What Happens Next - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago
Fanart For What Happens Next By Max Graves! Sound Of The Summer.

fanart for what happens next by max graves! sound of the summer.

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Puts my dick in — then is immediately sucked in — like 100%. Like a portal to another realm, and I’m zooming in hog first. My body collapsing like it’s made of slime. The pussy haver just be giggling, because it feels so tingly.

Where do I find myself?

On LEBSIAN PLANET of course.

And they’re fascinated by me. They’ve never seen an organic strap before. I’m the first. Wow. So fucking sick. Poking at my dick. I’m not even awake yet. Traveling through the cosmos at that speed can really do a number on your body, ya know?

So they take me back to their citadel. Put me up in a nice room surrounded by really sweet dude-girls. Girls who are dudes. All of them have swords, of course. And some of them have capes. They’re all eating cake, waiting for me to wake.

But I don’t.

Not for many moons at least. They keep me alive. But it takes a long time for me to process and catch up. Jet lag and all that.

Eventually though, I do rise. Hog first. Because. Morning wood and all.

Blinking. Seeing the pink sun light pouring in through the circular glass windows.

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3 years ago

**this work is still mine, i’ve changed my url from ksjinandtonicfics to honeymoonjin

A/N: part of the Open for Business Collab as part of BSC’s Summer & Smut project. Check out the playlist that accompanies this fic here.

Escaping to Venice for a break from your strenuous job was meant to be simple. Go there, decompress for two weeks, and return feeling invigorated. But the soulful gondolier you meet on the docks in Saint Mark’s Square has you wanting to never leave at all. 22.7k words.

Warnings for sexually explicit content: an overindulgent amount of foreplay, oral (f receiving), fingering, body worship, unprotected sex, premature ejaculation, multiple orgasms (m and f receiving), impregnation kink, praise kink, dirty talk, two diff smut scenes.

Maybe it was his stillness in the chaos of the crowd that caught your eye. The way the bustling tourists and peddlers seemed to part like magic to allow you to observe him uninterrupted from the other side of the plaza. He stood there, calmly sitting on one of the posts at the inner side of the dock, reading an old paperback.

He was young; couldn’t have been more than 25, yet he wore the oddest outfit you had ever seen on a man his age. Deep navy pants, ballooning slightly around his thighs and coming in snugly around his knees and calves. A baggy, squarish striped shirt tucked into those pants, and a black beret. You were pretty sure gondoliers were meant to wear those flat hats with the ribbons that you had seen the rest donning, but you couldn’t deny that it gave his face a golden glow, framing the light brown hair and heavyset brows below it. Odder still were his glasses; rounded lenses with spindly silver frames, and a thin cord tied to the outer edges and connecting around the back of his neck. You had seen them before on librarians and elderly people, but never on a young adult like himself.

Picking your way through the crowds, you keep him in sight, observing the way he’d occasionally look up from his novel to check on his ornately carved gondola, as if he was expecting customers to just hop right on in. As you drew nearer, you can see a sign at his feet, propped up and displaying prices and rules, written down three columns: Italian, English, and what you recognised vaguely to be Korean. You let out a breath of relief. He did speak English, then.

You finally come to a stop directly in front of him, shifting your weight awkwardly, tipping your head to try and catch his attention subtly, but he seems entranced in the novel.

You can see through his splayed fingers that the ragged, yellowed book that has him oblivious to the world around him is Heidi. You could laugh at the thought of a man in Venice getting deeply absorbed in the world of a little girl in Switzerland, but instead it endears you to watch him for a moment, eyebrows twitching slightly in surprise every now and again, an unconscious smile playing at his lips.

Keep reading

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7 months ago

god, what happens next is so good. the character writing is just spectacular. it fascinates me just how much depth there is to each character and how that contributes to the story.

milo's dni is the most revealing thing about him, and it's the very first thing we hear from him:

God, What Happens Next Is So Good. The Character Writing Is Just Spectacular. It Fascinates Me Just How

right off the bat, we can see what kind of person the protagonist is. he's a pastel softboi trans man who clings to a childish aesthetic to appear weak and non-threatening. despite being involved in a toxic relationship with another trans guy who attempted to rape and kill an 11 year old girl when he was a teenager and later murdered his girlfriend, which milo helped with by dismembering her corpse, he puts "pedophiles and unhealthy pairing shippers dni" on his carrd. which, ok, maybe he wants to distance himself from people like griffin now - except that's not really true, because he talks to, moves in with, and regularly hangs out with a serial killer fan who idolizes griffin and is even dating the guy while he's in prison. he puts "being against neopronouns" and "anti-otherkin" on the same level as those things. he explicitly denies any responsibility in the murders of haylie and savannah, despite having literally chopped haylie's arm off. all the while, he has "you deserve to heal" in big bold letters, while not applying that belief to anyone but himself.

