Obey Me Writing - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

can the obey me fandom please stop being collective assholes to the fans that don’t want to headcanon the brothers as submissive, lactation-kink having, golden shower loving, cries-when-he-comes baby girls?? it’s okay to be into that, but not everybody is. that’s the fun thing about HEADcanons. it’s what each of us imagine that character liking/being like IN OUR OWN HEADS. HEADCANONS ARE FOR OURSELVES NOT THE MASSES.

if i see one more fuckin’ post like “omg if you don’t headcanon mammon as a subby little cry baby who loves piss showers you’re tasteless and vanilla and your headcanons are wrong /:” i’m going to fucking lose it

bitch i headcanon mammon as a shy dom and i’ll die on this fuckin’ hill. i don’t wanna headcanon him as anything else because that’s what I envision him as.

if people’s hc’s are vanilla, LET THEM BE VANILLA.

if people’s hc’s are kinky, LET THEM BE KINKY.

if people’s hc’s fall somewhere between, LET THEM.

my headcanons aren’t going to be the same as yours and vice versa. get the fuck over yourself

god this fandom is insufferable like 97% of the time

okay rant over !

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2 years ago

Soft and steady Beel.

Summary: MC wakes one night to a familiar problem. Someone else is also awake at that hour and he comes to comfort them. A short drabble about MC getting their period for the first time since regaining their human form in the Devildom

Beelzebub x afab!MC

CW: MC has a vagina and menstruates. Period content. Blood Mentions.

A/N: Everyone's favorite glutton, Beelzebub is up next! I love him with my entire being. Maybe i'm biased, but this one turned out so cute. I hope you all enjoy as well! By the way, the fact about the dark chocolate is true. It's rich in magnesium so it helps to ease aches and relax the muscles! Next will be Belphie, and i can hardly wait to write our sleepy cow boy.


Summary: MC Wakes One Night To A Familiar Problem. Someone Else Is Also Awake At That Hour And He Comes

Only Human

The light of your D.D.D faintly lit up your bedroom as you played one of the new app games that Levi had begged you to download. You were trying to distract yourself from the cramping in your abdomen that had been keeping you up for most of the night. You sighed as you glanced at the time in the upper corner of the screen. It read 1:45am. Groaning, you shoved your blankets aside and crawled out of bed to head towards your bathroom.

You had been putting it off all night because you knew that you had no pain relief available to take or even the hygiene products you were in desperate need of. However, staring into the empty cabinets would make the thought you had been dreading a reality. You wobbled into the bathroom, and yanked open the cabinet door above the sink. Just as you expected, it was completely barren. Shit. Of course, this was to be expected from the 7 male demons that you resided with as they weren’t quite used to a human living with them. The time you spent as a sheep early on in your stay had thrown them all off guard and even yourself had forgotten about a few specific things when you returned to your human form.

You ran your fingers through your hair, as you tried to think of what to do next. Should I wake someone? No. That would be rude. It’s not like I'm dying. You thought, stubbornly as a wave of cramps hit you. Okay I take that back. Maybe I am dying. Slowly, you made your way back into your bedroom and pulled on a pair of pajama pants. You sat down on the edge of your bed, arms clutching your lower stomach. Suddenly, you had an idea. You had read that chocolate, specifically dark chocolate, serves as a natural pain relief when it comes to cramps. You perked up as you remembered that Beel had brought you home a chocolate dessert from Madam Scream’s earlier that day. You weren’t sure if it was dark chocolate, but it was worth a shot. Jumping up, you grabbed your D.D.D and headed for the kitchen. 

You walked quietly through the hallway, clutching your phone to your chest. The last thing you wanted was to wake everyone up and be alerted of your situation. After what felt like an eternity of walking, you reached the kitchen and pushed open the heavy swinging doors. They squeaked loudly as they opened, and you winced. You paused for a moment, listening carefully for any stirring in the house. After a few moments of silence, you decided the coast was clear and continued on into the kitchen to head for the fridge. You opened the fridge door, and began to scan the shelves inside for the box of dessert that Beel had bought for you. Surely he didn’t eat it, did he? He’d feel so bad for eating a dessert that he bought for me… You were too concentrated on locating the dessert that you didn’t hear your D.D.D go off from over on the kitchen counter. You finally found the box, and carried it over to the counter when you noticed your D.D.D lighting up. 

I heard something in the kitchen just now. Was that you?

Are you getting a midnight snack? 


Can I join you?

Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the message from Beel himself. He must have heard the doors, you thought. Being a demon, his hearing is a lot more sensitive compared to a human’s. You were in the middle of typing out your response when you heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. Spinning around so your back was leaning against the counter, you met Beel’s gaze as he appeared through the doors. His orange hair was messy, and he wore a pair of maroon sweatpants and a black tank top which showed off his muscular arms. “Ah, so it was you.” he said, smiling. You offered him a weak smile back, unable to help yourself from staring. “Caught red handed, I guess.” you said, peeling your stare away from him and glancing at the dessert box on the counter. Beel chuckled, making his way over to you. “I’m the last person to judge you for midnight snacking, it’s okay MC.” You were about to respond when another intense wave of cramps took over, and you found yourself sliding down the side of the kitchen counter and onto the floor. “M-MC! Are you okay?” Beel said, rushing to your side. As he got closer, he noticed the strong scent of blood coming from your direction. “Y-You smell like blood…are you hurt?? I’m confused…” Your eyes squeezed shut as you focused on your breathing. What?! He can smell blood?! You covered your now burning face with your hands. “I-I’m fine…it’s really no big deal…” you mumbled, trying to conceal your internal panicking. Beel’s purple eyes darkened with concern. “You don’t have to lie to me, MC.” You opened your eyes again, slowly meeting his gaze. “Okay fine, I um…I got my period…and I read that chocolate helps with the cramps…so I came down to eat the dessert you had gotten me…” The 6th born’s eyes widened as he processed what you had said. “Oh, I see.” he glanced down at his feet as he rubbed the back of his head. “I only know of what Belphie has told me about humans, and this is something he’s mentioned before. Is there any way I can help?” You smiled softly. You could tell how much he was concerned about you. “Well… if you want to help me eat this dessert…?” you offered. Beel glanced back up at you, surprised. “What? Are you sure?” he asked. You nodded, “Of course, I want to share it with you.” Beel’s mouth turned up into the biggest smile you’ve seen yet as he helped you up to your feet. “Thank you, MC. I’ll get some plates and forks.” 

