as Person A is putting a flower on their lapel/hair/hat/etc) “Somehow, they believe I am the monarch of this kingdom and-“

Guards: (Looking around for Person B and ever nearing Person A’s stand) “Your majesty?”

Person B: “Please, hide me Person A!” (Then jumps to hide behind the counter when Person A gives them the okay)


Spy au:

Spy: “That is your target.” 

Person A: (Looks at an entirely different spot) “Aw its Person B, I love them!” (Waves and yells) “Hello Person B

Spy: “Shh, do you want to just give away our location. You’re the worst spy ever!”

Person A: “I know that because I’M NOT A CONFOUNDED SPY!”


Fantasy setting au: Person A finds themself in the middle of a the deep forest, alone when Person B magically appears before them as a fae like being...

Person B: (They began with a smirk) “Hello dear one, are you lost? Might I be of service~”

Person A: “Oh, Person B, you frightened me! What are you doing?”

Person B: “I thought I best take advantage of the role I would be playing here, now fair one what brings you into these woods, hmm?”

Person A: “Honestly your guess is as good as mine.”

Person B: “Well that won’t do! May I, in an anyway be of help to you, radiant one~” (Holding their hand out to them with a slight bow)

Person A: “Always going for the charmingly dramatic, huh~” (They replied to. them with an adoring smile) 

Person B: “Of course love, now where to?”

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1 year ago

Here's something else. Sorry if this is a little confusing, but the creature that I drew before isn't related to this planet at all.

I don't have a name for this because that is the one thing I suck at when it comes to worldbuilding.

But, this is the setting for a new story I'm writing!

I'll probably share more on it with another post I'm making, so look forward to it if you're interested.

But I wanted to detail some things about this planet, so let's begin 😁

Here's Something Else. Sorry If This Is A Little Confusing, But The Creature That I Drew Before Isn't

Basic concepts

So, I wanted to do something that wasn't the typical fantasy Huge Ass Grass Field™ so I sat and came up with a really annoying concept that hurt my brain when I first made it.

That was essentially this:

Hell as the Ice world

The Ice World as a hot area

The Jungle as a desert

And lastly the desert as a jungle

From there, I came up with this concept that the planet is split into two halves. Two surface halves and two core halves. Inhabitants of each area have their own unique characteristics and usually don't intermingle. Kind of like states, counties, regions, or provinces. I decided to call them regions for reference.

Students (which aren't kids) of these regions eventually have to expand their horizons and either take up an occupation in their origin region or leave and expand their studies outside their region.

In this case, my MCs are the latter and are leaving their home region to explore the surface.


Since these regions are unnamed, I'll refer to them by their basic comparisons.

Here's Something Else. Sorry If This Is A Little Confusing, But The Creature That I Drew Before Isn't

The surface

This half is a temperate iceland.

Characterized by it's massive icebergs/icicles. Inhabitants live on the very top of the icicles in order to stay close to the sun.

However, the surface isn't a frozen wasteland like it appears. The surface is actually warmer than the sky, but there's no way to grow anything on the surface as the ground is perpetually frozen. So, the Ice inhabitants remain in the sky instead.

The Core

A Frozen Hellscape

This half is colder than the surface due to the pockets of magma being closer to the surface. These pockets of magma are the core's only source of light. (I just though of this. Since the magma would be between the icicles, the ice would refract the light and in my head that sounds so pretty!)

Having an abundance of almost everything makes this region the most prosperous.

They have everything from food, jewels, gems, precious metals, and other natural resources.

Here's Something Else. Sorry If This Is A Little Confusing, But The Creature That I Drew Before Isn't

Second Surface

This world's desert.

The tree is so big that it completely covers the entire surface on it's side. Making the ground below it devoid of sunlight.

I compared it to something like a farmer's crop field with no crops and just plowed soil.

However, the tree acts as the inhabitant's only source of food. This tree can grow any and all kinds of fruit, it also protects from natural disasters and is home to the world's largest collections of animals and bugs.

Second Core

This one's my favorite.

A tangle jungle.

Consisting of the roots from the surface tree, the inhabitants live within the roots system. The roots are so huge that buildings can be built on them.

The roots are searching for water that seeps into the ground from the Hell Core above it, but the roots can't go any further as they'll freeze.

Every location does have a kind of relationship and the cores well get along as the surfaces do. There is a bit of discrimination from everyone as most core dwellers think surface dwellers are soft and weak while surface dwellers believe those in the core are brutish and vile.

It's nothing major, just your typical region skirmish.

