Wonyoung Ive - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

"why you need to stop worrying about others and just live your life"

"why You Need To Stop Worrying About Others And Just Live Your Life"
"why You Need To Stop Worrying About Others And Just Live Your Life"
"why You Need To Stop Worrying About Others And Just Live Your Life"

Let’s face it most people are very much self-centred and are worried about their appearance and character just as much as you are worried about yours, we all have problems and we are bothered by many things and many people but at the end of the day, you can’t satisfy everyone. so you need to live your life and be happy.

౨ৎ・゚:* — constantly thinking about other people's opinions can lead to a life that is not authentic to you. accepting who you are and living truthfully can lead to a greater sense of self.

౨ৎ・゚:* — relying too much on other people's approval can be harmful to your self-esteem. developing confidence in your own decisions and talents is critical for mental health. it can be tough to not always ask for other people's opinions and sometimes it isn’t bad to put it to the point it is something you need, and that’s when the problem occurs

౨ৎ・゚:* — worrying about others can consume a significant amount of time and mental energy, leaving little room to focus on your own goals and aspirations, this is so true because when you become overwhelmed by the worry you begin to lose focus on your goals and being overwhelmed alone is horrible

౨ৎ・゚:* — people will be people no matter what you do at the very least 1 person will not like it so worrying and trying to please them is just so pointless

౨ৎ・゚:* — there’s nothing to be embarrassed about we live in a time of cringe, everything is cringe until other people like the same thing so just be yourself and do what you love

౨ৎ・゚:* — people's opinions are subjective and change depending on different situations. trying to please everyone is just an unachievable endeavour that can result in anxiety.

౨ৎ・゚:* — focusing on your wants and priorities allows you to set healthy boundaries in your relationship with others. This ensures that your time and resources are divided in ways that are consistent with your goals.

౨ৎ・゚:* — ultimately, the secret to a meaningful life is to prioritize your happiness and fulfilment. By letting go of excessive concern for others, you can concentrate on building a sense of joy and fulfilment that comes from living truthfully and following your passions. your life should be lived for you and you alone because what’s the point if after living for others years later you’re still unhappy? so do what you want and live the life you choose.

That’s all for today goodbye my dew drops… ⋆𐙚 ₊ ° ⊹ ♡

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1 year ago

the events of 22/02/2024 || thursday

today was so good it rained this morning(love the rain) , and though I stayed up all night, I was able to complete a lot of work I had missed earlier in the week (new template done and in shop), I also ended up being super weak at the end of the day and that sucks

The Events Of 22/02/2024 || Thursday
The Events Of 22/02/2024 || Thursday
The Events Of 22/02/2024 || Thursday

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1 year ago

the events of 23/02/2024 || friday

today was so great I'm so proud of myself, I was able to upload two notion templates today a student dashboard and a free daily planner {both will be linked below}, I also went to church today and going to church is always nice

I'm really looking forward to easter camp out so much so that the work that I'm supposed to complete by the end of march I completed them much earlier - feels good

● today I finally worked out after so long - it felt great

● did my skincare both morning and night {big achievement for me because I'm rarely consistent

🎧 price of perfection ~ katherine lynn-rose

🎬 are you there God? it's me, margaret ~ a good watch really [it was cute}

student dashboard --- daily planner template {free}

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1 year ago

the events of 25/02/2024 || sunday

today was a very nice day (sundays are always nice. I get to see a bunch of my friends), but I also found out that I have to do recitation of like certain verses of the bible under 3 minutes for a competition during Easter camp

— I feel like in a few of my posts, I've talked about Easter camp out and I've never explained it so easter campout is sort of a gathering we do every year during easter it's really just a camp we do all sort of games and competitions

so back to today originally i was meant to take the quiz part of the competition but now it turns out I have to do the recitation under 3 minutes I have to know at least 30 verses and recite it, so I need to get to memorising — which I hard considering I'm quite forgetful (but then again I love a good challenge)

☆ today's small wins

● today, I woke up really early

● I didn't sleep in church

☆ today's self-care

● played among us

● read an adrinette comic

● opened wattpad (I read manhwa's a lot I wanna get back into fanfics — I have some adrinette ones on ao3 in my to-read list)

