How I Met Your Mother - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

2 years ago

Hey guys! It's @lillywritesjoelmiller and to those who don't know me, I write game, tv show, movie fanfics and I love writing them because writing is my life. I will be republishing every fic I had written in case you didn't read them yet. Thanks in advance for supporting me and a big shout out to @littlebitchsposts ! My big supporter 😍💜

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12 years ago

Neil Patrick Harris could not be any more perfect.

recycledbutterfly - Recycled Butterfly

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3 years ago

Fandom: How I Met Your Mother Pairing: Barney and Robin Song: ‘Lose You Now’ by Lindsey Stirling and Mako Spoilers: All 9 seasons Video by: equixen

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7 months ago

Charlie🏩: hey, Angel. Out of curiosity, what is the most embarrassing that ever happened to you at a club?

Angel Dust🕷️🩷: promise not to tell anyone?

Charlie nods.

Angel Dust🕷️🩷: I pulled a Barney Stinson. Me and a guy were grinding against each other for 2 hours. I turned to kiss him, and it was my cousin, Arlo. He thought I was a chick.

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