The two of you sat across from each other as you shared the delicious, chocolatey dessert. Beel held out his own fork, offering you the first bite. You took it, and practically moaned as you tasted the richness of the chocolate as it melted on your tongue. Beel chuckled, his face turning a light shade of pink. “I’m glad you are enjoying it.” You both sat in silence for a few moments as you continued to enjoy the pastry together. “Is there anything else you need, MC?” Beel asked, breaking the silence. As you finished up the last bite of cake, you glanced down at your lap. “I’m not sure if any of you would have any, but I really need some pads or tampons…and some painkillers.” Beel hummed as he thought for a moment. “I don’t think so, but I can go get you anything you need. Places are open all night here in the Devildom.” You smiled, nodding graciously. “Yes, please. Thank you Beel.” Beel stood up and placed their plates and forks into the sink. “Of course, just tell me what you need.” You notice your cramps have settled slightly, and you finally began to yawn. Beel glanced at you as he washed up the dishes. “Are you tired now?” he asked. You nodded, resting your chin on your hand. Beel finished up washing the dishes, and made his way over to your side. You felt strong arms wrap around you and all of a sudden you were being carried bridal style through the kitchen. “B-Beel!” you squeaked. “Shh, it’s okay. Let’s get you back to bed.” You accepted your fate and began to relax in his arms. The gentle swaying from him carrying you down the hall was almost enough to lull you right to sleep. You expected him to stop at your room, but was surprised when he continued down the hallway to head in the direction of his bedroom. “Uh, Beel. My room is back there.” You said, quietly. He squeezed you tighter to his chest. “I know, but Belphie is in the attic tonight and my bed is bigger and comfier.” You giggled, not expecting to be kidnapped by The Avatar of Gluttony tonight. As he entered his bedroom, he walked over and gently placed you down onto his bed and pulled his covers up to tuck you in. You instantly relaxed as you breathed in his scent from the blankets. He hesitated before placing a light kiss to your forehead. “You stay here, okay? I’m going to run into town for your things.” He said, softly. Your head was spinning from the kiss, but you nodded your head. “T-Thank you Beel…” You murmured, nestling into the covers. “I’ll be right back. Then we can cuddle all night long.”

Summary: MC Wakes One Night To A Familiar Problem. Someone Else Is Also Awake At That Hour And He Comes

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7 months ago


General rules for my blog , I will write for obey me, the most of the Ikemen series and court of darkness.

No smut ( sorry im uncomfortable with writing it 😭) but I’m down to write angst , fluff and whatever.

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7 months ago

Headcannons for obey me!

I feel like this could be applicable to all of the dateables imagine them having those old fashioned lockets with their lover’s eye painted in them or perhaps just a locket with a picture of you. They wear it close to their heart and if they cannot wear it , they store it in a pocket and hold it when they get anxious.

Also yknow the TikTok where in the locket someone’s doing a kissy face and their boyfriend or something is also doing the kissy face so when you close the locket they kiss?? Yeah, mammon did that with his

Mammon and you have matching bracelets, you bought them at a stall at town when you were together. He adores it and will only take it off the day that it breaks. Also had a hugeeeee grin on his face for at least a 5 days

Asmo has a self care day every week and often invites you along, face masks, saunas, creams and lotions galore. Has every scent imaginable, you like floral scents? Rose or lavender ? Vanilla? Who are we kidding he has five bottles full

Asmo also has a signature scent made by a perfume brand that had him as a sponsor, no one knows exactly what is in it because he and the developers were the only ones in on the ingredients. He sprays some on you to get his brother jealous

Remember when beel said he wanted to try ratatouille? When you made it for dinner you coincidentally got all the brothers to watch the movie , along with Diavolo and all of purgatory hall.

Needless to say, Barbatos absolutely hated that movie, your copy was never seen again afterward

Levi makes playlists for the two of you, in fact he has one for every (gaming) occasion.

Beel’s fangol games are always attended by the brothers no matter what, the only exception being once when lucifer got dragged out with Diavolo that day. With the addition of you to his supporting team, beel is even more fired up to win the game

On Valentine’s Day the house of lamentation and the castle become flooded with gifts, to the point where they have a designated room in the castle for valentines.

Speaking of which, beel very much likes the idea when it was introduced , may be one of his favourite ones due to the copious amounts of chocolate being given to him. As well as his brothers who give him their chocolates and sweets when they know they cannot physically eat that much

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7 months ago

The First annual Devil-lympics

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Whilst MC was talking to Solomon, the subject of the olympics came about and ,coincidentally, Diavolo happened to overhear , as well as the residents of purgatory hall and the brothers. Intrigued , Diavolo urged you to tell them more about this grand ‘festival’ which was revolved around sports.

“So it’s a big competition for which country is the best at sports?” Simeon inquired his interest peaked, thought not as much as Lord Diavolo.

You and Solomon both nodded your heads, almost in perfect sync with each other as you began to go on about events and whatnot.

Diavolo sat and listened intently as you explained all of this, his eyes lighting up at every little detail and hanging onto every word you said. He made a mental note of all the sports and ceremonies included and he even (somehow) remembered the smallest facts which were dropped into the conversation , like how the Olympic Games were cancelled in 393AD and didn’t start again for another 1,500 years! Of course Solomon also assisted majorly in the explanation, I mean, he had lived through all of the Olympic Games and he was able to provide further input on topics you weren’t well-versed on.

The the conversation had sparked an idea in dia’s head, as did many other human world festivities.

“What if we had our own olympics in the Devildom?” He said,speaking to no one in particular. Before anyone answered he continued ,

“It would be a wonderful way to allow students to display sportsmanship and teamwork , as well as include teaching customs from the human world”

Now this seemed to peak everyone’s interest, majority agreed that this may be a good opportunity and a smart one at that. Some others weren’t so keen on this, specifically belphie, leviathan and lucifer. It wasn’t that lucifer didnt think it was a good idea but he thought the concept may be rushed into and not prepared properly. Meanwhile in Levi’s case, the idea of a full day of sports was exhausting , let alone over two weeks ?!(Olympics lasted 19 days this summer).Even belphie agreed it would be too much—then again he was never quite keen on things to do with sport, unless it came to beel.

Still, Diavolo was adamant and insisted that it would promote physical activity (Levi rolled his eyes here) , wellbeing and would be a strengthening opportunity as well as reassuring that they not all students would have to participate in every race and most likely they’d only have to exert themselves for only a little with large breaks in between every event.

And so began the planning of first devil-lympics (?)

Well, Diavolo and barbatos thought it would be best if it were to be held within the confines of RAD, as he was raving about how it was going to nourish the bond of the exchange and it would simply be easier. If there were any events which needed more equipment or larger lengths (take swimming, track, ext) , he could always just rent out somewhere , he was the prince of the devildom after all.

Then came the problem of teams or more exactly who would / should participate. He and others agreed that the exchange students should participate but it was also considered that the Olympics were supposed to be for athletes who pushed the boundaries of the human body and he worried about some—cough cough luke—and wondered if it would be safe for them to do without exerting too much energy.

So, they decided to do something that Solomon suggested, An arts section in the Olympics. Solomon had explained that in the early Olympic games , there would be a category for art/the arts. This meant that painters , sculptors, architects, musicians and writers could be granted a gold medal, all entries would have to be sport themed. The reason it was no longer in the human world games was because it was very disorganised and the guidelines kept changing. Sometimes the voting jury didn’t think anything was appealing and so they didn’t choose the medalist. So, after 40 years of the arts being included, it was removed in 1948.

