Lucius Fox - Tumblr Posts
So has Lucius Fox been down in that basement all season?
Ed Nygma asking Lucius Fox riddles is just like Gollum asking Bilbo the Hobbit questions
Rewatching scenes from Gotham that have Fox and Nygma like 🤨🤨
the unnecessary tension that ed nygma and lucius fox have in every one of their few scenes together needs to be studied
Head empty just Ed calling Lucius 'Foxy'
Episode 2×22 | 3×15
Lucius Fox's ties appreciation

I like that some of the ties get reused like here with season 3 and season 5

gotham incorrect quotes using this generator (part 6)
Ed: Oh, here’s my award for the most rules broken!
Lee: That’s not an award, it’s an angry letter from our boss.
Ed, hanging it on their wall: Well, it has the word ‘most’ in it, so I’m calling it an award!
Oswald:Â I hate to disagree with you, but-
Barbara:Â Please, you love to disagree with me. Its your favorite thing to do.
Harvey:Â When I first met you, I did not like you.
Ed:Â I'm aware of that.
Harvey:Â But then you and I had some time together.
Ed:Â Uh-huh?
Harvey:Â It did not get better.
Oswald:Â I've met a lot of pricks in my time, but you, Jim, are a fucking cactus.
Lucius: I didn’t even realize how sarcastic I was being. It’s starting to become a problem, I think.
Ed:Â If you ever feel stupid or weak or powerless, just remember that I am not. I am out there, very dangerous, and I am looking for you. Good luck.
Alfred:Â But seriously, what is the real plan here that has to do with not fucking around?
Harvey:Â There is no plan that does not involve fucking around. But we will make sure all of our fucking around will be applied in a constructive direction.
Ed:Â When do I get my own gun?
Harvey: I wouldn’t trust you with my kid’s lightsaber.
Ed, over radio:Â Testing. Testing. Oswald, can you hear me?
Oswald, standing next to Ed: I’m standing right here.
Ed: You’re coming through good and loud.
Oswald: Because I’m standing right here.
Jim, on the phone:Â Where are you?
Harvey: I told you, I’m at work!
Jim: Swear you’re not at Chuck E Cheese again?
*skee ball machine alarm goes off in the background*
Harvey: I wouldn’t put it in those words exactly.
Lucius:Â Why not?
Harvey:Â Because I don't know what they mean.
Ed:Â Do you know a turtle's only weakness?
Oswald:Â No... well, their slowness.
Ed:Â Their weaknesss is they can't roll over when they are on their backs.
Ed:Â Now I have a plan.
Ed:Â If I duct tape two turtles together, they'll be unstoppable.
Lee, teaching Barbara to drive:Â Okay, you're driving and Tabitha and Butch walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit?
Barbara:Â Oh, definitely Butch. I could never hurt Tabitha.
Lee, massaging her temples:Â The brakes. You hit the brakes.
Lucius:Â "You look tired" well, the torment is relentless and the horrors never cease.
Oswald:Â Here is my wall of inspirational people.
Ed:Â Is that a picture of you?
Oswald:Â Yes, I am big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.
Jim:Â Barbara...
Barbara:Â I can tell by the tone of your voice that you are disappointed. However, I must further disappoint you by affirming how little I give a fuck.
Bruce:Â Hey.
Selina:Â Hey?
Bruce:Â I can't sleep. :/
Selina:Â I can. Goodnight.
Lee: You’re alive.
Barbara:Â No need to sound so disappointed.
Lucius:Â Did it hurt when you fell-
Ed: From heaven? Foxy, I didn’t think you were such a flirt-
Lucius:Â No, I meant when you fell down the stairs.
Ed:Â ...
Lucius:Â You just laid there for 15 minutes.
Jim:Â When I die I want everyone in the GCPD to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time.
Lee:Â Bottling up negative emotions is bad for your health, so you shouldn't do it.
Jim:Â I know, that's why I bottle up all my emotions, both positive and negative, so it cancels out.
Lee:Â That's not how that works-
Harvey: We’ll get back into there or die trying.
Lucius: No one’s dying.
Harvey:Â Not with that attitude.
Part 5
Was looking over screencaps for 3.15, and noticed these lovely shots when Ed has Harvey captured, and demands that Lucius answer his riddles

His shadow here magnifies his poise throughout the whole scene: posture upright but relaxed, hands loosely clasped in front of him. Even despite the extreme provocation offered by Ed - Lucius maintains this manner throughout. He never loses his temper, or panics, or throws insults. He’s calm and assured - offering a counterpoint to Ed’s febrile manner.
You can see this in this next one, too. This is a moment of extreme duress. Lucius has just confronted Ed - asking him if he killed Oswald. Ed was manic enough at the outset of this game, but we can see his grasp on himself worsening even more by the end: rubbing his eyes, and getting the words of his own riddle muddled. Lucius knows Ed is dangerous and fully capable of letting Harvey fall - yet again there’s that sense of stillness from him: hand resting lightly on the banister.

