Quotes About Life - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Trad. : La question pertinente en psychiatrie ne devrait pas être de savoir ce qui ne va pas chez vous, mais plutôt de savoir ce qui vous est arrivé.

« C'est pour ça que ma thérapeute se basse essentiellement sur mon vécu et non pas sur des théories qu'elle a appris à l'école.

Puis, de vous a moi, tout le monde devrait parler a une thérapeute. Voir quelqu'un pour vider son lourd fardeau. »

“The relevant question in psychiatry shouldn’t be what’s wrong with you, but what happened to you.”

— Eleanor Longden

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6 years ago

Happy Birthday Namjoon! ♡

In commemoration of our lovely leader’s birthday, I decided to compile a bunch of quotes from him that I feel strongly for.

Happy Birthday Namjoon!

→ “That’s why everyone, you should live. Because we never know when and how our lives are going to change.”

→ “The fact that we’re alive should be enough to be respected, right?”

→ “So many young people are suffering — trying to get a job, or like in my lyrics, we’re giving up lots of things. But even in that transition period, you can think that happiness is not something you have to achieve — you can still be happy during the process of achieving something.”

→ “Never be late to do what you wanna do, right now. Because at one point of someday, everything you did would be exactly what you will be.”

→ “Look up and we’re all looking at the same sky.”

→ “Even if you aren’t perfect, you’re limited edition.”

→ “I decided upon the thought that I can only find myself once I can admit to myself and approve that both sides are myself.”

→ “I think that there’s no need to live your life based on the standard of others.”

→ “People want to be alone, but they don’t like feeling lonely.”

→ “People will only see what they want to see.”

→ “Are we living to die or dying to live?”

→ “We all become depressed and lonely at some point of our lives.”

→ “I became unable to enjoy things which I was supposed to enjoy.”

→ “With that smile with which you used to look to at me, stop saying things like forever … after all, the end originally exists.”

→ “The world is just another name for despair.”

→ “You were born as a hero, why are you trying to become a slave?”

And that’s all~ Honestly, Namjoon is such an intellectual person and I look up to him greatly so I decided to share some wise words of his with you all. Be sure to send him lots of love and support!

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8 years ago

-rules: once you’ve been tagged, you’re supposed to write a post with 82 truths about yourself

I was tagged by @iamsonotaslinthead ; I hope i do this right :D


drink: Sport drink

phone call: Dad

text: My boyfriend

song you listened to: Happy song by Bring me the Horizon

time you cried: hmm... it´s been a while...


dated someone twice: Nope

been cheated on: Yes -.-

kissed someone and regretted it: No

lost someone special: Yes

been depressed: more like really sad

been drunk and thrown up: Yes and i am not proud about it. -.-


made a new friend: Yes, a lot of friendly people :)

fallen out of love: No I´m still happy ^^

laughed until you cried: often

met someone who changed you: Everybody changes you a bit

found out who your true friends are: Found that out years ago

found out someone was talking about you: yes

kissed someone on your fb list: No


how many people from your fb list do you know irl: Don´t have Facebook

do you have any pets: Yes a dog and a cat :)

do you want to change your name: No i think I am fine.

what did you do for your last birthday: went out with my friends to a lokal bar. we played billiard and eat pizza :)

what time did you wake up today: 09:34 pm

what were you doing last night: Came home late from a Role Play Convention

name something you can’t wait for: hmm... this is difficult... meet my friends? have some alone time to finish the books i want to read? the next time i can eat sushi? the next time i vistit my family? and there is a lot more...

have you ever talked to a person named Tom: to a Thomas...

what’s getting on your nerves rn: ?

blood type: 0+

nickname: My relatives call me Maykie. Thats it...

relationship status: I have a boyfriend and i am happy most of the time :D

zodiac sign: I’m libera ;)

pronouns: she, her and all that kind of stuff ?

favorite tv shows: The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, One Piece...

height: 1,65cm

do you have a crush on someone: Yes

what do you like about yourself: Uff... maybe that i have a lot of people i can count on?

right or left handed: right

first surgery: never had on

first best friend: Her name’s Mehle (her Nickname)

first sport you joined:  Karate

first vacation: At the Nort somewehre in Germany with my familie


eating: nothing but after this maybe...

drinking: water

i’m about to: get ready for the day

listening to: The rain.... no really it´s raining


kids: not the next 5 Years or so...

get married: when Im older, maybe

career: I study to be a Teacher  


lips or eyes: eyes

hugs or kisses: HUGS

taller or shorter: taller for lots of reasons

older or younger: doesn’t matter 

romantic or spontaneous: spontaneousss, but I like a of both

sensitive or loud: both considering the situation

hookup or relationship: relationship

troublemaker or hesitant: neither


kissed a stranger: no

glasses/contacts: glasses

had sex on the first date: nope

broke someone’s heart: not that I’m aware of

cried when someone died: yes

fallen for a friend: Yes


yourself: I have to :D

miracles: Yes that would be nice

love at first sight: Yes but more like attraction at first sight

heaven: I hope not!

kissing on a first date: not necessarily

I don’t have any idea of what to do know...so I’m just gonna tag some of my followers who might or might not do it and I’m sorry if you’ve already been tagged, but I tag @noot-noot-newt, @theyoungbloodindeathvalley, @thegirlwith-theauburnhair 

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4 years ago

I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.

(via purplebuddhaquotes)

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