This Is Cannon Now - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

*watching cells at work*

episode 4: *opens on red blood cell n white blood cell hanging out by the stomach for seemingly no reason in particular* 

me: =.= ….. 

me: are y’all on a date?


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1 year ago


Archduke!leona Kingscholar, Who Is Granted The Title And A Duchy Comprising Of The Outlands Of The Sunset

archduke!leona kingscholar, who is granted the title and a duchy comprising of the outlands of the sunset savannah to rule, who at first rejects the title thinking it a trap. after weeks of falena and the queen convincing him it is not, leona is formally crowned the archduke of the sunset savannah, a king in his own right. the only catch? leona must present records of finance and laws passed once every six months.

archduke!leona kingscholar, who modernises and uplifts the "boonies", as ruggie calls the place, with the help of former savanaclaw students whom he hires and pays fair wages to, allowing the younger ones to freely pursue internships under him and their other seniors and even setting up schools and colleges allied to a central university in sunrise city.

archduke!leona kingscholar, who isn't even considered a ruler by the people he rules over, instead considered a friend, a son, a grandson, a brother, an uncle. in the evenings when the sun hangs low in the sky and you can see the bare outline of the moon, leona can be found playing spelldrive with the kids while some neighbourhood preteens fight over his guitar, their mothers and grandmothers apologising for damage done while he chuckles.

archduke!leona kingscholar, who welcomes his son and heir in a place filled with love and praise for his efforts, the citizens of his duchy always open to lending him a hand when the going gets tough. "you helped raised our boys, even though you didn't have to," the mothers start as they hug their future king gently, the child pawing at their breasts hungrily, mewling as his father chuckles, slightly embarrassed. "now it's our turn to help you."

Archduke!leona Kingscholar, Who Is Granted The Title And A Duchy Comprising Of The Outlands Of The Sunset

@bunnwich i feel like you'd like this. soft leona. i would kill for him. die for him, even.

no mention of mc, so you can ship your oc there too!!

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6 months ago

100% Canon!!!

This is Canon in a universe where The living dead didn't happen.

Everyone watching TV: Whaaaaaat?!

*Breaking news florida man crashes a plane and survives*

*Breaking News Florida Man Crashes A Plane And Survives*

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4 years ago

As a prank, Peter hacks into everyone’s phone and switches their ringtones to “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.” The Tower’s residents are not happy.

Bucky and Sam, spraying Peter with a hose: Down came the rain and washed the spider out. :)


Tony, turning away: If I don’t see it, it didn’t happen.


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10 months ago

Walter White has obtained a stand. he just takes the fuckin elements right out of the materials and shoves them together now to make 100% methamphetamine that could kill god. He's being hunted down by Bruno and maybe also Giorno.

Dio tries his meth and falls in love with the bald fuck who sold him it. I don't know if the events happen in that order.

Giorno does not know his dad is banging the meth man.

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1 year ago

my delta rune theory:

gaster got  a job at mc donalds, and fell into the deep fryer because he was too small. and he exploded.

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3 years ago

krbk babysitting eri be like:

Kirishima: fear not, fair maiden, i shall save you!

Eri: you'll never be able to take back the princess! never!

Bakugou, grumpily sitting there while wearing a crown: i'm a fucking KING mind you

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1 year ago

[crippled screaming] NO ONE TOUCH ME NO ONE

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Cas: *the kind of person to collect cool rocks*

Sam: *the kind of person to identify the rocks and their uses*

Dean: *the kind of person to throw said rocks at people*

Bobby: *the kind of person to sit back and watch the carnage*

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1 year ago

Testing A Theory

This was a request given to me by my good friend @fanficsandfluff. Go and follow her. Her fics are as amazing as she is!

Summary: While Luke is practicing his Jedi powers, Leia theorizes that he can touch things through the Force. After constantly bugging and begging Han to practice on him, Han agreed to help but becomes a victim to an invisible tickle attack. When given the chance, Han Solo will get his revenge.

Word Count: 2414

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1 year ago

Taking Peter's Suit [Tony/Peter]


A/N: Platonic. Ok now that that’s said, YES good evening. I again had an idea burst into my head like a bomb earlier so I’m just going to do what I shouldn’t do, post an unprompted fic but I just need to get this out of my head. Sorry if it seems rushed, still busy x’D happy Easter!<3

I’ve been holding myself back ever since seeing Spiderman Homecoming and yes that’s been a long time. also I’m this 👌 close to seeing Infinity War, yeii~ btw no April Fool’s prank or smth, unprompted fics are just rare here!^^ 

Summary: My favorite scene of the movie actually but yay let’s ruin it; there’s this beautiful 1:41 cut from this rooftop scene to Peter wearing that NYC shirt so let me just enter a little something in between those. One does not simply take Peter’s suit…. unless it’s Tony Stark 😂.

Word Count: 1900

“I don’t have any other clothes…” Peter felt hopeful for one tiny half of a split second when Tony stared at him, as if this could have changed his mind, but then the reply came:

“Okay we’ll sort that out.” Tony even took a step closer, and Peter held his breath. The firm look the adult was giving him almost confirmed the one thing Peter wasn’t planning on doing before Tony opened his mouth and double-confirmed it.

