Ozai's Angels - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

no, seriously you don't understand the depth of my obsession with them. these people are emo, sarcastic, either or both of them hate everyone else except their significant other, socially outcast/ anti-social, will stand up for their partner when no one else will, match each other's freaks and also 3/4 of these ships are doomed by the narrative.

I Guess You Could Say My Type Is, Same People Different Fonts.
I Guess You Could Say My Type Is, Same People Different Fonts.
I Guess You Could Say My Type Is, Same People Different Fonts.
I Guess You Could Say My Type Is, Same People Different Fonts.

i guess you could say my type is, same people different fonts.

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7 months ago
Here R All Of My Avatar Girlies Profile Portraits - Without The Procreate Taskbar Feel Free To Use Them
Here R All Of My Avatar Girlies Profile Portraits - Without The Procreate Taskbar Feel Free To Use Them
Here R All Of My Avatar Girlies Profile Portraits - Without The Procreate Taskbar Feel Free To Use Them
Here R All Of My Avatar Girlies Profile Portraits - Without The Procreate Taskbar Feel Free To Use Them
Here R All Of My Avatar Girlies Profile Portraits - Without The Procreate Taskbar Feel Free To Use Them
Here R All Of My Avatar Girlies Profile Portraits - Without The Procreate Taskbar Feel Free To Use Them
Here R All Of My Avatar Girlies Profile Portraits - Without The Procreate Taskbar Feel Free To Use Them
Here R All Of My Avatar Girlies Profile Portraits - Without The Procreate Taskbar Feel Free To Use Them
Here R All Of My Avatar Girlies Profile Portraits - Without The Procreate Taskbar Feel Free To Use Them

here r all of my avatar girlies’ profile portraits - without the procreate taskbar 😋 feel free to use them as icons or wallpapers 🩷

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5 months ago

Ty Lee becoming a kyoshi warrior made no sense to me. If anything it feels like a regression. Don't get me wrong I think she'd fit in well with them and I love suki/ty lee but realistically at the start of the season we hear Ty Lee proclaim that her trauma of growing up with six identical sisters is what drove her to the circus and it was kind of dismissed. and then we never really get any closure on this the time we see her she betrays Azula and is imprisoned and then after that the last time we see her she is part of the group in full garb after befriending them off screen.

she joined the one group where a huge recruitment is looking like everyone else. Why?

And the thing is this totally could have worked her coming to terms with her identity even tho she looks like everyone else she is still Ty Lee and she has a lot to contribute by simply being her (and also like how she taught them chi blocking) and so the idea of becoming another "faceless" girl doesn't scare her as much because she knows that to the people that matter they know who she is.

But like the way its done just feels like they needed a nice little fun way to wrap up ty lee's story but it also makes it feel like Ty Lee is incapable of standing on her own, if its not the circus its azula and mai if not them the kyoshi warriors. She's never just on her own being Ty lee she is always playing fidde to some group.

I think it would have been better if the ending had ty lee instead of having already joined the kyoshi warriors had instead been separated from mai and anyone she knew in prison and had had to for the first time get by on her own merits as a person not what she could do for other people. (a bit like what Suki does in Suki alone) and then a little moment between her and Suki where they reconcile Ty Lee tells her how she wants to help rebuild the word after the devastation of the fire nation and Suki's like "it's not exactly rebuilding the word but maybe you can teach me and my girls that chi blocking you do, it's impressive." and Ty lee could smile and agree. Not exactly an invitation to join but a way for her to carve out her own niche and make a mark in a safe space. It could also tie into the chi blockers that we see in LoK of Ty lee decides she likes teaching and decides to teach more non-benders how to protect themselves since the Kyoshi Warriors is pretty sacred and has traditions that not everybody can adhere too.

I just think making her a kyoshi warrior came out of nowhere and not that ut couldn't work at all but it would have needed more time to breathe. I would say have Suki introduce the fact that the kyoshi warriors are going to stay as Zuko's security detail for a while and Ty Lee's knowledge of the palace and Chi blocking skills would be an amazing hep to them so she starts of working with them and maybe int he comiucs we can see that she joined them (but I doubt they had decided this little plot line when the series actually ended)

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1 year ago
Atla Calendar Won So Here Is The 1st Image In The New 2024 Calendar. Ill Let You Guys Decide Which Month

Atla calendar won so here is the 1st image in the new 2024 calendar. I’ll let you guys decide which month it should be

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7 months ago
Fire Nation Trio

Fire nation trio 🔥

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5 months ago

a Mai-Azula-Ty Lee analysis bc i have Many feelings

so this is definitely super random for my blog, but i just rewatched the boiling rock (bc ofc i did lmao) and i've been obsessed w this quote since like age ten, but it just hit different this time around and i feel the need to share:

"You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you."

so. here's the thing. this quote is objectively insane for a million reasons, but i want to talk about some of the parallels we can pull from it bc imo it makes it so. much. WORSE.

