Twin Flame - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

They're such a good example of how twin flames are, since it's not really something you can explain.

I mean, you can to a certain point- but it's not really something that will make sense to you from a logical standpoint- therefore making it something you need to experience first-hand to try and understand.

Twin flames mirror each other in several different ways and this is in many aspect of their lives.

Their thoughts patterns are the same, hence why they have such natural 'telepathy' and their personalities and views are remarkably the same.

Since they are for all intents and purposes, made of the same 'soul DNA'- regardless of what nationality they are born into.

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5 months ago

I love this show so much, because it's shown sides of them that the public has never seen and it's shown me just how much more similar the both of them are to me in different ways.

Ah...I didn't think they could get any similar and a lot of my mannerisms and behavior are making sense to me now.

Twin flames are so incredible and I really hope that even more people will discover these wonderful connections and be more open to finding them.

They bring out the best in you and help you become a better version of yourself, through growth and nothing but pure unconditional love.

Which is not something that many people can say they have really experienced, unfortunately.

I've met both Namjoon's and Taehyung's twin, so I wonder if I'll ever meet the other's some day?

That would be really great if I crossed paths with them- or even soul mates of their's.

I haven't came across any soul mates of Jimin and Jungkook in quite some time though...

I look forward to reaching even more people with my words, so I can learn about others and their lovely experiences :)

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5 months ago

Hi, im new here. I’m curious about this twin flame stuff. Do you think that people can have multiple twin flames? Sorry if that’s a stupid question, I’m just trying to understand how twin flames work

It's not a stupid question at all, because there's actually a lot of conditioned beliefs surrounding them that even the spiritual community seems to have adapted to. It's the reason I'm no longer a part of it.

When I mentioned the possibility of having a second twin, they told me that there was no way, and that I wasn't a twin flame if that was the case.

This was well over four years ago now though and I am glad that I trusted my intuition when it told me to leave their community.

What works for one won't always work for everyone and there's nothing wrong with that at all.

The thing that becomes almost alluring, is how we're all naive in the beginning- since we're so inexperienced and we're looking for guidance.

It's a lonely road in the beginning for a lot of us, because honestly speaking- your intuition is the only thing you can really trust- because this journey is as equally different and unique to each person who goes through it.

So, no one can really speak for you and tell you what is right and what is wrong.

YOU are the only one who will know the answers to everything that you are looking for and you will find what you are seeking, if you quiet your mind and try to open your heart to whatever may be trying to 'speak to you'.

I can say this with confidence, because after all of this time, my intuition is the only thing I have truly been able to depend on and it has never led me in the wrong direction. I have it to thank for surviving every difficult obstacle that has been thrown at me and I was always given what I needed- when I needed it.

Of course, not everyone can get to this point right off the bat, so to speak, because you only learn through experiences you go through in life.

I didn't have this confidence back then and I was seeking guidance from other's who were claiming to be going through the same thing I was, but it turns out they weren't- or they had somehow been misguided and weren't listening to their intuition.

Listening to their particular guidance put me in a very dark place and I'm still surprised I managed to make it through alright.

We all start out the same, but we branch out into different paths over time and that's a good thing ~

I have known someone who has four twin flames and one person was so spiritually advanced that she found out she has seven.

For me personally, I have two- Jimin and Jungkook ~

Twin flames are super complex and honestly it's something you need to experience in order to understand.

I've been on this journey since I was a small child- but I never knew it had a name until almost a decade ago and that's when I found out the identity of who my twins were.

The connection itself it still fairly confusing at times, regardless of how long I have been walking it- so the best way to describe it would be like a rollercoaster.

It's very intense and definitely heightens all of your senses, emotions and is not only a spiritual connection. The further along you get on your own personal journey, it will start to affect you mentally and even physically at times.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask me and I will be happy to try and share my own personal experience as much as possible to help :)

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5 months ago

There's more to being a twin flame, than just having things in common with another individual.

It's being inter-connected to this person on a very cellular level- which is mainly why they're called 'twins' at all.