Needless to say, the demon lord’s intrigue was peaked once again and he decided that some may do that.

It was determined afterwards that the brothers, purgatory hall , the sports teams (including some from other schools), MC and the demons especially talented at sports at RAD would be able to participate if they had beat others or ,like in the human world , came high in their rankings overall.

Needless to say those like Levi , belphie and asmo who weren’t too keen on the idea of sports were entered to be a part of the arts section (though Levi might have been secretly signed up for some swimming events) And so, the first RAD devil-lympics was set!

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7 months ago

How do you say…

They react to the fact you can speak another language. So sorry if this isn’t really accurate or that good, I just had the idea and seemingly needed to write it down! Other brothers will come later, in order. As well as side characters!

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Lucifer already knew that you could speak another language , considering he had gone through your files when he was selecting you as an exchange student.

Though he didn’t exactly pay this information any attention, that is until he heard you speaking this language. The first time he heard the words coming from your lips he was quite stunned. What did you say?

Nonetheless, he is quite amazed at the fact you can speak another language and if you can speak multiple, his pride in you just skyrockets.

In my opinion, he would most likely be able to speak a multitude of other languages, hell, there’s probably a spell to understand and speak different languages in the devildom.

Yet you, someone who has learnt and understood a different language and did so without any form of magic— more likely just hours of memorising grammar rules, pronunciation and translation, isn’t it obvious that he’s going to show you off?

At parties hosted by Diavolo, occasionally you can hear your name uttered by lucifer, a grin on his face—undoubtedly he is boasting about you.

He also does love to hear you speak it, how the pronunciation rolls off your tongue, how you annunciate the vowels, anything really about it.

What stunned you however , is how one day whilst you were watching a series in said language lucifer appeared and sat on the couch next to you. Then he began to speak and that’s when your emotions turned into a mix of stunned and impressed.

If your ears didn’t deceive you, you heard lucifer speaking in your language, fluently it seemed. ‘What are you watching?’ Was uttered , a soft chuckle following afterwards at the sight of your raised eyebrows and confused expression.

Afterward, he explains how it was just a temporary spell he used to speak the language for a period of time. Once he asked you to teach him some of your language and he got the hang of it almost instantly.


The way mammon found out is when you were stuck on dinner duty and he was helping , you had needed to ask him to pass something when the word couldn’t translate into English in your head.

‘Whatcha need me to get then?’ He asks, heading to the kitchen cabinets

‘The, uh, the thingy’

‘What’d ya mean the ‘thingy’?’

‘You know…the thing that’s used to season stuff’

‘You’re gonna need to be more specific... There’s about twenty-somethin’ things that could be that ‘thingy’’

‘Get me the chili flakes’ you say, though ‘chili flakes’ is said in your language. He looks back at you, even more confused. Finally, you give up and head to the cabinets pulling out the chili flakes.

‘Yo, that’s not what they’re called , is it?’

And then the realisation that you were speaking in a different language set in but he was still a little confused ‘why’d ya say it in a different language if you don’t speak another…YA SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE?’

I mean, I feel like pride is one of the things that all the brothers would feel when learning this piece of info. Mammon is very much enjoying the fact that you, his human was fluent in a different language , by Lord Diavolo he was absolutely thrilled. Could he somehow market this , let’s see… translator maybe? Well, then he realised he’d have to share your ability with the world and hid din takes over. No one’s gonna hear you speak this other language other than him, ya hear?

Though, his efforts to hide this from his brothers are all ruined when he accidentally spills it whilst in conversation over the dinner you’d just made. Actually, it wasn’t like you were keeping this a secret, mammon was but well, that didn’t go as he planned.

Needless to say he is very excited to hear you speak it,finding your pronunciation and you in general ‘decent enough’ (he means incredibly attractive) and frequently asks questions like

‘How do you say lucifer needs to gimme more money for allowance?’ Or ‘how’d ya say *insert swear word/profanity*’

I also feel like he’d be the type of person to ask ‘how do you say my name in your langauge’ as if it wouldn’t be the same 😭😭

He had had a case in which when he was mad / irritated at one of his brothers he swore at them only in said language and after he was done cussing them out, burst your door open and with his hands on his hips and a devious grin on his face.

‘What did you do?’ Is the first thing uttered from your lips when you saw him

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7 months ago

Sweet dreams ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁

I was bored so I wrote a fic, just a bunch of fluff! A very short summary :You fall asleep whilst lucifer is working^^

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Lucifer’s room was filled with a deafening silence, perhaps the only sign of life in the room was the scratching of a fountain pen or an occasional flipping of paperwork along with various other documents that were engulfing lucifer’s desk . An exasperated sigh escaped his lips as he gazed at the time shown on the clock, it was already 1 in the morning and he was still not done with half of the lot. Nonetheless he trudged on, a hand supporting his forehead as he wrote pages upon pages of paragraphs and signed numerous documents.

The time read 1:33AM on the clock. The avatar of pride was so engrossed in his duties that he didn’t even realise his door being gently pushed open by none other than you. Peeking your head in, you notice how intensely he is working and make an attempt to sneak away. Unfortunately, as soon as you were about to leave, he spotted you.

‘MC’ he began, his voice deep and laced with fatigue.

‘Is something the matter?’ He continued , looking up from his paperwork and taking his glasses off to polish the lenses

Your gaze sifts from him then to his work and figuring it would be best not to trouble him at such an hour, you consider making up some half-hearted excuse and leaving. Though looking at him once more and seeing his pale complexion and his eye bags ,which were like deep trenches, make you think otherwise.

‘Would you like me to help? You look , in the nicest way possible, extremely worn-out. How about a short break?’ You suggested

He shook his head at the proposal.

‘I’m afraid most of this needs to be done by tomorrow—or more accurately today’ he corrected himself , remembering the time on the clock.

‘Though your company would be appreciated’ he added. The eldest was awfully aware of the soothing effect you had on him, what a strange sensation it was in his heart.

And so, he motions for you to come in fully, telling you to sit in a chair—he doesn’t mind which.

Sitting down into one of the plush chairs the room faded into pin-drop silence once more. You scanned the interior of his room; bottles of aged demonus on shelves, paintings and records of various music genres lined up neatly. Your attention is caught by these records as an idea pops into your head.

‘Could I play one of these, perhaps it could help you relax or concentrate on work?’ You suggest, pointing at the rack

He cranes his head backwards and after a pause , he nodsand with a charming smile ‘that would be nice’ escapes from his lips.

So, you reach over and contort your position ever so slightly to reach his records. You flip through them, sirens songs, concertos and opera arias , until finally you find one titled ‘the lamia’s lullaby’. You proceed to take it out and begin to play it.

The melody echoing through the room is soft and gentle, alluring like a sirens song though with a tone sweeter than any of the angel’s cupcakes. Music dances through the air as your eyes begin to grow weary and your mind begins to drift to dreamland, a yawn emerging from you. Your head rests into the plush of the seat and your eyes flutter close.

