Octavian Pjo - Tumblr Posts
I just want it to be known that I get that Octavian cutting open stuffed animals for prophecies is better than killing animals.
But like-
If that fucker harmed a single one of my stuffed animals, those assholes would have needed to find a new way to get those prophecies bc it’s on sight.
@thel1ghtningthief I need your opinion on this :)
I saw a post pointing out how Octavian could kinda parallel Icarus?
With him being quite young and full of hubris and his death being because he didn’t listen ended up being launched into the explosion (flying to close to the sun).
I think it’s kinda cool but idk, I know that you like Octavian so I think that this is a you question.

AU where Everything in HoO is the same but Octavian is a 10 year old
The moment Percy became Praetor, Reyna made him incharge of babysitting the lil prophecy lad, cuz she needed a break and Percy didn’t know what he was getting himself into.
thought this would be funny XD
PJO/HOO/TOA characters as cursed images [Pt. 2]
![PJO/HOO/TOA Characters As Cursed Images [Pt. 2]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/89189b38ceb294c5937b0136635e5f2e/7f81af336b7eecdd-96/s500x750/bd398e38b02f58ce3e2d2cd8664577c7867d7503.jpg)
![PJO/HOO/TOA Characters As Cursed Images [Pt. 2]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/7be808ea8064c2593af6e14eec7123e2/7f81af336b7eecdd-5c/s250x400/e027fea240661250f1574eeea86f3d1e0b503eaa.jpg)
![PJO/HOO/TOA Characters As Cursed Images [Pt. 2]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/098737bfedeaf6cc2eb1743dc9a69bbf/7f81af336b7eecdd-17/s500x750/478a112d9db50de2b38c297b7536e6cb249c526f.jpg)
![PJO/HOO/TOA Characters As Cursed Images [Pt. 2]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fdf4ca503924c04d95f3cff2922f77fe/7f81af336b7eecdd-d2/s500x750/1d8e08880b034a22e987ce12765985adce7a570f.jpg)
![PJO/HOO/TOA Characters As Cursed Images [Pt. 2]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0bab3dcdcba24cb3645d24b334732d11/7f81af336b7eecdd-6a/s500x750/797a381b9fd7cb31835f698c80181dadcea11e1e.jpg)
![PJO/HOO/TOA Characters As Cursed Images [Pt. 2]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/843b95b622dbe09dfaff275a1600aa9e/7f81af336b7eecdd-69/s500x750/f06e307c528655fc0456fc29da03a88c2f6f955b.jpg)
hey yall guess what i'm not dead 🥰🥰🥰
so I'm kinda bored and idk what to draw
I like how people sometimes depict Octavian with a curly hair
I’d like to think that Octavian actually has natural curly hair despite his parents having straight hair, but he straightens it cuz as a kid his parents didn’t know how to handle his hair.
That’s why his hair is just like damaged and straw like in HoO
*note from the future: I’ve realized this could’ve been a joke post or sarcasm, if that is the case- I have been tomfooled. But hey, there’s some reasons that Octavian could get to be the Augur and Senior Centurion!)
Okay, okay! I’d like to present a possible answer. If I’m remembering correctly; Octavian can see the future (like in SoN with the whole ‘the Greek has arrived’ and the whole smoke and special affects) Apollo also notes that Octavian was contacting him when we talk with Apollo in BoO; So in some case he has prophetic powers that could land him in the Augur position, and secondly,
We are drawn attention to in SoN the fact that Octavian is stated to be a good Orator. Now, Oratory skills are nothing to brush off- a bunch of people have come into places of power throughout history due to being good Orators! So could it be safe to say he managed to through being a skilled Orator, making sure he had majority of his cohorts favor, and adding the fact that he was the Augur on top.
Okay that last paragraph was written weirdly, I just woke up. But yeah; his See the future stuff wasn’t stopped until Python took control of the Delphic cave and Apollo got blasted from the sky.
And this answer (i think at least) works okay because it gives him genuinely good reasons to get into the positions of power that he has. Rather than just getting through from money.
But, Augur: could reasonably see the future if looking at the objective fact parts of canon (in my opinion at least from what I remember, and it wasn’t all of one of the POV’s going ‘Welll, can Octavian actually do that?’)