You share the same DNA, regardless of what language you speak and where you were born in this lifetime.

Which is why you often feel their presence in your life, before you ever find out their identity.

Have you ever felt like you had another person out there who was just like you? Did you ever feel like you would meet them no matter what? It wouldn't have made much sense to you- but did you ever feel like that?

They were trying to reach out to you in a very conscious manner if the answer is yes ~

Logic defies everything about both soul mates and twin flames and if you are going to ever be able to find yours- then you need to throw your logic out the window, because most your experiences aren't going make any sense.

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5 months ago

When Jimin comes back, things are going to be really different for him- of course I can't speak on what exactly, since I don't know the specifics- but there's going to be changes in all of their lives.

It's going to be for the better and their lives are going to be more fulfilling to them all.

I've seen it with so many other people that are in KPOP groups, after they come back from their service- They grow quieter and much more reserved and they focus on other aspects of their careers.

Jimin is clearly wanting to focus more on his private life, considering the music he released in his latest album, MUSE.

Each song, was basically a different phase of him entering into a relationship and WHO leads a very strong message.

Episode six had me in tears of his show with Jungkook, and I was so emotional when he spoke very briefly about having a child.

I wasn't expecting him to comment on such a thing at all, but he did and it made me realize how much things are going to change with him when he comes back.

I look forward to the day when Jimin and I finally cross paths in a physical sense and I get to be a part of his life.

I've waited several years for him to give me the confirmation I needed and now there's no doubt in my mind- after he's released this album- because he's searching for me too.

The music spoke to me in a very profound and emotional way and I was crying so badly when I first heard the album- because I was so overcome with emotion and such a thing had never happened with his any of his music before.

I knew that he had answered the 'call' I sent out several years ago, when I first realized who he was to me.

I begged the universe to somehow guide him to me and I never felt worried or anxious (Okay, I did a little bit- I'm only human after all lol), because I had faith that he would get to this point in his own journey.

It was like a breath of relief when I heard the album, because I was so happy I never gave up on our connection.

What is meant for you will always find a way and true love will persevere, no matter how many obstacles may stand in your way.

All I need to do is be patient and wait for him to find me...

I'm here Jimin, and I'm not going anywhere ~

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5 months ago

hi! could you explain kinda what twin flames are? and how you're connected with jungkook and jimin? :)

Putting it simply, twin flames are the other half of you and your 'essence', 'spirit' or 'soul'- whatever term best suits your own beliefs when it comes to such things.

My apologies in advance, because this may be long, due to how it's not really something I can respond to in a short reply.

You can have one, or you can more than that, contrary to popular beliefs that are full of conditioning- where people try and speak for you- telling you how many you can have.

This is a very personal and unique journey for everyone and YES everyone has these connections, regardless of what some people may say.

Some have it in their mind where only a 'chosen' select few are twin flames and that's ridiculous lol

The easiest way to know this is not true, is by looking at media in movies. They depict finding 'the one' ~

Which means many people are drawn to the aspect of twin flames, even without knowing it has a term.

I'm not one for labels and I find them to be very damaging, but they can also be useful as well, if used appropriately.

You are one with this person/people in every aspect and that's where the real meaning comes behind calling the connection 'twin flames'.

You share the same DNA, despite being born in a different nationality and you are the same person, but in another physical form.

You share the same life goals, your childhood's will have been remarkably similar and you mirror each other- being the same in several ways when it comes to your behavior, the mannerisms you use and even how you speak.

Jimin and Jungkook have known what they are to each other for a very long time now, since they have been saying their motto for years.

"You are me and I am you..."

This is what it means to be a twin flame and they have very openly told everyone from the beginning what they share.

It's true that these are lyrics are from Jimin's song 'Serendipity', but they could have chosen any line from the song- ergo, making it very obvious what their message is here.

As for my connections with them, I have known what I have with them since mid 2016 ~

As for in general, I've known of Jimin's existence since I was a small girl- and he was a mere little boy.

