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6 months ago

Unfortunately, that was something Madisyn could relate to. One day she was on top, was social media royalty, and even without the help of the scandals Dominik had dragged her into, Mads could acknowledge she wasn't some twenty year old dancing on TikTok, thus earning some lucrative TV show deal, that her shining star would fade one day. No longer the hot new thing, she was, according to the comments she read as part of her morning routine, an awful, selfish has-been, who had a mental breakdown and now lives on a farm in Illinois.

Though she didn't have a mental breakdown, thank-you-very-much. A change in career was an extremely stable and sane choice to make.

The comment about the brand new baby, hwoeevr? Her mind flashed to Lucas — a true Judas indeed — and her smile strained. "Well, mama must be a fool if she thinks these newbies have anything on the OG." She made a point of placing the book she swiped into her overfilling basket. "But by the looks of things, you're still more loved if you got the nice covers, means someone in marketing must have a thing for you." And she playfully wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh these? Just broadening my horizons. Getting into cooking...gardening." She slyly glanced down, "Murder." Sure, it was a lie, but Madi wasn't exactly going to tell a writer she was buying books to shove on a shelf and not crack open the spine.

Unfortunately, That Was Something Madisyn Could Relate To. One Day She Was On Top, Was Social Media Royalty,
What She Had Not Needed Yet Adored Was Another Stoking The Easily Flammable Vanity That Could Rage On

What she had not needed yet adored was another stoking the easily flammable vanity that could rage on like an uncontained wildfire in the midst of a drought. Some people were touchy, sensitive and others were not. It was always a hit or miss when interacting with the public and how one might perceive your actions. As a somewhat public figure and in need of the public for keeping her income going, Eliana always did her best not to put a bad taste in their mouths. Which was one of the reasons she had an alter ego when it came to misbehaving, or really anything that would taint her reputation. And there was a lot of it.

A grin curved her mouth as the other picked up one of her books. Ellie's photo was on the back along with a small blurb about the author. So, she had to be cautious with this move. "They're mine, yeah. It's hard when you're no longer than brand new shiny thing," she'd playfully claimed with a light huff and roll of her eyes. "It's like mama brought home a brand new baby and I'm no longer the center of attention." At least her book was still on the front table six months post publishing. The compliment was reason for the blonde to preen. "Right? That's what I'm saying — covers are so important if you want to be showcased. No one wants something boring on display."

What She Had Not Needed Yet Adored Was Another Stoking The Easily Flammable Vanity That Could Rage On

Then, Ellie noted the books the other was carrying, "what are you picking up today?" Not once had she ever been able to tamp down her curiosity.

What She Had Not Needed Yet Adored Was Another Stoking The Easily Flammable Vanity That Could Rage On

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6 months ago

Unfortunately, that was something Madisyn could relate to. One day she was on top, was social media royalty, and even without the help of the scandals Dominik had dragged her into, Mads could acknowledge she wasn't some twenty year old dancing on TikTok, thus earning some lucrative TV show deal, that her shining star would fade one day. No longer the hot new thing, she was, according to the comments she read as part of her morning routine, an awful, selfish has-been, who had a mental breakdown and now lives on a farm in Illinois.

Though she didn't have a mental breakdown, thank-you-very-much. A change in career was an extremely stable and sane choice to make.

The comment about the brand new baby, hwoeevr? Her mind flashed to Lucas — a true Judas indeed — and her smile strained. "Well, mama must be a fool if she thinks these newbies have anything on the OG." She made a point of placing the book she swiped into her overfilling basket. "But by the looks of things, you're still more loved if you got the nice covers, means someone in marketing must have a thing for you." And she playfully wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh these? Just broadening my horizons. Getting into cooking...gardening." She slyly glanced down, "Murder." Sure, it was a lie, but Madi wasn't exactly going to tell a writer she was buying books to shove on a shelf and not crack open the spine.

Unfortunately, That Was Something Madisyn Could Relate To. One Day She Was On Top, Was Social Media Royalty,
What She Had Not Needed Yet Adored Was Another Stoking The Easily Flammable Vanity That Could Rage On

What she had not needed yet adored was another stoking the easily flammable vanity that could rage on like an uncontained wildfire in the midst of a drought. Some people were touchy, sensitive and others were not. It was always a hit or miss when interacting with the public and how one might perceive your actions. As a somewhat public figure and in need of the public for keeping her income going, Eliana always did her best not to put a bad taste in their mouths. Which was one of the reasons she had an alter ego when it came to misbehaving, or really anything that would taint her reputation. And there was a lot of it.

A grin curved her mouth as the other picked up one of her books. Ellie's photo was on the back along with a small blurb about the author. So, she had to be cautious with this move. "They're mine, yeah. It's hard when you're no longer than brand new shiny thing," she'd playfully claimed with a light huff and roll of her eyes. "It's like mama brought home a brand new baby and I'm no longer the center of attention." At least her book was still on the front table six months post publishing. The compliment was reason for the blonde to preen. "Right? That's what I'm saying — covers are so important if you want to be showcased. No one wants something boring on display."