And rising to being the senior Centurion: he could’ve rose through his Orating, careful strategic planning, and generally trying to show himself to look like the best option.
That’s my idea at least, it’s from what I remember from the books- and maybe it does give a okay explanation.
Okay but if Octavian couldn't see the future then how the hell did he gaslight gatekeep girlboss his way into being not only the camp augur but senior centurion of the best cohort because yes he's got money but money doesn't tell the future!!
Octavian headcanons :3
Another round of general Octavian headcanons, family edition! Would first like to state I’m not touching the legacy strands currently because stuff like Augustus Caesar and his demigod status in Pjo and all of that messes stuff up and I need more time to think about that and actually reading ToA and stuff.
Anyways, motivation for the Octavian post is to settle pre-audition jitters. Drama club beauty and the beast production, and auditions are tomorrow :,] gonna have to weasel my way through the singing part and hope my acting carries me the rest of the way through (in the words of Perseus Jackson; if I tried to sing I’m pretty sure it’d cause an avalanche.)
*Update because I’ve been writing this post for a day; we had dance auditions first! Pretty much just seeing where we are in dancing skills for this, it was really chill and fun and vibes were immaculate! Sorry this post is kind of ajifnsdb and I couldn’t get names down for these people, but I’d want to do that after figuring out.. naming work?
But ajdienajdjfneb whatever onto the headcannons!!
Big family, BIIIG family. In my head he has 8 other siblings (he is indeed the eighth child just for my amusement and it works for the little time before I work on how I think New Rome does naming, and I’m not touching that with a 39 and a half foot pole)
Old money family too. They’re descended from Emperors and they’ve managed to continue that legacy and have a family business, aware of Triumvirate holdings, may even have positive work relations.
Octavian is the 2nd youngest, in order his siblings go; 1st eldest, 2 kid, 3 child, 4&5 were twins, then 6,7,8,9. His poor mom has so many kids- but got solid breaks between them, though I don’t want to calculate ages at the moment.
Staring with his youngest sister. It’s Julia, that Julia. The one that’s Terminus’s little ‘assistant’. Octavian likes getting the opportunity to see her more often than most of his other siblings. She’s a little menace but gets away with it, nothing bad though, just mischievous.
Skipping Octavian we go to child 7. Who doesn’t have a name but just got out of the legion a few years ago, and moved out of the legion/New Rome. Bit of a rebel, but just wants to settle down with a family of their own and distance themselves from the family. They had a neutral-to negative relationship with Octavian. Octavian doesn’t like his siblings distance from Rome, and sibling likes Octavian but can’t help worry over him.
Kid 6 would be probably Gaius or something (again. Not about to go think too hard about what is gonna end up being Octavian’s Oc siblings. I can think about them later) he got out honorably after Mt.Tam, I like to think he’s still looking for a job and drifting in that University stage.
Kids 5&4 are twins, fraternal (maybe identical but I want more fraternal twins) and absolutely wild?? Jobs set up probably as something like loan sharks, they help upkeep the family fortune. Think like Ebenezer Scrooge or how Bob Marley are described in Christmas Carol. Taught Octavian everything they knew about blackmail, manipulation, etc. but they’re generally silly. Both usually try to charge people for various scams, think of the cartoonish dealer with the giant trench coat.
Child 3 has their own family and works for Bombillio’s (?) pretty comfortable with life. Fascinated with the mortal realm, slips on trips their parents take for business.
Child 2 and 1 have significantly branched off and live sort of anywhere, I feel like 1 is supervising that outpost in Canada (that’s another Hc I have that I talked about a LOOONG time ago) and then 2 probably lives out with their partner in San Fran and cats.
Okay a sorry I’m a little jittery because it is SNOWING!!!!! Where I am at least but still, SNOWING!! Sorry I couldn’t name anyone but still, wanted to get general family stuff down and writing posts like these calm me down when I’m feeling a bit aaaaaurgh.
Octavian has mostly good relationships with his siblings. Though he feels like he’s the only one really invested in being a citizen of New Rome and upholding the family name.
I’ll probably change around the siblings and their order whenever I decide how their ages work. But I feel they’re all relatively close in age and then Julia is just the odd one out.
His mother is a legacy from a newer family in New Rome, she’s pretty silly and generally just wants the best for her family.