“Well? Take it off.” Really now? Peter wasn’t sure what to be shocked about more: about Tony Stark telling him to strip here on a rooftop or about Tony’s suit suddenly taking off like that, only to return in less than a minute to drop a huge ass I survived my trip to NYC– shirt beside them. Peter looked at it and held up his index finger as he stammered:

“H-he paid for that right?” Tony gave him this look for even nearly accusing him of stealing a damn T-shirt and he sighed.

“I said take off the suit,” he commanded again. Peter swallowed.

“Not he –”

“Yes, right here.” Peter was starting to feel angry. This man was probably worse than all bad fathers alive. How could he belittle him like that?

“No. We can go down first,” he said. Tony shook his head. 

“No we do this my way. I say take it off. I can look away if you want, but I’m not leaving here without that,” Tony said, poking Peter’s chest, making the teen sniff as he felt the arrogance rise. 

“I’m not taking it off,” Peter said, smiling in disbelief. There was this glint in Tony’s eyes for a split second when he heard that, as well as a brief shadow of a smirk. He looked a little scary like that, but this only provoked the teen even more.  

“Hm. I’m gonna have to strip you if you don’t listen to me right now kid,” Tony said. Peter clenched his fist. They were skyhigh, not like anyone would see him, but he just wasn’t planning on giving up without a fight now.

“Gotta catch me first.” He already regretted it before he even took the first few quick-steps to run away. In his head it all went ten times better: leaping off the edge of the building, putting on his mask and spidermanning outta here. 

But he didn’t get even as far as putting on his mask: two steps later and he smacked face-first straight into some cold hard metal as Tony’s armor a.k.a. Mark 47 stepped in front of him and blocked his way.

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1 year ago

after the night at the byer’s, billy and steve both sport the same bruises.

and it doesn’t make sense.

steve’s sure he didn’t get that many hits in, and even then, it wasn’t hard enough to give billy a shiner like his.

and the worst part is, he feels bad.

“Hey, man,” He starts, cornering billy after a particularly difficult basketball practice. billy was awful. he kept his shirt on, too, which was weird. steve was benched completely; he can barely see out of one eye, and the other is still swollen shut.

billy’s panting from practice, hunched over as if it hurts to breathe. facing his locker and not replying to steve.

“um,” steve continues. “i…feel bad about what happened this weekend. i was just looking out for the kids, y’know, and i didn’t mean to hit you that h-“

billy turns around, snarling. looking like a battered, cornered wild dog.

“oh fuck right off, harrington,” he spits, and shoulders his way out.

“dude,” steve says, curling his lip. “i’m trying to apologize to you, asshole.”

“i don’t need your apology,” billy replies, and it hurts a little.

“well maybe if you hadn’t been a racist asshole i wouldn’t have had to hit you in the first plac-“

billy seems even angrier.

“i am not a fucking racist, harrington,” he snarls, but it lacks the horror his voice used to hold because of the wounds on his face.

steve grimaces. “yeah, totally, you just attacked lucas because he happened to be the closest.”

billy looks around the locker room as if someone is watching him. nervous.

“it’s not because of that,” he mutters, chewing on his swollen bottom lip.

“then why?” steve presses. “because if i recall, he didn’t do a damn thing to you, billy.”

billy swallows and refuses to make eye contact.

“it’s my fucking dad, harrington. he finds out max is messing around with a black kid and all three of us get a shiner worse than mine. i couldn’t care less about what those little shits are doing, but he does.”

steve’s face softens.

“so you’re…taking the punches for max?”

“that’s a stupid way to put it.”

“i…” steve gapes. “why don’t you go to hopper or something? he could put your dad in j-“

“because, harrington, i’ve got nowhere to go and no one gives a shit anyway if a dad beats his son as discipline. but i can’t let him put a hand on max. she doesn’t deserve it. even if she’s a fucking bitch.”

billy shakes his head like he’s said something awful.

“now you know. congratulations, harrington. i spent all this time stealing your crown and now you know that i’m just a pussy whose dad beats him. have fun spreading that one around.”

billy turns to leave and steve catches him by the arm.

“i’m not going to tell anyone,” he says, and billy scoffs.

“i promise. i’m not like that anymore. like you said…turned bitch.”

billy laughs.

“so, what? you look at me like i’m a kicked puppy every time i come to school with my teeth knocked in? because i’d rather you spread rumors about me instead.”

steve shakes his head.

“i wont do that either. promise. i just…i dunno. can i help in any way?”

billy shrugs him off.

“do what you do, i guess. protect those little shits. i’m not as good with kids as you are, mama bird.”

steve flushed at that and grimaces.

“please do not ever call me that again.”

and they laugh. and it feels nice.

“hey, uh, are you doing anything this friday?” steve asks, and it feels natural.

“probably looking after max. parents like to go out a lot and leave me with her.”

“well, why don’t you and her come with me and we can catch a movie maybe? she can bring lucas and you two can patch things up?”

“are you asking me on a date, harrington?”

steve’s face gets even redder.

“no, i just meant-like y’know, it would be nice, and i could, um-“

“it’s cool. i’ll come by friday. 5:00? you get lucas, i’ll bring max.”

steve nods. “um, yeah. that sounds good.”

billy smiles softly. “good. and don’t pick some girly movie. max and i like slashers.”

“right. got it.”

“see ya, steve.”

billy nudges him before jogging off, undoubtably late to pick up max.

and steve is frozen. what started as an apology for his own moral compass turned into a date. steve’s going on a date? with a boy? no, it was just a joke. maybe. probably.

he hopes it wasn’t, though.

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