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macie może jakieś rady przetrwać schodzenie z kodeiny? bo czuje się fatalnie, nie mam ochoty żyć i nie wiem czy się nie złamie i nie sięgnę po thiocodin :)))
do you have any tips for surviving coming off codeine? because I feel terrible, I don't feel like living and I don't know if I'll not break down and will not take codeine pills :)))) pls help me get through this
this is my first day off codeine and I already feel terrible, i don't want to live, I'm afraid of the next days, (as long as I can stand it and not take the pills again...) 😭😭😭
it's 2nd day of coming off the codeine, I took 7 pills so as not to feel so much withdrawal effects, I also took a zomirene pill, which has benzodiazepines in it, to also fell the withdrawal effects a bit, but it's very hard, everything hurts, I don't know what to with myself, horrible, really sucks, i already miss the feeling and "happiness" that codeine pills gave me