IM JUST KIDDING - Tumblr Posts
put Timothy in washing machine.
Haha just kidding. Even car wash won't help him
To whoever at work left the paint machine on the quart setting:
You are now my mortal enemy and I wholeheartedly despise you.
So everyone is always saying what Snape had for Lily was obsession not love because they both had the same patronus, whereas James and Lily had opposites of the same animal. But think like this, what if Snape was just simply feminine? Or maybe he had crush on James instead and tried to hide it? Like don't get me wrong, Snape was a bastard, I'm not defending him but what if?
what the cringe

late to the party but i had an idea for a kindergarten oc. his name is miles, he's a security guard who patrols around the school (which one? we don't know yet) and hangs out with bob in his spare time. he's one of the very few people who actually care about the kids

he needs to shut up!!!!!

For everyone wondering what I've been doing....

I'm procrastinating on art by doing art ._.
what now youre trying to be cute stop it pls

In case anyone cares..
Notes for flute!!
Maybe I should play it butttt eh I’ll get to that when I get home
The myth of Sisyphus is the closest thing that we have to a Zombie Apocalypse in Greek Mythology (one can hope that Thanatos got a raise after that shit), but then a french philosopher said: "oNe MuSt ImAgInE sISyPhUs HaPpY" and redirected this myth into a completely different direction. Imagine all the lost potential for a zombie movie inspired by this story. 😑
I won't I can't accept a straight chapter this month 😤


THANK U LILYYYYYYY!!!! i put many effort on making this jungkook theme actually (cause it's jk so...) i'm so proud that i can finally beat you 😜

“Why you so against kink at pride?”
Because kink shaming is my kink. 😈
*me, on holiday*
My brain: look, it's them!
Me: oh my gosh it's them!
My parents: huh?
Me: Aziraphale and Crowley! They're everywhere!
My parents: ...
The beach: ...
The white seafoam crashing onto the black rocks: ...
Me: I love them <3
I wanna be a princess (actually, i am) of a protective man
I dreamed that Joost was standing on animals that had been hit by his expensive car, which were still attached to the car, and saying "of course honey, I'll wait for you" while smoking a cigarette.
Like, okay psychopath lover. Ig.
What kind of Trafik brain rot is this