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I wish I lived in Middle-earth, then perhaps I could pay my rent with a sheep and some turnips.
One of my favourite scenes

I had the most realistic dream about Rivendell last night. The only thing that made me realise it wasn't real was Elrond wearing sunglasses.
Way back when I worked with kids for a while my colleagues asked me about how I got them to quiet down and listen so quickly whenever I was alone with them.
I just told them I didn't know because I thought it was embarrassing to admit that all I did was channel my inner Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir of Isildur and Rightful King of Gondor.
I simply held my hands out palms down, and said, in a deep, quiet voice.
It was always met with complete and utter silence and a bunch of kids staring at me, confused.
Try it.
I wish I had the confidence of Thranduil bringing a travel throne with him to battle.
"Hate you, Bilbo" this is how I'm signing all official documents from this day until I die and my cats eat me.
Dear Lobelia:
It is my pleasure to announce that my birthday is almost here, and with it a huge party. There will be more food than any hobbit can eat, desserts prepared by the best chefs in Hobbiton, and of course, gifts that I bought without skimping a penny. So now I personally invite you to don't come to my party.
Hate you, Bilbo.
I'm bored so I made this atrocity.

The Hobbit, but all of the dwarves are played by Julia Roberts.
What I want to know is how they clean their teeth in Middle Earth. Considering all the ale they drink the acid damage alone must be horrendous.
Do they even have dentists? If they do I bet they are dwarves and everyone is terrified of them.
Bearded, easily agitated dwarf in full armor coming at you with pliers. I bet there's a clinic in Dale, and parents use it to threaten their kids when they misbehave.
I can't believe Nori is Saurons biological daughter, what a plot twist.
Keeping with tradition when it comes to Tolkien verse on screen, I am expecting Legolas in season 2 of RoP.