"No, you miscalculated! You should have feared me more!"

here comes the main theme of this post: fear, juxtaposed with love.

i do genuinely believe that Azula loved Mai and Ty Lee. not in the way typical friends love one another, because Azula is not a typical person who learned to love in a typical way, but love nonetheless.

(we can trace this back to her relationship with her father VS her relationship with her mother. Azula had a very distinctive way of looking at her childhood: she was her father's daughter, and Zuko was her mother's son. while we never saw Azula's reaction to his banishment, whether it was positive or negative, this surely cemented this idea for her. once their mother was gone, her father had no use for him. but of course he still had use for her—he loved her.

and if her father loved her, in a father-daughter relationship fueled by fear and intimidation, and her mother didn't, in a mother-daughter relationship that wasn't, what do you think she learned of love? but we'll bring this idea back later.)

she loved them, and she trusted them, and they betrayed her.

but before i really dig into the quote, i want to go over this love-fear juxtaposition, because it is a common theme throughout her character arc as she spirals further and further.

A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings
A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings
A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings
A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings
A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings

this scene is set after the betrayal, and the fact that they brought in a hallucination of her mother is very, very important.

once again, these opposing feelings of fear and love are brought back again. before, i said that Ursa and Azula's relationship wasn't fueled by fear. but is that true? Azula says very clearly here that her mother fears her and thinks that she's a monster. And this hallucination of her mother, a figment of all her worst fears and regrets and internal conflicts, brings up Mai and Ty Lee.

And then:

Even you fear me. No. I love you, Azula. I do.

"even you fear me" "no. i love you"? this is so, so crucial to what we know about Azula and her perception of love. she views love and fear to be very closely linked, even intertwined, not something to be separated in such a way.

even you fear me — but do you love me? i don't know if you do. but you fearing me does not stop you from loving me. they are not separate entities. i do not know how to be loved if i am not feared.

no. i love you — you are my daughter. i do not fear you. i love you. they can be separate. i love you without fearing you. no, i do not fear you. i love you.

and this is Azula's breaking point. tears stream down her face and she shatters the mirror. this separation of fear and love—it's too much. she doesn't know how to handle it. she knows fear without love, but she does not know love without fear.

her relationship with Zuko is another prime example. i fully believe that Azula loved her brother, or at least cared for him in some capacity. you see it in scenes such as these:

A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings
A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings

she had no reasonable ulterior motive here. she genuinely was trying to help him and look after him—but he's also afraid of her. he's afraid of what she might do or what she wants from him, even if in this particular scene that fear is unnecessary.

even when she recruited Ty Lee, she used fear to get Ty Lee to join her:

A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings
A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings
A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings
A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings

Ty Lee is legitimately happy to see Azula, but you can see the fear on her face when she turns down Azula's offer to search for the Avatar. and then, you can see that fear again when Azula tells her she'll be attending her show. and of course, Azula sets the net on fire, and Ty Lee ends up accepting Azula's offer.

i do believe Ty Lee and Azula had genuine love for one another, but Azula just never knew how to have that love without the fear.

and finally, we come back to the quote.

I love Zuko more than I fear you. / You should've feared me more.

or: I love Zuko more than I love you. / You should've loved me more.

the use of the word "miscalculated" fits perfectly here. everyone adores Azula. she's the prodigy, the crown princess, the Fire Nation's darling. no one is supposed to love Zuko. Zuko is the failure, the banished prince, their nation's greatest shame.

you miscalculated. you were supposed to love me. you were my friend. you were my ally. i trusted you. i made you fear me. you were supposed to love me. no one loves Zuko. everyone loves me.

you miscalculated. love doesn't work like that. love doesn't come with fear. fear chases love away. you made me fear you. you made me hate you. i chose Zuko, because you don't know how to love.

and it all always comes back to Zuko, doesn't it?

A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings
A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings
A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings
A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings

but i'm yours. Zuko was mother's, and mother is long gone, and see, Zuko was a traitor. Zuko was nothing. you treated Zuko terribly because Zuko wasn't yours. but i am. i am your daughter. i am your prodigy. i am your princess. i am your heir. how dare you treat me like him. like nothing. how dare you.

i also believe that this was the true final blow that sent her spiraling into her downfall. she's extremely vulnerable here: her two most trusted friends and allies have just betrayed her, and here it is, another betrayal. where she is usually cool and collected, she is snappy and hot-headed, here.

his betrayal is quickly and immediately rectified when he informs her she will become the new Firelord. see, she's not like Zuko. Zuko is banished with no crown and no legacy. she is different. she is her father's child. Zuko is her mother's. she gets the throne. he gets nothing.

but Mai still chose Zuko. and she was absolutely furious, of course, but even this she could still handle. it's what happens after that she can't.

