David Wymack - Tumblr Posts
wymack: and if andrew told you to jump off a cliff would you do it?
kevin: [looks at andrew]
andrew: [shakes his head]
kevin: no, i would not
All For The Game Characters as dumb shit I said when I was drunk (pt. 1)
(these aren’t even funny I’m sorry)
Jeremy: “my only kink is love”
Renee: “it’s a fact that lesbians are immortal”
Neil: “a tram is a subway but like on top”
Andrew: “fuck off I am gay therefore I walk fucking fast”
Nicky: “once I move to New York and marry Timothée Chalamet it’s over for you bitches and you know it”
save me aftg bonus chapters save meeeee
hey hold on a sec. we talk about what baltimore was like for kevin, neil, andrew, but can we talk about wymack for a second. Can we just.
the year before the twins and nicky signed at psu, two of wymack's foxes, ian and kirk, died in a car crash.
the next year, kevin day broke his hand and went to wymack, the only person he thought would keep him safe.
the year after that, seth gordon, the only surving member of wymack's original lineup, overdosed after he was so nearly clean, and it almost destroyed allison.
months later, andrew was attacked in columbia and committed to easthaven. aaron killed someone. andrew was gone and the others came back shattered.
then neil claims to go home for the holidays, they don't hear from him all of christmas break, and on new years, neil calls him and asks wymack to pick him up from the airport. he's there instantly and god, he looks half-dead. neil sees the 4 tattoo and tries to cut it off his face. all he can say is that he didn't sign to the ravens.
then there's the blood in the locker room. wymack can't push away the feeling that something's getting closer, something is coming to hurt his foxes and there's nothing he can do to stop it.
then. the game at binghamton. neil looks on edge but wymack doesn't ask what's wrong. neil and andrew are above his paygrade. then the riot. he can't see any of his kids in the crush. he finally pulls them all out, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight–
neil's gone. neil's gone and they can't find him. andrew can't find him. neil got taken by someone. what was that like for david wymack? did it feel too familiar? did he look at his kids and think not again, i didn't lose another one again. does it ever scare him. does it terrify him. when aaron came back from the police station in columbia, twenty four hours in holding and he couldn't look wymack in the eye, did he think what if i can't save these kids? when andrew was lying in a hospital bed, too drugged to react, did he think what if i can't give them their second chance? when neil grabbed that knife, when he fell to pieces on wymack's kitchen floor, when he came back to them in baltimore, bloody and broken, did wymack think why am i always too late?
I visited USC recently and am sad to report that Jeremy Knox was nowhere to be found 😔

even MORE aftg twitter things !!!

1. Kevin and Jean fight like siblings
2. Seth tweets like one of those sigma male pages
enjoy this part 😈

Abby Winfield our strongest soldier 🙏🙏🙏
Aftg Twitter things part who cares

so… how we feeling??????????
aftg twitter things part 👍

i imagine the 8th one w the “fuck off” and then angry techno music playing yk what i mean
aftg twitter things!!!!!! yay!
neil: "you know, I get it-"
wymack from across the room:

God just imagine being Janie sitting in her hospital bed watching the news and finding out that her old assistant coach is now starting striker all of a sudden and is in fact not going back to the greatest Exy team in the country but chose to stay with your shitty team, your replacement is not at ALL who Wymack said he was but is in fact a runaway son of a fucking serial killer and legally belongs to the MAFIA, the best Exy player to exist in Evermore kills himself because the Foxes actually beat the Ravens, the psycho midget goalkeeper wasn’t actually a smiley crazy guy but a stone-cold fucker who could 100% murder you with a single glance, his twin brother murdered a man and it was front page of every newspaper for like a month in South Carolina, your coach is actually the dad of Kevin Day and that Kevin Day didn’t break his hand on a skiing trip.

«I've been running for a while, I like drinking all alone
I ain't got any friends, I don't even have a home
A pawn inside the game, and a bomb inside the war
I don't have a clue what the hell I'm searching for
I'm a wanted man
Blood is on my hands
Time to make a stand...»
—Outlaw, Adam Jensen
As I’m reading tsc I find it so funny how Wymack gave Jean an envelope of money and was like “Please…I beg of you…buy literally ANYTHING to wear that isn’t like, a couple outfits you infinitely cycle through I’m NOT doing this again.”
He is so real for that LMAO he already has his hands full with the foxes (which include ex mafia kids, twins with at least one murder each under their belts, etc.)
I hope he gets to take a long vacation after what he’s been putting up with, it’s what he DESERVES.
Currently thinking very hard about how Neil was so cautious around Wymack in the first book. Like, if Wymack even got annoyed about something Neil very quickly made sure to put enough space between himself and Wymack to make sure he didn’t get hurt.
The fact that Wymack himself had to reassure Neil that he would never hurt him.
And then at the end of the second book, Wymack picks Neil up from the airport without any hesitation and is there for Neil when he’s panicking and helps to patch him up after everything that happened. Like, Wymack is so focused on making sure Neil is okay that nothing else matters in that moment.
David Wymack is THE dad ever and no one can change my mind about that.