Upon noticing you have fallen asleep, he chuckles. Pausing from his duties, he stands up and carries you onto his bed, bridal style, careful not to wake you. He places you down carefully onto the bed and positions you comfortably. After he tucks you in, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead as the music lulls you to sleep.

‘Sweet dreams’

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6 months ago

Hello dear.. Please don't skip my message My name is Mohammed, from the afflicted and destroyed Gaza Strip, where life has become impossible and tragic, and where we see death and pain every moment and every day. Our children suffer from hunger, pain, deprivation and lack of medicine. The war deprived them of playing, school, and their most basic rights. They are now suffering from woes and tragedies. 😭😭 During the war, my wife gave birth to a child and I could not find any milk for him Our conditions are tragic, and we live in a shelter that lacks the minimum requirements for life and is plagued by diseases and epidemics Please help me save my children from the hell of the Gaza Strip and provide them with a decent life 😔 Your assistance, no matter how simple, is enough to ease the burden on us and help us overcome our crisis. Please sympathize with me and donate to me or contribute to sharing the campaign and spreading it widely

Vetted by 90-ghost


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6 months ago

‘Here’s looking at you kid’

Mc was an actor in the human world, I think I’ll create more parts to this. Possibly with separate characters, maybe just as one fanfic. Sorry for any errors!!

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For a portion of your life, you dabbled in the acting industry and you were quite good at it, what’s more, you enjoyed it. Nevertheless, those days were long gone now, stored in the back of your mind —always there but not necessarily always remembered , like a faded photograph hidden in the album of someone’s life. What’s more, you never thought to mention it to anyone; considering the fact that life here was already interesting as is. You thought any notion of your days acting would never be seen again until..

A message pops up in a group chat titled ‘MC’s birthday’—it’s a group chat that has everyone but you in it, made for the sole purpose of your surprise birthday party but has been barely touched since then.

Leviachan:How many of you guys knew that MC was an actor in the human world??

Ping! Another notification

Mammon:what’d ya mean they used to act?

After this message a plethora of screenshots are sent to the group chat by Asmo , everyone’s online now. The screenshots are of different movies and series’ . Some have you on the front cover and the ones which don’t have a circle in pink around where you are listed as an actor.

Lucifer:How did you manage to find this?

Leviathan:I was searching for an old anime I’d watched that was popular in the human world and as soon as I typed the first word in, I was MC’s face!

Satan:How come Solomon didn’t recognise them?

Solomon:Ah, so that’s why they felt familiar at first! They starred in Leonora!

Mammon:what are we waitin’ for?! Let’s watch em!

Asmo: What about a movie marathon? ♥︎

Asmo suggested and all messages following were in total agreement.

That is how everyone —angels, Simeon , Lord Diavolo and Barbatos included— ended up in the house of lamentation, in your room watching the movies you starred in projected on the wall with popcorn buckets and snacks.

When you got home, it seemed eerily quiet, usually by this time someone would have been arguing. You peek your head into the living room—no one. ‘Perhaps they’re all just in their rooms?’ Was what you thought before you opened the door to your bedroom and were greeted with about a dozen eyes turning in your direction.

They all looked at you like deers in headlights as you stand in the doorframe of your own room, utterly confused.

‘We can explain—!’

Quickly escaped many of them as well as other statements along the lines of that. Though despite pleads, your eyes drift upward at the projected movie on the screen, one of your most popular. With a soft smile, mixed with confusion and delight you ask:

‘How did you guys even find this?’

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6 months ago

Thinking about you borrowing their clothes>>>

This has literally only been read over twice so I’m so sorry about any mistakes in grammar or punctuation!! I was feeling kind of sleepy when I wrote this so…

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Imagine stealing lucifers big coat and wearing it around the Devildom like a blanket, maybe wearing his gloves when you want to feel him holding your hand and he isn’t there. His clothes are like a piece of security, like a guardian angel. Perhaps in this a guardian-devil.

Stealing mammons glasses and his jacket, whenever he sees you wearing them he goes a scarlet red that roses would even envy. That and he will boast nonstop about how you’re wearing his clothes ‘of course ya would ,I’m the great mammon after all!’

Appearing infront of Levi with his specially designed anime hoodies and Ruri -chan sweatshirts that you had borrowed. This serene proceeded him to display the definition of red on his face. He’s actually elated you chose him out of anyone else, he doesn’t feel like a crappy otaku (for now)

Sneaking into satans room and draping his coat over yourself when you’re cold, he was irritated when his jacket went missing but seeing you in it calmed the raging storm and brought tranquility in his mind. He cannot stay angry at you, it seems. You ended up reading together.

Asmo and you practically share clothes with how much is borrowed and taken. He’s so generous,too. You practically both have half your wardrobes full of each others clothes. Additionally, you even go dhoooing together He loves seeing you in his clothes, it filled him with such a fuzzy feeling in his heart.

Wearing beel’s fangol jerseys when you want to support his team or just in general. He sees you wearing them in a game? He somehow starts playing with rapid speed and extra swiftness. He sees you wearing them around the house? At dinner, You have a little extra on the portion on your food (he made sure to hold back for you while eating)

Wearing any of belphies nightclothes allow him to have better dreams. Seeing you clothed in what he’s worn just soothes him, he does end up dreaming about you in his dream and proceeds to recount it tp you in the morning via a text. Though if he’s feeling particularly productive (which is rare) he’ll recount it on the way to school if he ends up walking with you.

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10 months ago

yay! requests are open! y'know that thing where the s/o being so weak for their partner? I wanted to request the demon bros being weak for their s/o? does that make sense?

like, for example, MC would pout a little, and say 'pwease 🥺' and the demon bros would be like, 'yes, go on, what do you want from me? would you like my-' they'd just be so weak for mc.

I hope that makes sense! also, if it's too much characters, you can just do mammon and satan :) thank you ;3

Their One Weakness: MC!

(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)

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Lucifer is known as the cruel eldest of the brothers. A sadist whose word is law, whose will can only be bent by Lord Diavolo himself. And yet since you came to the Devildom, all you ever seemed to do was the opposite of what he asked. Yet he still came to love you. He wonders if he spoils you too much...

Especially when you always seem to get your way one way or another. When you proposed the chaotic idea of a massive get together between the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall, Lucifer immediately said no. It’d be way too noisy and he had things to do.

But THEN... You fixed him with those damn EYES of yours.... The big eyes filled with sparkles and hopes that pleaded to him.... stop staring at him with them big ol eyes-

Lucifer REFUSES to acknowledge how cute you are when you look at him like that. Well, verbally anyway. You look like a kicked puppy...and he loves puppies...

"............I suppose if we prepare right now and get a dinner menu ready, it could be possible. And if you pout any harder you might pull a muscle, and I doubt I could explain that to Lord Diavolo. Now, go tell the others what you have planned."


Mammon is practically the biggest MC simp in the world. You always occupy his thoughts any time of the day. 'Oh, MC would probably like one of these'. 'MC's always eatin' this for lunch. I'll grab one.' 'This would be way less borin' if MC were around...'

