Poly Relationship - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

2 years ago


Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis fighting over you.




(Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis X Reader)



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2 years ago

don’t worry darling

harry styles x reader x florence pugh

heyyy, i wanted to make a ig blurb for a series i’m thinking of writing :) hope you guys like it and remember, this is all fiction <3

Dont Worry Darling

liked by harryfan1, yndaily and 7,810 others

florenceupdates “When I found out that she [YN/YLN] was also in the movie, I was so... I freaked out! I didn’t know her personally but I always admired her work and one of my dreams was to work with YN. It was a surreal, incredible experience and well... I hope to work on future projects with her.” — Florence talking about work with YN/YLN in Don’t Worry, Darling.


ynfan1 i still cant believe they worked together

florencefan2 the way flo talks about her- LEAVE ME ALONE

ynfan2 living for their friendship

ynfan3 she looks so good

florencefan3 they two together will kill me

florencefan4 🥺 i love her

ynfan4 florence talking about the flowers yn sent to her before they even met 😭

Dont Worry Darling

liked by ynfan4, harryfan2 and 3,618 others

harryupdates YN/YLN VIA INSTAGRAM STORY! she was at the show tonight

harryfan3 OMG OMG OMG

ynfan5 will they go to Venice together?

↳ harryfan4 maybe

harryfan5 she was having the time of her life in this show


↳ ynfan6 WHAT?

Dont Worry Darling

liked by harryfan7, ynfashionarchive and 6,712 others





ynfan8 wtf is happening?

Dont Worry Darling

liked by ynfan9, harryfan10 and 4,578 others

ynupdates “She’s an amazing actress... She and Florence. It was a privilege to work alongside them and the entire cast.” — Harry Styles about working with YN & Florence at the DWD photocall.

florencefan5 love how the three of them became inseparable

harryfan11 harry and yn... thinking about it

ynfan10 everybody loves her

harryfan12 his hair wtf

harryfan6 i want this couple right now


Dont Worry Darling
Dont Worry Darling

liked by florencefan6, ynfan11 and 9,616 others

dwdupdates Florence and YN at the Venice red carpet tonight

florencefan7 QUEENS

harryfan13 OH MY GOF


florencefan8 they are the moment

Dont Worry Darling

liked by harrystyles, sophiet and 1,724,691 others

yourinstagram ✨✨✨


harryfan14 the only good thing this movie did was make flo and yn friends

florencepugh LOVE YOU BABY

↳ yourinstagram love you too!

↳ ynfan14 🥺🥺 that’s cute


↳ ynfan15 /florencefan9 i feel you

Dont Worry Darling

liked by florencepugh, harrystyles and 2,419,856 others

yourinstagram First of all, thank you to everyone who made this movie happen - you guys have a blown mind and having the opportunity to work with each of you was such an accomplishment.

To the fans: thank you for spending your money to make us more millionaires 😝

Just kidding, thank you for going to watch it and for those who are still going to watch it, have a good experience - your support means the world to me and knowing I have you by my side makes me much freer, confident and very, very, very happy.

Last but not least, Harry and Florence: I have no words to describe how impressed I was with your two performances. You two are outstanding and unforgettable. I love you both so much.

AND LAST, really last: Miss Flo, you slayed it - sorry Jack, she’s the truly queen of it all.

harrystyles I’m thrilled. It was an honor to work with you two and the entire crew ❤️ I love you.

↳ yourinstagram 🥰

↳ harryfan15 IM LITERALLY DEAD

↳ ynandharry HE SAID HE LOVES HER

harrystyles I agree with you.



florencepugh You are making me cry. Your words made my day. You were one of the best parts of it all. I love you. I love you. I love you.

↳ yourinstagram 💖



↳ ynfan18 DATE

yourmom That’s so sweet baby 💖 Can’t wait to see you guys on the screen.

ynfan19 you could take all my money

harryfan18 she’s so supportive with them

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8 months ago

This is one of my au's from scratch. this was just too could not to use but i defaintly can't put this on scratch so you all get it instead.


there's the link to the scratch group with the projects about this au

Tags :
2 years ago

All I've Ever Wanted.

(Poly! Lost Boys x GN!reader)

For the lovely @struggling-bee, really hope you enjoy 💛❤️, all credit for the gifs go to the owner.