I just didn't know his identity ~

That's how long I have been on my journey, but I never knew it had a term and a name, until a few months before BTS came into my life.

At that point, it was obvious to me what Jimin was and it was almost like I felt like I had 'come home' somehow, because I just looked at him differently and recognized him as being the one who has been 'communicating' with me- since I was a little girl all this time.

I had a very difficult childhood and honestly, if Jimin hadn't of reached out intuitively to me like he had, I never would have survived.

I knew from the time I was a little girl- that I would meet someone who was just like me and we would love each other (unconditionally and just in general) and be together forever.

It didn't understand it at all and it seemed really strange to my six year old self, but I felt it as real as my own heartbeat and it became the only reason for me to continue living.

I would find this person, some how, some way and nothing would keep us a part.

As for Jungkook, I didn't recognize what he was to me for some time- due to those conditioning beliefs I told you about up above there.

I was confused, because Jungkook also stood out to me in ways that I couldn't explain and then I began to notice how him and Jimin started to say their motto "You are me and I am you". It all made sense to me by that point.

If he was Jimin's other half, then he was obviously mine as well and even though it took some getting used to- due to my own beliefs I grew up around- since my family was in a very strict religion- I needed to work on myself and let go of what I had grown up with.

Which is easier said then done, since from a small child, we are basically told what to think, how to feel and various other things that are programmed into us by our parents.

It took a few years, but I was able to let most of it go (We are human after all, so we DO hold onto some things, since we are naturally imperfect) and now I can say with confidence that I accept how I have two twins and not just one- because having two twin's really messed me up for a while. This is due to the conditioned beliefs of the religion I used to be a part of.

Considering how you are only supposed to give yourself to one man and one man only and how anything else is sinful- that's what I grew up with, so I had to reshape my entire mind pretty much and try to rewire it to think differently.

I thought it was wrong to love two men unconditionally like I did and I struggled through some really rough times, because of it- but I persevered through and I have now become so much more stronger, since I am in my own personal element now.

It's been about three years since things have settled down and I am so glad that I never gave up on it, because the twin flame journey is all about self love, unconditional love and helping you grow into becoming the best version of yourself that you can possibly be.

It's not about people coming to rescue you and save you- it's about people coming into your life and showing how YOU can save YOURSELF and helping you along the way with their assistance that they offer you.

We can't do anything in our lives without help and who better to give us the strength and courage, than our other half/halves?

Feel free to send me an 'ask' if you have any further questions, or if you have something else you wish to say ~

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5 months ago

Hi! How is it possible to know that Jimin/JK are your twin flames without meeting them irl or knowing them personally? Because it sounds like twin flames are very deep connections and my brain can’t comprehend how that works. I don’t know if my question makes a lot of sense because I am pretty clueless about this stuff and am trying to educate myself to understand better. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question!

Well, thinking about it logically, is where you're going wrong- because none of this makes any sense whatsoever lol

Not when you look at it from a logical perspective.

You need to try and have an open mind and trust what you are feeling, when you feel it.

This is something I didn't really struggle with- despite the hardcore conditioning I got from the religion I grew up in.

(Have you read my other 'ask' that I responded to? Not too sure who you are, sorry- but here's the link just in case.)

hi! could you explain kinda what twin flames are? and how you're connected with jungkook and jimin? :) Putting it simply, twin flames are t

I'm surprised looking back, because it seems like I trusted my intuition from the very beginning somehow.

Like I mention in the 'ask' in that link- I always knew from the time I was about six years old- that I would meet someone just like me and we would always be together no matter that.

They would be my best friend and we would always love each other and be there for each other (unconditionally of course, because a child isn't going to be thinking about romance lol).

I never really understood why I felt such a thing, but it was very real to me and it was just a really strong intuitive message.

Twin flames are incredibly deep and the connections can affect you mentally, physically, emotionally and yes, spiritually.

Please don't confuse spirituality with religion though, because both are very different- everyone is entitled to their own beliefs though.

