Transgender Day Of Visibility - Tumblr Posts

[ID: The seagull meme. The first panel shows a seagull saying “Hey”. In the second panel, the seagull opens its mouth slightly and says “Do you know what day it is?”. In the third panel, the seagull leans back and opens its mouth a lot. In the fourth panel, the seagull leans forward and screams “It’s transgender day of visibility!”. The last panel is overlaid in the colors of the transgender flag. End ID]

The future is trans people thriving. 💖
(1. That you exist is proof enough that you deserve to be here. Your presence alone is undeniable evidence that you belong in this world, that you are already worthy of a good life.
2) Your worth is inherent. Your worth isn't something that you can earn and it isn't something that can ever be stolen from you: your worth is, because you are.
3) Without your existence, the world would be lacking in something truly rare: because you are, you are necessary.
4) Your transness is beautiful and natural, sacred and magical. Your transness is powerful. Transness is merely another expression of the incredible diversity of human experience.
5) You were born absolutely perfect, without sin, and free. There are no predetermined fates, only an infinite number of possible futures from which you get to choose your own.
6) There are no biological destinies, only the brilliant blooming and breathtaking light of your own authenticity. There are no divine plans, only blank canvases of possibility.
7) You are your own creator and your own creation, you are both the artist and the art. Your gender is your own, your body is your own, your life is your own, your future is your own.
8) Trans visibilty is trans power. Trans self love is radical. Trans liberation is the future. Acceptance, respect, and inclusion as the future. The future is trans people thriving.)
Glendie looks so cunty ong
Happy Trans Day Of Visibility 2024!

Trans is beautiful! Being proud of yourself is beautiful too!

Happy International Transgender Day of Visibility from your friendly neighborhood nonbinary owl!
I posted this last year, & as another TDoV has come I figured I would share a bit of progress on my personal journey & some thoughts on the state of things for trans rights in my country.
As of this month, I've been on testosterone for a year & a quarter, & while I have experienced some changes I was looking forward to, I am still misgendered daily. I will probably never pass as a transmasculine person, but I'm doing my best to come to terms with that.
A fully positive experience was finally having top surgery at the beginning of February. My healing for that has gone pretty well overall, & the euphoria I get from having a flat chest has been so incredibly validating that I can't adequately put it into words.
That said, I have experienced transphobia going out in public, from occasional customer service workers & other customers in stores, & even from medical professionals during a recent health scare (I am recovering, no worries there).
My home state has a bill on the docket that would ban HRT for minors & prevent anyone from having their birth certificate amended after they are a year old. I have not yet begun the process of changing my gender markers on any of my legal documents, so this would directly affect two of my transition goals.
Similar bills have already passed in several states in the US, & many more are being introduced & discussed in others. The attacks on the civil rights of transgender people in the US are relentless right now, & the fearmongering & moral panic regarding trans people is at an all time high.
We need our cis & het allies now more than ever because we cannot protect our rights on our own. Our voices, though loud, are often drowned out by the opposition, & even those not directly opposed to trans rights aren't taking the situation here as seriously as they should.
Trans people are people, the same as anyone else, & all we want is to live our lives as ourselves & be afforded the same rights & dignity that cis people are afforded without question. As a visibly trans person living in the Bible Belt of the southern US, I am afraid that my very personhood may be stripped away from me soon.
It isn't a nice way to live, & moving somewhere safer isn't an immediate possibility for me. It's not feasible at all for many people. These transphobic bills & laws need to be met with strong opposition, & we need to fight just as hard to have protections for trans civil rights coded into law.
I am doing what I can, & I implore you all to do the same, be you cis or trans. We're all in this together, & we need each other now more than ever. Compassion & hope are what I wish for all my trans siblings on this day, & may our next TDoV find the world a more accepting place.