right from the start, it's obvious that milo is not a good person. but he's also humanized throughout the story. sure, some of his softboi persona is a means of victimizing himself to avoid taking responsibility for what he did - and you could make the case that he was a victim in some ways. on the other hand, he also never got to grow up because he spent 5 years in a psychiatric institute. is it any surprise that he clings to the same aesthetic, interests, and hobbies he had when he was 15? he never got to stop being a kid, and how is he supposed to now? he didn't graduate high school, he can't get a job, and nobody wants to be friends with him because of what he did. it raises uncomfortable questions - namely, what happens next? milo served his time for the crime he committed as a minor. he was already punished, but now he has to live the entire rest of his life. what is he supposed to do?

that, I think is the most interesting part of this story. almost every character in this story makes it hard for you to like them, but they also have very human reasons for doing the terrible things that they do. I'll talk about some of my favorites under the read more, but be aware that there will be spoilers:

claire is one of the most interesting characters to me, just because of how unlikable she is.

God, What Happens Next Is So Good. The Character Writing Is Just Spectacular. It Fascinates Me Just How

when we first see claire in victim impact statement, she tries to ignore haylie, griffin, and milo as much as possible. she doesn't even seem to like her sister. she treats haylie as a nuisance for coming into the room that they share as sisters. she doesn't want to go to the open mic night to listen to haylie play her ukulele. when she finds haylie bawling her eyes out in the bathroom at anime central, she just looks away, as if to say "you chose to date your shitty boyfriend". when she hears haylie and griffin fighting upstairs, she just pretends not to hear it. when haylie is curled up in terror later, claire puts on headphones and turns her back to her. her headphones become a way of drowning out haylie's screams when griffin is around, and because of that, she doesn't hear haylie screaming for her life, and ends up finding her corpse in the kitchen.

that's why I don't find it surprising at all that she becomes an outspoken transphobe who wants to take her anger out on the trans people who murdered her sister. she goes to media events and publicly degenders milo and griffin. she calls aaron's friends trannies. I think it's easy to misconstrue her as a terf, but she literally doesn't even pay lip service to feminism. how could she? she knew that her sister was being abused by her boyfriend, and she did nothing. let me remind you that she lives in a house where "smash the patriarchy" is embroidered on the wall. she doesn't care about any of that. she just wants a scapegoat. she wants to make the law impose harsher punishments on minors who commit violent crimes because she doesn't know what else to do with her life. she very clearly hates herself, becoming an alcoholic to cope with her guilt. she pretends to care about haylie and fight for this law because it's the only way she can convince herself she's a good person, even though she can see that doing what she's doing is turning everyone against her.

and then that brings us to audrey. it's difficult to like her, too, because she's dating claire despite all of the horrible things she's doing. but at the same time, I can see where she's coming from. her mother died of cancer and she and all of her other black siblings were adopted by conservative christian white parents. she's still christian to this day, and makes a point of separating herself from "criminals" by insisting that she has nothing to do with them because she goes to church and takes care of her family. she doesn't want to disavow the law that claire worked so hard to pass because at the end of the day, it won't affect her personally, even though she is aware that the justice system disproportionately punishes black people. she very clearly has a lot of internalized racism, and I think that's best exemplified in the way she draws herself. despite having pretty dark skin in real life, she draws herself as light skinned as claire, her white girlfriend:

God, What Happens Next Is So Good. The Character Writing Is Just Spectacular. It Fascinates Me Just How

like, it's hard to like audrey, but you can clearly see why she's made all of the decisions she has! she idolizes claire because it's her first lesbian relationship. the way she sees it, claire can do no wrong. audrey does actually seem to be aware that her girlfriend is doing terrible things, but she essentially just plugs her ears and tries to ignore it. that's why she doesn't go to claire's campaign events. she ignores all of her girlfriend's flaws because claire is essentially her savior. because she has claire, she doesn't have to go back to her family, to her abusive alcoholic white father. she doesn't have to actually take care of her younger siblings, which is a responsibility she's foisted off unto mark. that's why she ignores that claire is just as much of an emotional drain as her father. she's highly depressed, she's an alcoholic, she trashes their bedroom (leaving audrey to clean up after her mess), she puts up an emotional wall and dismisses audrey's attempts to comfort her, and dismisses audrey's own problems as being less traumatizing and less important. by all accounts, claire is a terrible girlfriend and a terrible person, but because audrey idolizes her as her savior, she stays by her side. I'm really looking forward to seeing how she reacts to claire's disappearance in future chapters.

and then of course, there's vikki. she's been doing something incredibly disrespectful for years by making true crime videos where she talks about the victims and killers like it's all a joke. she makes a video about whether ethical necrophilia is possible, and makes a callous, bitter joke that the concept of "respect for the dead" is antiquated, because nobody respects her as a trans woman of color even though she's still alive. for this comment, people have harassed her online endlessly, enough that she had to make a video called "STOP TELLING PEOPLE I FUCK CORPSES". that doesn't stop her from making a video about the murder of haylie, complete with an interview from milo. she'll throw him under the bus if it means getting the attention off herself for a bit.