All I've Ever Wanted.

You knew your boys were special.

Special in a way that even the word itself couldn't describe how extraordinary they are. 

They were wild, beautiful, lively. 

They were everything you ever wanted. 

So imagine the confusion when your aunt June pulled you aside one night. You and her weren't related, though her friendship with your mother had transcended into a sisterhood. 

"Is everything alright?" You inquired, as she urged you to sit on the porch chair. "Honey…it's about your boyfriends." She said, You smiled, though the tone she had left little to the positive imagination. 

"What about them, aunty?" 

"You know what I am, don't you?" June asked, making you nod. She had been a vampire for years now, having only been turned the night she met your mother. June had been careful, which was the main reason she stood there with you at this moment.

"Yeah." You answered. "They are the same as me, sweetheart. They're vampires." She informed, patiently waiting for your reaction. A silence passed, when a laugh escaped you. June threw you a confused look. 

"Aunty…I think I've always known." 

Now June was really surprised. You rose to your feet, swaying around as you spoke. "I mean…I only get to see them at night and they drop me off at home before dawn. They all disappear at different points. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but I've been raised with that." You reasoned, eyes landing on June.

"I can have them off you if you feel-"

"I love them aunty. I'm not afraid of them just as I was never afraid of you." You assured. They were your boys and you knew they would never hurt you. A sense of pride came over you for having figured it out before they even had the chance to tell you.

In a way, you understood. 

The fear they must have felt. The fear that you would reject them and call them monsters. They couldn't live with that and neither could you. 

Your (e/c) eyes laid on your aunt, who looked at you with a motherly adoration. 

"It makes me happy that you have them, sweetheart. David and his brothers are sure lucky to have you." June said. Her hand graced your cheek. "Don't you have a date?"

"Oh shoot, I nearly forgot." You laughed, looking toward the inside to grab your jacket. June, as always, beat you to it. The jacket laid in her hands, a smirk on your aunt's face. You grinned. "Where would I be without you?" You teased.

"Off you go. Have a good night, honey." 

"No curfew this time?" 

"Go before I change my mind." June threatened, though the levity of it lacked. You snapped your fingers playfully, bidding your aunt a last see you later before you turned to head to the boardwalk.

"We have to tell them, man." 

"You think I don't know that Paul?" 

"Well you sure ain't doing nothing about it!" Paul exclaimed. David frowned, his piercing blue eyes staring deep into his brothers. Paul sighed out in exasperation. "We've stalled enough, it's either tonight or we don't say shit for another year." 

"Who the fuck died and made you king?"

"Would the two of you knock it off?" Dwayne interrupted, irritation clear in his voice. "Yeah, you're giving me a headache." Marko added, his face void of his usual grin. David and Paul ceased speaking, the latter deciding to take a whiff of his small joint. 

Truth be told, Paul was getting antsy. And he didn't like it. He loved you more than he ever thought he could love. Paul thought he wasn't a relationship guy, opting to use his looks to get laid and get fed. Then, you walked into his life. You were magnetic, that was the only word for it.


Marko chewed at his nails, his stomach feeling empty and nauseous. He searched the crowd for any sign of you, finding both worry and relief in the absence of you. Marko was afraid. Afraid that he wouldn't be able to discard you like everyone else, that you had engraved yourself too deep into his dead heart. Marko just didn't know when to quit. 

And he knew that he couldn't quit you.

David looked yonder to the passing people, each face less significant than the other. How was it that from a bunch of low-life, insufferable humans, you came? You had to be the greatest thing that David could have ever had. At first, he was skeptical of you. Your kind nature and willingness to be around them was something foreign and that foreignness was unwelcomed. But just as it was in your nature to care, it was in your nature to love too.

Dwayne sighed, choosing to lean into the railings and drown out the insufferable noise. While he was possibly the most calm, the anxiety was probably just as strong in him. You were probably everything he had ever wanted. Laddie loved you, you loved being around him and Dwayne knew from that moment that you were meant to be with them. 

But maybe sometimes, meant to be just wasn't going to happen. And Dwayne prayed that that wouldn't be the case. 