Being open to the things that spirituality can offer you personally in your own way- helps to heighten your intuition and make it stronger.

Intuition is something everyone is born with, regardless of gender- but not everyone is open to listening to it.

If you can't wrap your head around spirituality for whatever reason, you can also just choose to listen to what your heart is telling you.

These are all very interwoven and connected together as one.

Your heart will never lead you down a path that is not for you and it will help you to find out who you truly are.

It may seem like such a cliche thing to say, but I'm not speaking as someone who has no experience with the words I speak- which is something a lot of people tend to do. I don't speak on anything, unless I can back it up with personal experiences of my own and since I have been listening to my own intuition/heart for the past several years now- it has helped me in many aspects of my life.

I wouldn't have this blog right now if I had chosen not to listen to it, because everything I have went through that I talk about in that 'ask' up above there- has eventually led me here. Since I chose to no longer hide in the shadows, despite how terrifying I know that kpoppers can be.

I used to be a very weak minded, closed minded and very naive person and I hardly recognize myself a lot of times, because I am very different than the person I used to be. I was afraid of literally everything and would never take chances or risks, but I have come a long way.

Thanks to the growth that I opened my mind to and that's the only way to do things when it comes to life. Even if things scare you, do them anyhow- because that one thing that scares you, could be the one thing that changes your entire life :)

It took me a few months to properly come to grips with Jungkook being my twin as you know, if you've read my 'ask' up above there and it's not only due to the conditioned beliefs from the religion.

It was also because I never 'heard' him when I was little. I figured that since I never 'heard' him like I did Jimin, that there had to be some kind of mistake.

As soon as I saw Jimin, I felt something shift inside of me and honestly I knew there was something up from the very beginning, because I wasn't into boys who were real. I was heavily into anime at the time and very obsessed with Asia- since I had been introduced to the community thanks to my grandma knowing several Asian women. I was learning everything I possibly could about the continent and all of it fascinated me.

I was learning Japanese and Mandarin, but I couldn't quite pick up Korean ~

I loved anime so much, because it was a part of Asia and I just liked to get away from my own life- because things were terrible for me in high school and even though I had been past it by 2016- everything from my past kept resurfacing and I was heavy in denial.

I kept running around in circles and that's when things started to get pretty dark for me. I was starting to get sxxcidal and I had tried many different things regretfully so. I had also recently lost a couple of close friends to it myself, so I could understand things from both perspectives. Someone who has suffered from the thoughts of harming oneself, and also the perspective of losing someone to it.

I didn't think this 'make believe' person was even real and I started questioning my entire life and basically how shitty it had been. Maybe I had imagined the whole thing and it was just something I wanted to believe. It wouldn't have surprised me, since when you go through trauma, you do things in order to cope with it.

No later then a month after all of these things take place- I started to hear about BTS again.

I'm not going to lie- I couldn't stand them, but it was their popularity I couldn't stand. The fact that other people seemed to forget the existence of other really amazing groups and they were choosing to make everything about BTS instead.

I wanted to see what the big deal about them was, so I looked up 'Save me' and 'I need u'.

I saw the music videos and Jimin stood out to me automatically, which was strange to me- because like I've said- I have never been interested in real guys. This is due to my trauma that I went through as a child.

Something about him seemed remarkably familiar, but it's one of those things where you feel like you know someone and yet you don't know how or why. If that makes sense?

I thought I was going crazy, because there's no way I could know this person, since never even met and I'm fairly certain I would have remembered any kind of contact with them.

It kept bugging me and I started to watch more BTS content, just so I could catch a glimpse of him- to try and figure it out.

It was all I could think about- and I know how that might sound, but it really bothered me how for the first time in my life, an actual real- living and breathing human stood out to me.

It wasn't that I didn't have friends, or people to be around- I just wasn't interested in mingling, due to my trauma as a child that never really got properly treated. I was very secluded, but I enjoyed my solitude and I preferred it.