💭 any tips on how to memorise more efficiently is very much appreciated

🎧 satisfied ~ original broadway cast of hamilton

🎬 beta squad decides who wins £10,000 ~ beta squad

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1 year ago

the events of 26/02/2024 || monday

I woke up really early today (actually, I didn't sleep at all. Why? I was reading an Adrinette fanfic, and I cried yh – the way they displayed Adrien''s emotions is so heart-retching)

I slept most of the day but at the end of the day I was able to achieve some things so I'm not going to beat myself up - I'm just going to try and do better tomorrow

☆ today's small wins

● I hit 10k steps today - so happy

● I did today's daily worship

☆ today's self-care

● watched some YouTube videos

● listened to music

● started reading new Adrinette fic

● read some manhwa's that had been updated

🎧 I ≠ DOLL ~ huh yunjin

🎬 zootopia explained by an asian ~ korean comic

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1 year ago
The Events Of 27/02/2024 || Tuesday
The Events Of 27/02/2024 || Tuesday
The Events Of 27/02/2024 || Tuesday

the events of 27/02/2024 || tuesday

today I changed my wallpaper (feligami has me in a chokehold) and also in my own opinion I got a lot of work done and that means a lot of small wins for me - I also caught up with Iseop's romance (I'm literally iseop's biggest fan - all in all the day was good

I decided to create monthly wallpapers but I'm not completely sure I'll continue with them I have created wallpapers for March so when I do post them pls tell me what you think

☆ today's small wins

● I hit 10k steps today - I hope this streak continues

● completed all Duolingo daily quest

● i worked out

● I drank enough water

● the day went much better than I expected

● did my skincare (only at night time though :(

☆ today's self-care

● watched the office

● listened to music

● continued the Adrinette fic I was reading yesterday - it's a slow burn so it's gonna take a while

● read some manhwa's that had been updated

🎧 wiseman ~ frank ocean

🎬 the office s5 ep13 ~ (I love the fact they roasted micheal I mean he did deserve it 🤷‍♀️but they also felt bad (as usual) - but it was fun

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1 year ago
The Events Of 28/02/2024 || Wednesday
The Events Of 28/02/2024 || Wednesday
The Events Of 28/02/2024 || Wednesday

the events of 28/02/2024 || wednesday

today was almost completely like the days I always dreamed of started my day with Bible reading (I actually listened to it - still understood it though) after that I went to do the dishes and then did a quick sweep of my room.

I got tired because I didn't sleep at all yesterday (I'm finding it really hard to fix my sleeping schedule) so I slept and when I woke up I immediately got dressed and started walking to hit my step goal. all in all in my opinion today was better than most days

☆ today's small wins

● I hit 11k steps today - the streak is streaking

● completed this month's Duolingo quest - quite last minute since the month ends really soon

● I worked out - not the 6 vids I planned but I did 3 vids and as always something is better than nothing at all

● I read (listened) the 20 chapters I planned to so yh

● did my skincare (only at night time though :( - still trying to be consistent

☆ today's self-care

● watched the office - only while I ate (I'm a proud iPad kid thanks)

● listened to music - as always hamiltion

● continued the Adrinette fic - I'm obsessed with it I also found a feligami one and I'm reading that after this one

● read some manhwa's that had been updated

🎧the Schuyler sisters ~ Hamilton (Original Cast 2016 )

🎬 the office s5 ep15 ~ Pam and Micheal's bonding is kinda cute

This was a long post lol 👍

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1 year ago
Happy New Month Pookies
Happy New Month Pookies
Happy New Month Pookies

Happy new month pookies 🎀

The theme for this month is - BE SELF CENTERED

happy new month to everyone, so grateful to be alive. As we're going into a new month I decided to choose a theme for the month and what I'm going for is "be self-centered" in the sense that everything I do this month should be for me - being self-centered here means looking out for future me and since i have an event on 29th of march i want to be able to see the results of this theme by then

goals for march:

1. reach march step goal

2. consistent skincare

3. consistent workouts

4. daily worship for the whole month

5. study in preparation for recitation in Easter camp out

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1 year ago

February Dump

February Dump
February Dump
February Dump

​ Last month wasn’t the best, and I could have definitely done better, but I’m not going to beat myself up for it — I still achieved a few things last month. Towards the end of the month, I started to sit up in all areas of my life, especially with my steps

☆ last month’s small wins ● I hit an average of 5,337 steps. { This is a big deal for me} ● I completed the February quest on Duolingo ● I worked out for most of the month ● I drank enough water ● I feel more determined now ● did my skincare (only at night, mainly though :(  ● I made a few sales - super grateful ● updated my notion consistently ● I uploaded 3 notion templates

☆ last month's self-care ● watched the office often ● I got back on my miraculous grind ● listened to music ● spent time with friends ● read some manhwa

☆ what I’m looking forward to this month ● easter campout ● studying more ● being productive ● achieving my goals

February Dump
February Dump
February Dump

It is the beginning of a new month! And this month, I decided to make some new wallpapers! You can use these on your computer, tablet, or phone.