"Hi boys!" Your voice cut through their thoughts like a knife, Marko even jumping at your surprised entry. Your arms were wrapped around the vampire immediately. "Hope I didn't make you wait too long." You said, giggling when Marko laif kiss after kiss on your neck. “You know we don't mind babe, besides…you could always make it up to us.” Paul teased,  moving his body to be closer to you. 

You smirked, expressing whatever teasing words you had in mind. Dwayne took your hand into his, squeezing it slightly. His silent language, communicating a love so deep, one could drown in it. 

The night continued with your boys and you riding the rides, eating and just enjoying each other's company. Through it all, you couldn't help but feel like David was avoiding you. 

Every time your eyes met, he looked away. Like he was nervous. For as long as you had known him, David was never, ever, nervous. So this worried you.

Paul and the others continued ahead, leaving you and David side by side. 

"Out with it."

"I don't know what you're talking about, kitten."

"You've been avoiding me all night." You stated, hurt evident in your tone. David sighed, desperate in his attempt at avoiding your strong gaze. "It's complicated…" he said slowly.

"There is something you aren't telling me. Please David, you think I like it when you won't even look at me?" You spat. David's brows furrowed. Of course he didn't like it, it was killing him on the inside. But the thought of you abandoning them was even worse. 

You stepped closer, placing your hand on David's cheek. He leaned into the touch gratefully. 

"David, if it's about us, you have to talk to me." You pleaded. Maybe you had done something wrong, maybe you had angered them in some way. Whatever it was, you wanted to make it right.

They were too precious to lose.

David sighed, not moving from your hold. "It's…it's about me…and the boys.." he said, each word passing like stones in his throat. You quirked a brow, pushing him to keep talking. 

"It's better if they're all here…you deserve that much at least."

Now you were really confused.

David always told you what was what. He hated beating around the bush. So this was unexpected of him. "Fine…but I'm keeping you to it." You said. David offered you a seldom nod.

He really dug himself deep this time.

The night continued with you and the boys leaving the boardwalk, Laddie holding your and Dwayne's hand. Dwayne could sense that you were irritated, choosing to silently observe instead of asking you about it. His eyes jumped between you and David, his leader's back turned to them.

Perhaps David had let it slip?

No, no, David wasn't that sort of vampire.

Did you figure it out?

If you had, Dwayne was sure that you would have been screaming your head off. So, their secret was safe…? Dwayne stopped in his tracks, once the voice entered his mind. 

(Y/n) knows.

What the hell do you mean they know?

I mean…they know something is up.

Dwayne’s face twisted in unamusement. He didn't like the feeling that was coursing through him now. In fact, he despised it. You leaving would not affect only him, but Laddie as well. The little boy loved you and it would break him to lose you.

Dwayne's eyes trained on you, frantic in his search for any signs that you were going to leave. Dwayne sighed, brown eyes jumping to David. 

What do we do?

We come clean.

The cave welcomed you later that night, your body declining onto the couch. Paul and Marco were at your side, as Paul paced around with a roll in his hands. 

He puffed it once, barking a laugh. "You had to see it babe! Those surf Nazis were crying for their mommies by the time we were down with em'!" Paul exclaimed, his arms spreading out in victory. Dwayne and David had gone to get food. 

Marko planted a kiss on your cheek before cackling along with Paul. 

You smiled softly.

"Why the long face, sweets?"

"I'm fine, Marko." 

"You know that bullshit doesn't work on me. Spill it." Marko spat, albeit endearingly. "Yeah, babe, what's eatin' ya?" Paul pressed, already considerably high. You took a moment to consider your answers. Paul and Marko probably knew that David was hiding something and they couldn't help you. Marko read your face and beat you to it, as he always did.

"It's David isn't it?"

"How did you-"

"You only get like this when you're mad at David, babe." Paul completed, taking a whiff of his cigarette once more. Paul had an unusual trait that came out during these periods.

It showcased his observances and how when you think that Paul isn't watching, you better believe that he is. "I feel like he is hiding something from me." You said. "Hiding what?" Marko inquired, raising a brow. 

"I don't know…when we were at the boardwalk, he just straight up ignored me. Dwayne was acting off too." You expressed. 

Paul's bright blue eyes briefly met with Marko, who was thinking the exact same thing.

You think he fessed up? 

Wouldn't they be running if he did?

Marko nodded slowly. "You know how David gets, babe. He'd rather die than express what's bothering him." Paul commented in a matter of fact manner. You pouted. "That isn't a good thing." You said. Paul shrugged and Marko patted your shoulder. 