This is a recent WIP of mine, so I don't have much more to add but that, but I do have a bunch of facts in my head, so, if you wanna ask about something, I'd be more than happy to answer anything!

Other than that, thanks for reading~ 🍂

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1 year ago

Can I just say it is so weird to me that fantasy worlds have normal world shit but with ✨magic✨ to make it different?

Like, I've been on this one game recently and supposedly, humans have essentially killed themselves several centuries ago and yet, the new beings still... Hunt for fur and... Use wood to build houses?

Then they have the audacity to say humans went extinct because of their destructive behavior. Excuse me? Didn't you just send me on a quest to chop down 1000 trees so you can build a bed?

Like no offense, but this is so strange to me that our fantasy worlds are so basic and solve no problems at all.

Like where's the worlds where space dust is used as the foundation for houses and the exporting of said dust is illegal unless sourced ethically; or glass is useless and plastic has replaced it because we found a way to make it useable in extreme conditions like glass after the Earth was turned into a giant rubber ball.

Oh, I especially hate the magic used to fix a mundane problem. Come on, why can't the problem just not exist? I'm looking at you self cooking kitchen utensils. I want either food to be conjured by the snap of a finger or for humans to have found a way to never feel hungry.

It's just always "yeah, Humans have been extinct for eons and the universe died and was recreated, but we have no way to stay warm other than hunt animals for pelt."

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2 years ago

The Storm Strikes A Village

You are a child. Young enough to still naively believe in whatever your parents tell you, but old enough to look around and notice the way the people in your village are. Everyone is tired, overworked, underfed, bordering on destitute. If the crop fields ever failed, the village would be ruined.

Despite this, you are friends with the other children. You all play in the fields while the adults smoke and unwind from a long day of farming. You have a hard life, but it's still a good life. It's all you've ever known, so maybe you're a bit biased.

Then soldiers begin marching through. They're all clad in armor. Even the horses wear armor. They troop through the village, following the twisty, dusty road that cuts through the ramshackle buildings. Sometimes the soliders set up camp for the night by the road. You and your friends are warned to stay away, but you're all too curious. Some soldiers mention that they're off to fight The Storm, but other soldiers hush them sharply. To mention The Storm is to bring calamity upon them.

You ask your parents. They have no idea what The Storm is. They tell you it just means a really big storm, like the thunderstorms that roll through during summer. You believe them.

More soldiers come and go. Eventually there are no more soldiers, and everyone forgets quickly. There are crops to tend to, after all.

Then it begins to rain.

The rain is not clean and fresh, like a refreshing kiss upon the dry land.

The rain is hot, and dark, and red. The rain stinks of sulfur and blood. The rain makes you feel sick.

Soldiers are coming again. This time they're coming from the opposite way. They are more tired than the villagers. Most of the horses are skinny and limping, struggling to pull carts piled high with blanket-covered lumps. The soldiers' armor is dented, dirty, stained by the rain and smeared with damp soot. The villagers are avoiding the rain, but the soldiers don't bother. They're already dripping and drenched.

The ground starts rumbling constantly after a while. It started off small, barely perceptible. But now, it's so strong that your bones rattle. Your head hurts and your tongue aches from being bitten by your chattering teeth. Mother fell and hurt her knee because of the trembling, and she looks seasick from laying in bed.

The shaking ground intensifies so much that cracks appear in the muddy ground. People are falling in, breaking legs or twisting limbs. Eventually everyone just stays inside to wait it out. What else can they do?

You're sitting at the window, making faces at your friend, who sits in her own window across the alleyway. The rumbling is so strong that your vision is vibrating, but you're determined to ignore it in favor of your silly game. So determined, in fact, that you nearly miss the shambling figure coming up the road.

It's a soldier, a straggler from the group that came before. He looks... Wrong. His armor is strangely liquid, silvery metal mixing with the muddy red rain. Your young brain struggles to comprehend that the man is being melted by the rain. His skin bubbles and sizzles, steam rising off his body, and the metal mixes with the goopy flesh that sloughs off his bones.

Someone else has noticed the soldier. Faintly, you hear screaming, then more screaming, then more. People are staring in horror from the windows as the soldier collapses in the street, unable to shamble further. The rain has melted too much of his body. All that remains are bones, strangely untouched, while the rest of him spreads in a pool of ugly liquid gore.

Then Mother starts screaming. You finally break away from the gruesome scene through the window. You run to your parents' room, ready to ask what's wrong.

The roof has begun to leak, right into Mother's side of the bed.

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