His dad inherited the unnamed, unspecified family business/company and currently runs it, preserved his old crown awards and has them framed in his office, takes his family very seriously.
Okay, I’m working on the rankings research. It’s… a thing, but for now I might just make more of these random little hc posts, in between larger posts and passion stuff y’know?
Also maybe other fandoms? I’m still very much a Pjo person but I still wanna talk about other stuff lol,
Anyway here’s a quick Octavian thing I did, I’m still messing with his design, I feel like this might stick but I’ll still mess around with his hair, but I just wanted to add a little more to this post because it felt… pretty empty lol.

Also possible post on how some of the weapons characters have look? Would love to draw actual referenced things like IVILIS(? Don’t wanna go check but the Juno sword I think- Jason’s sword-) Reyna’s spear sword & dagger. Octavian’s Pilum & dagger, some hc stuff, maybe actual Camp Half-Blood stuff (because I wanna draw Backbiter)
Okay, I think I’m done now :3
Hates dirt under his nails, picks at them constantly and can’t stand the feeling.
Has a collection of Fibula (the little pin to fasten things like togas) he is very proud of the collection, has a like weekly rotation of a few.
Definitely ropes Michael into helping him bleach his hair. He’s been doing it forever and insists he’s doing it correctly even while Michael is reading off the back of the box. They both silently agree to disagree.
Likes cats, stops to pet the strays that wander New Rome. Also had a fish as a kid, took really good care of it too, I like to think it was named Aeneas.
Can’t stand like crumbly desserts. The texture kills any enjoyment for him.
I want more octavian stans moots!!Reblog with your Octavian headcanons!
Can we pretty please talk about how no matter which character's pov it is, the first time we see them meet Octavian he's always described as tall. Percy described Jason (6'0) as a couple of inces taller than himself, but for Octavian he didn't bother making a comparison, he just said "Tall" so now I'm imagining Octavian to be Tall tall. Taller than everyone. Like, almost 7'0 tall, of not exactly 7'0. Like.

But also he's tall and skinny and weird.

And Jason is kinda upset that Octavian is taller than him and he tries to make himself look taller when standing beside Octavian and they end up fighting about it kinda toddlers.

Reyna is the only adult person here and she told me to tell you to send help.
Octavian’s Pokemon team Hc
I bought the Pokemon Scarlet DLC and now I’ve decided that every pjo character I like now needs pokemon teams. With explanations
Octavian’s team I think came the most naturally. I’ll probably also be including like fully evolved teams and stuff but the first team I thought of (probably like baby Octavian’s team) would be,
Stufful, Poocheyna, furret, snivy, pidove, and evee.
(The pokemon in question from left to right,)

Why these little guys specifically for his like first team? Well Stufful is a stuffed animal and that’s the Octavian thing (I was tempted to put pancham on here for the joke but no-) poochyena just gives me Octavian vibes, feel like he’s on their wavelength and thinks their cute. Furret also just, feels like Octavian. That is my justification. Snivy is here mostly for the evo and how snooty it was in the anime, probably a family tradition pokemon, also its final evo is Octavian vibes. Pidove is there purely because of Auguries and because I believe Octavian thinks it looks funky and cute. Eevee is there partially because I just like eevee and a shorthand to show Octavian’s pokemon treatment in the future and like pokemon stuff, he probably wants it to become an umbreon.
Now Octavian’s final team in my head ends up being Bewear, mighteyna, serperior, unfeazant, meowstic, sylveon. (Sadly not pictured due to tumblr app restrictions on 10 pics per post.)
Bewear is Stufful’s evolved form, known for being absolutely massive, wanting friends, and then accidentally crushing people. I wanted to keep the Stufful on and I thought it’d like fit with Octavian because of his like constant push and pull in the pseudo-taking into account of canon in my mind of the character. Mighteyna is Poochyena’s evolved form. Octavian just got attached to it and it’s a dog/hyena/sort of wolf canine esque creature and Rome dog parallels. Serperior is Snivy’s evolved form and if you only look up one pokemon from this post look up Serperior because it actually is just Octavian’s pokemon. But it’s regal. Unfeazant, he evolved his little pidove. Just there for his Augury stuff and maybe even the Haruspex nature (a Pheasant is close enough to a chicken or something-). Meowstic is there for its wild psychic abilities, like future telling and stuff. Sylveon is a guilty pleasure because it’s one of my all time favorite pokemon (like many of these are) and it’s showing his dedication to his pokemon and passion and love for like New Rome.