"Food time!" David yelled, jumping down from the entrance, followed by Dwayne and Laddie. The boy ran to you, wrapping his arms around your legs. "Hey, little dude." You greeted happily, taking the boy into your arms. 

You all sat near the fountain, the food cartons in your hands. 

You ate silently, eyeing each one of your boys. You didn't know what you were looking for exactly. They weren't the type to cheat and you trusted them as they did you. Perhaps they had hurt someone and couldn't bear to tell you?

"David…" you said slowly, making the vampire stop in his movement. The others perked up at your voice. The blonde knew instantly what it was all about. Placing the food carton next to him , David shared a glance with Dwayne.

The two had an unspoken bond in times of crises or worry, balancing and keeping one another above it all. 

Dwayne nodded.

David thought for a moment. 

Is it better to speak or to die? To have loved and lost…or to never had loved at all?

“I know I've been…distant today. And i don't have an excuse other than the fact that I…we’ve been meaning to tell you something.’’ David announced, feeling his own skin crawl when he felt your heart pick up.

Marko stood to the side, chewing at his nails and Paul simply observed, his high slowly dying down. He just might lose the greatest thing that has ever happened to him, so he might as well be sober for it. You tapped your foot impatiently, the small thump signifying the improbability of you staying.

For who could love a killer?

Let alone four of them.

“All those times that me and the boys would…go off somewhere and tell you we were dealing with some work…well…we lied about that. We’ve been lying about a lot of things.” David offered slowly, voice deathly calm. Your hands felt clammy in their pocketed space.

“I don't expect you to stick around and I don't expect you to want to see any of use again after this…’’ David said, “...but we care about you a lot and you deserve to know…We’re vampires, (Y/N).’’ David concluded. 

The cat was out of the fucking bag and the silence that folloerd was deafening. 

The boys awaited an answer, Marko looking just about ready to run out all together. He had tried to convince himself that he could leave you behind just as you would probably do to them now. And yet, unshed tears gathered in his wild eyes. 

So imagine Marko’s surprise when laughter greeted his ears. 

Your body rolled back in genuine amusement, your arms going to hold your stomach. You left the boys in a confused cloud, each attempting to get a word in your laugh. “This…this is funny to you?’’ Paul questioned slowly. Was it disbelief? Absurdity? They didn't know. 

The laughter died down, with only one thought prevailing in your mind. 

That was it?

All this fuss over something that you already knew.

“Oh David…i've always known.” You revealed, smiling. A light passed over David's brilliant blue eyes, a mix of relief and confusion. “What do you mean you've always known?” Dwayne inquired. “Oh come on, I only see you at night time, you always run off somewhere and you avoid mirrors like the plague.” You stated in an obvious manner. “I am sort of insulted that you thought I wouldn't get-oof!” You exclaimed, as Marko tackled you to the ground.

His body on top of yours, he buried his face in your neck, the gesture almost child-like. You felt a sort of wet feeling, only to realize that Marko was ... .crying?


“You aren't going to leave, right?’’

The crack in his voice was only heard by you, and it broke your heart. You leaned in, kissing the side of his head. ‘’I'm not going anywhere.” you whispered back. And if it were possible, there in that moment, the boys fell in love all over again. 

They had finally found someone that cared for them the same.

You and Marko rose, only to be joined by Paul. He hugged you furiously, kissing your face and holding on tight. You laughed, recuperating most of the kisses and affection. These boys were stupid to think that you would abandon them so easily. 

You were going to be forever. 

Until forever fell apart. 

You and Dwayne shared a kiss and stood in each other's arms for a good long while until finally, you and David came face to face.

"You really scared me today, you know." 

"You spooked me pretty good too, kitten."

You smiled and David gave you his signature smirk.

Your bodies gravitated toward each other, arms going around David's neck and his around your waist. Your foreheads touched and your eyes bore into one another.

"You have no idea how happy you've made me…" 

A smile graced your face.

"You're all I've ever wanted…all of you…"

"And you have us, kitten, for a very, very long time." David promised, bringing you in for a kiss. You smiled into the kiss as you pulled David closer, silently thanking Aunt June for her advice.

