Millenials - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

1 year ago

This is a fun experience

I'm 27 yrs old but've never really used social media my whole life, so when I see a button that lets me "BLAZE AND GET SPONSORED! 10,000 PEOPLE WILL SEE YOUR GARBAGE TAKES" it feels like I'm a nature scientist

"Woah! They really do let you pay to boost your posts!"

"Oh wow! I've read about bots in my college days but now I get to see them in their n a t u r a l environment!"

"Whoops, forgot to put tags in thing, guess I'll languish and die in this inhospitable environment"

I will be updating with new discoveries as I commit myself to field work

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1 year ago

Not to be that person, but I think it’s time to acknowledge we’re at the precipice for either change from sacrifice or mass annihilation. Now hear me out-

As a dweeb, I’m going to look at this from what I know best: fiction.

Let’s look at:

Barbie (growing up and learning to let go of an idealistic life)

Marvel (the old heroes making way for a new generation)

These two are the most blatant and famous examples I can think of from western media. Now let’s look at anime:

Jjk (hottest topic recently; alrdy a lot of meta, and one post explained it rlly well w/ smth along the lines of “Gojo spent his life trying to reshape the old system, without realising in order to eradicate the old system he himself has to go bcuz he himself is such an integral part to that system”)

bnha (say what you will about the fandom, the anime makes some good points abt morality and societal change. And one of them is the sacrifice of the current heroes to create new generation of Hope. See: All Might & Hawks)

These are the most popular shonen anime I can think of that delivers this point well. Ofc u can argue that these “changes” are just to fit a fictional narrative/ add to character tragedies (which is true to an extent), but as a literature fanatic, I do think there’s merit in thinking more critically abt how fiction is closely linked to reality. (Think of the rise in gothic literature, hero comics, or even in academic texts with the pressure to produce)

This links also to (imo) the rise in villain sympathy, that I may or may not touch on in another post later. But in case I don’t get to doing that, it boils down to an acknowledgement that there’s something wrong abt society as it is now and the need to challenge the accepted status quo. (There’s a certain element of danger to this tho. I’ll just leave that bit as food for thought until later)

The point being, it’s time for us as a generation to make a choice. But I don’t think, at our current stage, that we’re strong enough to make the meaningful choice.

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ive said this like 4 or 5 times irl, maybe twice online, and it's been recieved VERY positively so far, everytime; so i assume it's a good rule of thumb on how to tell if youre a millenial or gen z

also i admit, this rule of thumb MIGHT(?) be American only?? bc it relies, via implicatipn, on some of the nationalistic/patriotic propaganda. idk how heavy those sentiments are for one's own home-country when said home-country is not a territory within the USA. so if such applies to you, great! well. not "great"-great, bc it actually sucks to experience that as your overall enviroment. but like. you get to join in too. that's what i mean lol

anyway. people who were born at the fringes of baby-millenial/elder-gen-z-er/zillenial/whatever, here's my pitch to you on "what side are you on":

if you grew up, feeling like you were decieved on how [the world/your home-country/the economy/etc] works?? like you feel like kid you had so many hopes be dashed as things "became unveiled" as it were?? millenial

versus: if you grew up seeing [the world/your home-country/the economy/etc] works with a reluctant or despairing "ahh... so this is how things are", not feeling lied to at all, but rather just like you are old enough to be observant of "the truth" and that younger-you was just unaware?? gen z

if you're somehow both (which is a response i have not heard irl or online yet when i broached this, but is one i statistically know could happen), you're either a 50/50 "zillenial" or you pick the majority-experience you most identify with. so, if you want to say you grew up 75% "ahh... so this is how things are" and 25% feeling decieved by the adults/culture around you?? you can do a joke about "i am a gen z sun-sign with a millenial moon" zodiac oooorrr just say you're a gen z in that example. whatever. there's no rules lmao

which means, yeah, you can be a 2000-millenial with a 1996-gen-z best friend, sure. hell, it means people you share/d classrooms with are also probably a mixed bag of gen-z-ers and millenials. my big brother is a millenial (he is not in the fringes) and my littlest sister is a gen z member (also not in the fringes), and id consider myself (a '97 baby 🤡) a member of gen z. meanwhile, my little sister (the who IS with me on being in the fringes) is debating it still and most of these days is leaning millenial(? could be subject to change). whatever. it happens

bc baby-millenials and elder-gen-z-ers are both at the blurry (fringes) area and sometimes people were parented differently, some towns in some states had odd climates, sometimes people processed things differently, it's okay if we don't make a ton of sense

it's just those two items tend to be kind of the core of a millenial or gen-z-er (from the USA), so that's how i personally vote the shift be made. very choose-your-own adventure but with a dash of some ✨️guidance✨️ so youre not lost in the woods, so to speak, like, you now know where north is (or what i say north is, bc again, idk how "universal" this is outside of the USA) but whatever lol

just wanted to share in case it continues to be a helpful lil guide for people to decide how they feel

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7 months ago

I'm both of these pictures 😂 I like the classics but then I get bored and shuffle around 💀

andesmints94 - Don't Forget to Fail!