Scroll through the options and select one (or more). Just tap the link below and it will lead you to the wallpapers

march wallpapers

💭 how was the month for you? 💭 which wallpaper did u pick?

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1 year ago
The Events Of 01/03/2024 || Friday
The Events Of 01/03/2024 || Friday
The Events Of 01/03/2024 || Friday

the events of 01/03/2024 || friday

happy new month, everyone. I pray you have a great start to this new month, and that this month will be a month of joy and success for you.

Today wasn't like any other day because I had a little more to do, and I started my day with that (I did not sleep) after I did a few tasks like resetting my notion for the month (like cleaning tracker, skin care tracker and habit tracker — I made my workout plan later in the day)

I realized the time so after I finished the little work I did I decided to work out after working out I took a shower. As far as I'm concerned the day was good I was able to complete my daily tasks and I was actually able to study - just feel really grateful

☆ today's small wins

● I hit 10k steps today - a great way to start the month

● completed today's daily reading - feels good {henry danger}

● I worked out - I did all the videos feeling very proud

● I was on time for most tasks

● did my skincare in the morning and night - hehehhe

● I finally made some study notes

☆ today's self-care

● watched the office - during study breaks

● listened to music - as always hamilton

● read like Adrinette fics - I've completed the one I was reading before {it was a really good read}

● I took a well-deserved afternoon nap

☆ teco's(towards easter camp-out) review

● I did everything under weight loss - except eat after 8pm - I lost track of time studying

● I did 5 instead of 10

● the only thing I didn't do was use rice water

● I read 8 :(

● my mum said next Tuesday but I'll definitely have to remind her

🎧 ceilings ~ Lizzy McAlpine

🎬 the office s5 ep21 ~ was nice

link to the notion template: glow up planner

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1 year ago
The Events Of 07/03/2024 || Thursday
The Events Of 07/03/2024 || Thursday
The Events Of 07/03/2024 || Thursday

the events of 07/03/2024 || thursday

Today was I'm not sure bcs I started like getting to work really late but the determination was there and I loved that for me, though I wasn't able to do any work on my notion I don't feel too bad though

I haven't worked in a few days so I think it's best for me to go to bed so I can have enough energy for tomorrow

☆ today's small wins

● I hit 10k steps today

● did today's daily worship

● I ate in my calorie deficit

● did my skincare in the morning and night - hehehhe

☆ today's self-care

● watched the office - it made me really happy

● listened to music - as always hamilton

● read maru is a puppy

● I took a well-deserved afternoon nap

☆ teco's(towards easter camp-out) review

● I did not workout

● I did 5 instead of 10

● the only thing I didn't do was use rice water — I need to prepare rice water

● I read non

● yh this is done I fixed it on Tuesday

🎧 love me not ~ emei

🎬 the office s6 ep9 ~ this episode was so fun even though it was scary of the bankruptcy stuff but it was so fun (and yh Micheal was right they needed the game — I loved the ending though pam joining them was funny)

link to the notion templates : notion nest

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1 year ago
The Events Of 08/03/2024 || Friday
The Events Of 08/03/2024 || Friday
The Events Of 08/03/2024 || Friday

the events of 08/03/2024 || friday

Today I felt awful, overwhelmed and lazy, I did most tasks but in a milder way, and I wasn't able to do my workout properly - I think the repetitiveness of life is starting to get to me I feel stagnant and lost - I haven't been able to work or focus because of these feelings and I'm so confused but I pray tomorrow will be better -even though I didn't do a lot today I felt the most stressed and tired

