Photo Editing - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Why did no one tell me that editing photos is so fun??

Why Did No One Tell Me That Editing Photos Is So Fun??
Why Did No One Tell Me That Editing Photos Is So Fun??
Why Did No One Tell Me That Editing Photos Is So Fun??

(Free to use if u want!!)

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1 year ago
ID: a photo taken out the window of a moving car in Aotearoa New Zealand. the sky is a washed out grey-blue and small power pylons can be seen- one next to the road and another in the distance, with power lines taut between them. there is shrubbery and grass on the roadside, darkened by the grey sky. a long, arcing shape made of starbursts is racing alongside the car the photo was taken from, shrubbery blueish and faintly visible through its glowing pale form. it is presented as if it is leaping or bounding, despite its shape being anything but animalistic. it is casting a faint shadow on the road, and the whole photo is slightly blurred as if moving at speed. END ID
ID: a photo taken from inside of a small cabin. in the foreground there is a blue chair and the corner of a round table with a tablecloth, and in the background there is a sink above some kitchen drawers, and a wide window, above with hang various pans. out of the window spills a saturated coral pink, starbursts escaping at the edges. the light consists of various colours, mostly coral pink but with a rich indigo blue glowing at the edges, as well as pale oranges and yellows. some of the light spills down into the sink, filling it up, dripping down the counter and forming star shaped droplets. the multicoloured light reflects radiantly on the edges of the hanging pans. the light is partially transparent, and the edge of the window frame can be seen faintly through the starbursts. END ID
ID: a photo taken on a beach in Aotearoa at dusk, right after sunset. the sky is a bruised colour, dark grey with bleary desaturated purple and orange undertones, becoming paler near the horizon. the horizon is halfway down the image, silhouetted with jet black broad, rocky islands. the ocean is visible, stretching across the photo, and the beach is empty but peppered with footprints. a sharp, strange figure stands facing towards the viewer, stepping forward. the intentions of the figure are unreadable. it glows a pale buttery yellow, warm orange around the edges of the starburst shapes it is made of, with a periwinkle hue in the centre of its form. stars float haphazardly around what could be considered its head, as well as its left arm, which has disintegrated into disconnected starbursts. the sand around its jagged feet, which end in needle-sharp points, is lit up from the light of its body, and it casts a faint shadow towards the ocean. the shore is faintly visible through its body. the atmosphere of the piece is gloomy but with an air of wonder and peculiarity. END ID
ID: a photo of the artist crouched down on rocky, algae covered ground, wearing an olive green jumper, dull green pants, checkered socks, and dark green sneakers. his face obscured by his hair, he is pointing a finger into a rock pool from which bursts a surge of bright and surreal energy, electric yellow-green and bright white in colour. the light is pushing past the artist, creating starburst shapes with hard edges, indicating that the light is tangible. the bright light is contrasted by the lighting of the rest of the photo, which is cast in a dim shadow. END ID

some pieces I've done for my exhibition! do not repost or reupload without my permission. image descriptions in alt text

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6 months ago
I Wish I Could Go To Paris Right Now.
I Wish I Could Go To Paris Right Now.
I Wish I Could Go To Paris Right Now.
I Wish I Could Go To Paris Right Now.

I wish I could go to Paris right now.

ig credit: lise_frt.

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2 years ago

Released a YT video covering the recently released Life Makeover's Green Screen feature and some of the things that you can do with it. It also applies to any game with the green screen mode really, just with Life Makeover as the medium  _(:3 」∠)_

YT Video Link :

Game : Life Makeover by Archosaur Games  Background Audio : River Meditation by Jason Shaw 

Images & Videos Used in Examples : 

Lavender Flower Field Under Pink Sky - David Bartus 

Purple Cloud of Paint Underwater - MART PRODUCTION 

Green Textile - Pixabay 

Uncle Mugen's Cafe Oh F*** Everything - Uncle Mugen 

Peeking Little Cat - Amine Mayoufi 

Links to online tools and software in the video description.

Feel free to let me know if there's anything in the replies below or just send me a message via my blog : 

Hope you find this interesting and helpful, thank you for watching~ 

(「• ω •)「

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4 years ago
So, I Took A Photo That I Had And Made It Abstract, And Frankly, Im A Little Terrified. This Is... Neat

So, I took a photo that I had and made it abstract, and frankly, I’m a little terrified. This is... neat to say the least

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I Figured I Ought To Tell The Story Of My Blog Background (which Gets Into The Story Of My Blog) And
I Figured I Ought To Tell The Story Of My Blog Background (which Gets Into The Story Of My Blog) And
I Figured I Ought To Tell The Story Of My Blog Background (which Gets Into The Story Of My Blog) And
I Figured I Ought To Tell The Story Of My Blog Background (which Gets Into The Story Of My Blog) And
I Figured I Ought To Tell The Story Of My Blog Background (which Gets Into The Story Of My Blog) And
I Figured I Ought To Tell The Story Of My Blog Background (which Gets Into The Story Of My Blog) And

I figured I ought to tell the story of my blog background (which gets into the story of my blog) and give credit as best I can for the picture I used to make it. Also I should probably warn you here and now that I tend to ramble. 