Happy International Transgender Day of Visibility from your friendly neighborhood nonbinary owl!
I was going to do a fancy new banner, but unfortunately my allergies have decided that I have no energy for that. Nevertheless, happy TDoV, everyone. Stay strong through these trying times. We won't give up. They can't unmake us. We matter. You all matter. I see you, & you're all wonderful. Much love, from your friendly neighborhood nonbinary owlish corvid! 💛

Happy International Transgender Day of Visibility from your friendly neighborhood nonbinary owl!
7 years ago I started challenging the notions of my gender and sexuality, terrifyingly exhilarated by finally understanding who I was. The first picture was taken by my dear platonic partner in 2016. I wanted to see if I could look lovely and she wanted to see me shine. Well, that turned into a difficult year, and over the next several I fell apart and gave myself over to self doubt and dispair. Then 2020 happened. I finally faced it head on, after decades of tossing with my own identity I could no longer keep running from it. Which brings us to this second picture taken just days ago, of me wearing a dress out side of my house for the first time. It has been a hard journey but this brings me joy. Even when my days are convulsed by chaos, being able to see my body changing, to feel myself transforming, it never fails to make me smile. The knowledge of becoming me, after so long hiding from it and loathing myself, I can't even fully describe it. I hope all those out there who are still fighting through that self acceptance all the support and strength my soul can muster, and that everyone fighting through this world to be themselves is raised up. We are all beautiful and handsome and valid in our existing.

*drum rolls* Happy Trans Day of Visibility!

This bitch is a trans man who goes by he/him pronouns. Fuck you Terfs and all of those anti-trans bills popping up in the states. I'll twerk to Call Me By Your Name over your dead fucking grave. May the bigotry and racism end in this world.
Happy Transgender Day of Visibility!!!
Whether you’re…
A trans man or trans woman
Nonbinary or genderqueer
Agender, bigender, trigender, polygender, or pangender
Genderfluid or genderflux
Transfeminine or transmasculine
A demigirl, demiboy, or deminonbinary
Androgyne or intergender
Maverique, cassgender, or neutrois
Genderfae or genderfaun
A xenogender, neurogender, or MOGAI gender
Or any other genders
…You and your gender are valid and amazing, and no one can change that or take that away from you! You know who you are better than anyone else does!! Don’t let others who try to invalidate you bring you down; you are everything, and their words mean nothing! Celebrate yourselves and your trans and nonbinary siblings today because you deserve it! I hope you all have a safe and wonderful TDOV!!💙💗💛💜🖤
An important reminder for this Trans Day of Visibility: If you cannot be out and visible right now for any reason, whether for safety due to the increasingly dangerous legislation being passed or for other reasons, please remember that you are still here, you are still real, and you still matter.

happy trans day of visibility lovelies <3
[ID: watercolour and ink art of a bouquet of hibiscus flowers painted alternate pink, white, and blue, with one flower in the centre with pink, white, and blue petals. Their stamens are painted gold and silver. Text reads "Happy trans day of visibility <3" in handwritten cursive. End ID.]
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Pukicho do you have anything to say on Trans Visibility Day? *holds up comically small microphone*
Rise up, Attack. Destroy.

Happy International Transgender Day of Visibility! 🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️
Happy government mandated day of being visibly trans!
Y'all are doing great, so keep it up. A world without you would be boring.

[ID: Background image is a faded trans pride flag background with a thin yellow square on it. On top of the background, purple text forming a circle reads: “Celebrate transgender lives. Transgender Day of Visibility.” In the middle of the circle, black text reads “Intersex trans people exist”]
Lee says:
March 31 is Transgender Day of Visibility, and I hope that people will use this opportunity to direct some much needed attention to the issues that multiply marginalized members of the transgender community face as we work to stand in solidarity with each other, become better allies for one another, and celebrate our resilience as a community.
Here’s one article to start things off:

HAPPY TDOV!!!! 🏳️⚧️
happy trans day of visibility to disabled, ND and chronically ill trans people! you’re all amazing and cherished 💗💙

Transgender Day of Visibility.

Happy TDOV!! It’s yr sweet nb trans boy here to say hey! he/they 💖