It was like, "How dare this person show up out of literally nowhere and disturb my peace I've had for so long?" I was so mad and upset- but also fascinated, because I was actually interested in another person. I was beginning to feel emotions I never thought I would again, because the trauma left me feeling disconnected and I would lose myself to dissociation quite frequently.

I was numb after the way I had been treated back then as a child and it never went away as I grew up.

This person not only shows up out of nowhere, throwing me into a frenzy over my peace that has been disturbed- but he's ALSO bringing up emotions that have been suppressed for years.

I dealt with that for the better part of two years, even after finding out the proper term for what I had been going through since I was a child (twin flames).

I never had any of this with Jungkook and I guess that's what made me rethink the whole thing where I could have had a second twin.

It took me a long time to be able to come to terms with Jungkook as my other twin, but I don't know why I never thought of this to begin with. It shows how I was getting all caught up in my mind and the logical aspects.

Once I began watching videos of him, it all made sense to me, because I could see the similarities between him and I. Our appetites, the things we eat, the things we talk about, how we represent them- even something so simple as the clothes we wear and what kind of clothes we choose.

If I would have done something so simple- as just giving myself the freedom of actually LEARNING about him- through watching candid videos (Run BTS at the time), I could have saved myself so much denial and regret.

That's the thing with logic though, you get so caught up in your mind, that common sense will miss you if you're not careful.

Watching their show- it's only confirmed several more things for me and it's really incredible- looking at them and seeing how much of me exists in each of them.

It used to scare the hell out of me, and I even used to think I was losing my mind. That I wanted to lock myself up in a hospital ward or something and get diagnosed with some illness I don't even have.

It's not for the faint of heart, as you can probably tell at this point and it's very heightened. Your emotions are all over the place in the beginning and you really do feel like you're losing your mind, because it makes you question everything.

Everything that has been shoved into your mind as a young child and the things that everyone spoke to you about that have made you into the person you are now.

It will shake your world up and then spit it out, only to repeat the entire process over and over again, until you have the growth that you need to become that better version of yourself.

It's a terrifying journey, but definitely very prosperous and fulfilling once you get past all of the hell it puts you through.

Most nights I would lay in my bed and cry myself to sleep, because it felt very lonely, since I couldn't tell anyone about what was going on and I only sounded 'unstable' to those who I tried to confide in.

The spiritual community for twin flames was very undependable, because they disregarded me completely when I told them I thought I may have two other halves and they outright told me I was wrong.

When in reality, they were the ones that were wrong.

Trying to speak on my journey, like they had ever walked even a day in my shoes.

The arrogance is what surprised me the most, because these people claimed to be so 'spiritual', but that's not real spirituality. Real spirituality is where people accept it- when someone has different beliefs than they do. It's allowed, because everyone is right in their beliefs.

No one is wrong, because we are all on different journey's and no one has any right to try and tell you otherwise.

I've known people with one twin, four twins and even came across someone so advanced that they told me they know of seven other halves. That was the silver lining I needed to tell me that I needed to go my own way and I did- despite how alone and scary it was- I wanted to just lay down and die from it even- but the little voice in my mind would always speak up and tell me that if I gave up, I would never meet that 'other me'.

It was very painful in every possible way and I even felt a lot of physical pain from it- growing pains if you will, but considering the life I had lived before, pain didn't bother me and it was merely a part of who I was.

When I first saw Jimin though, it felt like I was coming home some how. Like I had found what I had been looking for all this time. That's how I knew who he was, because not only did my eyes recognize him, but so did my heart and I burst into tears when I first came to realize what that meant.

He was the one that I had been waiting on this entire time and I was so incredibly overcome with emotion, that it was something I just KNEW. I couldn't explain it in words, but I felt it- fuck...did I ever feel it. It was like lightening shot through my entire body and it left me feeling weak. So much so, that I slept for at least a good 24 hours afterwards...

It was really strong and definitely something you would need to experience in order to understand.