A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings

The thing I don't understand is why. Why would you do it?

why would you choose him? why would you choose Zuko? only one person ever chose Zuko: Mother. but she doesn't matter. she's gone. but why. why. (why do they keep choosing Zuko?)

and then, probably my favorite shot in the entire series:

A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings
A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings

Ty Lee looks at Mai, then Azula. it's barely a second long, but it speaks volumes. she's making a decision. Mai, or Azula? Mai, or Azula?

throughout our time with Ozai's Angels, it's obvious that Ty Lee is Azula's right hand woman. she goes with her everywhere. even in this scene, Ty Lee is right next to Azula the whole time.

and Mai chose Zuko. Mai chose Zuko. she says that "I love Zuko more than I love you" and she should've loved her more, and so now Azula is going to kill her. she's about to summon her lightning, and—

A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings
A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings

so Ty Lee chose Mai. and Mai chose Zuko. and her mother chose Zuko. and Azula chose her father and her nation and her ambition, and she thought her father chose her, and he did, he did.

thing about Azula: she loves. she loves Zuko, and she loves Ty Lee, and she loves Mai. but she doesn't prioritize her love the way Zuko does. her love comes last. her father comes before her love. before her father, her nation. but before all of that, her ambition.

for her ambition to ever come to fruition, she needs fear, doesn't she?

and Zuko fears her.

so she wins. right?

A Mai-Azula-Ty Lee Analysis Bc I Have Many Feelings


she loses.

she gave up everything, absolutely everything, and she. still. loses. to fucking Zuko.

he won their mother's love. he won Mai. he, indirectly, won Ty Lee. and now he won the crown, her crown.

Azula, born lucky, born a prodigy, never wins.

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8 months ago
a silly digital doodle of the Ozai's angels. Ty Lee is on the left doing a handstand and has a simple :) face. Mai is in the middle with dashes for eyes and no mouth in a deadpan expression. Azula is on the right knees and elbows bent, hunched over like a gremlin with a >:) face. both Ty Lee and Azula are strapped into gold colored child harnesses that Mai is holding the leashes to. it has a solid white background
a digital artwork of Mai from ATLA where she is applying winged eyeliner while using a large kitchen knife as a guide. it is a high angle looking slightly down and she is turned 3/4 to the left. the background is a pale red or coral
a silly/ cartoony digital doodle of Azula. she is dressed in a dark scarlet robe with gold trim. she is hunched over slightly and trembling. one hand is in a grasping claw motion and the other is leaned against a shattered mirror that has a gold frame. there is blood dripping from Azula's forehead. her eyes are wide and haunted with many black lines around them for emphasis
a digital doodle of Ty Lee in her standard outfit. it's an almost "chibi" style with over sized head and hamburger helper glove large hands. the eyes are puppy dog like and huge with heart highlights as she looks at the viewer. she is blushing. the background is a pale pink

Another reaction image doodle dump for y’all, featuring Ozai’s Angels.

[ID in Alt text]

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7 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

👩‍🍳new fic up!

a Mai character study as well as an exploration of the complicated maizulee friendship (because I wanted an excuse to use the royal fire academy for girls as a setting)

main pairing is mailee (my first foray into writing them!) + a generous serving of maiko


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7 months ago

it is so wild to me when people act like the fire nation isn't sexist because azula's girl squad is badass when azula mai and ty lee are all such perfect representations of women living under sexism. azula is the only woman in ozai's war room, and she is a smarter strategist and a more powerful firebender than the high-ranking men we see (e.g. zhao). the implication is that she has to be the absolute best to get a seat at that table. mai is treated as a prop for her father's political ambition, raised to stay quiet and out of trouble in a way that reeks of women being expected to be compliant in service of men. she's bored and checked out and has trouble expressing her feelings because she's so used to not being allowed to express anything. ty lee grows up lost in the shuffle, desperate for attention, desperate to please and contort herself into a shape that people find appealing, and that manifests as making herself into a stereotypical girly-girl, making herself seem inoffensive and non-threatening by playing on sexist stereotypes.

azula's perfectionism, mai's detachment, and ty lee's girly persona are all ways in which women react to and adapt to living in a sexist society. they overachieve to try to break the barriers, they check out emotionally, they learn to play the role people expect. azula and her girl squad are powerful women certainly but they are absolutely women living under sexism

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7 months ago
Ozais Angels
Ozais Angels

Ozais Angels 😇🩷

Guys last week I almost choked on a cherry pit.. is that..? is that avatar reference????

Ozais Angels

Ozais Angels

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