The next one is maybe the most striking. Ed loses his composure, and runs at Lucius with his gun trained on him. He wanted Lucius to be able to give the exact responses he wanted to his riddles, even though Lucius’ answers were correct in their own way. Lucius steps back, but still remains remarkably composed - one hand raised in an attempt to keep a defined distance between them. It’s authoritative in a non-confrontational way: this far and no further, but it’s also placatory - trying to calm Ed.

What’s really lovely is that we see this pose continued in the next shot:

This is maybe the best image. We see Ed retreating further up the stairs, clearly agitated. We can’t see Lucius himself behind him now, but we do see his shadow, hand still outstretched, calm and even elegant. Ed - for all he’s wearing his fancy new suit, is sweaty and scattered - talking to himself and clearly distressed.
I just thought it was a really nice example of using visuals to underscore a message. Throughout the whole encounter, Lucius is just the perfect counterpoint. He’s calm, despite the situation. He remains calm even as he gives the ‘wrong’ answer and Ed becomes more agitated. He’s genuinely authoritative. While Ed needs to resort to these games for a sense of power, Lucius establishes his authority from the outset - rejecting Ed’s claim that Harvey is fine, and telling him clearly that he wants to hear that from Harvey himself - to which Ed submits. He also calmly states the case for why his riddle answers are correct.
Lastly, he’s compassionate - and we’ll see that again later in their scene in the car. Ed is cruel here. He’s tormenting a terrified Harvey and tormenting Lucius. He continues to insult Harvey intermittently. He yells at Lucius for not giving him the answer he wants, and then threatens him - telling him he’s not ‘good enough’ to be his enemy.
In contrast, Lucius remains calm and non-judgmental. He’s obviously not pleased at what’s happening, but whereas every other characters would resort to impatience and anger and insults - he doesn’t do that. He’s measured and courteous, but never obsequious or flattering. He doesn’t patronise or insult him - we don’t hear the word ‘freak’ here. When he finally realises that Ed is responsible for Oswald’s disappearance, his tone is questioning, and then resigned. It’s not accusatory in the same way that Jim’s would be - it’s more calm, almost rooted in a knowledge of him
What did you do, Ed?…..Did you kill him?….You did, didn’t you
His face after this doesn’t suggest disgust or anger, either. It’s calm, sad, regretful.

The answer to Ed’s big riddle in this episode is ‘reflection’. Throughout the episode, Ed is trying to stage manage another phase of his ‘becoming’ - looking for his nemesis. He decides it’s Jim, but Jim - pretty hilariously - just isn’t about town this week to play the role Ed ordained for him.Â
 Instead, he has to deal with Lucius - calm, thoughtful Lucius, who consistently refuses to behave in the way Ed has come to expect, who doesn’t exhibit fear, irritation, anger, or disgust, and who can answer his riddles in ways that are perfectly correct but that he did not anticipate. Â
Jim, Oswald, Harvey - these are all people that Ed is confident he can predict and use. Jim can be provoked, Oswald manipulated, Harvey insulted. They’re puzzles, in a way: he’s ‘solved’ their nature and can now use them for his own ends as a prize.
 Lucius, though, refuses to be puppeteered in this way, and remains his own man - not a puzzle, or a projection, or a reflection. Ed recognises and appreciates this at the end of his spree.
Lucius: Is that the role I’m meant to fill? To be your reflection? Ed: No, because I know who I am. I know how to be him. And you helped that. So, thank you.
Ed being so so chill when he sees/speaks to Lucius