Maybe listening to your elders wasn't so bad after all.




















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3 years ago

Haters get mad at poly relationship in Demon Slayer lmao bet they're just jealous they can't have a healthy poly relationship like Uzui and his wives 🙄😌✨

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2 years ago

hello !! not a request but i wanna check before i do request something, do you write poly relationships ?

hi!! thanks for asking, i do write poly relationships (it all started with scream 1 and my obsession for billy loomis and stu macher). but thanks for checking first!

i write poly relationships, reader insert, gn!reader, male!reader, fem!reader, few mental illness and stuff related to those (mainly the ones i've lived with, which include but are not limited to depersonalization/derealization, mania episodes, panic attacks, anxiety (attacks), self-esteem issues, anger issues... if you have any doubts just ask if i write for whichever you want!), aus, headcanons, drabbles...

i however do not write incest, nsfw stuff, major self-harm episodes, and all that jazzy stuff.

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4 years ago

Hxh Random Headcanon Time

Y'all I just thought of something, hear me out.

Y/n in a poly relationship with Leol and Hina. (Maybe Flutter too?) I feel like Leol and Hina already have some kind of relationship and maybe at some point they both realized they wanted to add someone else to the relationship.

(I'm not polyamorous, so if I get anything wrong please let me know!)

They both get along with you really well and you become friends with them in no time. After being friends for a while, you all sit down and have a conversation.

They tell you that they both have romantic feelings for you and want to be in a poly relationship with you. From there on out, y'all are a throuple! You spend time with both of them together, and individually.

Hxh Random Headcanon Time

Leol is super chill and y'all are often found laying on the ground, listening to his music. He's cuddly in private and physical when in front of others.

Hxh Random Headcanon Time

Hina is generally fun to be around. I wouldn't be surprised if you all went randonauting at one point or another.

She's also easily excited by cool things, y'all go on trips to the mall all the time.

The three of you often end up in a cuddle pile at the end of the day. The three of you and Hina's stuffies that is. You cannot tell me she doesn't collect cute creepy stuffies. She loves them and thinks they're absolutely adorable.

Leol isn't the biggest fan of them, but he knows she likes them and they don't really get in the way per say, so he's indifferent. Usually your cuddles consist of both you and Hina laying on or next to Leol. He's big warm and fuzzy, not to mention a deep sleeper, so if he falls asleep, you and Hina will chat until y'all do too.

Going places all together is always fun. If y'all drive anywhere, Leol usually gets aux cord. Hina isn't too picky about music, so she'll just listen to whatever's playing.

You and Leol always fight for shotgun, he wants to play his music, but you want to play yours too. If y'all end up really petty about it Hina will just plug her phone in and play a bunch of tik tok songs.

Watermelon, sugar, high~

Then either Leol is pissy about it because he's not a fan of the music and you and Hina are vibing. Or you both don't like the music are both sitting grumpy and cross armed.

You guys ended up taking turns with who gets aux cord. If it's a long trip, you'll divvy it up with hour long time spans.

All in all, aside from the music thing, you guys are very happy together! You all function well together and have very good communication.

You guys might end up having flutter join the relationship as well, y'all already get along with him, and have been trusted friends for quite some time.

Hxh Random Headcanon Time

I can't say for sure because Flutter seems all buisness, but for the sake of headcanons we'll say he agreed to join the relationship. He would take a little to get used to the cuddles, but you're all understanding of that and take turns sleeping with each other. One night is Flutter and Leol, you and Hina, the next is Flutter and Hina, you and Leol, next is Flutter and you, Hina and Leol.

Flutter is completely indifferent to whatever music is playing, you don't fight for aux cord with him.

I get the feeling he would actually really like getting his nails painted. He doesn't want to style them, he just likes to color them. (I think I saw something like this in another post and it just stuck)

Y'all probably paint each other's nails all the time. I can imagine all 4 of you watching Netflix and painting your nails together. Leol probably forgets about the not yet dried polish and gets popcorn stuck to his nails.

Honestly, it's hard to come up with relationship stuff with Flutter because of how profe he is. He's like Illumi but somehow more emotionless. I can say though that when he is distressed, he is very vocal and expressive.

If anything happened to you, Leol or Hina, he would be very concerned. He's very much a mama bear when it comes to the safety of his significant others.