I still remember everything so clearly, like it only just happened yesterday and I used to regret some parts of my journey, but they were all necessary to bring me right here in this moment of time.

Jimin has always been my beacon of light and eventually so did Jungkook, but in a different kind of way ~

I have had several years of going through growth with Jimin, but I'm still going through it with Jungkook and there's more resistance with him- which only makes the journey more frustrating, but I'm still learning and honestly I hope I never stop learning and growing with them :)

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5 months ago

I don't know what will happen when we manage to cross paths and are standing face to face.

All I know is that it doesn't matter what happens ~

Regardless of how things turn out, they will always remain to be the reason why I am breathing and I take comfort in knowing I will be a part of them no matter what- since we are one and the same.

They are my twin flames and no one can take that from us.

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5 months ago

Sharing, for anyone who needs to see this ~

Your connections are real and true to the guys, whether you're a twin, a soul mate or even just an ARMY who really admires them all as one- or if you feel connected to a select few and there's NOTHING wrong with having any of these connections with them.

They're human and they're REAL- so it's only to be expected.

Hi, im new here. I’m curious about this twin flame stuff. Do you think that people can have multiple twin flames? Sorry if that’s a stupid question, I’m just trying to understand how twin flames work

It's not a stupid question at all, because there's actually a lot of conditioned beliefs surrounding them that even the spiritual community seems to have adapted to. It's the reason I'm no longer a part of it.

When I mentioned the possibility of having a second twin, they told me that there was no way, and that I wasn't a twin flame if that was the case.

This was well over four years ago now though and I am glad that I trusted my intuition when it told me to leave their community.

What works for one won't always work for everyone and there's nothing wrong with that at all.

The thing that becomes almost alluring, is how we're all naive in the beginning- since we're so inexperienced and we're looking for guidance.

It's a lonely road in the beginning for a lot of us, because honestly speaking- your intuition is the only thing you can really trust- because this journey is as equally different and unique to each person who goes through it.

So, no one can really speak for you and tell you what is right and what is wrong.

YOU are the only one who will know the answers to everything that you are looking for and you will find what you are seeking, if you quiet your mind and try to open your heart to whatever may be trying to 'speak to you'.

I can say this with confidence, because after all of this time, my intuition is the only thing I have truly been able to depend on and it has never led me in the wrong direction. I have it to thank for surviving every difficult obstacle that has been thrown at me and I was always given what I needed- when I needed it.

Of course, not everyone can get to this point right off the bat, so to speak, because you only learn through experiences you go through in life.

I didn't have this confidence back then and I was seeking guidance from other's who were claiming to be going through the same thing I was, but it turns out they weren't- or they had somehow been misguided and weren't listening to their intuition.

Listening to their particular guidance put me in a very dark place and I'm still surprised I managed to make it through alright.

We all start out the same, but we branch out into different paths over time and that's a good thing ~

I have known someone who has four twin flames and one person was so spiritually advanced that she found out she has seven.

For me personally, I have two- Jimin and Jungkook ~

Twin flames are super complex and honestly it's something you need to experience in order to understand.

I've been on this journey since I was a small child- but I never knew it had a name until almost a decade ago and that's when I found out the identity of who my twins were.

The connection itself it still fairly confusing at times, regardless of how long I have been walking it- so the best way to describe it would be like a rollercoaster.

It's very intense and definitely heightens all of your senses, emotions and is not only a spiritual connection. The further along you get on your own personal journey, it will start to affect you mentally and even physically at times.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask me and I will be happy to try and share my own personal experience as much as possible to help :)

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5 months ago

I finally managed to finish the screenshots for episode 7 of the show...

I'm behind, because I haven't been feeling well.

I'm not sick physically or anything, but I've been feeling so unmotivated and really sluggish.

There's such a long time to wait for them to come back and it's starting to take its toll on me.

I haven't felt like this since the beginning of the pandemic- when the guys were unable to come online very much and I hated feeling like that.

Yes, the twin flame journey can affect you physically as well, since it's not ONLY a spiritual experience. It affects you mentally and emotionally as well, depending how far along you are on your own unique path.