lucius version
Lucius being very chill around Ed too

ed version

Gotham is SOOOOOOOOO slay

Detective Comics (2016) #1015
Luke : dad! My face is on fire!
Lucius: Luke ! Are you ok?!
Luke : Oh yes, I'm fine. I just said that to make sure you'd come in here quickly.
Lucius : But your face is on fire.
Luke : Yes. It's much faster than shaving.
Being in a relationship with Bruce Wayne: a journey - Your new family (Part VI)
It's a big series about an afab!reader who doesn't like Bruce Wayne and who still falls in love with him (he fells quicker and harder)
Reader's origin story // Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5
Warnings: no proof reading, mentions of stress, not a lot of plot here but little snippets of moments with all the kids
You were a little bit stressed out to meet all of Bruce’s children but you also felt like it was going to be alright. Jason was there, always by your side. Dick and Tim liked you and they had said only good things about you to the others. Especially Dick, because he was well aware that Jason wouldn’t agree to spend time with him again without you. The fact Bruce was much nicer since you were together was also working in your favour. Alfred was approving of you too and he had personally asked all of the children to treat you well.
The children were also aware that Bruce would be very unhappy and disappointed with them all if things didn’t go well. It was obviously very important for him.
At first, everyone was a little bit silent and awkward. It was the first time a civilian was introduced to the whole family. And technically, they already knew a lot about you without knowing you, so they weren’t too sure how to act around you. They didn’t want to scare you off by showing they made research about you… and stalked you.
After a little while, you gently teased them all, saying that for vigilantes they were quite shy. It quickly put them at ease.
Things went actually a lot better than you thought and you could tell no one really believed you would that easily get along with the family. You felt Bruce relaxing through the dinner, his hand on your thigh under the table. His warmth helped you feel safer around everyone as well.
Soon enough they all were chatting around and asking you questions. It was a true interrogation but you didn’t mind. For once, you were the one answering questions and not the other way around. It was fun.
Damian was the only silent one. He wasn’t too sure how to deal with you. He didn’t need you. He wasn’t used to seeing his father around someone. He wasn’t too certain how to react when his father kissed the back of your hand with such love shining in his eyes.Â
You noticed his uncertainty but you weren’t too worried about it. You knew you were fitting just right in there. You had never felt like that before, or just with your grandma. It was a nice change in your life. And you were really eager to start spending some time with all of them, like you were doing with Jason already.
You went to concerts with Dick. He wanted to go to those classic piano concerts but no one was eager to follow him. He had asked you, half certain you would politely decline his offer. But on the contrary, you had been more than happy to agree to come with him. Your eagerness warmed his heart. It had been a long time he hadn’t had a motherly figure in his life, and he knew you were fitting perfectly. Since then, whenever one of you wanted to go to a concert - no matter what kind - you had to go together. It was your thing. None of you went to so many concerts before, but it was a pretext to spend time together. You talked a lot before the concerts too and Dick could only agree with Jason: you were easy to talk to.
You played video games with Tim. You were waiting for Bruce to come back from patrol one night and you were bored out of your mind. You found Tim playing in the living room. At first, you just asked him if you could hang around. He agreed without thinking much of it, before offering you to play with him. He needed another player and no one else was around at that time. It appeared you were a gamer and you enjoyed fighting against one other. But you enjoyed working together on co-op games even more. You spent a lot of evenings with Tim on the couch, screaming together when you were losing or winning. Everyone knew better than to annoy the two of you when you were gaming.
You watched movies with Stephanie. Stephanie was clearly not too certain how to be around you. Things weren’t always easy with Bruce and after the way her parents betrayed her, she felt like she couldn’t trust adults any longer. But Jason loved you so much that she thought she could give you a chance. Watching movies allowed the two of you to bond, without having to interact too much at first. Then you started to talk a lot about what you just saw, and then about everything else. Watching movies snuggled up against you started to become Stephanie’s comfort zone and you were more than happy to give her that. Even though you were a tease, you never said anything when she fell asleep on you.
You took dancing lessons with Cassandra. It was clear the girl was a classic dancer; she was really amazing to watch. You loved to dance too, even though you never really took any kind of lessons, so you thought it would be a nice activity to do together. Cass instantly agreed. It allowed her to observe you and your body language. She had more fun than she thought, and she offered to keep going dancing together. You improved a lot thanks to her help and she liked to discover other kinds of dances thanks to you. You also came to watch her repetitions and her representations. She started to always look for you in the spectators, happy to be taken care of that way.Â