☆ today's small wins

● I hit 10k steps today

● did today's daily worship

● made and uploaded a new notion template

● did my skincare in the morning and night

● I worked out - for the first time in a long time it didn't feel good

☆ today's self-care

● watched the office - the only thing that took my mind off my thoughts

● listened to music - it was calming

● caught up with some manhwas

● journaled about my feelings

☆ teco's(towards easter camp-out) review

● I did workout - but I ate more than my calorie deficit

● I did 5 instead of 10

● the only thing I didn't do was use rice water

● I read non

🎧 thinkin bout you ~ frank ocean

🎬 the office s6 ep13 ~ this episode was so cute i know Andy is crazy but the effort he put into the 12 days of Christmas was so cute and the drumming at the end aw

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1 year ago
The Events Of 11/03/2024 || Monday
The Events Of 11/03/2024 || Monday
The Events Of 11/03/2024 || Monday

the events of 11/03/2024 || monday

Today started off uncomfortable, I got some news that made me very uncomfortable but I think I feel a little bit better now, the day was rather good in my opinion, I caught up with @buggachat bakery enemies au, and I was able to complete most tasks on my to-do list, I felt good today and I'm satisfied with just that.

☆ today's small wins

● I hit 10k steps today

● did today's daily worship

● made and uploaded a new notion template

● did my skincare at night

● i didn't binge eat

☆ today's self-care

● watched the office - its always fun

● listened to music

● read "bakery enemies au"

● did a vent/rant yh that kinda made me feel a little better

☆ teco's(towards easter camp-out) review

● I did workout - i ate in my calorie deficeit

● I did 5 instead of 10

● only did skincare at night

● did not read at all

🎧 it's quiet uptown ~ the actress for angelica has such a calming voice

🎬 the office s6 ep25 ~ finally done with season 6 it was a fun ride now unto S7 I think

link to the notion template: ultimate student planner green

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1 year ago



This is a step-by-step guide to what I do when I'm behind on work. For example, not too long ago, I wasn't feeling like myself and couldn't work, and my work began to pile up, and I started panicking, which just made things more overwhelming. This is what I did to get back on track.

💌 — braindump: anything you have in your mind that you need to do even something simple like put your water bottle in the dishwasher WRITE IT DOWN, writing things down is the easiest way to know ok I’m supposed to do this ok this is next do an intense braindump

💌 — break it down: once you’re done with your brain dump, divide your tasks, for example, assignments divide them by due dates for other tasks just divide them based on how much they’re a priority to you. after dividing it, do physical tasks first, stuff like trying to hit 10k steps, do tasks that are hardest first especially when you’re really motivated and have the energy for it but if you don’t have the energy for it do milder tasks that way at least something gets done.

💌 — create a plan: create a realistic plan or timeline for finishing the activities or assignments. set aside precise blocks of time to focus on each assignment, taking into account your other obligations and deadlines. also if it's not a bunch of work you have to do that particular day, try and add each task to a particular date and remember to take breaks.

💌 — focus and minimize distractions: create a distraction-free workplace to promote productivity. turn off notifications, choose a quiet workstation and avoid multitasking to keep focused on the subject at hand.

💌 — use time management techniques: to increase productivity and efficiency, utilize time management strategies like the Pomodoro Technique (working in short, focused bursts with breaks in between) or time blocking (allocating certain time slots for different tasks). I use the Pomodoro method and it works great for me

💌 — stay positive and keep moving forward: it's natural to feel frustrated or overwhelmed when you're behind on your work, but try to remain positive and focus on making progress one step at a time.

bye, my dew drops that is all for today…

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11 months ago
The Events Of 13/03/2024 || Wednesday
The Events Of 13/03/2024 || Wednesday
The Events Of 13/03/2024 || Wednesday

the events of 13/03/2024 || wednesday

Today I decided to try a different routine most days I start with physical tasks like working out, walking and doing the dishes but today I cleaned my room and just got to work on my laptop - the work I do on my laptop takes up the whole day so I decided to do that first for today and I realize it was a horrible idea because getting the physical tasks done when I had the strength was the right decisions. it was actually worse than my first routine and I still spent a lot of time on my laptop tasks and I still ended up stressed and lazy to do stuff like workout and walk.