God, What Happens Next Is So Good. The Character Writing Is Just Spectacular. It Fascinates Me Just How

and yet, I think out of everyone, I feel the most compassion for vikki. yes, she used milo for content and called him a "sad little blonde girl", but I can understand where she's coming from! like, again, she's a trans woman of color in the true crime community. she knows the archetype milo is trying so hard to be in order to avoid taking responsibility for what he did. like, I've personally seen trans women of color who are victimized by white trans men who pull the same exact shtick as milo over and over, so I completely understand her frustration. that said, she also realized she went too far and tried to apologize, only to find out she was blocked and that milo basically wrote a callout post against her. I think it says a lot that vikki was one of the only people to actually try to talk to milo, even if the way she went about it was wrong.

vikki does things that are disrespectful, but to be honest, it's not that surprising! she grew up in a 90% white town in the middle of nowhere, got assaulted by multiple white boys for being a faggot, got sent to alternative school, worked for a funeral home as a teenager, and transitioned. not only is she desensitized to death, she's angry that people revere the dead more than her.

it's astounding, really! what happens next is so well written because it makes makes you feel conflicted about each of its characters. what are we supposed to do with these people who do awful things? a lot of the intrigue in this comic comes from seeing how each of the characters handles this question as they deal with the other characters who have done terrible things, while they themselves are deeply flawed as well. I think the writing really forces you to contend with the idea that these are all still people, and that their humanity needs to be recognized even if they do terrible things. it makes you ask, what happens next?

God, What Happens Next Is So Good. The Character Writing Is Just Spectacular. It Fascinates Me Just How
God, What Happens Next Is So Good. The Character Writing Is Just Spectacular. It Fascinates Me Just How

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7 years ago

I'm in the horrible phase of depression where I don't know what I'm feeling, but it's all just kind of numb, and I have no idea what happens next, because I just started noticing these kinds of things

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2 years ago

Bitches be like:

let's randomly start writing a fanfiction that i don't know the ending of.Then bitches don't know how to continue writing anymore and have to come up with something.

It's me, i'm bitches

Bitches Be Like:
Bitches Be Like:

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1 year ago

This was originally supposed to be part of the first post but I didn’t want to keep putting off the very start. Anyways, this is page 2 I guess.

1st page

This Was Originally Supposed To Be Part Of The First Post But I Didnt Want To Keep Putting Off The Very
This Was Originally Supposed To Be Part Of The First Post But I Didnt Want To Keep Putting Off The Very
This Was Originally Supposed To Be Part Of The First Post But I Didnt Want To Keep Putting Off The Very

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1 year ago
This Is Definitely Part Of The Whole Comic But I Didnt End Up Writing The Passage Of Time To Include

This is definitely part of the whole comic but I didn’t end up writing the passage of time to include it. This takes place before the next post though.

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1 year ago

This mini comic shows how Zed gets her haircut.

For Today There Is A Mini Comic For What Happens Next As Well As Practice And Reference Sheet-making
For Today There Is A Mini Comic For What Happens Next As Well As Practice And Reference Sheet-making
For Today There Is A Mini Comic For What Happens Next As Well As Practice And Reference Sheet-making
For Today There Is A Mini Comic For What Happens Next As Well As Practice And Reference Sheet-making

For today there is a mini comic for What Happens Next as well as practice and reference sheet-making for Hudson and Rhondson.

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5 months ago
First Post Of Inktober. I Plan On Utilizing This Month To Add A Little Depth To The Gap Of Time Between

First post of inktober. I plan on utilizing this month to add a little depth to the gap of time between the first comic post and the one I’m gonna post next.


“My house is over that way, in Hateno. Let’s go that way.” He smiled as he spoke. She was a bit puzzled,

“Shouldn’t we tell Impa what all has happened..?” Her eyes implored an answer of him. He gently shook his head.

“All work and no fun is no way to live. Besides, it’s just a little detour.” He seemed excited. She hesitated for a moment, then walked the way he had pointed. Nerves. It’s just nerves. She isn’t doing anything wrong so there isn’t any reason to be anxious. She can talk to Impa later.

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5 months ago
The Awesome Thing About Reading The Comments On Whn Is That We're The Target Audience And Therefore Our

the awesome thing about reading the comments on whn is that we're the target audience and therefore our discussions are a part of the play. this shit is immersive theater

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5 months ago
You'll All Be Sorry

you'll all be sorry

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