But as the Tsundere 🤢 king of the Devildom, there's no way he'll admit to any of that! So what if he's head over heels for you?! That doesn't mean he's gonna be all weak in the knees the moment you-

Wait, you're saying that because he lost a bet yesterday and promised he'd take you out to Ristorante Six and pay for the whole thing, now he's gotta pay up?!?! No way! He doesn't remember what you're talking about, and that voice recording you've got on your phone is clearly fake!

Mammon's dead set on weaseling out of his promise, until you freeze him in place with your pouty face... then you hit him with a "please..?" and the Avatar of Greed swears he might die right then and there.

"Tch..! Damn it, I ain't got a choice when ya look at me like that!!! What're ya playin' at, pulling' my heartstrings like that?! Hurry up and get dressed so we can go! A-and ya better eat your fill, too!"


The founder of the top secret MC Cult Fanclub, there's not much that could keep Levi from becoming putty in your hands. He's used to idolizing the objects of his affection, and you're no exception!

So when it comes to bending to your will, he's definitely the easiest. Except when it comes to n-...normie stuff...

Seriously, do you think someone like HIM should be going to The Fall?!?! No way! Not in a million, billion, trillion years!!!! You shouldn't get him to go to that crowded club even if you dragged him there!!!

Then... you hit him with the cute act... You declare your loyalty to him as his beloved Henry, fixing him with a pleading look that shoots him straight through the heart, and... GAH, HE'S GOT NO CHOICE!!!!!

"At... at least help me choose something to wear..! I don't know how I'm supposed to dress for normie stuff like this!!! Aaah... I wanna stay home, b-but when you say something like that, I just can't win-!"


Satan openly admits to how he likes to spoil you. It's cute seeing how big your grin becomes when he gives you something you wanted, and how happy you are when he takes you out for the evening.

But there are some things even he doesn't want to do, like when you suggest going to a chess tournament with Lucifer. You've been pressured by Lucifer wanting to attend, but figured it'd be easier to sit through with someone else. So why not Satan, who'd mentioned liking chess?

Yeah... he'd go if Lucifer weren't involved. As much as he'd love to go and pull some strings to ruin the match for the dear eldest, he's got something else planned involving a well timed glue bomb and Lucifer's study. So he'll pass.

Or so he thought, until you started poking your fingers together and mentioned how you'd hoped you could both enjoy it together. Kind of like a date..? Gah, his heart and its weakness for unconventional dates-!!!!

"...I... suppose I could go. It’d be nice to study how Lucifer plays, so I can finally beat him. Don't you think the look on his face will be priceless? And if you're there as well, I'll be able to stomach watching his face for an hour."


Asmo LOVES you more than aaanyone!! There's no one who loves you more, you know? Why, he wants to involve you in every aspect of his life, and actively tries to do just that! He's even tried dragging you into the tub with him a few times...

And when it comes to spoiling you, he loves it! He's always the one being spoiled, so it makes him giddy when he can give a little back. If there's anything you want from him, just tell him and he'll make it happen!

Eh? You want to play fangol? With HIM?? Um... pass. You know he just got his nails done, right? Asmo's not really a fan of running around with a ball and getting knocked to the ground, so... no thanks! ❤️

Wait, don't make that face! What're you looking so glum for?? He'll kiss your sadness away, and- Eh?! You don't want a kiss?? You really wanna play THAT badly?????

"....You really don't have me mistaken for Beel, right..? You really want to play with ME? ...Haaaah, fine! I'll play one game with you, and in exchange, you have to spend all of tomorrow with moi! Sounds good, right~? Now let me see if Satan will let me borrow some of his clothes...urgh..."


As a 'go with the flow' guy, there's not much Beel won't do with you, even if it's not really something he's interested in. As long as he has you around and a surplus of snacks, he's fine with anything.

Until you suggest going to Majolish to try on some stylish outfits. You mention how Beel wears variations of the same thing all the time, so it's time for an update! He thinks you're spending too much time with Asmo...

Beel isn't really into tight, itchy, stiff fabrics like the 'stylish' things they sell at Majolish, and decides he'd much rather go to Hell's Kitchen instead. He's hungry. Are you hungry?

'Stop changing the subject'? Ah.. damn it 😔 Wait, now you're saying you just wanted to buy fancy outfits because you were planning to take him to Ristorante Six?! You can't tell if he's blushing over your consideration or the idea of food, but now Beel's looking through the clothes with earnest.

"I didn't know you were the winner of that 'all you can eat' coupon lottery. When I didn't win I was pretty upset, but I'm glad to know it was you. Even if these clothes are weird, I'll wear them. Can you pick something good for me?"


Belphie likes to spoil you in more subtle ways, instead of simping as hard as his brothers. He's still as much of a sucker for you as they are though, much to his dismay. All you have to do is smile and you've got him wrapped around your gross human finger.

But when you mention wanting to go biking with Lord Diavolo and wanting him to come along, Belphie suddenly discovers that his ears don't work anymore. Anyway, goodnight-

Hey, stop poking him like that. Can't you see an deaf man is trying to sleep here?? And what's with that face..? You're pouting so hard you look like you're going to explode. It's cute, but Belphie can close his eyes an not see it.

But then you scoot into bed with him and hold him from behind, and the sleepy demon starts feeling his resolve crumble. You have some dirty tactics, huh..? Getting all cozy with him just because he's got a soft spot for you...

"...............Why Diavolo of all people..? I'd prefer anyone over him. Ugh... Hey, they still rent out those two person bikes, don't they? I'll only go if I can ride on that with you. I'll sit right behind you and cheer you on, okay? ..What's with that look? I'm joking...maybe."

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10 months ago

Please,, the demon brothers reacting to being called "submissive and breedable" by MC

Lookin Kinda Submissive. Perhaps Breedable

(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦


What the fuck did you just say to him.

Doesn't even want to know the origins of whatever just came out of your mouth, but he dares you to say it again.

Do you really think Lucifer has the patience to deal with this today? You're already giving him a migraine and the day's barely even started why are you like this. You can see the light slowly fading from his eyes

Sighs like he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders. You've reduced his lifespan significantly with that one statement. He doesn't even have the energy to punish you but now he's wondering if it's too late to take you out of the exchange program



Takes that shit to heart. You've hurt him. Wounded his pride. He may never recover from this. He thought he could trust you.

Mammon's pretty sure you've hurt him so badly that he's now legally obligated to sue you. Where's his financial compensation??

Watch this man start lifting weights when you're around and walking around shirtless just to prove how much of a macho dom he is. Like, alpha male supreme. 100% man. Are you looking?



The king of social media has 100% seen that meme but that doesn't stop him from fucking choking????ramune is coming out of his nose?????

Stuck between laughing and nervously choking so it honestly sounds like you need to give him the heimlich-

This moment is forever ingrained into his memory, and every time he hears the phrase, he'll think of you. Please go away so he can try to undo the psychic damage you just dealt, thanks.