You did puzzles with Duke. You started to spend a lot more time at the manor, even when Bruce wasn’t around. You were currently doing a mind game on the living room table as Duke went by. You started to chat around and you saw Duke was quite eager to play with you, so you invited him to settle by your side. Once you were done, he looked for a puzzle he hadn’t finished yet so you could do it together. When the weather was pretty bad in Gotham, you quite liked to get some hot cacao and to do puzzles with Duke. Because you both were pretty good with puzzles, you had to always find more challenging ones. Looking for them was also part of the fun.
For Damian, things were a little bit more difficult, as he made it clear, he had no interest in spending time with you. It hurt you a little more than you wanted to admit but didn’t say anything at first. You eventually went to an animal care centre open to the public with Damian and Bruce. Bruce offered for you to come with the two of them so his son could get used to your presence. He had noticed he was the only one who was avoiding you. Damian stayed cold to you for a long time, eyeing his father holding your hand with a frown until you let go of Bruce’s hand to come closer to the lions. You really loved the animals and Damian thought you couldn’t be that bad then. That evening, Alfred the cat fell asleep on your lap, so Damian started to be more polite to you. It was the first step. You started to bond over taking care of his pets.
You also met Barbara, Kate, Luke and Lucius.Â
Kate and you instantly became friends because you were seeing things quite similarly. You also loved to tease everyone together. You had a real complicity between the two of you, and you often hang out together just for the sake of being together. And annoying everyone.
Barbara needed some time to trust you but she could tell you were a good addition to the family. She slowly warmed up to you. You didn’t take it personally and you showed a lot of patience. You were happy to be part of this group of amazing people, and Barbara couldn’t deny how kind you were to all of them.
Luke trusted Duke’s approval of you. You talked a lot around a drink in a bar in Gotham after Dick invited everyone for his birthday. You asked him questions about the army and the way veterans were taken care of. You promised him to do an article about it, which touched Luke a lot.
Lucius and you enjoyed talking together, as ones of the only civilians of the family, with Alfred. For Lucius, it was quite refreshing to be able to discuss with someone who was also shaking their head at the Batfamily’s antics. Lucius quickly saw how much of a good asset you could be for Wayne Enterprises as well and he hoped that at some point you would agree to help Bruce with it.
As months went by, you started to all know each other a lot more. And to start to love one another quite fiercely. You were their Batmon. You got confirmation of it when the children playfully and yet tenderly brought you a bracelet with the bat logo on it. You swore to always wear it.
Taglist for all my work <3
Taglist for Bruce Wayne <3
Taglist for this series <3
Gotham News @ 9
Can you IMAGINE the Gotham newscasters? No, not CNN, NBC, or CBS style with money and sets.
They're local news in Gotham City.
They have their chairs duct taped under their desks and old books making sure their desk doesn't wobble when they stand up to do weather.
Their graphics are mediocre at best; they're the mid-nineties ones that made you cringe, even at the time. They have a special sound effect and graphic for Mr. Freeze, one for Poison Ivey, and another for the Joker and Harley Quinn.
There are two main newscasters.
One grew up in the narrows. She's saw a newslady in the window of a department store when she was eight and immediately connected with the strength the well-dressed woman radiated through the screen. That was when people called her James. Now, the name that everyone calls her by and shows up on Gotham's public network is Julianne McLeod.
The other, Kendall Johnson, recently saw his already ramshackle apartment building collapse when they were on air. His mom didn't make it. He stayed on because there were other casualties and their families deserved to know. The next day, he came back because, "The Batman isn't the only one who can investigate Ggats Metalworks, you know."
The weatherman, Carl Lewis, is almost seventy and living on mostly social security. He got a degree in meteorology at Gotham University back before he lost one of his legs fighting for a war he didn't want any part of.
Their cameraman goes by John Jones, he's a quiet guy who mostly nods and smiles. They don't know much about the guys' past, they don't ask.
You'd never suspect any of it if you didn't know them. On air, off, and during collaborations with their sister network in Blüdhaven, they genuinely laugh at each other's jokes, missteps, and the general insanity of their hometown.
Although they're loved by thousands, the only things keeping them afloat are a meager cut of taxes, kind remarks on the street, and economizing wherever they can.
They were there before The Batman, back when Gotham Police Commissioners were ousted every month or so for corruption charges. Their scathing remarks towards City leaders that looked the other way when gangs ran rampant scared off any possible sponsors. It was a miracle Julianne's sarcasm alone hadn't gotten them sued yet.
During the day, when they're not briefing Gotham citizens about the crimes in their area, they play reruns of Full House and Friends.