What She Had Not Needed Yet Adored Was Another Stoking The Easily Flammable Vanity That Could Rage On

Then, Ellie noted the books the other was carrying, "what are you picking up today?" Not once had she ever been able to tamp down her curiosity.

What She Had Not Needed Yet Adored Was Another Stoking The Easily Flammable Vanity That Could Rage On

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1 year ago

Folks have got to understand that they probably aren't messed up by some Secret Big Trauma that they just can't remember; but rather by a million tiny microtraumas that they do mostly remember but don't even register as traumatic because nobody actually understood that these things would cause trauma, much less stack on each other over the years.

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1 year ago

I guess what I think is that suicide is a symptom of a problem and not the problem to fix, you know what I mean? To stop suicides you have to stop people’s mental health from getting to the point where they consider it, you have to treat the disease, trying to treat the symptom itself is almost completely useless.

For instance, Japan has spent a great deal of money on anti-suicide infrastructure, doing genuinely cartoonishly things like putting rollers on bridge railings so you can’t climb over them and slide right off, putting blue lights in the subway so it’s harder to see to throw yourself in front of a train. It’s not working. Japan’s suicide rate rose again in 2022. They are not addressing the root causes and stressors in their citizen’s lives and social barriers to mental health care and psychiatric medication.

It’s the same with universities in America, many have spent an exorbitant amount of money on turning their dorms into psych ward like environments. Anti-hanging chairs that you can’t stand on, bunks you can’t hang yourself from, slanted doorknobs etc. And yet suicide is still the second leading cause of death for college students. They make no attempts to make college easier, to make pausing and resuming your studies better, to make the pressure of an academic environment feel less life or death. They make no accommodations for the individual. They just make it a little harder to hang yourself in a few rooms on campus and call it a day, say they’re being proactive in terms of mental health.

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10 months ago

not only will we never he able to truly destigmatize mental illness & disorders etc. if y’all cannot accept that some symptoms are scary and ugly, we also will never achieve peace if y’all cannot accept that some symptoms of mental health & the way people cope with them will seem “cringe” to you. i see so many “allies” & “advocates” draw a line at psychotic & dissociative disorders. “they have to be faking it.” actually they’re not & also I don’t give a damn if someone’s alter is a sonic the hedgehog character. read a book and come back when you have something kind to contribute to the conversation

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5 months ago

I will never agree with the things Rafe has done, but I get it. Naw, I never attacked anyone though, just had really violent dreams about people. I'm a crier. My "secret" shame.

I grew up in a house where when I asked for help, I was told I didn't need it. Same with my brother. It took him snapping to get help, and did he get it for more than a weekend? No. He didn't. And I'm just now getting help that I need as an adult without the help of my family. And I even heard the disappointment in my mother's voice when I mentioned I'm in therapy now.

I mean y'all, my grandma told me I had no reason to be depressed and that was literally after viewing my dad's dead body. So, you can imagine how much I relate.

Being told to suck it up. Being told "I'll give you something to cry about." Being hit for showing emotions that are considered over the top or considered back-talk.

Yeah, I fucking get it. I'm getting too deep on this blog, I'm not sorry for it either.

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1 year ago

Today I feel the need to post this somewhere that isn’t my deviantart.

I don’t like to post about my personal life and I am just one of many out there, but today, I want to just lay it down.

I don’t like to talk about my personal life because I have a fear of the repercussions it may lead to and what I might cause to myself and the others around me.

Earlier this year I started going to a therapist and he helped a lot, bless him, but I haven’t gone back since due to some other major life changing events I do not wish to dwell on. My therapist helped me realize that a lot of my anger and anxiety, which the latter of the two being through the roof, was caused by my upbringing. In other words, my inability to contain my emotions and how to deal with a sticky situation was not taught well to me as a child.

Then, on top of that and unfortunately many years of my life later, I came to fully realize that someone very close to me was, in short, a gaslighting narcissist. This person put so much strain on me growing up that I didn’t realize it. When I would sense something wasn’t really right, or my words would get twisted by this person but I was unable to do anything about it, I thought it was normal to feel as I felt.

I grew up walking on eggshells, and still do, and fearing of upsetting them. I can’t even begin to list all the things they do and have done to me nor do I think I feel comfortable doing so. Since going to therapy and realizing all my anger, anxiety, depression, zoning out, on top of many other issues, we’re caused by a lot in my past I feel like I really want to try and push forward.

I say this but I know darn well I probably won’t. However, I do, at this moment, have a sense of at least wanting to move forward. I would like to work on my projects again and really focus on the things that give me a little spark of serotonin. For the past five years I have spent procrastinating and depressed and in slow motion due to my home circumstances. I hate putting the blame all on this person- even if it was mostly them.

I do want to look forward to organizing and encouraging myself to work, but I feel like everything almost does not ever go according to my plans. So I say again, I want to look forward to start a new chapter, but we’ll see how that goes.

Can’t have too much of a good thing, you know?

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11 months ago
Also! Heres My Other Fic That Has Reached A Hundred And One Hits! These Are Small Numbers I Know, But

Also! Here’s my other fic that has reached a hundred and one hits! These are small numbers I know, but they are more than I ever expected! You can read it here!

I have recently been rewatching some one soap operas and they are WAY more crazy than what I remember lol

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