Slams his book shut immediately and gives you a look so hard, you'd swear that vein on his head might burst.

Care to repeat that, MC? No no go ahead, say it again. He wants to make sure he heard you right 🙂 Don't be shy go ahead 🙂🙂 He is no longer asking 🙂🙂🙂

Yeah what did you think was gonna happen? You're implying you plan to DOMINATE him? He's used to horny talk thanks to Asmo, so he's immune to the 'breedable' thing.

Beg for his forgiveness, then write a 1000 page apology letter. Yes he'll read the entire thing and yes he'll check for grammatical errors. You're being graded.


I mean... yeah. That's the vibe he's going for, so he's glad you noticed 😘 Was it the way he styled his hair today? Oh, or maybe his new perfume??

But don't think the adorable Asmo is a one trick pony! He's not ALWAYS submi-

Anyway, if you were looking for a good time, all you had to do was ask! You don't have to beat around the bush like that, darling MC~! He's always willing to submit to you, unless you'd prefer something else? ❤️

Wait what do you mean it was a meme what's a meme



He's just trying to eat a sandwich man why you gotta do this to him. Beel may not be the brightest guy in the bunch, but he knows what BREEDABLE means.

Are you??proposing or something?? He's flattered but maybe you're hanging out with Asmo too much lately-

Sorry, he's gotta go. Lucifer's calling him. You just can't hear it because it's really quiet. He's using a tone of voice only demons can hear. Anyway bye


Fucking goodnight.

There's no amount of sleep in the world that could've mentally prepared him for that, and now he's in recovery mode. *windows shut down noise*

Maybe you bounced a couple of screws loose when you died that one time? Anyway he knows he just woke up but uhhh

Don't talk to him. He's ignoring you. Go think about your actions while he contemplates the reason you were born with the ability to speak. You are not being perceived. His eyes are closed, perhaps forever. Maybe death isn't so bad after all.

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10 months ago

I heard request are open and I was thinking about this headcanon of mine that the brothers leave some of their personal stuff ( like luci leaves a pen, asmo leaves nail polish ,etc.) In mc room because their that comfortable around them-🌸

Things Left Behind

(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦


Its common that Lucifer invites you to HIS room, rather than spending his time in yours. Maybe its because he prefers his own space? Maybe he wants your presence to linger there long after you’ve gone? Either way its rare for him to outright go into your room, let alone to bring anything with him.

When he does, it’s only on a whim. He makes excuses, like, “Do I really need a reason to come to your room?” “Are my brothers the only ones you’ll let in?” and things like that. He’ll never outright tell you that he just wanted to enjoy your company first hand, in the room that’s become yours.

He often leaves his coat in your room. The huge, billowing, gaudy garment he’s rarely seen without can be found draped on a chair or tossed onto the end of your bed without a care. Lucifer is at his most casual when he’s with you, so there’s no need to be so formal, right? It only took him one time to leave your room without it for him to never do so again. Asmo caught sight of him and spun a scandalous rumor about what the two of you could’ve been doing in private, and...you can imagine the rest.


We all know that his clingy ass practically lives in your room. Leave it to Mammon to decide that he now has two bedrooms. And no you don’t get a choice. He’s your roommate now! He wants the world to know that you’re HIS human, and... well, maybe he just likes your room a little more than his own. So what?

From cup noodle cups to a spare toothbrush, Mammon has left a little bit of everything in your room, and he knows it. When he’s looking for something he’s lost, his first instinct is to go check your room. He’s always teased for it, but the habit hasn’t changed a bit.

The most common trinket left behind is, surprisingly, his wallet. Mammon never goes anywhere without it, and yet it always winds up on your bed somewhere! He knows you wouldn’t do anything though, so he’s always relieved when its exactly where he left it.


He’s more of a ‘stick to his own room’ kinda guy. Levi’s bedroom is his sanctuary, so he’d prefer if you just came over instead. He’ll go to your room if he has to, but he hates when his brothers catch him in the act. It’s always ‘the otaku has finally come out!’ and ‘woah, the shut-in is actually going to MC’s room?!’ It’s annoying!

Levi’s pretty careful about where he leaves his things, thanks to Mammon’s sticky fingers and his own personal preferences, but there’s a few times he might forget something during his rare visits to your room.

His handheld game system is often left on your bed. Manga too, though that’s usually intentional in the hopes that you’ll either read it, or go to his room to return it. It’s the perfect way to get you to come to HIM, instead of the other way around!


Satan misplaces little things, like ink pens and books, bookmarks and scrap paper. I mean, look at his room. Do you think this man has any idea what ‘tidy’ means? He prefers organized chaos, and that’s obvious with the mess he tends to leave around.

Loves to bring books to your room. Its nice to be able to share a story with you in private, though... it’s never as private as he’d like. Your room is practically the HoL’s common room at this point.

There’s a cat paw bookmark he repeatedly leaves in your room, and panics when he can’t find it. It even has a dangling charm with another cat paw on it, so there’s no way he’s willing to lose that! It’s a prized possession of his that he’d never let any of his brothers touch. He trusts you, though.


Asmo likes to bring a TON of things into your room. Nail polishes and nail care kits, skincare products and makeup, jewelry and clothing... Every surface of your room tends to be covered in his belongings when he spends the day with you.

It’s a regular occurrence that he lets you keep a thing or two. He knows you’ll look positively radiant if you use this facial lotion! Oh, and these earrings! He’s got a matching pair, so it’ll be adorable if you both wear them out!

Often forgets his hand mirror in your room. As much as he loves staring at his own reflection, you leave his heart feeling so full that he doesn’t even have time to think about himself! It’s strange, isn’t it?


Snacks, snacks, and more snacks. Beel brings food with him wherever he goes, so is it really a surprise he’d do the same in your room? That is, unless you’ve got a ‘no snacks allowed’ policy in place. Then he’d be sure to eat a big meal before he stops by.

Discarded snack bags, wrappers, empty cups, and a plethora of crumbs seem to be Beel’s trademark. He does his best to clean up after himself though, but might need a little reminder or two. Especially after you find crumbs in your bed for the third time.

Slowly but surely you notice that the food trash is becoming less and less present, until he’s stopped bringing food in altogether. And when you ask him what’s up, he’ll simply reply with “Oh. I guess I haven’t been feeling very hungry when I come to your room? Being around you makes me forget about it. It’s nice.”


Belphie’s favorite napping spot is your bed. Or  “our” bed, as he’d call it. It might not be as plush and cozy as his own well worn mattress, but it’s yours, so its even better. It smells like you, and he’ll never admit how much he likes that.

Trying to get Belphegor out of your room is as hard at trying to move a mountain. He sleeps like a rock and is as stubborn as a bull. Why kick him out when he’ll be so quiet you’ll forget he’s there? And you don’t mind if he brings his pillows and blankets with him too, do you? 

He’s laid claim to the right side of your bed, leaving his cow print pillow there as a sign of ownership. You know it’s his favorite, so the fact that he leaves it here means he really does intend to stick around for a while. He’ll let you borrow it if you ask nicely, though.