This was back before Bruce stayed home with Dick, who had sprained his ankle trying to cartwheel away from one of Nygma's traps.
He figured he'd let his ward, who was grouchy from missing patrol, flip channels until he fell asleep. Except Bruce hadn't remembered his need to sleep, so he ended up groggily waking to Dick shaking his arm and starting intently at the screen.
"B, look, they're talking about us!" Although he had only the light from the TV to see, Dicks smile was plain as day.
Pivoting his head, he saw a man and woman reporting on their latest attempt to stop The Riddler from destroying Gotham's nuclear plant. It wasn't the story that caught his attention, though.
"Chum," he turned face him, "where'd you find this?" He'd been in Gotham for the past four years now and in all that time he never once remembered seeing a local news channel.
"What, the channel?"
He nodded.
"Oh," the boy looked down and fumbled with the remote that was clearly too big for his ten-year-old hands, and pulled up the TV menu, "it's Gotham channel eleven! They're on, it says here, at nine every morning, evening, and day of the week."
Bruce was taken aback, but the young acrobat to his right plucked the words right from him.
"Wow, B can you imagine working every day, twice a day?"
Well, not his exact words.
"Don't give me that look," he chided, "I know you do it, but most normal people don't." He paused for a moment, "When do they get the time to do laundry? Or feed their pets? If they have pets... You know, speaking of pets, do you think we could get an-"
"You know the answer, Dick, Alfred won't take care of an elephant while you're at school."
"Quite so, Master Bruce." As if on cue, Alfred breezed through the doorway.
"But Alfie-"
"Nothing more, Master Dick, I do believe it's a school night and Master Bruce had kept you up long enough."
Had he? Looking at the clock, it was half an hour past Dick's bedtime. Damnit, Bruce.
"That's right, Dickster," he stood up, his back bones cracking and old injuries protesting, picked his surrogate son up, and held him as one would a baby, careful to avoid the boy's sprain.
He harrumphed and crossed his arms, getting ready to make a point, "Only if you go to sleep now, too." He was staring down Bruce with the same intensity as he did towards Nygma just last night. He wasn't giving this up easy.
Well that surely wasn't going to happen, he had to figure out which shell company was connected to Simon Stagg, how to prove it, then hack into and locate the plans for the business's headquarters. Not to mention that tomorrow he needed to talk to Clark about Lexcorp's latest moves into Star City and how to best anonymously fund a public broadcasting station he didn't realize existed until just now.
Turning around, he saw Alfred, one eyebrow raised, arms crossed, and one hand holding a polished silver tray. There was no winning, this was the same man who had literally tried to give him sleep drugs in his coffee earlier that day.
"Alright, kiddo, just this once." After all, it'd the first time in the weeks he'd go to sleep at night and without being drugged by Alfred, a rogue, or after being knocked out.
Dick smiled and raised his arms in victory, "Onwards!" he pointed towards the stairs.
Although all of his actions were oriented towards getting him and his ward to sleep, he couldn't stop thinking about the dedicated news service operating under his nose for the past four years.
He'd have to push back that WayneTech meeting and his investigation into possible aliens in Gotham (which was a far fetched idea in the first place) in order to talk to Clark and get Lucius on the phone. After all, he had no clue what local news stations needed.
"You should talk to Ms. Lane, too," came a tuft of black curls masquerading as a head barely sticking out underneath several quilts.
Had he been thinking aloud again? Shit, he really did need to go to sleep.
"Maybe I will, Chum," he assured the young acrobat as he flicked off the lights and headed down the hall to his Egyptian cotton sheets and silk pillowcases.
Bats and Birds jobs headcanons that I will defend with my life, mostly from my civilian AU:
Barbara: works at a library, will hack your company to help you figure out flaws in the system for money on the side
Dick: retired Olympic gymnast, gymnastic teacher
Cass: part time professional wrestler, in a duo with Steph
(Edit edit: it has been pointed out to me that some people just don't like feelings which I didn't consider, so I did take off the therapy part because she wouldn't want to do it, but I still think it would be so interesting to see her volve about it)
Jason: writer (novelist + ao3, he has the range), part time barista at some point
Steph: definitely works part time at a movie theatre, I also picture her being a professional wrestler for some reason, in a duo with Cass
Tim: unclear if he's doing freelance investigation journalism or private detective work but either way he likes figuring stuff out (it's a lot of cheating husbands and he doesn't dislike it)
Duke: escape room owner and designer, the trickiest puzzles in the American continent, and each room has incredible aesthetics and personality even though people complain about how difficult they are.
Damian: professional painter, volunteers at the animal shelter every day.
Bruce: trophy wife
Harper: whatever the fuck Michael Reeves has going on
Cullen: editor (Jason's professional AND ao3 beta but neither has any idea the three identities are connected)
Lucius Fox: CEO of Wayne enterprise
Luke Fox: mechanical engineer
Kate Kane: rich heiress, competitive MMA fighter when she feels like it