No Longer You - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

If you have Spotify reblog this and tag what your number one song on your “on repeat” playlist is.

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8 months ago

epic musical theories!!

so if jorge told us the first 4 chants in no longer you are:

si-ren - song

scy-lla - throat


light-ning - bolt

then we can assume the next are also prophetic (which makes sense) and also 3 syllables

my guesses for atleast 1 or 2 of the other ones are

ca-lyp-so and i was gonna say ogygia but that's 4 syllables so idk that's all I got

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7 months ago

'No Longer You' is such a good song and in this essay, I will Ok, but jokes aside, there's so many things I could pick apart about it. Like, the whole self-fulfilling prophecy?? Ody, dude, the 'man who is haunting' is you, we just can't tell you that for the plot. Literally. However, I also find it really interesting due to the chorus at the end. Cus like yes, we now know it's "Siren song, scylla throat, mutiny, lightning bolt, and poseidon! kill all the suitors for love", but when we were first listening to the song, we had no f-ing clue what they were saying. For all we knew at the time, it was random gibberish or just some nifty vocalizations. But now looking in hindsight, it seems a lot more obvious. And I think it's rather poetic, because isn't that the exact same thing that happens in all self-fulfilling prophecies? They were spelling out what the future was going to be like for Ody. Ody clearly is that man who is haunting. We just can't see it now.

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10 months ago


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8 months ago

so… im trying to find like animatics of no longer you and trying to find one that was like the most accurate

cuz like in the song tiresias like tells ody the prophecy rightt and its basically hinting the next saga

most specifically these three: I see the sacrifice of man I see portrayals of betrayal And a brother's final stand

and like, i keep seeing like very inaccurate depictions

<i look at them with an open mind of course cuz they were before the sagas or like the revelation>

...but i still think they couldve done like a small research to make it more accurate or something??

… cuz i mostly see like sacrifice of man being like polites' death-- but like that wasnt even a sacrifice???

protrayals of betrayals is pretty much accurate everywhere cuz its kind of hard to get wrong

and brothers final stand IS ALSO DEPICTED AS POLITES

and ladies and gentletheys-- thats where it gets me cuz it seems like they were looking at it from a very narrow pov, but the only one who got the most accurate depiction was our lord and savior gigizetz

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10 months ago

"I no longer dream, only nightmares of those who've died"

Do you guys get it?? It's not just now, it's not just in the underworld, it is not just some short, hard moment. It is just it. Just nightmares instead of dreams. No more dreaming about Penelope, no more Telemachus, Ithaca, no more anything good, anything providing an escape from reality and longing. Since this, all he's dreaming about are nightmares of dead people, nightmares of people whose deaths he blames himself.

To the very end, probebly even when he's back. He wakes up, next to his sleeping wife, safe, at home, yet, still with all this pain in his head.

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10 months ago
Literally This

Literally this

(@forestfullofberries )

"I no longer dream, only nightmares of those who've died"

Do you guys get it?? It's not just now, it's not just in the underworld, it is not just some short, hard moment. It is just it. Just nightmares instead of dreams. No more dreaming about Penelope, no more Telemachus, Ithaca, no more anything good, anything providing an escape from reality and longing. Since this, all he's dreaming about are nightmares of dead people, nightmares of people whose deaths he blames himself.

To the very end, probebly even when he's back. He wakes up, next to his sleeping wife, safe, at home, yet, still with all this pain in his head.

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10 months ago

Another wip.. crossover.. kill me.. my hyperfixations...... ARE... MIXING...!!

I have designs for all these guys END ME..

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7 months ago

Gotta love prophets.

Your life’s purpose is to warn people, to tell them what can go wrong. You can’t tell them exactly how, though, so you make up a cryptic poem and hope they’ll understand what to do.

Sometimes, it is your words that trigger the actions that cause someone’s demise.

No matter what you do and how much you want to help people avoid the worst, sometimes your actions are the reason someone dies.

Also some of them are idiots with zero ability for literary analysis. (Looking at you Odysseus)

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11 months ago

No Longer You from Epic The Musical is Jason Grace's song

*Burning Maze SPOILERS ahead*

Like it's so him meeting the oracle Herophile in the burning maze and him realising he's going to die.

"I see a song of past romance" (Piper and Jason's past relationship)

"I see the sacrifice of man" (Jason sacrifices his life to save Piper and the others)

"And a brother's final stand" (Jason Thalias' and Apollos' brother taking his final stand against Caligula)

"I see you on the brink of death" (Him after being pierced through his chest speaking his last words to Apollo)

"I see you draw your final breath" (Him dying)

"I see a man who gets to make it home alive" (LEO MAKING IT BACK TO CAMP ALIVE AFTER DYING)

"But it's no longer you" (Jason could have survied but Leo taking the physicans cure and coming back to life forces the prophecy of 7s line "to storm or fire the world must fall" to pass on to Jason because if the prophecy is to come true one of them has to die PERMANENTLY and so while it was at one point Jason surviving and going home now it's Leo)


"This can't be

We've suffered and sailed through the toughest of hells

Now you tell us our effort's for nothing?"

(Odysseus' response is SO Jason talking about his journey on the argo and how he fought all those months just to die now)

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11 months ago

I got ya homie! @nikoisme

"the tension is rising while odysseus is spiralling" sums things up really well

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11 months ago

May I say I'm devastated, destroyed, set on fire and roasted to embers.






Mi poor corazoncico 💔

My god Anticlea, I shed tears and became the origin of all waters of this World when I heared you. Your dying thought

May I Say I'm Devastated, Destroyed, Set On Fire And Roasted To Embers.

And swallows started to sing outside my window when he mentioned Penelope, ahhhhh!!!!! @katerinaaqu

May I Say I'm Devastated, Destroyed, Set On Fire And Roasted To Embers.

I can't, I just can't If you want to find me, please follow the path of tears and wails, it will lead you to me sobbing and screaming.

May I Say I'm Devastated, Destroyed, Set On Fire And Roasted To Embers.

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11 months ago

Odysseus' priorities in No Longer You are my new favourite thing: "There is a world where I help you get home, but thats not a world I know"- "What", said with mild surprise. "I see you draw your final breath"- "This can't be", with an air of slight annoyance. "I see your wife with a man who is haunting.."- Odysseus, fully committing to kill everything and anything that gets in his way "WHO"

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8 months ago

Okay, after listening to thunder bringer on repeat for the past couple of days I can officially say that I now understand all those people that willingly slept with zeus in Greek mythology.

Also, suffering and different beast are fucking awesome. I listened to the whole musical so far during a lesson today and those two stood out to me bc I liked them so much.

Current top 5 epic songs in no particular order:

Thunder bringer

Wouldn't you like

No longer you

Remember them

Open arms

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