I didn’t add Falinks just because I’d rather give it to other people (Michael Kahale or Reyna). But if it’s definitely a honorable mention along with crobat.
I’m starting the Octavian and Michale Kahale quest fanfic, but, how do we think Auguries feel? Like I’m really trying to consider this because obviously we never see it too well, and what we do see is like?
Octavian cutting open the stuffed animal, muttering something and being like “rad alright your golden” to Percy about joining but like?
What’s actually going on here? How like- hhhhhhhhhh. Also while I’m at it how was he in contact with Apollo? Does that ever get answered because I don’t think it could’ve been through his Haruspex/Auguring? Like-
There’s just so much Octavian stuff and so little to explain it. I might just make it like, super duper toned down Oracle because, he’s not an oracle but I still wanna give my silly little boy something that makes him ominous other than towering over everyone and like everything else Octavian has going for him.
But anyway expect the first bit of the Octavian Michael quest story soon! I don’t think it’ll be too long but I’ll honestly just have to see lol?
(Update: I have a little snippet of the beginning out now, the prologue if you would? I’m by no means a good writer but I like the story-)
The Octavian and Michael Quest; Story Snippet
Hahaha I’ve done it. I’m finally going mad, anyways after staring longingly at the Converse wedge high tops vowing to one day add them to my collection (and for some reason way more publicity on the post) I’ve decided that I’m making a like teaser for the Octavian-Michael fanfic I talked about all those weeks ago. Also I’m really bored this mid-winter break and I’m a mediocre narrative writer soo uh
Also if my google docs yell at me one more time because apparently the way I spell something is the British English way I’m going to scream. I’m sorry but it’s travelled. Anyways, I’d like to say again in no way am I an author nor do I think I write stories particularly well. There’s probably a reason why most of my big posts are formatted the way they are,
Also sorry no Michael in the sneak peak/ first bit I wrote, this is just the like. Set up? It’s mean to be short and sweet, enjoy! (also this isn’t proofread I’m so sorry),
I should’ve just chosen to use dice or birds primarily, Octavian thought as he pulled his dagger through another stuffed animal. It stung a bit, partially from the repeated weight of taking the golden blade through fabrics and partially because he had to. The dove between his hands looked pleading with its plastic eyes, the same sound of threads ripping apart while stuffing piled out. It caught in his ears again, the ringing that came before the voices. The same feeling of hair standing on end that Jason described when lightning was about to strike, and that’s when it began,
“Great strife shall befall the legion,” He had heard this voice before, the mixed harmony of several Gods murmuring before one truly broke through. It took awhile to get used to, his ears still rang after most of the Auguries, and Octavian could barely hear his own voice murmur in reply,
“What’s going on?” it felt odd to ask, Octavian’s own voice sounding desperate and panicked, though usually his tone reflected those of the Gods. The world around grew blurry while the harmony thinned out to one single melodious voice, humming in his ears, Venus, something in his mind decided,
“[the super duper cool prophecy that will be there at some point I pinky Promise]”
The world spun some more, and once Octavian’s vision settled the stuffed dove and his dagger had been dropped to the altar, his brows furrowed and breath a bit frantic while he tried to make some sense of what was just delivered to him. A prophecy. An actual prophecy. Octavian tenderly picked up the stuffed dove and dagger again, first giving the poor thing an apology and sewing it back up, gently holding it while he exited the Augurculanum. The blinding rays of the sun beat down on his eyes while Octavian made the run to the Principa from ground zero. His hand tightened around the dove, which was decidedly now named Beatrice. His boots crunched against the gravel roads that wound between most of the buildings. He opted not to walk on the main Via Principa; there would;ve been too many legionnaires walking back from the fields of Mars anyway.
Finally reaching the Principa was always a relief. It was great having most of the buildings Octavian had to go to in the Porta Praetoria; It meant everything was in arms reach. But also subsequently meant that heading to the Principa took longer and always felt more daunting (not to mention the Principa itself always felt impossibly big). Octavian rushed up the few steps and into the door, walking through the big halls and passing several doors and legionnaires before finally slipping into the main office. His eyes travelled to the Praetors; who snapped up once they realized he was there. Marcus spoke up first, already concerned,
“What happend?”
