Deep Quotes - Tumblr Posts
So unimpressed and uninterested in people nowadays.
dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because the regret is stronger than the gratitude.
~ anne frank
So true.
العالم وحده لا يكفي لمن يجدون عمقا في قلوب ضحلة
The world alone could not suffice to those who find depth in shallow hearts.
~ mindofserenity
“No more apologies for a bleeding heart when the opposite is no heart at all. Danger of losing our humanity must be met with more humanity.”
— The Source of Self-Regard: The War on Error by Toni Morrison
Very well said.
It is said: when your way of thinking exceeds your appearance in politeness, your feelings are more fragrant than your perfume, and your manners are more attractive than your looks - only then will you become elegant.
“Memory blurs, that’s the point. If memory didn’t blur you wouldn’t have the fool’s courage to do things again, again, again, that tear you apart.”
— Joyce Carol Oates, from We Were the Mulvaneys (Plume, 1997)
Grief is just love with no place to go.
– unknown // Art piece by Ikenaga Yasunari
This is the true meaning of being at peace, experiencing tranquility within ourself even though from the outside it looks like our world has been in turmoil. Alhamdulilah for everything, for every circumstances, for every feeling of weakness and strength, life is beautiful, the various phases we go through are like the colours that ultimately help us paint ourselves and the world around us, the darker and the lighter shades along with some really vivid bright colours add depth to those paintings, so smile everything is gonna be alright be sure to enjoy all the colours life has to offer and also make sure to paint a good picture of yourself and the world :)
It’s that moment when we are floating and we stare right into the face of the sky. The noise of this world is unheard, drowning along with our broken thoughts and sorrows. That state of peace of just floating in the middle of a sea, a lake or pool, staring at that infinite sky. When everything is blue around you, but you don’t feel that blue inside you.
I crave that.
Wow that's deep.
عنِدما نكون سعداء فعلاً لا يخطر لنا أن نتساءل إن كنا سعداء أم لا نحن نتحسّس الأشياء فقط عندما نشك في وجودها.
When we are truly happy, it doesn’t cross our minds to wonder whether we’re happy or not. We search for things only when we’re unsure of their existence.
- Ghada Al-Samman
An eye opening reminder SubhanAllah
You know, Allah hid Paradise from our sight, but He didn’t hide the path to it. He hid Himself, but He didn’t hide His words. He hides the future but compels us to learn from the past.
Yet sometimes we’re so fixated on the ‘seen’ problem we fail to see the ‘unseen’ solution. Yes, everything is predestined and we drown in the ‘why me?’ heap of things, but didn’t Almighty Allah ever teach you that the door to call upon Him is always wide open?
What if the bigger harm that was to befall you unexpectedly was delayed by another smaller pain and suffering.
Just know sometimes in life you could have been saved from something a lot bigger when you seem like your getting tested. Sometimes you can see it and sometimes you’re unaware of the hidden blessings for you during your misfortune. If only you were to realise what our eyes miss to see sometimes.
Whether you are stuck somewhere and things don’t go as planned, know maybe there was betterment for you behind it.
When your not always rushing, maybe it’s a good thing. Maybe it gives you time to see what lies ahead on that path that you wanted to take, was it good or would it have been a bad decision for you? Sometimes we might realise and sometimes we may not. Don’t take everything for granted every time.
By seconds you can miss harm and by seconds you can do yourself good. Just have faith in God and whatever befalls you, have patience. Think could it be worse, is there good or is there something else waiting for me around the corner in the next minute.
If your time is written, it is written, no matter how you try to avoid it and if not, then the Most Merciful always has a better plan than the plan you are trying to carry out.
Life is delicate, one day your here and one day your gone. People die strangely everyday so if you are here today, know that it is from the Mercy of the Creator. He is The Guardian, The Only Protector, The Preserver of safety.
Make it a habit to seek forgiveness, glorify and thank Him a few minutes when waking up and just before going to sleep. Let Him be the first and last thing in your mind and heart.
Because the sunset, like survival, exists only on the verge of its own disappearing. To be gorgeous, you must first be seen, but to be seen allows you to be hunted.
― Ocean Vuong, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
"Sometimes i think that i am happier on my own it is a feeling that i am well acquainted with however when i am around those who would rather not be alone it is then that i grow remorseful towards my lifestyle i wonder whether it is worth the demanding friendships and challenging group dynamics just so that i have someone to spend time with after school i know that i am happier now than i ever would be sharing my time with another but sometimes i wonder is being an outsider worth the loss?"
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain." -Dolly Parton
"Maybe Forever Was a word meant For memories and Not people"