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3 years ago
Episode 17 - Art School Scams & Flavored Anal Condoms by America's Least Wanted
Top Stories Today: The rise of mint-chocolate flavored anal condoms Why art school is a total scam The toxic environment of The Dr. Phil Show Plus Sylvia's 'Love is Blind' recap, and why it's A-OK to travel to North Korea!

latest episode of America’s Least Wanted is up!  #podnation

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2 years ago

My podcast is starting to look a little more professional. 👌

Here's the headlines from this week's episode.

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5 years ago

People literally eat shitty ass meals because they either don't have time to prepare decent food or don't have enough lunch/break time to eat (or even both). I hate it when they blame our habits like that, like it is inherently our fault.

I'm sorry you fucked the economy and now l have to work my ass off to survive, babyboomer.

rich people:

Rich People:


Rich People:

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7 months ago

The doxxing and death threats we get in gaming are gonna be wild when AGI drop

ayaisokay - The Girl That Doesn't Exist

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1 year ago

Waitress: Alright, anything else that I can get for you?

Millennial: I would hide my face before god for the burning shame in my breast. The gates of hell are open to me, waiting to receive such a wretched, filthy sinner into the devil's darkest pits. I bear the mark of the antichrist, the beast is within me and I shall be the first to fall when the angels sounds the horns of Armageddon. My apologies are not enough to assuage the sin of my existence. May I have coleslaw instead of fries?

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1 year ago

But seriously and I mean this in the best way

Y'all can't walk out the door without putting in your full Louis Vuitton designer tracksuit of belligerent self hate. Like. You can be in public, interacting with the public without self flagellating in front of the waitress in an Applebee's just because you changed your mind after she took your order. She doesn't want to crucify you because you asked for extra ketchup, and I know you brought the cross already but holy shit, you aren't doing anything wrong.

We all worked foods/retail and we all know how bad it can be, but I think it's weird that y'all are so quick to apologize for your entire ancestry when you maybe slightly inconvenience someone. It's okay, one apology is enough.

Waitress: Alright, anything else that I can get for you?

Millennial: I would hide my face before god for the burning shame in my breast. The gates of hell are open to me, waiting to receive such a wretched, filthy sinner into the devil's darkest pits. I bear the mark of the antichrist, the beast is within me and I shall be the first to fall when the angels sounds the horns of Armageddon. My apologies are not enough to assuage the sin of my existence. May I have coleslaw instead of fries?

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1 year ago

Millenial Holiday wishlist:

Socks and warm clothes Some food maybe One fun activity a month, as a treat Dismantling the white supremacist carceral justice system that disproportionately harms Black Americans and other non-white people

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1 year ago

isn't it weird that between the ages of ~20 and late 30s/ 40s, unless you have teenagers in the house or work with them, it's hard to know what they're really like? because of course you're in touch with teenagers when you are one, and then you generally start to know/ be around more once people your age have older kids. i've been seeing a ton of press lately about gen alpha and younger gen z and it's peculiar to not be able to compare it with personal experience.

as kind of a side thought, it's also weird to think that i and people in my age range might interact with gen alpha/ young gen z way more than we realize through social media, but they are homogenized into the ageless everyman of the comment section. maybe that isn't the case though, i suspect my feeds are generally pretty isolated, but it's strange having limited means to find out.

i hadn't really considered any of this until i joined the r/teachers subreddit and found their accounts of teenage culture and emerging trends really interesting. some of today's teenagers' slang, tastes, behaviors and vibes as described in the posts are familiar but some are not, and that little knowledge gap seems to be where sensationalized headlines find a hold.

i'd think this pattern repeats roughly every 15-20 years. is this kind of generational window of oblivion a piece of how generations are distinguished from each other and define their identities? i imagine generations today in western countries are more isolated than at perhaps any other time in history, with the decline of multi-generational households, older average age of marriage and childrearing, and longer lifespans. i'm curious what kinds of cultural effects that might have, if any.

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9 months ago

Gen z: guess I'll die 🤷‍♂️

numboone - numboone

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