That’s it! Uh, I didn’t want to type up a giant thing so there’s the short and sweet version. It’s also a draft partially? It’s my first time writing this little section. I also tried to keep it from being like.. super ahdiajfbsj like how I usually write things. Also the actual one will probably be first person because that means I can do my super fun parenthesis bits in character and that makes me happy.
Anyway goodnight internet.
Various Pjo Character hc: games and Pets apparently
In honor of my snake shedding and scaring my socks off while he does so because for a solid moment I got to stare into the black void of my room and consider that a entity would chose to announce its presence by crinkling a like chip back before I realized and screamed, “it’s you” at him and grinding all day in royal high because the Dev team is setting it on fire but I still want to be a pretty princess in the game.
It is only day two of midwinter break please my marbles have already scattered,
Octavian; if he had access to the game. Would’ve played royal high. He strikes me as a dress up type of guy. Does profit trading but refuses to diamond farm. Also doesn’t like switching over to different rh like games. Again, like exclusively uses it for the dress up aspect, thinks everything looks really pretty. He has all of the stuffed animal items/stuffed animal like ones. Gets oddly heated about the game too. Like, would argue with someone about a value of an item and then leave to server hop. Yeah he’s that one I’m sorry guys. Also his dorm is so bare bones, refuses to spend a lot of diamonds on it until he can do it all at once. But Octavian likes a lot of games where he has total control of his character and everything about it. Really liked Animal Crossing, also feels like he uses the sims purely for character customization; has a bunch of mods and then just never uses them. Has all of his friends/probably the cohort as sims too. Doesn’t like rpg-rpg games that have like fighting mechanics, just feels like the sort of guy to not like video game fighting.
Octavian also had a rabbit. His family had a lot of animals (because he had a lot of family-) and he got to be the rabbit kid. His was the like toasty colored ones with the big lop ears. Sadly it was given away when he joined the legion. But he feels like a rabbit guy, it comforted him a lot.
Jason: you know the wolves life games? For a few certain amount of you I have just unlocked horrifying memories that your brain has tried to hide of emo wolves and if not then you don’t want to know. But I feel like he’d play them, they’d be the first ones once he gets on, along with like obbies. I just feel like he’s the type of guy to like a good obby. But also warrior cats ultimate edition. The first thing my man does when he enters the mortal world is get sucked into warrior cats because I feel like he’s that type of person. Also clangen. He feels like a clangen sort of guy, along with that Mario games. I also feel like he’s in a similar Octavian boat where he doesn’t like games with big fighting mechanics, just doesn’t find it that interesting or something he’s looking for in a game. He is however an open world type of guy, likes exploring.
I want to say he’s a dog guy and would’ve had a dog. But at the same time Jason feels like he’s deeply benefit from getting a cat. Cat’s are just soothing on the soul, also he just feels like the type of person to have a cat on his lap or laying on his chest. Silly little white cat for Jason Grace, or the scraggliest stray cat that was bestowed upon him by the distribution system.
Hazel: any of the like fighting games? Don’t particularly think she likes Roblox much, but if she is playing it’s either one of the games where everyone hates each other and you get to beat each other up or bee swarm simulator. Hazel either is having a de-stress day and it is through being stressed and upset at strangers in the beat ‘em up games, or by tending to her bees and being upset at other people and npcs in bee swarm simulator. Really likes other competitive games too? I don’t know she just strikes me as that type of gal to get waaay too invested in something like a Mario party. Also turn based rpg games, something’s ticks me as someone who’d like that.
Obviously she has Arion but Hazel also feels like she’d vibe with a dog, maybe a cat but I just see more dog with her. A silly little lab for the silly little lady.
Frank: does not play. I genuinely can’t think of Roblox games that are tame enough for him. Actually scratch that tycoon games. The super chill ones where no one interacts with each other and you just exist and build out your little space. He likes those. Enjoys seeing the progress he’s making in something. He’s also an animal crossing player, along with the casual tycoon games. However I’d also say he plays like CoD, just casually and he’s extremely average at it but I feel like he just, does that.