I've been on mine my entire life and have always been open to it in a sense, but only close to a decade have I known it had a name.

The longer you're on it, it doesn't get any easier though, especially when you're in separation from a physical standpoint and that's why I'm feeling this way.

I miss my other halves so much, and it's hard to continue moving forward a lot of days- because the depression can get really deep, but everything I do- I do for them.

They're my driving force and what makes me not give up, since they're all I have in this terrible life.

Every one has a connection with these men and it honestly doesn't matter if you're a soul mate even or just an ARMY, because all of our connections with them are as equally important and special.

Missing them isn't something that only I am capable of, since they have filled up many other people's lives as well- just in a different kind of way and that's what makes it special :)

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5 months ago


I saw one of your asks and got super intrigued. From the way you speak I see your admiration for them and I also see hope that they might reciprocate. But what if they don't? What if you guys never meet or aren't fated to? Have you ever thought about what next?

Like are you going to move on , get married, fall in love with someone you meet or are you going to be loyal to them(idk if you view them romantically or platonically)

Your connection seems geniune from what I've read but as someone studying psychology it made me intrigued.

I feel like meeting celebs in real life is hard enough so getting noticed is out of the equation. Hope everything works out for you! ;)

From an outsider's perspective, I guess it would seem that way- but I have no doubt in my mind that we will meet face to face and that I will become a part of their lives in a physical sense.

Instinct tells me so and some things you just don't question, no matter how absurd they may seem to that human mind of yours.

Sometimes there are things you will know, without actually knowing why or how you are knowledgeable on such ordeals.

Jimin and I have been connected since the time we were both children and he's the part of the equation (I guess you could call it that lol) that makes the most sense to me.

He's been 'speaking' to me for decades now and we've been heavily in tune with each other for just as long.

Right down to him releasing music where he speaks of things that have taken place in the astral realm.

There has never been anyone else for me and I will remain faithful to them in every aspect of my life- like I have from the time I was born.

I have tried to be with other people in the past and it felt very wrong and I was disgusted with myself for trying to force something that wasn't meant to be.

My love for them is unconditional and I will accept them into my life as whatever they need me to be ~

Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook are hardly 'celebs', since they are real men, who are human like the rest of us and I don't see them as their jobs.

I see two men who have struggled a lot in this life so far and who are trying to just get by, so that they can find the happiness that they have deserved since the time they were born.

Everything already is working out for the three of us and we are one step closer to meeting, since Jimin has already sent out the 'call' with his latest album.

There's been a huge shift in our lives and once they come back from that dreadful service they've been forced to go through- they can start their search once again.

I am here and I always will be, because I have nowhere else to go and nowhere else I would rather be.

Please feel free to send me anymore questions you may have in the future and until then, please take care and live life by trying to listen to your heart as much as possible :)

It's the only way to truly open yourself up to whatever life is meant to bring you ~

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5 months ago

I feel like answering that last 'ask' is going to bring some interesting people to my blog- but hey, why not.

I'm open to speaking with anyone who is interested in the things I talk about, unless they are full of negativity and rudeness.

If you come onto my blog with these things, you can expect nothing more and nothing less than me blocking you- so be prepared for that, because I have 0 tolerance such things anymore and I need to keep my asks open for the people that deserve to share a space with me here on my account.

Negativity and hate hold no place here and I will not entertain such things, as they are not useful to me and only bring bad health to those who choose to walk these kind of paths.

