Missed Opportunity - Tumblr Posts
Update : John and Jane are no longer together. I know because I do their taxes.
He said this to me while he had me pinned to the bed by my throat and his knee in my my stomach. It was after he had shaken and thrown me onto the bed. He had spitscreamed in my face that I was a useless cunt because I was not making enough money.
He idolized John and Jane's relationship mostly, I think, because Jane bought John a few neat gifts.
Rumour has it John did try to keep Jane in line in the same way I was. And Jane found an outlet similar to mine to deal.
I saw her yesterday. I wanted to say something. I didn't.
“What? You think John* hasn’t ever had to keep Jane* in line? You think I’m the only one who does this?”
* a couples friend of ours. Names changed.
Missed opportunity

Yes, the eldest child of Jean-Baptiste...Like, Charles is pretty isolated...Like, they are both of a similar age, with Claude being only a year older. They both share a birth mother, and are thus the only full-blooded sibblings. Plus, the only two expressions she shows us is nervous and haughty. Like, imagine the banter potential with Charles. Plus, given her child-like features, I actually think it would create funny scenes when they walk together in public. This girl is fifteen, she looks ten. Plus, her historical self might have had the most tragic fate out of all Jean-Baptiste’s offspring's. And maybe we could have a strong female character who isn’t a psychopath nor an obnoxious feminist. It’s not like Shinichi Sakamoto cannot wright those, because he could, for example in his manga Masarou.
Some missed opportunities are just as good as planned ones.
a cool way to show keefe's early-book unserious-yet-meaning-well persona would have been for him to be the one to spill dex's technopath secret instead of sandor, in my opinion
i dunno i think the whole hell sequence would have been WAY more impactful if when charles got there and edwin's like "what the fuck are you doing here" charles just started singing "never gonna give you up"
like would that not have slapped
We could’ve had the most heartfelt reunion/reconciliation since Zuko and Iroh… they deserved so much better.

And I’m s-… I’m sorry
Man, I am such a pain
Edit: This was my 100th post and... idk how to take it
Need some pics that show off those baby blues and that megawatt smile.

I would have been a killer contestant on Emogenius!
I’ve seen picture clues and rebuses on Classic Concentration and Catch Phrase
I could solve those emoji txts like an Archaeologist with Hieroglyphics!

*Ed’s Voice* But it’s a rerun!😣
So a while ago I found the absolute cutest Sans crochet plush on this site! It was from an old blog that only had like 2 maybe 5 post...I think. But their Sans plush was exactly how I imagined it in my mind. And you know. I don’t download the pic. I don’t screenshot the post. I DON’T REBLOG THE POST! I do ABSOLUTELY nothing that to help me find that post again. Because of course I do. Because of course.
Fuck TruMoo!
They could've been Troo, and they missed out. Like, what the fuck!
The crisp Montana air greeted me as I stepped off the plane. It had been months since we’d last spoken, months since I’d made the decision that still gnawed at me. I needed to see this place, to see if it was as wonderful as he’d said it was, to see if I had made the right choice.
Driving through the open roads, surrounded by towering mountains and endless skies, I felt a pang of regret. He had always described Montana with such passion, his eyes lighting up at the thought of the wide-open spaces and the slower pace of life. Now, seeing it for myself, I understood why. The beauty was undeniable, almost overwhelming.
“You were right,” I whispered to the wind as I pulled up to a secluded overlook. “I do love this place.”
The vast landscape stretched out before me, a patchwork of greens and golds under a sky so blue it seemed surreal. I imagined us here, exploring the wilderness, finding peace in the simplicity of it all. But that dream had slipped through my fingers.
California was my home, and I couldn't leave it behind. My career, my house, my family, and friends—all the roots I had put down over the years held me back. The thought of uprooting my life for a dream, no matter how beautiful, had been too daunting.
We tried to make it work, talking about long-distance and weekend visits. But he wanted a partner who would share his dream, not just visit it. When I told him I couldn't commit, his disappointment had been palpable. As hard as it was, we both knew it was time to part ways.
Standing here now, I felt the weight of that decision. I’d lost not just the man I could have loved, but also the chance to be a part of this breathtaking place. The realization stung, but I knew I had made the choice I believed was right for me at the time.
As I watched the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, I let myself imagine, just for a moment, what it would have been like. The laughter, the adventures, the quiet nights under a blanket of stars. It was a bittersweet vision, one that I knew I would carry with me.
Montana was as wonderful as he had said, maybe even more so. But my life, my heart, was still in California. The ache of what could have been would fade, I hoped, and maybe one day, I’d find peace with my decision.
For now, I took in the beauty of Montana, a place that would always hold a piece of my heart, even if I couldn’t call it home. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, I whispered a silent farewell to the dream I had once dared to consider.
So guess who fell down half of the stairs, me, I was trying to help my granny decorate her house for Christmas because she can't with her still recovering from her knee replacement and hip replacement surgeries, and I sat a big clear tub full of ornaments down on the half way point and asked my sister to come get it the rest of the way. I turned around and then the next thing I know I've fallen with a loud thud, I go "ow" and then the worst pain I have ever felt in my life shoots through my foot and ankle and I start hyperventilating like I'm in labor. Disappointed in myself that I didn't go " Help I've fallen and I can't get up." I missed a golden opportunity to say that.
i just realized something very important.
so you know FBI stands for Federal Board of Investigation. well if you capitalized the “of” you would have to call them. the fboi. the FBOI. THE FBOI! just imagine.
“oh yeah the fboi was tracking her down”
“some fboi people knocked on our door last night i swear to god if they keep doing that”
like. excuse me?
missed opportunity smh
It is an absolute TRAVESTY that BD-1 is never given the option of having one of his customizations be a poncho that matches cal's

(donation doodles! // tip jar)

lightning strikes; aboard the princess andromeda