Frank feels like he’d have a really like barely a pet-pet. Like either a fish dude or he has isopods. Just strikes me as someone who can’t deal with a very like aaaaa pet. Or a ragdoll cat. Those are the options I present to you dear reader. Or an axolotl, he’d be an axolotl man.
Larry: Larry plays natural disaster survival. Larry is a menace to society. Also bloxburg, makes pretty okay builds but on a slightly different note feels like a Sims guy to me. I dunno, him and Annabeth get to be in the same boat. Also those really bad mobile games.
Larry gets a pet turtle or a bird. He also just feels like a bird guy, already joked about being a pirate I think he likes giving Camp’s eagles look overs and is happy when it’s his turn to look after them. Also just feels like a man who’d have like 50 pigeons.
Dakota!!!: I almost forgot my man. But Dakota. Dakota plays horror games, he can’t handle them but he still plays it. He is so loud when he plays too. Doors, fnaf, poppy playtime, the list goes on. I think he also sits there and is like, “oh I’m super good at them and like super brave” and it jumps cuts to him screaming because a monster is right behind him. He’s still super brave and great in battle, but he gets so jumpy once you put him in a dark area and instill paranoia. Also can’t play mafia because he screams a little too much.
Dakota is a hamster type of dude. He had a couple growing up and probably would’ve had another one if uh. Events didn’t happen (it’s literally so unfair what happened to him like aaa-). I feel like he had the really small ones.
Okay uh, that’s about it for the random headcanons I’ve spewed. These are 100% my opinions and probably don’t weigh on anything. Thank the Gods I managed to keep Bryce out of it (but if you ask me he is the opposite of Frank, plays CoD and is so annoying about it and very invested-). Anyway I’ll try and actually do something! Possibly New Rome things? Or more Camp Jupiter map, I want to finally put that one to rest. Or Dakota hc finally. We’ll see what happens.
I drew art! Guys I did the thing. Well- I’m in the ever perpetual process of doing the thing but uhhhh,

It’s Mercury and Octavian :3. I’ve affectionately started calling them the Gaea duo and it was a little unintentional to make them together but uhhhh. Yeah! Soon I’ll get maybe Michael and Dakota done, we’ll see. I also have a little comic panel piece for a SoN scene in the works but hhhhhhh-
Also the Octavian one is… probably gonna be re-worked? I like having these pictures as a way to reference my designs for the characters (the Larry one I drew way back when is great). But I’m still working out how I want Octavian to Octavian so uh- yeah. Maybe his siblings will get something one day, like names.
Also tomorrow marks the day I’m forcing myself to sit down and read through the Dark prophecy (as much as I can get through, hopefully all of it because I know I can finish that book in a day *I did it with SoN and tLT to what’s one more?*) and that means Lit stuff.
I love the silly goofy goober. Also maybe Oracle things? The setup for things like Dadonna was interesting and maybe possibly I’ll try my hand at our villains for this arc (I don’t know but ToA Nero has a HOLD on me. Purely just for how silly goofy in the worst way but he like ahfoaksnejak- so excited to see Caligula and Commodus :3)
Or I’ll give up everything and then there will be probably Harley something. Or stuff about the Augurculanum because Octavian so deserved to have one and it’s so weird that he didn’t like omg-
I’m currently lining/Coloring/ generally digitizing a Comic I sketched out for a fictional SoN scene that is loosely re-imagining related and let me tell you.
i HATE Tyrian purple with a passion. Literally like- it’s so icky and gross. This is purely my opinions and everything, but from what I could see us as a collective society view this,

(All photos found off google sorry)
As Tyrian purple. This maroon color! This is so gross. If I had a burn book let it be known the first entry would be dedicated to how most warm toned purples are so gross to look at. There’s a reason why whenever I draw any Camp Jupiter t-shirt it is drawn as being a cool-toned purple. And that is because I like looking at cool toned purples, they are pleasing to the eye. They do not look grating like these!
All this to say that I make all of Octavian’s CJ shirts in most comics and stuff actual closer (not fully Tyrian purple because I genuinely hate it) to Tyrian purple compared to all his companions. He physically goes out of his way to dye his shirts because it’s a true Roman’s purple. Oh and it’s probably authentic too. His family has cash to spare so of course it is.