I feel like going from nothing but buisness partners to a full on relationship with a whole lot of love would be a bit overloading for him. He probably gets flusterd really easily and wmbarassed about it. He isn't used to being expressive, so this is so new and exciting to him.

Eventually he goes from being awkward about cuddles to laying on his side and putting an arm over whoever is next to him that night.

Hxh Random Headcanon Time

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2 years ago
Coffee With My Sunshine By Raethye

Coffee With My Sunshine by raethye

Rating: Explicit

Pairing: Hoseok x Namjoon x Seokjin x Yoongi

Length:  20.8K, complete

Tags: Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Min Yoongi | Suga, Mang (BT21), Alternate Universe - Magic, Alternate Universe - Witchcraft, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Witch Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Familiars, Supernatural Elements, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Light Angst ,Courting Rituals, Aphrodisiacs, Love Potion/Spell, Idiots in Love, Magic, Witchcraft, Cute, Pining, Crushes, Foursome - M/M/M/M, Explicit Sexual Content

Jung Hoseok, green witch and owner of Sunflowers, kinda wants to cry a little bit when his three favorite regulars ask him for some magical help confessing. To someone else. Only... why do they keep coming back to his shop to flirt? And ask for dates? And steal kisses?


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1 year ago

𝙿𝚘𝚟: 𝙰𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙹𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚗

ᴳᵉⁿʳᵉ: ˢᵐᵃᵘ, ᴾᵒˡʸʳᵉˡᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢʰⁱᵖ, ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ, ᴴᵘᵐᵒʳ


Sorry for any mistakes, this is my first au and English is not my first language

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4 years ago

Kinda curious on what you think of (y/n) that has a poly relationship with Vert and Krytus

Hmm.... I think (Y/N) can handle a poly relationship with Vert and Krytus, even though they are arch enemies. It took some time to talk things through between Vert and Krytus, because they want the same girl by themselves. (Y/N) has feelings for both of them equally and doesn't want to choose one over another.

Even though Vert and Krytus has the same gal, they wouldn't talk to each other. If (Y/N) has problems mentally or physically, they would figure how to take care of (Y/N) by themselves, unless if it's super serious and they must work together to find a solution.

They would stop fighting because they know they would lose (Y/N) if they hurt each other. They listen to what (Y/N) wants. Krytus normally doesn't do that, but he'll make an exception to (Y/N). He'll stop trying to find the coordinates to Earth. He'll stop trying to hurt Sage. But he still has a grudge towards her for what she did to his people.

Krytus doesn't really know how to act romantically. He'll start to do some research on human affection. He'll probably kiss, cuddle and gets (Y/N) rare artifacts, but doesn't know how to speak in a softer or romantic tone. Vert however knows everything.

Moments between Krytus and (Y/N) might be awkward, because Krytus tends to mess up. Vert and (Y/N)'s moments goes smoothly.

Krytus is the jealous type. If Vert makes (Y/N) happy the entire day, Krytus would try to find something that would make (Y/N) impressed by him more than Vert.

Both Vert and Krytus treats (Y/N) like a queen. They would do anything to protect her. Krytus might send his Sark army to protect her from danger when (Y/N) travels through the multiverse by herself. Vert would come along with her when they are travelling to the multiverse, but not when (Y/N) wants to see Krytus.

If (Y/N) gets injured by something, both Vert and Krytus would go crazy. Krytus is the violent type, so the creature who hurt (Y/N) would be killed right then and there. Vert hurts the creature until it's unconscious and leaves.

Probably after a few months or a year, Krytus and Vert would be friendly to each other.

Krytus would still find a way to release his people. But he promised (Y/N) that he wouldn't hurt the blues. Krytus would tell his team to not hurt the BF5, and instead find ways to free their people.

Kinda Curious On What You Think Of (y/n) That Has A Poly Relationship With Vert And Krytus

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6 months ago
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love
Dating Two Werewolves Means You'll Get Your Fair Share Of Scratches And Bruises But At Least The Love

Dating two werewolves means you'll get your fair share of scratches and bruises but at least the love is sweet and tender.

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Jacob: Hey.

Ian: Hey! You’re early!

Jacob: Oh, am I? The flyer said the show starts at 9.

Ian: Well, yeah! It’s exactly 9 o’clock. That means be here by 10:30, silly. That’s ok, I’m happy to have company while I set up.

