Genderflux - Tumblr Posts

i'm pan and polyam, what about y'all?
Just for the data
Are any of you nonbinaries omnisexual/romantic?
See Results
polls will probably start to be posted either early in the morning (for me i'm posting this at 7 am) or in the evening (for me would be 5pm) because school
Hey, I was wondering what pride flag(s?) are in the background of your icon?
Oh! Wow, hey there, I was not expecting this! It’s so good to actually start getting into Tumblr’s everything.
As for what pride flag is in my icon? It’s the Fluidflux one!
Fluidflux is where you basically combine Genderfluid with Genderflux; one weird but interesting milkshake, if you ask me.
As for my banner, quite obviously it’s the Bisexual flag :D
And just for the record, no need to worry about my pronouns. I’m happy with whatever ^^
Thanks for the ask!
"Are you a boy or a girl?"
Dude gender is wild
Now I realize that I may feel partially male at some times.
Being girflux is like there are four states of gender (girl, non-binary, agender and boy) fighting to death inside my mind to see who I'm gonna experience next
explaining my main identities 4 someone who needs it!!!

Agender: For me, I feel like I have no gender, it's not a lack or little to none like most, it's just not there. And this is where the next label comes in.

Voidgender: It would be considered a xenogender, and before I continue; not EVERY agender person is voidgender and not EVERY voidgender person is agender. I personally identify as both as I relate to them. Voidgender basically means my gender feels blank, void, almost like a empty bowl in a way. Like the void monsters devoured my gender and evaporated it completely into a piece of themselves.

Apagender: Very simple, I do not care what someone sees my gender as. This is a reason why I use any and all pronouns.

Cassgender: Basically, I feel as if gender is unimportant (another reason why I even use it and thing pronouns in the first place).

Demiaroace/Demirose: If my aroace is not having a fluid and flux crisis, it mainly only identifies as demisexual and demiromantic.

Aroaceflux (I used this flag because it reduces my eyestrain): As aforementioned, my aroace identity goes all around the aroace spec, like a fish out of water flopping around but put it in like 800 speed.

Fluidflux: I'm both genderfluid and genderflux so this causes my gender to Flux and Fluid indeed. I am usually always transfem though.

Xenogender: Because of my autism, my gender cannot be described in a "human"-like way, yknow? So it needs to be described in metaphors like for example: I use sleepgender because of my narcolepsy due to my gender feeling like it's constantly going dormant and "falling asleep" in a way.

Ambiamorous: I do not mind if I am in a monogamous or a polyamorous relationship and will still love my partner(s) no matter what.
when your gender does not gender the way you want it to gender
Happy Transgender Day of Visibility!!!
Whether you’re…
A trans man or trans woman
Nonbinary or genderqueer
Agender, bigender, trigender, polygender, or pangender
Genderfluid or genderflux
Transfeminine or transmasculine
A demigirl, demiboy, or deminonbinary
Androgyne or intergender
Maverique, cassgender, or neutrois
Genderfae or genderfaun
A xenogender, neurogender, or MOGAI gender
Or any other genders
…You and your gender are valid and amazing, and no one can change that or take that away from you! You know who you are better than anyone else does!! Don’t let others who try to invalidate you bring you down; you are everything, and their words mean nothing! Celebrate yourselves and your trans and nonbinary siblings today because you deserve it! I hope you all have a safe and wonderful TDOV!!💙💗💛💜🖤

a gender identity that personify the properties of a waffle. mellow flavored (easy going personality) with “divots” that the individual “holds” society’s preconceived notions of masculinity or femininity depending on what social persona a current situation calls for untill it eventually sinks in and the individual mirrors and acts accordingly.
Evenen more
✨🏳️🌈✨Flag birbs✨🏳️🌈✨

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
hmm..maybe im omnigender, but not with *all* genders? because i use a bunch of labels since they fit me, but not all of them- although i like some more than i like others. and the amount i prefer/like some over others often changes (or fluxuates - i have used the label polygender flux and i still use it btw :D)
this relates to my previous post abt how i experience gender, btw.
(my previous post abt how i experience gender for reference:)
just postin my thoughts here :p
boom. i got it
genderclay, demiflux, omnigender, and egogender are my gender experience. (along with some xenogenders)
(Edit: and PLURgender. we can't forget about that one-)
boom. i got it
genderclay, demiflux, omnigender, and egogender are my gender experience. (along with some xenogenders)
(Edit: and PLURgender. we can't forget about that one-)
boom. i got it
genderclay, demiflux, omnigender, and egogender are my gender experience. (along with some xenogenders)
(Edit: and PLURgender. we can't forget about that one-)
boom. i got it
genderclay, demiflux, omnigender, and egogender are my gender experience. (along with some xenogenders)
(Edit: and PLURgender. we can't forget about that one-)
oh hey lmao since we're at the starting stages of a trans genocide in the US, I wanna remind everyone that they will try to erase this. They will try to rewrite history so that this never happened, or everyone was on our side in the beginning, or whatever makes them look better. They're already trying to re-write history and erase us from the start, with bills that make it illegal to teach queerness in classrooms. We cannot let this happen. We cannot let them erase our history.
We're lucky we live in the age of the Internet where nothing is truly erased. We gotta use this to our advantage.
Be loud. Be angry. Do not let them erase us.
Remember: The only requirement to be trans is not identifying with the gender you were assigned/imposed at birth.
By the way you can be as much or as little trans as you want to be. Going all-out with bottom/top surgery, hormones, vocal training, etc.? Super cool. Just want hormones and no surgery? Cool. Just want vocal training? Awesome. Just want to wear different clothes? Still trans if that’s what you want. Want to change nothing at all other than using different pronouns than when you were a kid? If it’s trans enough for you, it’s trans enough for me. Only want to be trans sometimes, when you’re in the mood, when Mercury is in retrograde? Sounds legit to me. All levels of transness are valid.