Tags :
9 months ago

Late-night Activities

(some highly suggestive Obey Me! Lucifer x reader)

It was pure coincidence that Lucifer walked past your room in the middle of the night and noticed you weren't sleeping. The door was cracked open just a hair, allowing him to spot the ever-so-slight light of your phone illuminating the back wall. It was a peculiar time for you to be awake, especially considering the awful cold you were fighting off.

He knocked twice and entered, leaning through the doorway. "You're supposed to be resting. Can't sleep?"

"Mmh," you affirmed, your eyes glued to the phone screen. You sniffled and shifted over to make room on the edge of your bed, holding back a cough. "I found some funny videos that kept me up. Want to see?"

Lucifer gladly took the offered seat, sliding off his shoes before propping a leg up on the bed and sitting beside you. You raised the phone up while he leaned over, meeting each other halfway.

The video was alright. Silly human children doing stupid human things. They reminded Lucifer of his brothers, but not enough to elicit a laugh. "This is what's keeping you up? You should be resting. We need you back at RAD."

"I'm alright," you asserted. "The cough is mostly gone."

As if on cue, you were sent into a hacking fit, naturally curling your knees up to your chest as you tried to catch your breath in between coughs. It lasted for nearly a minute. Lucifer furrowed his brow and gazed at you with worry, a hand hovering over your back if the need for it arose.

You stretched out when the cough finally subsided and took a deep breath. "See? I'm fine," you claimed, visibly winded and voice raspy.

"Yes, I see, clear as day," Lucifer agreed sarcastically. You couldn't see his eyes rolling in the dark.

The phone screen changed color rapidly as you scrolled through its endless content in pursuit of another video. Preferably one Lucifer would like. He observed you in concern, with zero interest for anything on the screen.

"If you're so bored, how about we do something else instead?" he offered.

Lucifer shifted his entire weight onto the bed. You softly tumbled into one of his legs while he moved the other into a straddling position, setting a hand next to your shoulder. He popped a few shirt buttons and began loosening his tie. The dangling fabric tickled your chin. Everything suddenly smelled like Lucifer.

You tapped the top edge of the phone against your nose, hiding your blushing face as the screen went dark. "What are we going to do?"

"Why don't I show you?" his deep voice rumbled as the tips of his fingers caressed your neck. You shuddered at the touch. He moved your hands away from your face, placing the phone far out of reach while adoring your expression. "I need you to look only at me."

You rubbed your knees together, but Lucifer squeezed your legs shut between his thighs. "Don't move unless I say so."

You nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat and taking another deep breath. The demon pinned you under his weight.

Lucifer took hold of your arms and bound your wrists together with his tie. The Avatar of Pride was exceptionally skilled at tying things up, as he had proved countless times before. When your hands were firmly restrained, he gave the tie a quick yank for good measure, holding the opposite end lightly between his fangs. You clenched your fists.

"Too tight?" he asked.

It was incredibly difficult to move and a little uncomfortable, but for Lucifer, you could deal with it. You shook your head, no.


He pulled the tie through the metallic filigree of the bed's headboard, ensuring your arms would stay up above your head no matter what happened next. You got a good view of his muscles through the undone shirt buttons as he loomed over you to finish his preparations.

With your arms firmly bound in place, Lucifer gave you an embrace, pulling your head against his chest. His heartbeat was oddly calm, though your own was racing so fast that you didn't notice. He kissed the top of your head and tantalizingly worked his way down, sliding his whole body against yours as he kissed your ear, then your cheek.

"You're so hot," he sighed.

You melted under his words and squeezed your eyes shut, ready for what may come.

"Good. Keep those eyes shut for me," he cooed into your neck. You felt his hands sliding down your sides through the covers.

"Here's what's going to happen," Lucifer whispered, pulling your blanket up over your shoulders and rubbing his hands across your body as he tucked you in. "You're going to get a very, very good night's sleep. And you're going to recover from that cold."

His weight instantly disappeared as he got up, put his shoes back on in one smooth motion, and walked across the room. It happened so quickly, your brain had trouble catching up to reality. You opened your eyes and frantically turned to watch his smug figure walk out the door.

"Lucifer!?" you called in confusion.

"Good night," he called back. "I don't want to find you on your phone again."

You tugged at the restraints, but he was too good. Not only was your phone all the way on the opposite end of the bed, but your arms were firmly stuck above your head. Writhing about only caused the covers he so carefully swaddled to come a little loose. They were still warm with his body heat. It was quiet, no matter how much you thrashed your legs and huffed in frustration, triggering another coughing fit.

"Lucfier! You're going to pay for this!"

Tags :
5 months ago

"Can you go tell Mammon and Levi that dinner is ready? We're waiting on them." Lucifer decided this task was best left up to you.

Everyone else had turned up at the usual time and sat in their usual places. Beelzebub was salivating into his napkin and staring a hole into his plate. Satan had passed him a piece of pocket candy out of pity, which sated the Avatar of Gluttony for a whole three seconds.

The fact that everyone was willing to wait without immediately digging in showed just how highly they valued family. How heartwarming. You agreed to the task and got up before Beelzebub started flooding his seat.

Past the living room, down the hall, up the stairs. As you got closer to your destination, sounds got louder. Thuds, shaking furniture, shouts. They were coming from Mammon's room. You stopped in front of his door to assess the situation.

"Back off, nerd!" Nearby demonic power made the hair on your arms stand up.

"Tell me! Where," something slammed against the wall to your left, "is Beatra!?" A high pitched whistling noise signified the use of magic projectiles.

The situation had been assessed. It was a typical sibling spat. You knocked, loudly. Something wooden could be heard splintering to pieces with a loud crack.

"I told ya, I ain't seen your stupid toy!"

"She's a figurine! Rraaaghh!"

It wasn't exactly a hearty "come in," but that was your cue to intervene. You opened the door.

Leviathan was slumped face-up across a broken table with his older brother in a headlock. His hair was smoldering. His tail was throwing debris every which way while he smacked his brother's head like a drum. Mammon, meanwhile, was biting Leviathan's arm with the tenacity of a piranha. He was clawing at his younger brother and spastically flapping his wings, the spurs of which would get caught on Leviathan's clothes and leave scratch marks on his skin.

They didn't notice you walk in. You raised your voice and said, "hey. Dinner's ready."

The fighting immediately died down as the two looked up. Mammon's wings slowed to a flutter. Leviathan's grip relaxed. The malice in the air dissipated. They looked like two kids being caught red-handed stealing cookies from a jar.

"Like... right now?" Mammon asked.

"Yeah," you responded.

"Oh, okay. We'll be down in a minute," Leviathan assured you.

"You better, Lucifer's getting tired of waiting." With that simple yet effective warning, you exited the room. Looking at all the damage was making you anxious about the house's budget.

Once the door clicked shut, it wasn't long before the bickering resumed. Accusations of "this is all your fault!", "I know you took Beatra!", and "hurry and get up, idiot!" were hurled at one another as you made your way down the hall. You took your time, putting one foot casually in front of the other. There was a flurry of activity, but no violent continuation.

