Life Sucks - Tumblr Posts
After 4 days it finally hit me:
I have Borderline Personality Disorder
At first it was funny
"Look, another Pokémon to my collection"
Now, not really
Can't cure it
Can't help it
Guys, I think I'm winning therapy!
Literally my therapist said she had a headache because of my answers, she said she wrote 'weird' after our last session, she looked confused and scared and shocked
Damn guys, I'm winning haha
My therapist gave me "homework" to write down my thoughts
Motherfucker, you think it will be an easy thing for someone whose brain is working nonstop? Like trust me, you will read the most nonsense things that aren't connected with the thought before
I feel the same way. Growing up, I was always the weird kid that didn’t hang out with anyone so I chose to stick with myself, I mean I talked to certain people, but I never had a solid group of friends.
Most of my friends were online and I was told that they are not my real friends, so it made me feel more isolated.
I’m 26 and it feels like I’m missing out on something by not having in person friends to hang out with.
I’ve tried being friends with girls, but it feels very one sided and then I find out from guy friends that apparently they hate me and they’re confused about it too. I keep to myself and mind my business.
I’m mostly friends with guys because I seem to relate with them a little more and not in a “pick me girl” type of way and because of that I isolate myself from them too. So I’m constantly in a state of “where do I go?”.
Can we just talk about the sad reality of being an adult and not having any friends...
I'm planning a big life event and I want to cry. I've never been with making or keeping friends because my anxiety makes me think they only talk to me to be polite or to shut me even hits on here/Tiktok/insta when I msg someone. I've only ever had 2 friends and those bridges were burned through drugs and cheating.
I'm not posting this to get attention or act like a 'pick me' but I have no other place to vent.
The only people I have to invite to this function is my mom who I have a weird relationship with and am trying to put distance between us but since we work together it's hard.
I told my fiance he's welcome to invite his hockey team but he isn't very close with them as most are 8-10 yrs younger and he doesn't hang out with them outside of I used to be friends-ish with one or the guys girlfriends and it ended weird (which I still have anxiety about).
I'm 33 with no social's not like I'm making friends anytime soon sadly.
favourite kind of bread ❗❓
i have a confession to make… i am allergic to bread.
One hour until the new year and I'm already sitting in the bathroom with razor blades and one wound on my hand, wanting to cry. Wtf, I hate this shit
I can't find a place, I'm not interested in anything, I don't even enjoy watching series or movies and I've always loved it, I can't find anything to watch that interests me. I hate depression.
I want normal life so fucking bad, i don't want anxiety, depression, selfharm, eating disorder anymore. I have enough
I failed as a daughter, I'm sure my mom imagined a different life for me at my age, but she won't say it so as not to hurt me more than I'm already hurt
this is my first day off codeine and I already feel terrible, i don't want to live, I'm afraid of the next days, (as long as I can stand it and not take the pills again...) 😭😭😭
my whole body hurts, but pain of my thoughts are way more painful
i would like to buy a one way ticket to korea, ny or any other country, escape from poland and start a new, maybe better life
I mean. Clinical depression. Trust issues. Body insecurity....
Why not add "r@ped and therefore terrified of intimite contact and men"... right? Thank you world, can't wait to see what is coming next.
I was on a job interview today and the boss asked me where do I see myself in twenty years. My only thoughts were "Dead. I hope I will be dead."
But I rly needed the job. So, I just smiled and said "I have no idea".
I hate school and I’m so tired already I am already excited for the school year to end. It makes me sad realizing that I still have 9 more months of school ahead 💔. It’s going to be difficult writing fics and doing school work.
Awe :( i still havent started school yet and im not excited😣 i believe in you though, you got this bby♥️♥️♥️
And im taking over the world already so ill make your school let you do whatever you want <333
I really want to be an alcoholic rn i hate feelings