This is my formal explanation as to the reason Octavian and maybe Reyna will be the only ones running around with Tyrian purple or anything that is not a blue-purple or washed out cool toned purple shirt. Everyone else’s shirts are the original dark purple color if they are fresher, or are lighter and stuff due to the sun bleaching them or however sun bleach works. They’ve been outside long enough and unlike Octavian don’t periodically re-bleach or buy new ones. Also Reyna gets to be in it because like… Important head of the legion stuff.
Anyway the comic will probably be finished and posted at some point :3 it’s a little long and definitely a rough draft but it has some silly artwork when I got a little looser with it soooo-
(Pssst. Also there’s a Bryce Lawerence draft, big HoO re-imagine, and Octavian’s Augurculanum posts all in my drafts that are hopefully on their own way).
Octavian Auguraculum building Sneak peeks???
Hehehe I used to hate drawing buildings buuut,

Here is some of the concept drawings for the Auguraculum!! It’s uh… not done. But it’s super fun and silly and hehehe.
Also uh, this is partially taken importation from buildings such as the Acropolis (I know it’s Greek but still-) the Parthenon, general Ancient Roman temples, Domes in Ancient Rome, also a lot of fantasy elements.
Obviously this is a lot more decorative and intricate, that is because I wanted it to look that way and this is a fantasy place and I think it sets apart the Auguraculum and makes Octavian have a like interesting location to be in most of the time. Because it’s his building, it’s personalized, we can see more of it and stuff or whatever.
I also just wanted to draw pretty fancy stuff but whatever. The finished stuff, concepts, whatever will be posted with the actual Auguraculum post but I got really excited and wanted to show it.
Octavian’s Auguraculum.
Okay!!! It’s been… a while, but my boy finally gets his Auguraculum!
I made the Auguraculum finally. It is SO historically inaccurate to actual Auguraculums; I’ll admit that. But an actual Auguraculum (aside from tabernaculum augurale. Which there is little information on from what I’ve tried to find) were well maintained thatched huts. Now, I didn’t want to give him a downgrade so instead…

Here is the Final(ish) art for the outside and the Dias of the Auguraculum! The uh, inside is pretty interchangeable, there’s a lot of like, bookshelves and tables and stuffed animals and space. Seeing as it’s also the like general area where the legion is gathers at times (This is taken from Tabernaculum augurlae; which was a part of the military camps and would be the religious and legal center for Camp Jupiter. Temples get to be for the New Rome citizens.)
But uh, I based it off of things like the Parthenon, and also just old Greco-Roman buildings? It’s fantasy and again, I wanted to give my guy an interesting looking building.
Now the literal and figurative centerpiece of this fictional building is that Dias and the glass dome. As my scribbles say the Dias is on a sort of like magic pulley system? It is hooked up to a loop up in the glass dome and then twists back down to a side where the Rope/Chain/whatever is stored when the thing is pulled up, idk that’s a lot of specifics that I might not specifically know but the essentials are that the Dias can move up closer to the Glass dome to view birds more easily; also to get away from annoying people who keep storming in while you try to do your job :3
As I said a couple times, it is not actually historically accurate to any Auguraculum I could find, however I think it looks nice and it’s a good setting for stuff and it gets rid of the stupid temple hill-
But uh, yeah sorry this is so short lol. I really like the design I finished with, also for all purposes of saving my hand and fine liner; I made the columns Doric, know that in actual like everything they would be Corinthian columns (the ones that look like they have leaves). The Auguraculum is also very close to the Principa, and it still has the stones where the prophecies are carved in. They’re on the Dias and quite possibly are being carved into the tiles beyond that. Uh also there’s a lot of plants and drapery and fabrics on the ceilings; partially to hide the whole pulley stuff, partially just because it looks cool.
Uh, okay. It’s really cold and I’m shaking right now but I have to go memorize my lines, also sorry there is no finished-finished art but I’ve been in a digital art ‘slump?’ As of late, I’m figuring it out. (Also I’m running out of pages in my sketchbook-)
I originally had a really super long post that just yapped for a long time but the question literally was just if Octavian bleached his eyebrows too.
So instead uh, Does Octavian bleach his eyebrows? Part of me wants to say yes because that’s funny, the other part of me doesn’t.
(But it is totally super funny.)