So, first off, I have to admit that I can’t give exact credit for the original picture I used; I got it from Google Earth a long time ago, and now that they’ve changed the photos layer, I can’t find the original anymore. I’ve tried a reverse google image search, but it doesn’t come up. All I can tell you is that it came from Narrows, Virginia, or the surrounding area, and it’s of the New River. So, if you’re the photographer who took this picture, let me know how you’d like to be credited (or if I need to find a new background image). 

I love this picture, though, with the tranquil water reflecting the mountains and that lone tree jutting up on the left. It has a nice balance, or perhaps a good visual flow, and it reminds me of home. (I’m originally from Blacksburg, Va, and Narrows is a little over half an hour west and a smidge north of home.)

Anyways, I’m also posting the various stages of my photoshopping (well, actually, I just used the “markup toolbar” in Preview on my Mac to edit the color of the image, but that doesn’t work as a verb as well as photoshop does). 

Aside from my general love of all things purple, I also wanted to tint the picture purple so that it would be a picture of “the Lande of Violet Mists”. The Lande (with an “e” for artistic flair) of Violet Mists is a fantasy land and somewhat of an in-joke going back to the blogspot blog I made Sophomore year of high school. It has a vague mythos on said blog--in bits and pieces, such as the one I have in my blog description here--but it’s mostly more of an aesthetic theme than a properly developed literary location, though I have written bits and pieces set there. Remind me to dig some of those back up and see if any are worth sharing here, actually. 

At first made this edit for aforementioned high school blogspot, and I did try to set it as my background there, but I couldn’t get the formatting to work. When I started this tumblr, though, I was happy I had it in reserve. 

So, basically I tinted the picture pink and turned the temperature towards cool (aka blue) to make it purple. I think I also decreased the sharpness to give it that atmospheric haze and boosted the saturation some to intensify it. I decided the first one wasn’t purple enough, so I made the second one, but that one just looked too unnatural (and a bit too pink) so I went back to the first one (each time I started a new edit, I made a copy of the original so that I could have each step as a separate image) and made it just a little more purple. I liked that one, and I just inserted a translucent square to have that more opaque region in the middle where posts go. That wasn’t wide enough, though, so I actually took a screenshot so that I’d have an image in proportion with my computer screen and copy-pasted the image onto that and stretched it wider, and that’s how I got the final image. I suppose this isn’t necessarily specific enough to be helpful as a tutorial, but hopefully it gives the gist of how I edited my background picture. When in doubt, add purple :)

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So My Boyfriend @ravenfal Came Down To Visit Last Weekend And We Had Some Fun With My Swords :) I Totally

So my boyfriend @ravenfal came down to visit last weekend and we had some fun with my swords :) I totally didn’t plan it or realize at the time but I love how we got that light side/dark side effect since I wear purple 90% of the time which was dark enough that it looks like black here*, and he was wearing white and just happened to stand on the side with the Christmas tree. I’m quite pleased with how movie poster-ish it turned out overall. We had fun :) 

*Actually I realize now I was wearing black pants and a black T-shirt with a purple tree on it and a purple sweater, so I am also wearing quite a bit of black; technically it might even be mostly black. The purple sweater looks black, though, so the effect is accentuated. 

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(via blagueofchaos, fuckyeahbillbeckett-blog)

So I decided to try stripping the blue tones out to see what this would look like with more natural coloring. It still looks weirdly off because I think there wasn't that much color left underneath the blue, so even boosting the saturation didn't really make it quite normal-looking, but here's my best try with what I can do on my phone:


Then I messed around with it a little more on my laptop and boosted the contrast and messed with the tones a little more, though it’s still flatter than I’d like, especially in the background.

(via Blagueofchaos, Fuckyeahbillbeckett-blog)

Well, it was a fun experiment at any rate, and it does look a touch more true to color! To get it really realistic, I think you’d have to color it section by section, almost like colorizing a black and white picture, but I don’t really feel like messing with Pixlr right now so I think I’m going to call this good enough. Enjoy! :) 

alfhildr-the-word-weaver - The Lande of Violet Mists

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7 months ago
You Ever Printed Out An Edit You Made Of Two Specific Kins You Have For Your Scrapbook? Highly Recommended
You Ever Printed Out An Edit You Made Of Two Specific Kins You Have For Your Scrapbook? Highly Recommended

you ever printed out an edit you made of two specific kins you have for your scrapbook? highly recommended 💫

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7 months ago
"you Do What You Can"
"you Do What You Can"

"you do what you can"

my tribute edit/playlist cover to my one of all time favorite pieces of media, my favorite quote from that media & a huge rest in eternal power to John Witherspoon, who played grandpa flawlessly in the show.

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11 years ago
Dulfin Experiments With Photo Editing, Part 1.
Dulfin Experiments With Photo Editing, Part 1.
Dulfin Experiments With Photo Editing, Part 1.

Dulfin experiments with photo editing, Part 1.

I don't even have Photoshop, haha. I'm using Paint.NET. :P

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1 year ago

Hey just curious what app do you use to make your captions?

Hey! I actually just use my phones built-in photo editing tools. I'm on Android, but I'm sure iPhones will have similar software. So yeah, it's pretty easy to start captioning photos and give them any narrative you like :)

Hope this was helpful, and thank you for the ask!!

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4 years ago


Video created by Morena Sarzo

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