☆ today's small wins

● uploaded a new informative blog post - on my online blog and here

● uploaded a variation of a notion template

● I actually studied today like I'm so proud of myself - BCS I say I'll do but never do but I did today

● did a 5 min pilates workout - yh definitely a small win but at least I did something

● I hit 10k steps - yh I was able to take that walk {while watching the office}

☆ today's self-care

● watched a lot of The Office - I loved seeing Karen again in "Threat Level Midnight"

● I did another vent/rant and cried - a lot

● i played among us

● took a good shower and did laundry {folding laundry is calming to me}

🎧 dear Theodosia ~ Hamilton orginal broadway cast

🎬 The Office S7 ep1-20 ~ the proposal was really great and cute, I love Threat Level Midnight (when I'm older I'll definitely make a home movie/film it'd be a nice experience. I like Micheal but I hate Micheal he doesn't know when to stop and it's so embarrassing like the second hand embarrassment is just horrible, he's so jealous about everything and he makes every little thing about him. I mean yh there are some things I can take but sometimes he just goes too far and it is so embarrassing

link to the notion template: student planner

link to the blog post: online blog post

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11 months ago
The Events Of 22/03/2024 || Friday
The Events Of 22/03/2024 || Friday
The Events Of 22/03/2024 || Friday

the events of 22/03/2024 || friday

today was so good it rained the night before (love the rain), and I had a good night's sleep. I woke up great and immediately started my daily tasks.

my day was good, I did get distracted during my workout though but I completed the workout. After I got to brunch and watched The Office I just decided to finish it and that took a good 2-3 hrs. so yh I finally finished

The Office and omg it's so good loved the ending saurrr much, I love that Micheal came for the wedding I did not like that Ryan and kelly ran away together though yh but all in all its a good show - I don't know when I started watching the office.

Still, I know I uploaded some daily posts and my watch of the day was the office and idk why it feels nostalgic now that I'm done with the show. I didn't get a lot done today but I don't hate myself I feel ok

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1 year ago

How to Genuinely Enjoy Being Alone!

How To Genuinely Enjoy Being Alone!

(none of these photos are mine)

“You can’t be afraid of what people are gonna say, because you’re never going to make everyone happy.” - Selena Gomez

How To Genuinely Enjoy Being Alone!

Be nice to yourself! Nobody likes being around someone rude. Therefore, you should be kind to yourself, treat yourself well, compliment yourself, etc. Plus, you can’t enjoy hanging out with yourself if you’re talking badly about yourself!

2. Romanticizing being with yourself! Buy yourself flowers, have a picnic, make a fort, watch a movie, etc. Think of yourself as a main character spending alone time. Maybe your character journals/draws in their bed. Maybe they read outside and enjoy nature! Whatever it is, romanticize your WHOLE life.

3. Stop planning, start acting! You’re gonna have to get out of your comfort zone for this one. Start to do little solo dates WHENEVER! If you have free time, spend it with yourself. A lot of people plan and never do it. So, just start hanging out with yourself at random times without planning. Like right now you could make yourself a little drink and watch a movie. That is if you have time, of course!

4. Go on solo dates!! Solo dates are one of the best things to do for enjoying alone time. You don’t even need to go out anywhere if you don’t want to. Which makes them also super easy to do. All you need to do is pick a fun activity you love and enjoy. Then, make a little setup wherever and lastly enjoy! As for solo dates being AMAZING they really help with lonelinesses. It does take time, but doing something you love with yourself is so beautiful. The whole concept of a solo date is mind blowing and breathtaking. I will always recommend to go on solo dates. They’re life changing, and I say this from experience.

5. Trust, never lie, and take care of yourself! Trusting yourself, never lying to yourself, and taking care of yourself. You see how these three things all include you? Well, you need to commit to these things….for yourself. It’s all for you and your well-being!! Now think about it this way, should you trust, tell the truth, and take care of someone you love? Yes, you should! So, be there for yourself and you will find peace in being alone.

“I’m smart, I’m capable, I’m a fast learner, and resourceful.” - Georgia Miller

I love you sm dolls! Remember to take care of yourself and stay pretty 🎀

xoxo, Arielle 💋

How To Genuinely Enjoy Being Alone!

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1 year ago

love her sm ToT

୨⠀͜🪞₊ㅤ❜ֵ ᥕ᥆ᥒɥ᥆ᥙᥒᦋ ꨳ𝗍꯭᥆𝗋ɥ ᧄ𝑖᳢᭄ꨳ⠀⁺⠀꯭٬♡


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1 year ago

I just wanna visit their concerts


I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts
I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts
I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts


I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts
I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts
I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts


I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts
I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts
I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts


I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts
I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts
I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts


I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts
I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts
I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts

Kali Uchis

I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts
I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts
I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts


I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts
I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts
I Just Wanna Visit Their Concerts

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