Ian: Ok, what’s with the shirt?

Jacob: Heh...Amir made me wear it for tonight.

Ian: I should have known. Our guy is something else.

Ian: Aww ouchh...sorry. My arm.

Jacob: Are you sure it’s ok for you to play tonight?

Ian: Yeah, just gotta take it easy. Plus, it’s only 3 songs then I’m gonna take a knee. No worries.

Jacob: [sighs] I feel like shit when we hurt you, Ian...wouldn’t it be easier if you just turned?

Ian: Of course it’d be easier but, I can’t do something like that when I know my heart’s not in it- yet! I still want to tour and be a no name rock star. It’s the only thing I can commit to right now besides you and Mir.

Jacob: Yeah...

Ian: Dude, I respect your culture. Like, alot. I know how important is it to be fully immersed in it and when I join your pack, it’s because I’m ready to dedicate everything to it.

Jacob: No, I get it. You’re right. You’d make a great wolf, Ian. You’re loyal.

Ian: Yeah? Wait, do you think I’d have blonde fur?

Jacob: I don’t think that’s how it works. It’s kind of random.

Ian: So there’s a chance I could be a ginger wolf...?

Jacob: You could, and you’d be so cute.

Amir: Guess who got half off the liquorrr to celebrateeee!

Amir: Like our shirts?

Ian: I love them! I’m glad you’re back in time to see me play, babe. How was Batuu?

Amir: Fun until my little cousin got lost again. I saw at least 20 other kids with leashes on, I don’t know why she doesn’t wear one.

Ian: Maybe it’s because-

Jacob: Sorry, Ian. Can’t get enough of Mir’s scent.

Ian: [laughs] It’s ok. I get it. Wolf stuff.

Lana [bandmate]: You ever get jealous seeing them together?

Ian: I don’t think so. Not anymore, anyway. I love seeing them together. They’re so happy, it makes me happy. We’re happy.

Lana: That’s cool man.

Amir: [giggling] Get over here, Ian!

Ian: Okie!

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2 years ago

Okay but imagine-

Person B and Person C are fighting over the love of person A-right? Person A likes them both, doesn't want to choose-seems typical right? This is the main conflict-right?

But then- B is noticing the cute way C scrunches their nose when they think and C thinks it's cute that B used to want to be a singer or something.

A, B, and C are hanging out and then B is like "oh shit" and C is like "oh shit" and A is all like "so now I don't have to choose?" and then they figure out how to relationship.

The sequel is them dealing with prejudice while they figure out how a poly relationship can work.

Just a thought

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2 years ago

Okay but imagine-

Person B and Person C are fighting over the love of person A-right? Person A likes them both, doesn't want to choose-seems typical right? This is the main conflict-right?

But then- B is noticing the cute way C scrunches their nose when they think and C thinks it's cute that B used to want to be a singer or something.

A, B, and C are hanging out and then B is like "oh shit" and C is like "oh shit" and A is all like "so now I don't have to choose?" and then they figure out how to relationship.

The sequel is them dealing with prejudice while they figure out how a poly relationship can work.

Just a thought

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3 years ago

its always "knickle this" or "knifan that". how about we "pickle and knife and fan" instead? three boyfriends comforting each other and playing minecraft.

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2 years ago

I can honestly say that there is so many plans for wife1, wife2 and maybe wife3 if she's out there. But it's all a matter of waiting how life works with the right one. I know what men are capable of as husbands and leaders, we can build the perfect family when we are all willing to understand what we can do to lead a pack to success that we were never expected to reach.

I Can Honestly Say That There Is So Many Plans For Wife1, Wife2 And Maybe Wife3 If She's Out There. But

A man was never meant to have just one wife, and a woman should never feel alone building an environment safe for her family to build and grow in.

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1 year ago

So this cool story has sat for years and I just got around to editing it. Remember this good little sketch of a guy? Love him. That's Ridge:) He's in this fic. Give it a read if you like. Or are a board. Whichever:) Thank YOU in advance if you do! Much love and Best regards.

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1 year ago

Fuck everyone who thinks poly relationships are stupid or think the partners are all just "cheating" on each other.

Cause poly relationships are the best things I've ever seen and they just warm my heart😭😭😭

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