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9 months ago
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𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝕴'𝖒 𝖍𝖚𝖓𝖌𝖗𝖞 𝕴 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖑 𝖒𝖞 𝖋𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝓒𝓻𝔂𝔀𝓸𝓵𝓯, 𝓓𝓡𝓘𝓟

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9 months ago
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𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓘 𝓫𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓭𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓘 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹 𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓵 𝓶𝔂 𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓸𝓾𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝕮𝖗𝖞𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖋, 𝕯𝕽𝕴𝕻

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10 months ago

it might take a little time to respond to asks :( sorry for any inconvenience. I'll try to get to them as soon as possible though :)

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8 months ago
Pac What's The Drama? (ex Edition Bc That's All The Messages Were About )
Pac What's The Drama? (ex Edition Bc That's All The Messages Were About )
Pac What's The Drama? (ex Edition Bc That's All The Messages Were About )
Pac What's The Drama? (ex Edition Bc That's All The Messages Were About )

pac — what's the drama? (ex edition bc that's all the messages were about 💀)

Pac What's The Drama? (ex Edition Bc That's All The Messages Were About )

Pac What's The Drama? (ex Edition Bc That's All The Messages Were About )

@ pile one

your words have HURTTTT someone. if this was someone you had to cuss out, I understand. it caused a lot of growth for them. this was like an awakening for them. they had to realize how they act isn't aligned with how they view themselves. you set boundaries to protect yourself and they weren't having it. they couldn't grasp the idea that you don't have to obey them and they aren't the main character. you went through some kind of heartbreak before this situation started but you actually learned from it. you realized you don't wanna experience that again and did better. you probably operate in a more logical way and hide your emotions until you're really comfortable with someone. after you experienced that heartbreak, you could have gotten into short lived relationships a lot and flings to protect your feelings. they see you in your power not worrying about them and it hurts them even more. don't go chasing them, let them enjoy the situation they put themselves in.

Pac What's The Drama? (ex Edition Bc That's All The Messages Were About )

@ pile two

if you don't let your ex go immediately... there's nothing to like. the drama is that they're a piece of shit and you're still thinking about them. if they cheated once, they'll cheat again. if they used you, they'll use you again. if they replaced you, they'll replace you again. I need you to be so serious, do you really think someone like this is worth your time? you need to stop talking to people about this person and focus on yourself. a lot of people around you are lowkey haters too so you shouldn't be telling them much of anything. do you have any projects/goals of your own right now? besides things to do with them, of course. you're trying to rest but you're still worrying about your ex so how are you relaxing? 😭😭 you need to block them asap. ill tryyyy to be nice since I can see you're going through it but please have some standards for yourself and others. no, dating people like them will not fill that void. YOU need to fill that void by loving yourself enough that you don't need love from random losers to feel worthy. instead of being sad about the things you can't change, work on the things you can.

Pac What's The Drama? (ex Edition Bc That's All The Messages Were About )

@ pile three

i wanna start off by saying this pile is not for everyone. then i wanna point out how annoyingggg you and your ex are 😭😭 ive been getting this piles energy all in the other readings even when it didn't make sense with the other piles messages. i swear y'all need to stop being stubborn. if you like them, you like them. I pulled the lovers and kept channeling let em know through this entire pac. i get you guys are all mad at each other but it doesn't even seem like the breakup was that serious. it seems like it was just a petty argument, moving homes, or a fight from way too long ago to still be upset about. you guys might not be realizing the things you did wrong too. im not gonna tell you to text your ex or anything though. just let things happen naturally. you have to maintain a balance. don't deny your clear feelings but don't be obsessed. you're independent but not overdependent. accept how you feel and do your shadow work. there's not a whole lot else besides that to do. if the same cycle is repeating with them then maybe try doing something different. i hate to be one of those "your ex is coming back" tarot readers but y'all are killing me.

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7 months ago

Hello‼️ 🍉🍉🍉

I hope you are well.

Could you help me reblog the post my account and share my story with friends with a big heart and soul. I really need help in this fierce battle for Life in Gaza!,

I hope you can support for donating any amount you can and stand by me at the beginning in this difficult time. ♥️

Thank you for every kind gesture and thought of yours.🙏

yes of course :( I'm sorry you have to go through this. I'm not able to donate myself at the moment but I would appreciate it if anyone else could donate.

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8 months ago

oh, what can I say about that song? I was already forget you but you make that song just to remember me that you were there, always there.. always in my mind, in my heart, in my life.

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