Virginity - Tumblr Posts
it’s tough out here being a virgin. someone want to change that?
Someone call River Laurent. Tell them that 1995 called and they want their horrible trope back.
@staff do you not have a toothpaste ad or something? Why do you keep showing me this horrible shit?

book of beasts: the hunt → pjm

↳ pairing: jimin/reader | fluff, smut, light angst
↳ au: white stag!jimin
↳ warnings: magic elements, loss of virginity, graphic cunnilingus, soft jimin, reader lowkey wants it rough but jimin wants 2 be soft
↳ word count: 8k
⁙ summary: every decade, your village holds a hunt to find a legendary white stag which live in the surrounding forest. in recent years, the hunt has become harder as the population of white stags have declined. this year is your first time participating.
⁛ A/N: second installment of the book of beasts! this is white stag shifter!jimin! if you’re unaware, the first was hypothermia! you can find it on my ML.
blog masterlist | series masterlist (due to tumblrs link problem, these will be added later)
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Ancient moon priestesses were called virgins. ‘Virgin’ meant not married, not belonging to a man - a woman who was ‘one-in-herself’. The very word derives from a Latin root meaning strength, force, skill; and was later applied to men: virle. Ishtar, Diana, Astarte, Isis were all all called virgin, which did not refer to sexual chastity, but sexual independence. And all great culture heroes of the past, mythic or historic, were said to be born of virgin mothers: Marduk, Gilgamesh, Buddha, Osiris, Dionysus, Genghis Khan, Jesus - they were all affirmed as sons of the Great Mother, of the Original One, their worldly power deriving from her. When the Hebrews used the word, and in the original Aramaic, it meant ‘maiden’ or ‘young woman’, with no connotations to sexual chastity. But later Christian translators could not conceive of the ‘Virgin Mary’ as a woman of independent sexuality, needless to say; they distorted the meaning into sexually pure, chaste, never touched.
Monica Sjoo, The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth (via thewaking)
Literally the most important thing you will read today.
(via aesrettibeht)
(via diokpara)
Virginity is just an idea, there is nothing to lose. Really, like nothing is getting lost. All of the things stay in place… If I think I’m missing them, I can actually go look for them, and I will find them.
Lindsey Doe (via hannahpsauce)
From the DoeEyes video, Sex Answers here.
(via tumblingdoe)
Lonely Planets
part i - “Non-Adults”

pairing: (fuckboy)hoseok x reader
genre: smut, fluff, a little bit of angst
word count: 8.9k words
warnings: deflowering, a mean (ex)best friend, brief virgin shaming, drug use(marijuana), drug-fuelled sex, a tsundere roommate and her overly affectionate boyfriend, a lot of fluff for a fuckboy story
author’s note: this one means a lot to me, guys. I actually cried when I finished this first part. This will be a series that I will try to post once a week since next week is my last week of classes (so I will be free! Yes!). As of right now, I have six parts planned out. Hope you enjoy!
You were in college for barely three weeks, and you were already hating every second of it. College was supposed to be the time of your life – you were miles away from your parents and the familiarity of your hometown, and it was the perfect opportunity for unique adventures and excitement. But your best friend since high school wanted nothing to do with you, and your roommate seemed to hate you.
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If you're not Religious but still gush about wanting a "pure innocent virgin girl", you just want a child without having to face the law.
I'm a lover of all things BTS and when they released the remix with Jason Derulo i was so excited not because i liked the original song. I had never heard it actually but because i really loved all the vocals on this tracks blended together. JD, JK, Suga, JHope everyone was just amazing.
I just wanted to talk about the meaning of the song though because like everything BTS they all relay a deeper meaning behind the vocals and sweet melody. Talking about how you can use me, eventhough you don't want me because i can not let you go. I found out you are dating me as a revenge plan for your ex and stuff. You don't give a what when we kissing and stuff.
If i find out someone was doing that to me i ain't staying for that toxic love. I realised the guy i once dated was heartbroken by his ex girlfriend because he was once poor. So he just started using women after that. I had no idea and here i come an innocent girl trying to be bad for the first time. I had learnt to masturbate for the first time like 2 months before i visited this guy. Still i had not orgasmed. Well i was a virgin and had no idea what an orgasn felt like tbh.
So this guy then had sex with me and decided i was not his idea of a virgin because i did not bleed and did not discuss with me. So he started using me for sex without discussing it with me. All along i thought we would get married. Until he organized an outing with his friends and introduced me as his friend and introduced another girl as his "girlfriend" then he said "nope i cant say that really, maybe friends with benefits, that is the correct term" and they laughed. I was gutted. 🥺😭😭
I clearly heard the message and being faraway from home i just packed my bags and decided i was done and went back on my way. Its so sad though it still took me another 3 or 4 sexual encounters after that to eventually let go of that relationship completely. But i would never be able to let someone use me ever again. Knowing they have issues from their past relationship is a red flag and issa cause for me to run for cover, been burnt, ouch!!!!
I really do not regret having sex with him for I really learnt a lot from that experience. I almost killed myself too. I took 16 pills and tried to sleep and never wake up but God woke me up 😀😀😀 and i guess its something i will never try ever again. However if i were to do it all over again i would do it differently this time. I will never date the same guys i dated and i will take my time and be a totally different person this time around.
I will always want to count myself lucky and blessed that i did not get any infections f4om that loser for he insisted on not using protection and stuff🥺🙄🙄🙄 i was whipped and dumb and stupid now that i look back i see that I can not believe i was ever that kind of person. Grace covered and protected me i guess.
I hope someone gets encouraged by my stupid story filled with stupid decisions.....
As always i will keep holding on...
Until then 💋💋💋🤗🤗🤗

Sex before marriage? Should you or shouldn't you? Tune in for tomorrow's video to find out more, 'Reasons To Wait Until Marriage To Have Sex.' #sex #abstinence #celibacy #virginity #premaritalsex Please leave any questions, comments, or suggestions below.

Today's video upload: Reasons To Wait Until Marriage To Have Sex
Please check out today's upload. Leave any questions, comments, or suggestions you have. Subscribe, like, and share. Click the link below. #sex #abstinence #celibacy #virginity #premaritalsex
normalize not having sex until you feel comfortable :) normalize not having sex until you meet the right person :) no matter your age! :) i mean it! in your teens! your 20s! your 30s! :) also normalize these things without automatically tying them to some kind of religious or abstinence-based reasoning :)