By the time you reached the stairs, Mammon and Leviathan flew out of the room and raced to catch up with you. Their demon forms were gone. Mammon panted, using what little breath he had left to ask "what's for dinner?" while Leviathan worked to blow the smoke in his hair away.

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3 years ago


(Takes place over the course of Lore II through Lore VI. Major characters: Solomon)



Solomon: [Hey, Michael.]

Solomon: [How is everything going?]

Solomon: [I’d like to meet with you soon. I have some concerns I’d like to bring to your attention.]

Sent 127 days ago

Solomon: [Michael?]

Solomon: [I know you must be busy, but I really think this meeting is of top urgency.]

Sent 126 days ago



Solomon: [Hey Raphael. Is Michael busy? I’ve been trying to get in contact with him for a few weeks now.]

Sent 102 days ago

Solomon: [I need to meet with him to discuss some pretty urgent matters, but he isn’t answering his phone. I’d really appreciate it if you could tell him to call me.]

Sent 100 days ago

Read 91 days ago



Solomon: [Hi, this is Solomon the sorcerer. I was wondering if you could get me in contact with Michael? It’s important.]

Sent 88 days ago

Simeon: [Hi, I’m sorry to say Michael isn’t available right now.]

Solomon: [I understand; he is quite busy after all. When will he next be available? The sooner the better.]

Simeon: [He isn’t taking meetings outside the Celestial Realm at all right now, I’m afraid. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you a more satisfying answer.]

Sent 61 days ago



Solomon: [There have been a concerning amount of angel sightings in the human world. It’s all over our news. Isn’t interference with humans strictly against the rules? What’s going on?]

Solomon: [Michael?]

Solomon: [Michael?] Sent 29 days ago

Solomon: [Michael, New York City has just been flattened. I went to take a look, and found strong traces of both demonic and angelic magic at play.]

Solomon: [Maybe “traces” isn’t the right word. It was too strong for that.]

Solomon: [Did you and the Demon King himself duke it out down here? Because that’s what this strength of magic is indicating to me.]

Solomon: [Actually, no. No offense, but I’m fairly certain neither of you could physically handle exerting this amount of power at once.]

Solomon: [I really think we need to have a meeting to discuss this. The humans are freaking out.]

Solomon: [Michael?]

Tags :
2 years ago

Well now you know why the brothers prefer Devildom cuisine to human dishes.

Not to mention Solomon gave a bad first Impression of human food on his first cooking spree.

some of the Akuber foods

Some Of The Akuber Foods
Some Of The Akuber Foods
Some Of The Akuber Foods
Some Of The Akuber Foods
Some Of The Akuber Foods
Some Of The Akuber Foods
Some Of The Akuber Foods
Some Of The Akuber Foods

my ultimate favorite is red riding hood sandwiches they look pretty and tasty

Tags :
5 months ago

Mc going around saying "I hate men" then having to explain to the brothers that they don't count. It then changed to "I hate human men" and then having to explain that Solomon doesn't count either. Yet when Mc says "Men are dumb" no one bats an eye except Mammon who very emphatically tries to prove he is not.

Hello! I’ve really been enjoying your writing! May I request short drabbles for Lucifer, Satan, and Barbatos who react to MC when she answers the man vs bear question with bear? If it’s heavy for you to write, I completely understand.

Have a lovely day/night and please take care!

Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. But thanks for your request. I think it's very meaningful. After all it's important to feel safe around our demons no matter what. I hope you enjoy it.

Summary: Lucifer, Satan and Barbatos reacting to MC choosing the bear in the trend man vs bear.

Contains: Fluff


You can find more of my work here: Masterlist



The eldest had recently discovered the trend 'man vs bear' and was interested in your point of view on the matter so he decided to come to you and ask directly. And as much as he was expecting to hear that answer it still shook him to the core.

Lucifer: mumbling "Bear? Hm.. not that I didn't expect to hear that.."

He kept silent for a few more seconds before speaking up again.

Lucifer: "MC could you explain why you chose bear..?"

MC: "Well.. I just... I guess I don't feel particularly safe around men? The thought of what men are capable of scares me.."

Lucifer looked at you with concern in his eyes. He took your hands in his and gave you a sincere look.

Lucifer: "MC, I'm aware why you chose the bear. But.. I want you to know that you're be safe in the Devildom or wherever you maybe be when I'm right there with you. I'll make sure no man, no demon lays a finger on you."

Silence followed and the demon took a deep breath. He carefully wrapped his arms around you and spoke into your ear.

Lucifer: "...I know I, myself am a man but please trust me. I would never do anything to harm you."


The fourth-born heard of that trend from Asmo and wasn't particularly interested until one day before heading to bed he decided that he had to know your answer. So the next day he came to you with the question but the answer wasn't what he was expecting.

Satan: "Bear? Why bear? MC, were keeping you safe here in the Devildom no one would dare to lay a hand on you. Why did you choose bear?"

MC: "Satan, this question talk about men in general not men in the Devildom. And I'd be lying if I said that I feel safe around men."

The demon fell silent. Soon enough he took your hand in his and caressed its knuckles.

Satan: "MC, do you feel safe around me..?"

You smiled softly at the demon and nodded your head.

MC: "Of course I feel safe around you, Satan. You've long proven yourself that you're worthy of my trust.."

A relieved smile appeared on his face and he brought your hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles.

Satan: "Thank you, MC. I promise to always protect you from the dangers of life. I love you."


Barbatos was never interested in trends so he wasn't fast to get to know of this one. But once when Diavolo mentioned it and said that he'd like to know what your answer would be Barbatos was determined to confront you about it. And as much as he has hoped your answer would be different he had predicted what you'd say.

Barbatos: "I see..."

The demon kept silent for a minute, lost in his thoughts.

MC: "Barbatos? Is everything alright? You seem disappointed.."

Barbatos: "Disappointed? No. I'm just concerned.."

MC: "Concerned about my answer?"

Barbatos: "Indeed I am."

MC: "Well.. I mean.. of course I'd choose bear.. you never know what could go through a man's head.."

Barbatos: "Well yes of course, MC. You are quite tight but I can't help but wonder... Do you feel safe here with us in the Devildom?"

MC: "I'd be lying if I said that I don't. Even if something happens I know I can rely on the brothers or one of you guys to help me."

Barbatos smiled and took your hand in his, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of it.

Barbatos: "Good. Always know that you're safe in the Devildom. Whether it would be me or the brothers or whoever it is that is protecting you. And if something happens you can rely on me to handle it."

MC: "Thank you, Barbatos!"

Barbatos: "Of course. It is my duty to ensure your safety here in the Devildom."

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3 years ago

It's Halloween and for November 1 to 5 I will do a matching special with you and the fandoms on my list! Just send info about yourself! Hope you enjoy lovies!

It's Halloween And For November 1 To 5 I Will Do A Matching Special With You And The Fandoms On My List!

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