I Hurt Myself - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

thinkin about the fact erika (little sister) and glenn never got along very well and they argued and fought the majority of the time and how much guilt she would feel the day she found out he was missing

passing by his empty room, the thought of yelling at him some childish insult as a banterous form of greeting, only to remember he's not there anymore- and even worse, wishing she'd been nicer to him.

wishing she had the opportunity to apologise, to tell him she loved him, to hug him instead of pushing him away, because he was always more affectionate than she was, and it was annoying; but she'd hug him a hundred times if it meant he'd come back.

wishing she could just hear his voice- a voice she'd once characterise as annoying- one more time. to see his dumb smile, and hear his stupid laugh, and listen to the things he'd say just to annoy her until she was red in the face, and wanting all of those things back because he was her big brother and she needed him more than she'd ever have admitted.

yeah... thinkin about that a lot

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8 months ago

Story Garden Tag ✨️

Tagged by @the-golden-comet a long time ago for this. Better late than never (I needed to gather my feels to write this).

Rules: Use the given starting sentences for each paragraph, start to construct a story, then share it and add your own starters, and keep the story going!

This will be written as thoughts of future Klaus from 🌐7 Circles🌐 and are VERY spoiler-y so if you don't want to be spoilt mosey on (trust me).

Your Lines:

I'm sure you're wondering how I got here.

Well it started with a pigeon.

So there I was, unable to go back.

1. It was the beginning of the end.

It was the beginning of the end from the moment she first told me that she didn’t mind my fangs. I always knew that we would have a century, maybe less. I knew that she would age, and I would not. I knew what other mortals would think of her - what they would see in us: a monster and a fangbanger. I never knew how to not love her. 

2. No amount of sorrow could hold me down.

No amount of sorrow could hold me down. No amount of warnings or remarks spat at her feet convinced her away from my side. No amount of me offering did either. I was her ‘fanged fae’ and she was my Sunshine. I wanted all of her, forever. Something I could never have. Ma didn’t want to approve, knowing that I would have an immortal life to mourn my mortal lover, but she could never hate someone who clearly loved me so much. The two women in my life were holding my hands and each other’s when Ma died. 

3. That was the first time I died.

That was the first time I died - a part of me fading away with my Ma. Fae aren’t meant to lose each other the way mortals do. Maybe that’s why my Sunshine led me through losing my Ma as well as she did. Maybe that’s why it was so much harder to keep going after I came home to find my Sunshine gone and I died a second time. Maybe I shouldn’t have - I wouldn’t have died a third time if I hadn’t gone chasing after her, hadn’t spent ten years searching when there was… no. There was a point. There was, and no amount of sorrow would hold me back. Chasing my Sunshine was the beginning of… everything.

Taggames! (no pressure) @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @the-golden-comet @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting +Open Tag

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3 years ago

So guess who fell down half of the stairs, me, I was trying to help my granny decorate her house for Christmas because she can't with her still recovering from her knee replacement and hip replacement surgeries, and I sat a big clear tub full of ornaments down on the half way point and asked my sister to come get it the rest of the way. I turned around and then the next thing I know I've fallen with a loud thud, I go "ow" and then the worst pain I have ever felt in my life shoots through my foot and ankle and I start hyperventilating like I'm in labor. Disappointed in myself that I didn't go " Help I've fallen and I can't get up." I missed a golden opportunity to say that.

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