Let Me Live - Tumblr Posts
There’s a full moon the same day as Runaan’s birthday


I put his ears back because it started to bother me.
Look at him. He looks like a dork. I’m never going to be able to design him without them, so freaky metal face jackal-bunny man it is!
oh my god this - and also being able to exclude certain tags, that would make my life
girls don’t want boys, girls want separated “primary ship | secondary ship” categories on AO3
not a hp blog but petition to stop perpetuating paddywhackery in fandom portrayals of Seamus Finnegan as if it’s fun when i am so very tired and the book/film characterisation of him, overseen by an english writer, as being overly fond of alcohol and blowing things up from the age of 11, was already a whole postcolonial mess like jk rowling is terrible we all know it by now so let’s not let her away with yet another example of her being lowkey awful it’s so fucking annoying the first book is literally set before the good friday agreement, are you honestly trying to tell me that an irish child in a british school in ‘95, regardless of whether they’re in the wizarding world or not, is going to be so gung ho about wanting to blow things up in that setting, like the troubles weren’t a thing and he wouldn’t be aware of the resulting anti-irish sentiment in britain at the time? like honestly? it’s so dumb jesus christ
He just slapped the shit out of me, and I said thank you

© Prussian Blue | Do not edit. (1,2)

The entertainment district arc sure is interesting 🤔 who’s your fav character? Mines Koinatsu! She’s so sweet, just like a certain Nagashima Oiran 😉
now what was all this, mr. min? | 230503 rosemont
everyone's expecting me to be someone I'm not
being left alone in the world with not a clue what
to do, or how to be what everyone wants of me
why can't I live, why can't I just be?
if you want to support autistic people you really do need to shut up about picky eaters. sorry
Me, wearing headphones waiting to cross the street
Old guy: Hey you dropped something!
Me (internally): Ah crap…(checks pockets and the ground)
Old guy: My heart! You dropped my heart!
Me: 😑
Dude it’s not even 9 in the morning I’m too tired for this
My fish tank basically exploded. My 55 gallon, hexagonal, VERY rare and VERY expensive, FULL OF FUCKING FISH.
Rescue attempts were made, got everything out of the tank. Just for my fish to start stress dying in the backup tank.
Bruh I worked an 8 hour shift and came home to this bs at 11:30pm when all I wanted to do was read.
There’s water everywhere, I’m down 10 fish, and questioning why I took up this as a hobby.

today's children are gonna become teens and clown the shit out of us for 'eepy' and 'blorbo' but they'll say it in cocomelonese so we won't understand them
Currently dead found in a ditch because wtf- 🤩
Stahp- pls his di- I’ll worship the group he walks on bro- also I need to change my fucking theme it’s been this old (iconic-) chanhee from breaking Dawn- (more like breaking your back, stop I miss Eric)

You have so much good material to go through but personally these are my favourite chanhee pics from thsi cb
Omg the worst part (about your recent) is when they expect you to know EVERYTHING about Spider-Man too. Like my bad I don’t know how many ball hairs he had in issue 659 😒
EXACTLY LMFAOOOOOOOOOO like bae i just watched all the movies that’s all i know bro☹️😞😞

What is coming is better than what is gone . .
Me: I'm happy cause I got coffee *gestures to my Frappuccino*
Black Coffee Person: thAtS nOt CoFfEe it'S jUsT mILK wItH cofFfeE fLAvOriNg